A/N: So my Internet has been down for the past couple of weeks so I've been amusing my self with coming up with ideas for my other story and then out of the blue I was struck with a plot idea that would not leave me alone. Here's the result.
Title: Unknown Soldier
Summary: They thought they could control him. They thought they controlled his every thought and desire. They thought they had the perfect weapon. Oh, how wrong they were…
Rating: M
Notes: I had really wanted to get into the workings of the Wizarding society especially the politics but I think it will be much easier to do that with this plot than my previous story's plot. I also have been itching to see an Assassin!Harry story that is not slash. Nothing against it but I've just seen far too many. So I decided to write my own slash free Assassin fic. This story is a very slight Harry Potter/Jason Bourne crossover. I'll be using the general idea from the Jason Bourne movies but no characters from the Bourne series will appear. I'll be adding my own plot devices in the story. So fear not, this story will not be identical to the movies. On a side note, the title of this story is the name of a song by Breaking Benjamin. I own neither. I thought it fit in rather well with the theme of the story. And I think this is the longest chapter I have ever written. Over 5,000 words, baby!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I am making no profit from this story.
Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office. 1980
A warm fire crackled merrily in a circular room. Various trinkets were scattered about the room haphazardly and a plethora of worn books were settled happily on a groaning bookcase. Near a majestic window there was a tall wooden perch for some unknown animal. Several squishy chairs were circled around a dark mahogany desk. Behind the desk an old, frail, man sat slumped on a high-backed chair. He wore robes of a deep blue with sparkling silver stars. Albus Dumbledore sighed wearily. He pressed his index fingers to his temples and rubbed to ward off an oncoming headache. He dreaded the news he had to give the two young families. He had put it off far too long but oh how he wished he could spare them the pain of the truth. Albus was quite fond of these particular people. That's not to say he didn't adore all the students who passed through his halls but these select students would always hold a special place in his heart.
Albus Dumbledore watched hundreds of young children pass these ancient halls filled with high hopes and desires to change the world. And some did go out to make a difference in the world. A wry smile pulled at his lips as he thought of a young Amelia Bones prattling on about politics enthusiastically, musty book on hand. He was grateful all the budding minds had a place to further their studies but even more importantly prepare them for life. A terrible fury rose steadily inside him at the thought of the man who was trying to ruin this haven. A beautiful melody thrummed through the air and in a flash of crimson fire, a swan like bird appeared. The anger melted slowly off his face as he gazed at the bird.
"Hello, my old friend." He said softly. He lifted up his hand to stroke the phoenix's bright plumage. The creature crooned in delight and leaned into his touch. His anger was replaced with a deep sense of failure. Thomas Marvolo Riddle. Lord Voldemort. The Knights of the Walpurgis. He had warped and twisted himself into something unimaginable and Albus feared that Tom's excessive study and practice of the Dark Arts would prove to be the end of the world as they knew it. He shuddered to think of what would happen if Tom ever got full reign of the Wizarding World. If there had ever been a child that had needed his help it was young Mister Riddle. Albus Dumbledore was rarely wrong but when he was he had always made the most impacting mistakes. The bird nudged insistently at his weathered hand and let out an impatient chirp. He chuckled lightly at Fawkes antics.
He pushed away his wearisome thoughts of past mistakes and focused on the topic at hand. The Potters and the Longbottoms. Such good people and so young. They were still children themselves, too young to have to deal with such burdens. Alas, that was life. Knowing the truth might prepare them for what was to come and perhaps that might be the extra edge they needed to keep themselves alive. He could only hope. Loud clanging footsteps echoed from outside the door to his office.
"Honestly, James! I've already told you I haven't the faintest idea of what the Headmaster could possibly want."
"What? I don't remember you saying that."
There was a loud huff and a sharp smacking sound.
"Owww! Lily! What was that for?"
"For not listening. I told you three times but you were to busy fooling around with Sirius on those stupid broomsticks. I don't talk just for my own amusement I do expect you to listen to me. Stupid."
Albus smiled fondly at their bickering. It reminded him of better times when the threat of Tom was a distant concern to the majority of the Wizarding World. He loathed to ruin their naiveté and innocence but it couldn't he helped.
