The insertion pod plummeted through the atmosphere, its underside glowing white hot from the intense heat generated by re-entry. In a matter of minutes the pod thumped down into the bleak white wasteland of the Antarctic. Kristanna tumbled out of the escape door and into the icy mists that enveloped her. The cold air on her skin began ro rouse her, through heavy eyes she saw a large shadow overhead that progressively increased in size. The gentle whoosh of the snow against her ears was then replaced by the roar of the immense engine of the resuce helicopter that came to rest beside her.
The helicopter doors slid open and a jump suited figure ran toward her. ⌠Control, we have a live one. Barely, but still breathing!■ He crouched over Kristanna and peered down at her through thick snow goggles before scooping her up and carrying her into the chopper. The medical team burst into action wrapping her up in heat foil and attaching drips and IV needles with precision and equal care. The goggled rescuer removed his hood and eye protection and leaned over her. ⌠Hey there, its alright, we▓ve got you now. We▓re from Amundsen-Scott. We got a distress call from Outpost 31 telling us to come here for survivors.■ Kristanna moved her oxygen mask to one side, ⌠Yes. Morris. They▓re all dead. This creature...■ Her faint mumblings were cut off as one of the medical team replaced her oxygen mask.
The rescuer continued, ⌠We picked up a massive explosio at the Outpost so we decided we▓d buzz past. It was dead up there. A wasteland. I guess we were lucky to find even you. Let alone your friend.■ Kristanna gazed blankly as the sedatives set in. Her eyes followed the rescuer as he shuffled to the back of the helicopter. ⌠Yeah. Found him wandering in the mists. Seriously disorientated. Poor guy. Lucky to be alive.■ The rescuer pulled back the foil wrap slightly so that Kristanna could identify her unconscious colleague. Her heart jumped into her throat but she was too heavily sedated to scream. Suddenly her vision began to narrow as she slipped into sedated sleep. The last thing she saw as her eyes forced themselves shut was the embroidered name on the shirt.
The name was Sverre.

Thanks for being patient. Thats all for this one.