Summary: Aizen decides to give the Espada a week off in the Human World. Unfortunately for them, a near death experience prevents them from traveling back to Hueco Mundo. Now they must learn to live like mortals until they can find a way back home.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach

CH 1: The Proposal

It was a slow day in Hueco Mundo, the Espada having gathered in the meeting hall. Around the elongated table, many of the members were busy trying to occupy themselves while waiting for Aizen to arrive. Noritora was spacing out, Stark was taking a midday nap and Grimmjow was looking as pissed as ever. Ulquiorra sighed in undeniable boredom as he turned the page of a book he had been reading since that morning, So, on instinct, Grimmjow took this moment of vulnerability to throw a crumpled up piece of paper at his forehead. As expected, Ulquiorra dodged the flying object gracefully, his eyes never leaving his book. He frowned at his failed attempt at self humor.

"You know you're never gonna get a reaction out of him, Grimmjow" Noritora smirked, leaning back in his chair with his hands behind his head. "He's like jell-o."

"You know that doesn't make sense" Halibel muttered, raising an eyebrow. Noritora brushed her off.

"That's not the issue here." he sat forward, his forearms resting on the table with balled up fists. "Grimmjow's been trying for the past 36 days to get Ulquiorra to get scared. So far, the poor bastard's failed. It's like watching a baby trying to survive on its own."

"The only bastard here is you, Noritora" Grimmjow shot back, crumpling up another piece of paper.

"You're so childish, Grimmjow." Aporro muttered, adjusting his glasses.

"Tch, like I care." With that, Grimmjow positioned the paper in between himself and Ulquiorra, flicking it forcefully towards the other's eye. Unfortunately and expectedly, his attempt failed when the recyclable object stopped in mid flight and fell strait down on the table. "What the hell?" Grimmjow said, mildly surprised at the sudden stop.

"Enough, Grimmjow..." The group turned to the all too familiar voice, watching as Aizen took his seat at the end of the table. On either side of him stood Gin and Tousen. Grimmjow took a moment to glare at the two before redirecting his attention to Aizen. "The meeting today is very important and we must not get behind schedule." Already bored and somewhat pissed, Grimmjow cradled his head in his hand, elbow on the table. Ignoring the Espada, Aizen cleared his throat. "However, I do believe it is time for tea." As if on cue, a woman in a modified Espada uniform entered the Meeting Hall, a tray in her hands. This particular tray held 6 tea cups; another woman entered with an identical tray with only 5 tea cups and the steaming tea kettle. One by one, the servants brought one tea filled tea cup to each Espada, all plain looking compared to Aizen's. He was, after all, the boss and as such he deserved the best.

Grimmjow stared down at his serving, but didn't move to drink it; instead he sat somewhat impatiently, praying for the meeting to end as soon as possible. It was, for a lack of a batter word, boring.

"Has everyone received their tea?" Aizen asked humbly, receiving 10 nods. "Very good. Now we can begin. Aporro, do you have the up-to-date information on Kurosaki Ichigo's current position?" Aporro nodded, taking a sip of his tea before answering.

"The boy is currently 161 kilometers ahead from his last position as of today."

"Where are his friends?"

"They have appeared to have split up, perhaps to cover more ground. The group closest to us consist of the Quincy, the Mutt and of course, the Shinigami."

"I see..." Aizen paused for a minute. "Clever, but sometimes fatal. Where is the threat?" Aporro took this moment to allow a small grin graze across his face.

"As of now, there is not immediate threat. The Shinigami is too far from us to cause any real harm for another week, according to the Human World calender."

"Ha! What at shame." Noritora exclaimed, flashing his white teeth. "I was highly anticipating the boy's arrival. It's a damn shame."

"Regardless, this time allows for more preparation." Halibel said. "The farther ahead we are from the Shinigami and his friends, the better our chances of wearing him down quickly."

"We've been doing that for a hell of a long time now!" Grimmjow interrupted, glaring at Halibel. "Aporro says there is no threat, so why not make ourselves more noticeable while we still have the chance? I'm tired of just sitting here and watching that son of a bitch raid Hueco Mundo."

"Watch your temper, Grimmjow." Tousen muttered, his head turned toward the one in question. "Aizen-sama has not ordered an attack as of yet. Immediate and ruthless action would make room for a fluke, should we not be careful." Disgruntled, Grimmjow sat back in his seat, arms crossed firmly across his chest. Noritora gave a small giggle, rubbing salt in the wounds. Still, Grimmjow was able to ignore it, waiting for the rest of the meeting to pick up again.

