This would be my first YnM fanfic . It was suppose to be a short one-shot but it went out of control -- Hope you enjoy and Please Review!
Discalimer: I do not own or recieve any profits from YnM
Tatsumi sighed and paused with one hand on the doorknob to Tsuzuki's and Kurosaki's office. Five months had passed since the Kyoto incident and thing had gone back to normal... for the most part at least.
Straitening up he fixed his glasses and pushed the door open only to duck from a flying book. Giving a mental sigh this time Tatsumi began to think of what level of 'scary Tatsumi' he would have to rise to, to disperse this familiar scene.
Tsuzuki was currently cowering behind his desk with a livid Hisoka threatening him with a very heavy book. A box of half eaten donuts was on Hisoka's desk and he could spy some of the white powder clinging to Kurosaki's lips. Obviously the blond teen was not too grateful for his elder partners interest in his diet.
"I swear Tsuzuki if you …"he trailed off when he felt a cold breeze down his spine. Turning their heads slowly both shinigamis gulped and shot quick pleading glances at each other when they spotted the secretary with his shadows shifting restlessly like hounds scenting game.
Hisoka slowly put the book down on his desk and tried to gather what little dignity he could "Is there anything we can help you with Tatsumi-san?" Hisoka thanked who ever was listening that his voice didn't break. Tsuzuki feeling the threat of being bludgeoned by immensely, and dreadfully boring, books pass jumped to his feet and bounded over to stand besides his partner. A trait Tatsumi had noticed developed after they had been released from the infirmary.
"As a matter of fact, Kurosaki-kun, a case has cropped up and the Chief and I thought it might interest you." Tatsumi felt a twinge of remorse when he saw the flash of apprehension in his ex-partners eyes and Kurosaki retreating deeper into his shields. "That is of course if the two of you consent to this."
Tatsumi mentally cursed when he saw the couples eyes widen at the out clause he had indivertibly given them. 'Damn! I am getting to soft. I'll have to dock someone's paycheck soon.' Tatsumi was so immersed in his calculations he did not feel the crackling energy of a certain blond.
"Bon! Tsuzuki!" cried Watari as a greeting while pushing past a startled Tatsumi. Spotting the books on the floor and donuts in the desk he grinned and walked over and plucked a powdered donut up and bit into it. All the while, his eyes twinkled with genuine merriment. "I take it Hisoka only had tea for breakfast again?'" he asked Tsuzuki
Hisoka glared at Watari who held his hands up in surrender. Laughing the scientist grabbed hold of Tatsumi's sleeve and started tugging him out of the office. "We'll meet you in the conference room. Bon, go easy on the man will you?" he winked over his shoulder and let out a twinkling laugh as he saw the young man blush.
Tatsumi walked quietly next to his partner waiting for the explanation he knew was to come. He did not need Kurosakis empathy to know Watari had not burst in there out of the blue. Funny how he knew Wataris actions and moods when he could never figure out how to help his former partner. 'Watari' he glanced at the now serious man from the corner of his eye 'is different. With him…'
Thankfully his thoughts where interrupted "They need to do this Tatsumi-san" Watari said quietly but seriously. They where standing outside of the conference room. Watari pressed his back against the door his hair curtaining his face. "I know you want to protect them, we all do, but." Watari looked Tatsumi straight in the eyes "They need to move forward. Keeping them here will only make it harder for them to function again. They have been shattered too many times before but now…now they have each other to reflect off." He finished quietly.
Watari opened the door and stepped in, not waiting for Tatsumis response. Wataris heart hurt, mainly because he felt he was being callous towards his friends. He knew what he said was right but that did not mean it didn't hurt him. Things had been shaky at best since five months ago. There had been those awkward moments where no one knew exactly where they stood.
After Tzusuki had seemed to gain his footing again things had begun to relax, but those close to him, mainly Watari and Tatsumi, had noticed the dependency of the two hurting shinigamis. It was not a bad thing, quite the opposite, but these changes where subtle nearly microscopic and Watari could see it had become a double edge sword for them.
As he had mentioned they had each other now and they drew strength from that but if, Enma forbid, something should happen to one of them? And if that wasn't enough he could see there was struggle within them to reach out. They where both trying to figure out how much they had changed and even how, something that was not easy to begin with but toss in an abused empath who is afraid of emotions, a severely depressed and powerful man with untold power within his tortured soul, and a psychotic doctor after them both and what do you get? Their life as a shinigami. 'And living people complained about their lives' snorted Watari.
Watari scurried over to his chair and plastered a smile on his face waving cheerily at the group that was walking in.
Tatsumi came in first with his usual no-nonsense air about him. Next came Hisoka with a calm expression that was totally ruined by the blush on his face. Watari chuckled a bit at this, wondering what the overenthusiastic Tzusuki had done, whom by the way had entered close on Hisokas heels sprouting a rather large bump on his head but was happily munching on his donuts.
