Disclaimer: Gargoyles is a trademark of Buena Vista and Sailor Moon is a trademark of Naoko Takeuchi/Kodansha. I am not getting paid for any of this

Forward: This story takes place immediately after the final arc of Sailor Moon and immediately after some of the key events in The Goliath Chronicles

Note from the Author: This story turned out to be about sixty pages longer than I intended. Yes, it is LONG! Sit back and relax; you're going to be here for a while.

Moonstones: A Sailor Moon / Gargoyles Crossover

Long ago our solar system was a vast empire known as the Silver Millennium, ruled from earth's moon by the benevolent Queen Serenity. However, discord and resentment arose when the Crown Princess was betrothed to a young prince of Earth, and the evil spirit Metaria was awakened from her captivity in the sun, and used her servants of the Dark Kingdom led by her puppet Beryl to destroy the Silver Millennium.

In a last ditch effort to preserve her kingdom, Queen Serenity used the Imperial Silver Crystal to seal away the Dark Kingdom and send her court to be reborn in the future


Millennia ago humans and gargoyles lived side-by-side, but the gargoyles were a dwindling race and were hunted to near extinction by the humans who hated and feared them.

After the Scottish Castle Wyvern was sacked by Vikings, a grieving magician placed a spell on the six gargoyles that survived the massacre and froze them in stone sleep until their castle was raised above the clouds. The gargoyles were awakened after multibillionaire David Xanatos moved the castle to New York City and met the requirements of the spell, awakening the gargoyles. Unwilling to be Xanatos' pawns, the gargoyles now protect the inhabitants of New York from the criminals who prey on them from within…


Over the streets of Manhattan the snow was gently falling, slowly getting deeper as the frigid night wore on. Above the beeping horns two gargoyles silently glided above the traffic on outspread wings.

"Hey Brooklyn," Lexington called to his companion, "what do you say we call it a night? We've already stopped four muggings and a convenient store robbery. I'm exhausted and I'm freezing my tail off!"

"Yeah, I'm ready to pack it in too Lex," replied Brooklyn. "Want to grab a bite to eat before we head home?"

"Nah, it's not worth the effort to avoid being seen," said Lexington half-heartedly. "We can eat at the castle, it'll be warmer there. Let's just head back."

"Maybe we can still catch the Late Show," said Brooklyn, perking up noticeably.

"I heard Letterman is going to be interviewing…Ah man!" he groaned. "Duty calls…"

From down below the sound of screaming could plainly be heard above the traffic. People were pouring out of a movie theater in a panic, trampling those slower than themselves in their haste to get away.

"Well," Lexington said with a resigned sigh, "let's go check it out."

The two gargoyles swooped down to the rooftop, silently landing in the snow. Many humans were still rushing from the exit, screaming in terror. The gargoyles watched for a moment. They could hear the words 'Monsters are attacking!' being cried over and over again.

Brooklyn and Lexington looked at each other. "We'd better check it out before the cops arrive," said Brooklyn, his face a mask of unusual worry.

"What is it?" Lexington asked, noticing the concern on his friends face.

"It's the way the humans are acting," Brooklyn replied. "As frightened as they are of us, we've never made a crowd panic this badly."

Lexington looked around for a second before he spotted what he was looking for. "Over there," he pointed across the roof at an open air-conditioning duct in the middle of the roof. "We can get in through there without having to use the entrance."

The two gargoyles squirmed into the air duct. It was a tight squeeze, but they made their way to the main lobby where they tore through the metal duct with their bare claws. Silently they dropped into the deserted lobby below. Brooklyn crossed the room and crouched next to an unconscious man slumped against the candy display and gently lifted his head, inspecting the man for signs of life.

"He's alive," murmured Brooklyn, "barely though."

"It's odd," muttered Lexington, coming over for a better look, "there are no marks on him."

A soft moan came from the open door leading to one of the big screens. The two gargoyles cautiously made their way into the darkened theater, their glowing eyes providing slightly more light than the exit signs. A semi-conscious woman was lying in the front isle, groaning softly. More than a dozen movie patrons were slumped unconscious in their seats.

Brooklyn bent over two unconscious humans. "Lex, these people are all the same!" he exclaimed. "No marks. No cuts or bruises…and except for the few who rushed the door no real signs of a struggle. It's like they've just been drained of their life."

"What do you suppose this means?" asked Lexington.

A shrill, unmistakably feminine scream came from the lobby, and was abruptly cut off in mid ululation.

"I think we're about to find out!" cried Brooklyn, his eyes glowing. "Come on Lex!"

Brooklyn and Lexington rushed into the lobby and skidded to a halt at the sight that greeted them. The concession stand cashier had apparently been hiding behind the soda machine. Now she was being confronted by a strange creature with the lower body of a large, fat, spindle-legged spider and a humanoid upper body complimented with gossamer wings. It loomed over the terrified woman, glowing energy passing from her body to a horn on the creatures head. She slowly sank to her knees, her eyes rolling back into her head as she began to loose consciousness.

"Hey, ugly!" yelled Brooklyn. "Get away from her! Come try something a little tougher!"

