Disclaimer: What's a chapter from me without a disclaimer: Not a chapter from me. So anyway... I in no way shape or form own any of the characters that are involved with this piece of fiction I write. If I did, it would mean my job wasn't to twiddle thumbs all day. And I think I'd get paid more then $8 an hour. But I can't complain seeing as I barely do anything except stuff envelopes all day and read manga. Well... Anyway... ON WITH THE SHOW.

Chapter 8: Cake at last

Ichigo stared at Shinji.

"Ok, let me get this straight. You basically want to recruit me to your little club to train me to help everybody fight against Aizen and his invasion of hollows?"

Shinji waved his hand in a circle. "Yea, that's basically the gist of it."

Ichigo nodded, and pointed a thumb at Kisuke. "And he can't train me, why?"

Hiyori stood up straight and walked up next to Shinji. "Because that man over there is an incompetent sleazy who will go about doing everything lazily and by the time the fight comes, you'll be even weaker than you already are!"

A tear came from Kisuke's eye. He took a kerchief from his sleeve and used it to blow his nose. "Hiyori, to hear my former lieutenant say those awful things about me, it brings a tear to my eye."

Shinji's eye twitched as he looked at him. "Oh, who cares? You've heard worse about your performance in bed from Yoruichi, I bet."

The whole room turned into a chorus of laughter and "Ohhhhhs!" Kisuke took refuge in the corner next to Isshin.

"But anyway, the reason you need to come train with us is because you are one of us. Urahara can't train you as he has never had an inner hollow to over come."

Ichigo took a deep breath. "Ah, I get it. So I have no choice but to train with you if I want to learn to control my inner hollow and become stronger."

"You got it."

"Well then." Ichigo said. "If you'll excuse, I won't be taking you up on your offer. I don't think I can train under people who lie about cake."

Shinji's eyes widened in disbelief. "WHAT?! You need us Ichigo. We need you. This fact is undeniable. If you continue to run rampant with an inner hollow uncheck, it will eventually consume you and destroy your spirit and then those you love."

Ichigo thought of his sisters, Yuzu and Karin, and then his father, who was still slumped in a corner crying along with Kisuke, Orihime, Chad, Rukia, and he finally looked down at his newest love. Her bright golden eyes stared deeply into his as he contemplated his decision.

She stood up and wrapped her arms around his mid section, holding him very closely, and whispered in his ear, "Do whatever you think is right. I'll be standing there right next to you, whatever it maybe."

Ichigo wrapped his arms around her, holding her in a tight embrace for a few moments. "Thank you." He whispered before kissing her lightly on the cheek

As he let go, Yoruichi drifted to his side as if she naturally belonged there and Ichigo looked Shinji in the eye, a new fire light in them.

"Alright, I'll join your little club. But I am not doing this because you want me to. I am doing it for the same reason I became a Shinigami, to protect those I love." He felt Yoruichi's fingers slip though his own and grasp hold of his hand. He quickly locked his fingers around hers.

Shinji looked down at the couples intertwined hands and a slight pink color came across his cheeks. He looked over at Hiyori and tried grapping onto her hand only to be met with a right hook to the groin.

"Not happening, baldy." She said as she made her way back to the wall.

Shinji, curled in a ball on the floor holding on to his nether-region with tears flowing from his eyes, grunted at Ichigo. "O..k. And… Goddess… If you'll be kind as to… follow… example and… accompany us."

She looked down at Shinji was a perplexed look. "Explain, if you will. I have no clue as to why I need to be trained as well."

Shinji held up a finger, apparently meaning "one minute". And, one minute later, he stood up and brushed himself off, drying his cheeks with his sleeve, and the cleared his throat.

"Let me explain, Hollowfication is kind of like an STD. It can be passed with blood or…not using protection during "that". And last time I checked, Ichigo didn't have time to…stop and shoot against the wall. So in time, you too will start showing symptoms of hollowfaction. And as powerful as you are, your hollow will be plenty stronger. And I particularly don't feel like cutting down such a cute kitty as you, Ms. Flash Goddess."

Yoruichi stared at Shinji for just a moment before blinking and then shrugging, "Ok."

Shinji blinked, he shoulders slumping. "Huh, no questions, no outburst, nothing?"

Yoruichi shook her head. "Nope. Its not herpes or anything, and it has no bad side affects so long as I beat its ass right? Then no worries. I'll just think of it as the first gift I got from Ichigo." She jumped up, lanting a kiss on Ichigo's cheek, causing him to blush. "So lets ship out, shall we?"

Shinji nodded. "Uh, sure. Why not. Let's go then." And he about faced and started to walk out the door, with Hiyori, Ichigo and Yoruichi following him.

As they left, Kisuke looked up from his corner just as the door slide closed. "What, no good bye for me?!"

Hiyori rushed back in, slipper in hand, and smacked Urahara across the face, sending his head through the wall.

"Bye, blondie."

Chapter 8: END

A/N: Ok, so after ten months, I give you chapter 8. I know. I know. "haseoxth, you update to slowly. Whats going on with you?" Ummm… I'm lazy? Haha. Yea, that's it, laziness. That and I had to move yet again, this time with some "friends". I knew one well enough to move in with, and the other I had nothing but a name. Suffice to say, I hate the guy I knew and wish I wasn't locked in on a 12 month lease, and the other one, she's the only person I can stand at the moment. OH AND I GOT A HUSKY!!!! His name is Jack, and some random person at a pet store bought him for me and said Merry Xmas. Jack was $1100. Oh, oh. I forgot what I was going to type. After-Midnight Project and Sick Puppies are currently my top two bands after seeing them at Buzz Bake Sale 2009. Check them out when you get the chance, and buy their CDs Dress up as Life, Tri-Polar(Sick Puppies) and Lets build something to break(AMP). And I now have a cushy office job. Its where I wrote this chapter lol. And…. I will update soon. Maybe. If all goes right. Remember to R&R. Oh…and Penis is the word of the day. Penis. P-E-N-I-S.

P.S.- CHeck out my other fan fictions, Code Geass and FMA. FMA will get updated, and I am currently writing chapter 3 of the CG one. Chapter 2 is on my laptop, but wont upload for some reason. As soon as I get that straight, it will be up. Luv ya.