"Come in." He called benevolently seconds before they knocked.
A tall man with flyaway hair entered with his arm slung around a petite redhead. James grinned charmingly at Dumbledore.
"How do you do that?" James said with playful accusation. Lily shook her red mane in amused exasperation and rolled her eyes. "Ignore him, Headmaster. He was obviously dropped on the head as a child."
"Oh, well I don't know about that, my dear." Albus remarked lightly. His snowy beard twitched in amusement and he lifted his eyes up to gaze at the ceiling delicately.
"No, really. How do you do that? Sirius and I have been trying to figure out that for ages. Remus was no help." James whined and gave the Headmaster a pathetic look. Albus smiled mysteriously but gave no answer.
"Have a seat. You must be quite tired. I hear the weather is horrid." Albus waved his arm in a broad sweeping gesture at the soft chairs. "We have a couple of more guests coming in about--- ah, yes, here they are…Come in!" Lily and James spun around at his remark.
"Oh! Alice! I haven't seen you in ages!" Lily gushed excitedly and dashed to the other woman. Lily threw her slender arms around Alice and squeezed tightly.
"Merlin, Lily loosen the death grip would you." Alice laughed weakly. The redhead let go of her friend and smiled sheepishly.
"Sorry, Alice. Guess I got a tad over excited." Lily laughed and flicked her hair over her shoulder absently. Her eyes were bright with happiness as she gazed at her old schoolmate.
"How's little Neville? He such a dear." Lily inquired. "I feel absolutely horrible I haven't been able to see him. But you know I've been so busy."
"Oh, think nothing of it. Nev's doing fine. Absolutely booming. There's no need to feel guilty." Alice said smiling softly at Lily.
" I know it's irrational but you named me his godmother so I feel like I'm neglecting my godmotherly duties or something." Lily said wryly with a self-deprecating grin.
" Now you sound like Sirius, Lils. He's always moaning about his duties as a godfather if he doesn't see Harry at least once a week. The idiot." James interjected smiling. He turned to Alice. " 'Lo, Alice it's good to see you again."
"Yes, you too James. The Academy going good for you?" Alice asked politely. James opened his mouth to answer when Albus interrupted.
"If I might interrupt children, but is not Frank with you, Alice?" Albus questioned curiously as he gazed at them from above his half moon spectacles.
"Oh sorry, Headmaster! I forgot all about you." Lily said as she smacked her palm against her forehead.
"Yeah, The Headmaster is a pretty forgettable person." James drawled sarcastically. Lily flushed bright red and smacked James on the back of the head. "Shut it, you prick." She whispered indignantly. She turned to Alice. "Now that you mention it where is Frank?"
Alice smiled apologetically at them. "I'm terribly sorry, Headmaster, but Frank wasn't able to come. He really tried to get some time off but Crouch said no. Surprise, Surprise." She said somewhat bitterly. "I swear that man is going to run my Frank into an early grave, but Frank won't say a thing about the extra work. He idolizes him. Thinks Crouch is shoe in for Minister come elections."
James laughed in mirth. "Oh yeah, good old Frank loves the man. I swear! He thinks Crouch is just what we need to knock Voldemort down for good."
"I'm just grateful he isn't your Head of Department, James. Really, Alice I don't know how you do it!" Lily exclaimed.
"I know, Alice. I hear Crouch is a slave driver. Frank must hardly get to see you and his kid." James said sympathetically. Dumbledore turned to Alice.
"That's quite unfortunate, Alice. I had hoped the both of you would be able to be here." Albus frowned and gave Alice a penetrating stare. She shifted uncomfortably. "Headmaster…?"
Albus blinked and shook his head slightly. He gave her a kind smile. "My apologies, my dear. I merely got lost in thought."
James cleared his throat loudly and sprawled out on one of the chairs. "So Headmaster what's the occasion?" He asked curiously.
Albus's face grew grave and James and Lily exchanged worried looks.
"I had hoped that Frank would be here but…" Albus gave Alice a concerned glance. " Well I suppose I should just get on with it, no?" Dumbledore sighed sorrowfully.
An icy chunk of fear settled heavily in the pits of their stomachs. This wouldn't be good news if it had Dumbledore looking so worried.