When everyone was seated Tatsumi began, wanting to get this over with as soon as possible. " This is a highly unusual case even for us," began Tatsumi wanting to ensnare the occupants attention. Seeing his goal accomplished he proceeded all the while being careful to strengthen his already nearly impenetrable shields. He did not want the boy to feel his uneasiness.
"A young girls candle went out a week and a half ago but her soul never passed." This was nothing new, it was after all the reason this department existed. "However we have little to no information on her." That caught the attention of the people in the room.
Tatsumi continued "Her name is Yoru and is of gypsy descent. She was sixteen and possessed unusual powers. There have been no previous records of her on Earth , no schools records, birth records, nothing. Six months ago she had been admitted to a hospital to be treated for cancer."
Tatsumi was aware of the tense silence but forged onward, Wataris declaration still echoing in his mind. "There were strange marks on her back where it looked as if something had erupted from within. The records show that she died but the body went missing and her soul never made it to Meifu."
Tatsumi spread a few pictures of the victim so they could all see a visual. His three companions leaned closer to get a better view. She was quite beautiful despite her circumstances. She was a slip of a girl, probably as tall or a little smaller than Hisoka, they weren't too sure since she was lying on a hospital bed. She had long black hair and eyes that did not belong to someone so young. They where eyes that had seen too much and they believed there was nothing left.
Her skin was sickly but under it there used to be a healthy tan. Her bottom lip was full and she had long eyelashes. She would have been a remarkable beauty had she lived longer and her disease had not marred her.
Tatsumi quietly watched his companions being previously exposed to all this. Watari was particularly engrossed by the picture he held. Kurosaki was visibly shaken seeing so much similarity between the girls death and his own. As for Tzusuki… he had carefully bottled up any emotion he had behind an impassive face. Tatsumi knew this was not good but there was nothing he could do about it. He cursed himself, wondering what the hell had possessed him to suggest this particular case.
"This looks like…" Watari muttered softly placing the picture down his tone worried. Almost mechanically the duo turned to look at the picture. Tzusuki gasped and shuddered moving closer to Hisoka but not really touching him. Hisoka became paler if that was possible. It was a picture of the girl on her stomach with her back bared and the identical scars beside her shoulder blades. They looked like the ones Tzusuki had gained when the wings of the demon had sprouted out.
After a few moments of silence Tatsumi spoke once again. "There have been reports of people missing only to be found devoided of memories. They recall nothing of what had happened since they had gone missing. Some have been found dead with no apparent cause. The only thing that links them together is that all living victims claim to remember darkness engulfing them before a beautiful girl with unreal blue eyes and long black hair approached them. Yoru was the first patient to be admitted with no recollection of what happened except her story is different. All she rembers is a man coming after her. " He paused "What is so unusual is that it wasn't until after Yoru went missing that people came back with the decription of said girl. All the other victims where the ones found dead."
Silence continued to rein the office. Finally Tatsumi had to break the silence "I understand this would be a difficult case and if you feel like you can not see it trough it would be better for everyone if you would please inform me. Any mistake or hesitation in your part will put souls in danger."
'There' thought Tasumi 'it's an out clause but one I can justify with out sounding concerned about the two.' He caught the look Watari sent him, the one that said his motives where quite clear to his partner.
He was brought back when Hisoka stood up "Tatsumi-san, may we have a few minutes before we can give you an answer?" he requested in a soft voice. When he received an abrupt nod he led an unusually somber Tzusuki out of the conference room.
After the door shut he sat down and rubbed his head where he felt the beginning of a headache building. He was so concentrated in his inner turmoil the only reason he did not jump out of his seat when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder was the complete control over his reactions. Something in his mind was trying to tell him the real reason why he had allowed something other than professionalism creep trough but Tatsumi ruthlessly quelled that annoying, and frightening (despite the fact that he would deny it point blank) voice.
Looking up he saw golden eyes brimming with concern for him as well as the friends that had just walked out. Regaining his composer he inquired softly "Is there something specific I can help you with Watari-san?" Tatsumi saw a mirage of emotions flash in his partners' eyes before they settled on determination and worry. "You never let go do you, Tatsumi?" before he could answer Watari continued changing the subject and leaving Tatsumi confused and slightly disturbed.
"This is a hell of a case, isn't it?" he gestured towards the pictures and information scattered across the table.
"Yes it is. I knew there where some resemblance but I did not believe it would have affected them this much." Tatsumi replied. Watari knew that was as close as Tatsumi could get to expressing his lament and apologizing. The scientist was sure his co-workers would not hold it against Tatsumi, after all there was no malice behind his actions. He was simply trying to help them out the only way he could.