"I can only conclude we are not threatened, as of yet..." Aizen began again. "Good, that's very good..." he fell silent for a few minutes, the Espada waiting to see if he would say anything else. Or at least dismiss them. As slightly expected, he continued. "It seems the time is right to give you all what you so thoroughly deserve..." Halibel raised an eyebrow.

"And...what is that?" She received a casual laugh, Aizen sitting back in his chair, his hands loosely gripping the chair's arms. Sighing , he looked at her thoughtfully.

"I believe, it is time you all went on vacation." The stunned silence that followed couldn't be more than predictable. Each of the Espada, save for Stark who had dozed off moments before, stared blankly at their leader. No one moved, no one made a sound. All of them stared hard into Aizen's face, trying to find the joke. Instead, they could only see a well placed Poker face. After a few more agonizing seconds, the silence was finally broken.

"Are you high?!"

"Grimmjow, that's no way to speak to Aizen-sama." Tousen scolded, though he shared the same confusion as everyone else. Even Gin had been taken aback, his Cheshire smile fading ever so slightly.

"I think what Grimmjow is trying to get at is..." Ulquiorra said quietly. "Why come to this conclusion?"

"Tradition." Aizen said simply. "Whether you feel over worked or not, breaks like this are not always available. Think of it as a vacation."

"Why would I want to hang around here and do nothing for an entire week?" Noritora asked. "It'd be boring."

"I didn't say it was to be in Hueco Mundo..." Aizen answered slyly. "I'm going to send all of you to The Human World. I know how much some of you have wanted souvenirs there for a while, so instead of just having all of you destroy the merchandise..." He eyed Grimmjow for a split second before redirecting his attention to the rest. "I'm sending you there for a vacation. To see, instead of destroy."

"Won't we need gigai?" Yami asked.

"The hell is a gigai?" Noritora retorted, scrunching up his face from how unpleasant the word sounded.

"A faux body that allows Shinigami to remain in the Human World for an extended period of time." Aizen informed. "Without them, they could not travel freely in the Human World and not be detected. Fortunately, I was able to render the standard Shinigami gigai and make one Espada gigai for each of you." He stood up, turning to Gin and Tousen. "I have made one for each you as well."

"But..." Gin said, frowning completely. "What about Las Noches? We can't just leave it unguarded."

"We have to prepare for our absence." Tousen added. Aizen scoffed, brushing their comments aside.

"I am the leader of this Organization, aren't I? I can very well manage our stronghold without you. Especially if there is no threat." All the while, a few more Fracción had entered the room, each pair toting along a hospital bed with a body. "Ah, the gigai have finally arrived." Aizen said, gleaming as each of the bodies were placed beside specific Espada. Their reactions were, to say the least, interesting.

"Holy shit, it looks exactly like me!" Grimmjow exclaimed, staring down at his gigai. Remaining unresponsive, it allowed itself to be poked and prodded by the Espada.

"How interesting..." Aporro muttered, looking over his own.

"Are you sure this is mine?" Noritora asked bitterly, realizing how short his gigai was compared to himself. Yami seemed equally concerned, his own gigai's physical stature much more toned down.

"Your gigai and you share similar features." Aizen explained. "However, there are major differences. They have been tailored to resemble, if not closely, a normal human being. Because of some abnormal physical characteristics some of you have, your gigai will have reduced versions of those traits. Your masks are gone, along with your openings. Your Numbers will remain, to ensure you do not forget your ranks and I will have Gin and Tousen escort you so you do not get lost."

"So we can't use our powers?" Grimmjow asked, slightly disappointed. Aizen shook his head, earning a group sigh.

"While in this gigai, you will have all of your supernatural powers disabled and you will be just like everyone else. That way, no unnecessary deaths can occur."

"What if we are threatened?" Ulquiorra asked, peering at his gigai; the smallest out of the bunch. "How can we fight if we are restrained in the gigai?"

"The gigai are not permanent. You are able to enter and exit them at your free will, though it may be a bit difficult at first. Just because you can separate from them though, it does not mean you can abandon it; wear it at all times and only leave the gigai in extreme cases." The Espada nodded, though one question still remained.

"Uh, how do we enter?"

Short ending, but it'll pick up again in the second chapter. In the mean time, please read and review. Thank you much!