"Recently, I has come to my attention that a prophecy has been made…concerning your children." Albus said lowly. His twinkling blue eyes had dimmed to a solemn dark blue.
Lily's heart pounded painfully in her chest. Not Harry…Anyone but Harry. She cleared her throat to penetrate the heavy silence. " Prophesy! What rubbish! Surely you don't believe in that kind of hogwash, Headmaster." She scoffed but there was a tinge of hysteria lurking beneath her voice. Her eyes were suspiciously bright as she gazed unflinchingly at Dumbledore. Her chin was lifted up slightly in defiance. James squeezed her hand tightly, his face was drained of color and his hazel eyes held a look of unabashed horror.
"H-Headmaster you- are you positive?" Alice's voice wavered fearfully. Her eyes were wide in utter terror.
"Yes. I'm positive. I would not have bothered you if I had not been absolutely sure. I-" Lily stood up abruptly knocking her chair down. She glared furiously at them. "What is wrong with you! I can't fathom how you all can take this Prophesy to be worth more than a grain of salt!" She sneered. Blood pumped through in her veins. Please not my baby… "Divination is the most unreliable branch of magic. Even Professor McGonnagal said so." How could James just sit there and take this!
"Lily…" James said sorrowfully, eyes bright. She turned furiously to him and saw the terrible truth in his eyes.
"No…no…" She moaned. "Please no…" A pitiful whimper escaped her and her legs buckled underneath her. James arm darted out to catch her and he tugged her until she was nestled up next to him on the chair.
"What does it say, sir?" He croaked with red rimmed eyes. Alice's head snapped up and she lost the vacant look on her face.
Albus looked mournfully at them. "Do you truly wish to know?"
"Yes. Yes, I want to know." Alice said forcefully. She pushed her hair out of her eyes shakily. "I want to know."
"Lily? James?" He questioned. Lily let out a choked sob and gripped James hand. She nodded into his chest. "Yeah, We want to know, too." James answered softly with a far off look in his eyes.
Albus got up slowly and walked over to a cabinet on the other side of the room. Carefully, he pulled out a stone basin with runes etched into it. He set it on he desk and sat back down. He flicked his wrist and his wand materialized into his wrinkled hand. Dumbledore waved his wand over the silvery surface of the bowl's contents and the misty projection of a bug like woman appeared. She opened her mouth and boomed in a deep, hoarse voice:
The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches…Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies…And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal, but he will have power the Dark Lord knows not…And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives…The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord will be born as the seventh month dies…
"Oh God…" Lily murmured. She blinked back the flood of tears just waiting to escape. She could feel her body beginning to tremble. Her sweet, innocent baby. What kind of twisted monster could ever think of laying a hand on him. Bright emerald eyes identical to her own swam into her vision and she felt a swell of pure agony sweep through her.
"Wait…It said 'The one with the power'." Alice said suddenly. "That implies that only one our children is the one of the prophesy." James's head snapped up and he looked at the Headmaster with barely concealed hope.
"Is that true Headmaster?" Lily demanded her eyes shining and wild. Please let it be true. Please. Please…
Dumbledore pressed the tips of his long fingers together. His face was lined with fatigue and worry. "Yes. It is true." He said after a long pause. "But I'm afraid that doesn't change anything."
"What the hell do you mean it doesn't change anything, Dumbledore. It changes everything." James snarled. His fists were clenched tightly and he shook in desperation. Dumbledore looked at him sadly.
"It changes nothing, James." Dumbledore said firmly. "Even though I know the prophecy only refers to one child, I am still at loss to the knowledge of exactly which of your children it refers to."
"Fuck!" James growled and dug his fingers harshly into his hair. He squeezed his eyes shut, determined not to cry. This couldn't be happening. Lily shifted beside him.
"What will we do, Headmaster?" She said softly. Misery lined her voice but there was an undertone of steely determination in her tone.
There was a long silence and then the Headmaster spoke. "I think you should take steps to go into hiding. Soon."
"The Fidelius Charm." Lily stated furrowing her brow in concentration. She gave Dumbledore a hard look. He smiled gently at her.
"Brilliant as always, Lily." Dumbledore said. He shifted, bones creaking. "Ah, I'm not the age I used to be." He murmured and lifted his eyes to give them a considering look.