"So do you think they will take the case? And if they don't who will?" Tatsumi looked at his partner hearing no condemnation simple curiosity with an underlining of concern. Trust Watari not to judge and quietly accept. He answered honestly "I don't know but this will prove just how far they have progressed." When he saw the inquiry in the scientist eyes he elaborated at the same time wondering when his tongue had become so loose.
"We don't really know how deeply the Kyoto ordeal impacted them, nor how long they had been feeling these negative emotions." Pausing slightly he seemed to be talking more to himself than his partner "As a matter of fact we don't even know what they have or had been feeling. They are closed and private people despite their outward appearance." Watari was caught in the intensity of Tatsumis blue eyes when he abruptly looked up "Like you Watari-san. Always happy but how much of it is actually genuine?" It was Wataris turn to be left speechless.
He had never thought anybody beyond Bon had seen that. Wataris eyes narrowed slightly. Exactly how much did Tatsumi know?
They stared at each other trying to find answer neither had ever voiced out loud. Watari broke first and looked back at the pictures of the victim. He had not been prepared for Tatsumi's insight of his soul. Tatsumi had seen the slight panic and fear in Wataris eyes and allowed the subject to drop, at least until a later date, he promised himself.
"If they do accept this case it will indicate they are ready or at least attempting to get a fighting chance to continue with their afterlife." He went on as if nothing had interrupted him. "If they refuse…" he shrugged "well honestly who could blame them?" Watari merely stared at Tatsumi his face blank, and then slowly he smiled a beautiful smile that left Tatsumi a little taken back. He was not ready for the hand that gently caressed his check softly nor for the softly spoken words "You really are a caring man Tatsumi."
Tatsumi hesitantly brought his hand up to press it against the hand that was so tenderly cupping his cheek his mind blank except for the quiet comfort and pleasure he was experiencing. His rationality had been chased away with the warmth and now he could only stare as golden eyes came closer to him and he could feel warm breath on his face. The magical moment was shattered when they heard the doorknob turning.
Springing apart they blushed furiously and attempted to regain their composure. Watari hastily picked up a picture not noticing it was backward as Tatsumi began to frantically gather up papers trying to re enforce his mental shields lest Hisoka caught an errand thought or any of his swirling emotions.
All thoughts of embarrassment fled from the two men when they saw their friends entering. They where quite surprised when it was Tzusuki who spoke "We accept the case." Hisoka reached out for the files that Tatsumi automatically handed over.
"Well pack up and I will give you the hotel and your budget in an hour." came Tatsumis reply. Nodding the pair turned in unison and walked back out. Tatsumi looked to Watari and saw what he felt reflected off his eyes, worry, pride and determination to help. There was nothing left to say.
Hisoka methodically arranged the bag he would be taking to Earth making sure he packed an extra empty bag as an afterthought. For some bizarre reason Tsuzuki always ended up with more things than he had begun with. Finished packing he went to the living room and sat down on his sofa to wait for Tsuzuki before returning to JuuOhCho..
Hisoka took the moment he had of privacy to tiredly close his eyes and lean back against the sofa hugging a pillow to his chest as a lonely child would a stuffed animal. Everything was so confusing, even with out others peoples emotions. He smiled lightly when he remembered how his small unfurnished apartment became one of his havens, at least for the most part.
It had been a Saturday morning when Tsuzuki had decided to drop by to see if Hisoka would like to go eat breakfast.
He had found the boy curled up on the edge of his sofa with dark circles under his eyes and a temper to rival Terazumas'. He had ranted about the rampant emotions people projected all night long. Tsuzuki had been confused until Hisoka had clutched his head and groaned after hearing a knock on his door, not wanting to leave Hisoka but after being waved away he opened the door to find a drunk young woman. She stumbled into the apartment and started screeching about where the party had gone.
Tsuzuki had stood with his mouth hanging to his knees when a furious Hisoka had appeared and kicked the woman out and suggested that if she did not find the apartment on the second floor down herself he would be more than happy to show her the way with a slight push, before he slammed the door closed and stumbled back into the living room moaning about parties, feelings, alcohol and how he wished they would die…again.
Tsuzuki disappeared with out a word and Hisoka could not help but feel a tinge of regret and hurt. He dragged the blanket over his weary and aching body and attempted to get some sleep. He was not sure when his body took its toll and shut down. When he woke up he looked out the window and realized it was nearing nightfall again.
Confused he looked around the room wondering how he could have slept so deeply and so long without any nightmares or emotions badgering him. Blinking he tried to orient himself and discovered he was feeling quite pleased and safe even comfortable and happy. Abruptly he realized these where most definitely not his emotions.
