Ganondorf glanced at the clock. It had been so long that the room had completely emptied, except for himself, the adult Hero of Time, the young Hero of Time (who had fallen asleep in his chair), and Foreman Spike, who had been called in to reconstruct the table, and was grumbling endlessly as he worked. Ganondorf passed the time by listening for when Link's sobs and Foreman Spike's hammer blows synced up nicely.

He could have sworn he even got the hammer blows, the sobs, and the ticking of the clock to synch up once, but perhaps he was just going insane with boredom.

A cleaner entered, hoovered up the layer of splintered wood from the carpet and left, and still Link continued to cry.

"Guy, that vote was rigged anyway. The Hand always votes the same as Samus. How about I push her off a bridge, for you? That'd cheer you up, right? I push her off a bridge, you order a revote, Snake gets kicked out on his ass. Bish bash bosh, Bob's your uncle."

Adult Link continued to blubber. Ganondorf gave an angry sigh. The light from the many, long windows was beginning to turn a shade of evening. Unable to take any more, he thumped the table (causing young Link to jolt awake and Foreman Spike to complain loudly that he was disrupting his work), pushed back his throne, and headed for the door.

"This is ridiculous. I'm talking to Zelda."

"No!," Link wailed. "You'll mess things up."

"I will not! I've lived my entire life surrounded by women, you know. I know how they work. She'll be back in your arms before you can say 'Ganondorf, please solve all my relationship problems'. Trust me."

"You'll make things worse."

"Oh, I will not!"

"Stop screwing around, Zelda."