"Then we'll need a secret keeper." Alice whispered in fear. "Surely, you of all people know there are few, if any, we can trust to the extent this charm needs. This is my baby's life we're talking about."
"I understand your concern, Alice. That is the reason I am prepared to offer my services as a secret keeper to whichever of you will have me." Dumbledore said sagely. Alice stood up straighter in her chair.
"Frank and I would be honored to have you as our secret keeper, Headmaster." She said quickly while shooting Lily an apologetic glance. Lily opened her mouth in protest.
"That's fine, sir. I think we can get Sirius to be our secret keeper. I'd trust him with my life and he loves Harry to death." James interrupted laying a calming hand on Lily's. She relaxed slightly but couldn't completely quell the bubble of fury at Alice.
"Well then if you're sure, we must begin preparations immediately." Dumbledore said firmly. Despite the help Dumbledore was offering Lily couldn't banish the sense of dread rising in her. This wouldn't end well.
Godric's Hallow, 1990
Lily swept across the kitchen of their modest cottage singing softly under her breath. The sun was barely rising and the small woodland creatures were barely beginning to awaken from their slumber. She loved these quite times in the morning when she could just relax without all the chaos the day brought. Lazily, she reached into the sink to pull out a damp wash cloth. She turned on the water and began to do the dishes. She loved magic, truly she did, but sometimes it was nice to remember her roots and do things the old fashioned way the same way her mother taught her. The cool water sent chills down her spine as it slid smoothly down her palms. Sometimes it was nice to take a break from the worries that plagued her mind day in and day out.
She inclined her head up to look out the dewy window. A surge of longing flowed through her, dark and heady. Lily flushed with guilt at her simple desire. No. No. She pinched her lips together and shoved her hands into the soapy water. So much had changed since her school days. So much. Idly, she twirled a soap covered bronze fork between her milky fingers. Around and around and around. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly for several seconds. This wasn't the world she wanted her children to grow up in. Not even in her worst nightmares had she imagined such a world.
A tinny sounding ping vibrated through the small kitchen. She snapped her head to the source of the noise; red hair flowed wildly about her. A round panel about the size of her head glowed bright blue. Heart still pounding, she walked over to the device and pressed her palm into the center. The surface of it gave way easily under her hand allowing her to stick her hand in. She pulled out a rolled piece of folded parchment.
Fear lodged itself tight and hot in her throat as she looked at the Daily Prophet. She wistfully recalled a time when she would giggle with her friends over the pictures of handsome wizards and flashy ads of clothing. Those times were long gone now. Lily skimmed over the bold headlines. Death. Rape. Violence. Nothing she hadn't heard and seen hundreds of times in the past decade. She focused on the list of the newest deaths. Relief bubbled within her and her taut muscles loosened. There was no one she knew this week. A small blessing in these dark times. Dumbledore had promised he'd do everything in his power to keep them safe and so far he had succeeded. James, the children, and herself were safe and according to the scraps of information she had rustled up Alice and her family were also safe. Things might be stressful and tense but their security was near fool proof and for that she was eternally grateful. Sirius had truly come through for them. It was a good thing she had put her foot down when Sirius had come up with that inane idea to switch secret keepers. The man was loyal as a dog but he wouldn't know a good plan if it smacked him on the arse. She shook her head fondly.
She flicked her eyes to the worn calendar pinned near the stove. July the 25th. In only a year she would have to send Harry to Hogwarts. Her sweet child. Love and affection bubbled up deep with in her at the thought of him. Lily was never one to play favorites but her first born would always hold a special place within her. Out of all her children he was the one whom she could relate the most with. They were birds of a feather as her mother used to say. He was…quiet. James worried about him often. She laughed lightly. Just because the dear boy wasn't obsessed with Quiddich or rowdy all the time didn't mean he wasn't normal. Just different. Her full lips pulled up sadly. He had a certain intensity about him that often made other children shy away from him, even his own brother and sister. Oh they tried to include him in their games but they never seemed to be fully comfortable with Harry with them. Always skittish or forced smiles. She tried not to resent them for it. Out of all of them Harry was the most affected by their self imposed isolation. There were no children his age he could interact with and as much as it pained her to admit it his family just wasn't enough to give him every thing he needed no matter how much they wished it were so.
