A/N: These come from something we looked at in English class some four years ago. It was a 50-word essay/story competition, and we looked at the best few. So now I'm picking this idea up again, and writing a series of unrelated 50-word stories about Kataang. The stories are all exactly 50 words long, with a title of no more than 10 words.

The ratings here are all across the board, some might involve mentions of sex or violence, some don't. I'll post them a couple at a time, depending on how fast I write them.

Alright, my friends were so nice to gather together some mistakes I've made in these stories, which will teach me never to post something that wasn't beta-read. Thanks to both of you!

Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar, I don't even own a TV or a Wii... but I'm digressing.

Gold in the Sky

Leaning her head onto his shoulder,

she smiled at the serenity of this moment.

The war, the world's troubles, everything else was

washed away from her mind. The only thing that mattered was him

sitting next to her,

both enjoying the moment

the sky turned to gold in the sunset.

Tonight is Your Night

Whenever he said that, she knew that she would be the one naked,

writhing and moaning under his expert ministrations.

The mere thought of it made her giddy and excited,

wishing the day to be over and dreading the torturous hours.

But at night, the wait would be worth it.

Dinnertime is for the Family

The food smelled great. The table was set,

and everybody was present. This evening would mark their

anniversary, a year of time spent together.

And as Katara looked at Aang, she remembered how they had

proclaimed to be a family. And now, as they sat together,

they were truly that.


The moon was new, and at first, there was only blackness.

She felt weakened, drained somehow,

but he was there to support her, like always. He asks her to look up,

and not to give in to fear. And indeed, slowly, one by one,

the stars light up the sky.


It is everywhere, in every living thing.

They grow, become older, more mature, and with that,

they can look back, and see their shared past, shared lives.

And although they have grown,

there's more. They both knew it,

and saw how their

friendship had grown to what it is today.