With that realization came the delicious aromas wafting through his small apartment and the slow blues coming out of his stereo. Standing on shaky legs he made his way to his kitchen/dinning room all the while wondering why he was not freaking out. Hisoka came to a dead stop when he came into his kitchen clutching the wall to support him. Not because of some ones emotions overwhelming him but his own swirling around him with intensity.
Tsuzuki was fast asleep on his table his head resting on his arms with Chinese food on the counter behind him. His kitchen was impeccably clean the opposite of how he had left it the night before. He must have made a noise because Tsuzuki snapped upright and his eyes narrowed, clearing immediately when he spotted Hisoka.
"Hisoka you are awake? How did you sleep? Are the wards working? Do you feel hungry? How are you feeling? You don't look to good."
Hisokas head began to spin with the rapid questions and even faster emotions pouring out of his exuberant partner. Tsuzuki immediately pulled his shields around him and guided his smaller partner to a chair and sat him down.
Hisoka was startled when he saw a glass of water being placed in front of him. Looking up he saw concerned amethyst eyes. He shook his head and murmured a soft thank you before picking up the glass of water and taking a drink from the blessedly cold glass. Tsuzuki nodding turned around and began filling plates up with food and humming softly leaving Hisoka to sort out trough the events that had happened.
When Tsuzuki placed a plate full of food in front of him and then sat himself down Hisoka began to ask questions. "What are you doing here?" Tsuzuki giggled "Why eating, silly"
Hisoka rolled his eyes and took a bite out of the sinfully delicious food when his stomach decided to protest its lack of nutrition. Suddenly his mind clamped on something he had heard among Tsuzuki's babbling "What did you mean by wards?" he asked warily.
Tsuzuki brightened up. "Oh that! Well I got an idea while you where cursing everything and everybody around you." Hisoka tried to keep irritating blush out of his face but by the look on Tsuzuki's face knew he failed miserably and just glared muttering "Baka" before resuming his meal.
Tsuzuki continued as if he had not heard the comment "I went to ask Wakaba to help me with some charms and I warded your house. You know how I can expel things or contain? Well I figured I could somehow repel emotions from entering your apartment that way you won't have to deal with all the emotions outside.I'm not sure how long tey will last or how effective but you can tell me what the problems are and we can work from there ne?"
Tsuzuki looked so pleased with himself but the smile slowly faded as he saw Hisokas face.
Hisokas chopsticks had fallen from his nerveless fingers and he was staring at Tsuzuki as if he had never seen him before. "You're….not happy?" asked a deflated Tsuzuki and Hisoka could feel his disappointment and regret.
Hisoka finally found his voice and asked in a small shaky voice never taking his wide eyes from his partners form "You…did all this…for me?" When he received a nod he lowered his head and whispered in a tone that nearly broke the brunets heart "Why?"
Hisoka was startled when he felt a warm hand rest on top his head "Because you deserve it. And because I care for you." He replied in soft tone.
That had been a week before Kyoto. Hisoka had not sorted out his feelings or what he was going to do about them, but now he wondered if there was anything he could do. Tsuzuki had stayed but he had also become unusually quiet and the mask of cheeriness had been on more often than not.
Sighing he wondered if it had been a good idea to accept the case, with Tsuzuki so unstable, he just did not know.
Suddenly Tsuzuki appeared with a suitcase in hand and his mask in place. "Ready Hisoka?" he asked with nauseating cheeriness.
Hisoka grit his teeth and bit out "Will you stop already! Just stop" Tsuzuki's façade slipped to one of confusion. Hisoka stood up and reached for Tsuzuki's hand "You can't hide it from me and what's more I don't know why you do."
Tsuzuki pulled his hand out of Hisokas grasp but relented when he saw a flash of hurt in his usually stoic partners face "I don't want to burden you Hisoka."
Hisoka hissed "Baka. If you where a burden do you think I would have stopped you from leaving m… us?"
Tsuzuki was surprised. This was the first time Hisoka had mentioned what had happened with Touda. "I'm sorry Hisoka but…it's not like you are honest with me either. Besides I'm not an empath so I don't know what you feel."
Hisoka narrowed his eyes but acknowledged the truth. Sighing he picked up his bag and faced his partner again. Suddenly he got an idea, "Tsuzuki why did you do this for me?" When he said this they both knew he was talking about the wards.
"Because I wanted you to feel safe." came the immediate response.
"So why won't you let me protect you? Is it because you think I am a child or weak?" Hisoka inquired softly. Tsuzuki was startled, he had never thought of it that way before.
Then he smiled a genuine smile "I guess we have a lot to learn don't we 'Soka?" Hisoka stared and felt a flutter in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to see more of those smiles.
He snorted at the corniness of his thought s and muttered "I guess we do." before they shimmered out.
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