"Mum?" a soft childish voice questioned. Lily jumped slightly at the noise. She turned around to she her oldest child. Rumpled up black hair and bleary emerald eyes. She smiled brightly at him.
"Goodness, Harry! You startled me." She scolded playfully. He grinned sheepishly at her. Just like his father she thought fondly. Lily ran a pale hand through his errant locks in an attempt to tame it. No matter what James said she refused to believe it was a lost cause.
"You're up early." She said, half question, half statement. Emerald met emerald as she looked into his eyes with concern. His lips quirked up slightly and he shook his head in negative. Relief flooded through her.
"I'm glad you slept well, love. Now, what do you want to eat? Eggs ooor…" She rifled through the pantry. "Eggs?" She grinned somewhat guilty. She'd have to talk to James about their funds.
"Eggs." Harry said smiling, eyes clear of accusation. He pulled out a battered book and began to read. Time passed quickly with just the two of them and soon enough the rustling of the other occupants awakening could be heard. A chubby boy with round, pink, cheeks shuffled into the kitchen with a small toddler in tow. The boy dragged his arm tiredly across his eyes and squinted into the brightly-lit kitchen.
"What's for breakfast, mummy?" He called as he shuffled to the nearest wooden chair. Lily turned to him and smiled lightly.
"Eggs, Brian." He scowled slightly at her words.
"Awww…again, mum? We've had stupid eggs all week." He whined. Lily's smile faltered slightly before she resumed her cheerful smile.
"It's all we got, Brian. Stop being a git." Harry said lightly but there was underlying steel in his words. Brian began to turn red.
"Harry…" Lily chastised firmly. He flushed in guilt and ducked his head back into the book. She turned to Brian with her hand perched on her hip and gave him a penetrating look.
"Now, Brian, I'm sorry you don't like the food but we haven't got enough money to be spending on frivolities. Okay?" She said sternly.
"Yes, mum." Brian murmured poking at his plate of eggs.
"Good." Lily said satisfied and patted her youngest son on the head affectionately. Now where was…
"Joanne! There you are. I didn't see you." She said to the two-year-old girl sitting on the floor. She kneeled down to pick her up taking in her mussed up ginger hair and brown eyes.
"Omph! You're getting heavy there aren't you, dear?" She said bumping their noses together. The small child giggled in glee and tugged at Lily's dark red hair. She winced and pulled her daughter's pudgy had off of her hair.
"No pulling on Mummy's hair, sweetheart." She scolded absently while she filled up two more plates of food. James should be getting up soon.
"G'morning, Lily." A deep voice grumbled from her left. She rolled her eyes at his disheveled form. She slid her fingers in his hair in vain attempt to fix it. He grunted at her and swated at her hand. Honestly.
"Good Morning, James." She said shaking her head at him in exasperation. She set a steaming cup of coffee near his right hand. He fumbled for it and slurped it down. The dazed look began to clear form his eyes a while later.
"Dunno how you and Harry wake up so damned early." James said sounding far more awake than he did previously. He rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms. He turned his hazel eyes the children. Brian was slumped dejectedly over his meal. Joanne was happily making a mess of her creamed carrots on the table and Harry was absentmindedly shoving spoon fulls of egg into his mouth while his nose was shoved into a brown book. James grinned warmly at them. He tuned back to her and said lowly:
"I need to talk to you. Meet me in our room in fifteen minutes. I got a surprise." He winked at her and stumbled out of the kitchen ruffling the children's hair on the way out. Lily blinked in confusion. What could James possibly want to talk about? She quickly washed the dishes and shooed the children out of the kitchen. Lord knows they would make a mess of the place if she left them unattended. Harry quietly settled himself on her old rocking chair in the living room and continued reading. Brian and Joanne amused themselves with the muggle blocks she had charmed to change colors. Everything looked fine. No need to worry about leaving them alone for awhile. She climbed the wooden staircase, cup of tea in hand and headed to her and James room. She could hear the muffled voices of the children chattering.
"Hey, where's mum goin'? And what were they talkin' 'bout earlier?"