The creature turned to confront Brooklyn. Its face was roughly human shaped, but with huge, red, compound eyes, long needle-shaped teeth, and a single glowing horn centered above its eyes. It fluttered its wings and flexed it's long, clawed arms menacingly. The creature hissed like a boiling kettle as it advanced forward, its many jointed legs creaking and clicking.

"All right insect," growled Lexington as he circled around the creature, opposite Brooklyn, "let's dance!"

The creature looked back and forth between the two gargoyles who had taken defensive positions and whose white eyes now glowed brightly in their wrath. The two gargoyles could plainly see the inhuman intelligence behind the creatures glittering eyes as it weighed its odd against them. Then, letting loose a scream like a circular saw hitting a nail, the creature charged Lexington.

Lexington saw the attack coming almost instantly, and was able to dodge out of the way just before the creature's long clawed arms tore at the carpet where he was crouched only seconds before. Brooklyn quickly took advantage of the creature's momentary confusion and slammed his shoulder into the fat spider-body, sending it sprawling across to floor where it crashed into a ticket booth. As the creature flailed its legs in an ungainly attempt to right itself Lexington grabbed a steel post supporting one of the velvet ropes that formed the ticket lines and pounced on the creature, slamming the post into the creatures head, snapping its horn from its skull. The arachnid creature trembled once and lay quite still.

"Huh?" grunted Brooklyn as he came closer to inspect this strange foe. "That was easy."

"Yeah but that gives me a bad feeling." said Lexington. "It was almost too easy. Something isn't right here."

"Hey Lex, look!" exclaimed Brooklyn. The gargoyles watched is fascination as the creatures body quickly dissolved into a pile of-

"Ashes?" said a confused Brooklyn, as he prodded the whitish-gray pile of carbon particles with a discarded drink cup. "Why on earth would its body dissolve to ashes?"

"The thing was probably some sort of artificial construct," said Lexington carefully. "Whoever made it probably didn't want it inspected too closely if it was destroyed."

"I didn't think that Xanatos was making any more genetic mutates," said Brooklyn.

"And you would be right to think that," said a cold voice from behind the two gargoyles. Brooklyn spun around to see who was talking. Lexington was so startled that he knocked himself over with a small cry of surprise.

Standing four feet above the floor was a young woman dressed in a strange gray military uniform complimented by a silver cape trimmed with white. She had a pretty (by human standards) oval face framed by long silky white hair. Her dark black eyes, glittering like polished obsidian, showed no warmth, compassion or even any real emotion. They were as dark and cold as the void between the stars.

"Well bravo!" the woman said with a sneer, clapping her hands together. "You beat one of my Harvesters. That must have been quite a challenge for two brave gargoyles such as you." The woman's voice dripped with sarcasm. She folded her arms across her chest and sneered at the two gargoyles crouched on the floor before her.

"Uh, excuse me," said Brooklyn, matching the sarcasm in the woman's tone, "Are you the new night security or something, because you're not doing a very good job if you are? Your supervisor aught to know if you're letting monsters into the theater after dark."

"Yeah!" added Lexington, "they would take a dim view of you letting your friends sneak in to see the movies for free…not to mention hassling the other customers!"

The woman laughed coldly at them. There was absolutely no mirth in the meaningless sound. "I must say I expected you gargoyles to start interfering a lot sooner than this. Clearly you two are going to need some softening up before my harvesters can take your energy." The woman pulled a pointed black crystal from her tunic and threw it toward the gargoyles. The crystal hovered in the air before the gargoyles momentarily before it blasted them with dark energy. Brooklyn and Lexington cried out in pain before collapsing on the floor.

"Wha… who are you?" Brooklyn groaned. He tried to prop himself up on his elbows but collapsed.

"You may call me Ebony," the woman said softly as the black crystal returned to her hand. "Though that knowledge will be of no comfort to you now." She held out her hand and dropped what appeared to be two black marbles onto the floor. In a flash of light the orbs transformed into two of the spider-like harvester monsters. Ebony raised her chin in anticipation. "Drain them," she commanded.

The harvesters bent over the two gargoyles and began drawing their energy into their horns. Just as Brooklyn was about to loose consciousness he heard a familiar voice call out. "NYPD! Hold it right there! Drop whatever weapons you may be holding and put your hands in the air!"

Brooklyn had never been happier to see two humans in his life. Their silhouettes barely discernable behind the taller of the two's shining flashlight, Brooklyn could still make out the figures of Elisa Maza and her partner, Matt Bluestone.

Ebony glared at the two humans. "I really don't need this sort of attention at the moment, especially not from the police. Come!" she barked at her two harvesters, "we have enough energy to start with." A black void opened up in mid-air behind her. Ebony and her harvesters rushed through the portal and disappeared.

"Come on guys," Elisa whispered as she shook the two gargoyles. "We've got to get you out of here before the press shows up. They'll either want to thank you or demonize you and either way, I don't think we want this on the six o'clock news just yet." Elisa helped a shaky Brooklyn to his feet as Matt slung Lexington's limp for over his shoulder.

"We… have to get back to… the castle," Brooklyn moaned weakly. The four of them quietly exited out the back doors of the theater and into Elisa's car which was parked in the alleyway.

"It's only an hour to dawn," Elisa said soothingly as she and Matt loaded Brooklyn and Lexington into the back of her car. You'll be all right tomorrow night."