Reviews for Predator: The Ancient Enemy
Kaijucifer chapter 22 . 3/9
Well, that's kinda an ominous way to end it. Basically made all the sacrifices be in vain. Story was great, but now entirely pointless as the worst is going to happen anyway.
Kaijucifer chapter 21 . 3/9
Yin'tekai restored. May you be in Payas graces, Ramnah. For Now, Cetanu claims you.
Kaijucifer chapter 19 . 3/9
Yuh, gonna go all GTA on em.
Kaijucifer chapter 18 . 3/9
Let's go Morris! You can do it!
Kaijucifer chapter 8 . 3/9
Idiots, they're just letting him suffer and turn into one.
Kaijucifer chapter 7 . 3/9
I see you took inspiration from Who Goes There/Frozen Hell for the creature in the ice.
Kaijucifer chapter 5 . 3/9
Damn! You could of at least let them confess their feelings before killing him! Harsh and cruel!
Kaijucifer chapter 4 . 3/9
Mhmhmhm! Interesting!
Kaijucifer chapter 3 . 3/9
Well. It's on now.
Kaijucifer chapter 2 . 3/9
Damn polar bears. This isn't Unnatural! No eating people in this story.
Kaijucifer chapter 1 . 3/9
Oh, now they've done it. Child's is probably infected, RIP MacReady.
Guest chapter 22 . 11/15/2016
Thank you for sharing this story
Junior VB chapter 12 . 1/25/2015
Ramnah está dispuesto a luchar junto a los humanos.
Ramnah is willing to fight alongside the humans.
Junior VB chapter 11 . 1/25/2015
La Cosa es un enemigo formidable incluso para los Yautja.
The Thing is a formidable foe even for the Yautjas.
Junior VB chapter 10 . 8/31/2014
Kristanna es muy lista. Gracias a ella, descubrieron que Baldur era un impostor.
Kristanna is very smart. Thanks to her, they discovered that Baldur was an impostor.
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