"She and Dad were planing a secret meeting." She heard Harry's distinctly matter of fact tone say.
"A meeting for what?" Brian, Lily thought fondly while she took another sip of her warm tea.
"To have sex, of course. I read that-" Lily spluttered as she inhaled the tea the wrong way. She flushed bright crimson.
"Harry!" She shrilled. "You finish that sentence and I will lock up the library!"
"Yes, mum." He called back meekly but there was a tinge of laughter in his voice. Her eyes widened. He knew exactly what he was saying. She had secretly feared when his father's mischievous qualities would surface in Harry. Lily sighed in defeat and stomped up the stairs.
She swung open the door to her bedroom and was met with James's mirth filled face. She shut the door and gave him a halfhearted glare.
"I suppose you enjoyed that did you?" She said disgruntled. He smirked at her, eyes dancing.
"I sure did. Now I don't have to give him 'The Talk'." He reclined back lazily on their bed, charming grin in place. "You think I can rankle Harry in to giving it to Brian?"
She tossed a pillow in his face in irritation. James's arm darted out and snatched it before it touched him. An arrogant smile fluttered across his face.
"I told you all that reading you encouraged was going to come back and bite you on the arse. But have no fear I've got just the solution to our bookworm son's problems. Can't have him turning out like you or Merlin forbid, Remus." He slid smoothly off the bed and scrambled to the chest at the foot of their bed. With one quick flick of his wand the lid snapped open with a loud clank. He stuck his head in and shuffled the items inside around. He rose up and pulled out a small box about the size of a matchbox.
"Aha!" He crowed enthusiastically as he waved the box about. Eyes sparkling, he turned back to Lily.
"You know Harry's birthday is coming up, so I was thinking maybe we could do something special for him." James said happily. "So me and Dumbledore got to talking and we figured out something." Lily shifted her eyes to the box. Her eyes widened in recognition and horror at the symbol carved into the wooden surface of the box.
"No, James." She said steely. Her voice brooked to room for protest. James features remained undeterred. There was a stubborn look about his eyes and he braced himself for a fight he would make sure he won.
"I'll be completely safe. Dumbledore himself is helping ward the place, Lily! He said he'll even lend us his tent. The one he used when he was staking out Griduwalds fortress. How much safer can you get." He said forcefully. A fierce protective instinct rose within her. No.
"No! No, James it's not safe. You know what could happen. You know about the-" she cut her self off and her eyes darted nervously at the door and windows. "You know."
"What's life with out a little risk, Lily." He murmured pleadingly. "Come on."
Fury exploded within her chest. "This is our son's life we are talking about!" She hissed venomously. "We don't take risks concerning his safety. Never."
"Besides, Harry doesn't even like Quiddich, James. Why would he want to go to the World Cup?" She sneered. James's eyes darkened in anger.
"He doesn't like Quiddich cause you never let him play! Face it Lily you coddle him." He snapped back. "He may be safe but he isn't living!"
"I do not." She whispered harshly. "He likes to read. He enjoys it. You just can't stand the fact that he's not like you."
"He'll be safe, there's going to be hundred's of Aurors patrolling. Hell, Dumbledore said even the Flamels were going to help with the warding. The security will be top notch. I swear it. I would never have even considered it if I didn't know for sure that it was going to be safe. Please Lily. Let him have this. This could be the last time we'll get a chance to do this." James said earnestly. Lily faltered. Maybe…just maybe…
Sensing an opening he quickly added: "Frank and Alice agreed to take Neville."
"James…" She sighed wearily and tugged lightly on her hair. She hadn't seen Alice and Frank in almost a decade. And little Neville, why she hadn't seen him since he was a babe. Some godmother she was. It would be nice to see other people for a change. A day without worry. It seemed almost too good to be true. She looked up into James pleading hazel eyes. She knew how much he missed his friends even if he didn't voice it. Sirius couldn't risk being seen coming near the house and Peter and Remus didn't know where the house was. Even letters were a risk.
"Okay…okay, James." She relented and the blinding smile that lit up his face held some of the cold dread beginning to seep into her bones at bay. For now.
A/N: The next chapter and onward will be strictly from Harry's P.O.V. unless I otherwise specify.