This is my first fic ever and I hope you like it. Although now I have gone back and revised this chapter.
Disclaimer: I don't own FMA, but I do have it on DVD.
Chapter 1
Edward Elric just broken his newest alarm clock
"unn" Edward Elric's moaned as he turned over and tried to go back to sleep.
"Brother. Brother!" WHAM! Edward's door was thrown open by no other than his little brother Alphonse.
"Brother!" Al rushed over to Ed's bed and started shaking him trying to wake him up. Of course he was already completely dressed and ready for school, besides breakfast. His hair was short and combed and he had on a plain grey shirt and jeans with a black belt. "You really don't need to be late to your first day of your junior year in High School"
"Go away Alphonse" Edward mumbled in his sleep. "I'm not going anywhere today"
Al sighed, "Well, I didn't want to have to do this, but you leave me no choice." Al reached down and pulled all the coverings off of the bed. Of course the result was Ed falling out of bed on to the hard wood floor.
"I'm gonna kill you Al!" the older Elric yelled.
Al knew better than to stay any longer in that room, so without waiting for Ed to go good on his threat, Al ran downstairs as quick as he could.
Ed ran after him, screaming his head off about how much pain Al was in for.
What Ed didn't expect was to come flying down the stairs and run straight into non other than Winry.
"Ooof, Ed what are you..." Winry stopped as she started to full comprehend a very mad Ed on top of her with only his boxers on. It was quite apparent that he wasn't quite ready for school yet and had just woken up. Winry's cheeks went pink. As did Ed's when he realized what had just happened. When did her eyes get to be so pretty? Wait where did that thought come from?
"Um Ed, do you think you could get off of me?" Ed blushed more as he realized that he hadn't moved since he had landed on Winry.
"Oh sorry Winry" Ed quickly jumped to his feet and put out a hand to help Winry up.
Winry's slight blush in her cheeks had just started to go down when suddenly a hand was in front of her face. She jumped slightly as she looked up to see a very cute, uncomfortable, and grinning Ed with only boxers on and his other hand behind his head scratching his neck.
The blush grew back in her cheeks though as she realized that she had just called Ed cute in her head. She took his hand though and he helped her to her feet.
"Thanks Ed" but before she had even finished thanking him, he was already running up the stairs completely forgetting about Al and just focusing on getting ready for school as quickly as possible.
Winry sighed as she turned around to better greet Al, who when she had come in the two boy's small house, had ran right past her without any explanation. Now she looked at his face which seemed to have an all knowing expression on it.
"What?" Winry asked hoping that the blush had left her face or that Al or Ed hadn't noticed it.
"Nothing" Al said as he smiled and walked past Winry into the apartment's very small kitchen. She turned and followed him.
"So what was that all about when I came in?" Winry asked letting her curiosity get the best of her.
"Oh that, well brother wasn't awake and I woke him up" Al smiled at Winry as he put two pieces of bread in the toaster, "If I hadn't woken him up we would have all been late to school, and I don't want to be late on my first day of my sophomore year."
Winry sat down at the Elric's table and just shook her head at Al. She knew how hard it was to wake up Edward, after all she had know him and his brother all of her life. She also knew that Al was none too gentle about waking Ed up, as he had tired over the years of being nice to wake up his older sibling. "Next time just let me wake him up, ok."
"Ok Winry." Al agreed immediately.
At that moment Ed decided to appear fully dressed and ready for school. He was wearing a plain black shirt with a red coat over it and black jeans with a brown belt. His hair also was combed but seemed a little more wild than Al's. Plus he was wearing his standard white gloves. "Let's go!" he exclaimed and Winry looked at him and cocked an eyebrow at him asking a question without saying a word. Aren't you forgetting something? "What am I forgetting?!" Ed demanded annoyance starting to creep into his voice.
The toast popped up and Al grabbed both pieces and tossed one to Ed who caught it easily. "Oh, breakfast." Ed stated calmly and then he grinned at Winry before proceeding to take a bite out of his toast.
"Aren't you going to have some milk with that Ed?" Winry asked sweetly knowing fully well her friend's dislike for the drink.
Ed looked at her with a face of disgust and simply walked over to the fridge before speaking. "No, we don't even keep that kind of crap here, but I will have some orange juice" and with that he poured himself and Al both glasses while holding his toast in his mouth. Then he began asking Al where all of their school supplies were.
Winry took this moment to reflect on the two brothers and think about how much they had changed.
Al had always seemed like a little brother to Winry. Probably because she had know him since he was a baby. Now though he was taller than Winry, as he had just shot past her this last summer. It was a little strange to have to look up to talk to him now, still Al had pretty much stayed the same over the years. He was still very innocent and kind to everyone.
Ed could never be considered a brother really but more of Winry's best friend, he on the other hand had changed a lot through the years. First of all he had also gotten taller than Winry, she remembered how for years he was shorter than her, and then it was like one day he was taller than her. Now he grinned a lot but Winry hadn't seen a real smile from him for a long time. Somehow he had become very determined to do his best, and pushed himself so hard that on several occasions had collapsed while practicing Alchemy. After the car accident last year that the Mr. and Mrs. Elric had died in, Edward had become very protective of his little brother. But who could blame him.
Now Ed was working even harder to be the top of his class and to take care of Al, although sometimes Al had to remind Ed to take care of himself. However, Ed was doing an amazing job being that he was only 17, although 18 soon. With the money that he received every month from the government Ed found a way to pay all of the Elric's bills and still keep up taking care of his right arm.
As Winry watched Ed lift his glass to his lips with his right hand, she found it hard to believe that under that glove Ed didn't have a real arm, but a mechanical one that was hooked to his sensors in his body. It had happened in the accident. Winry was amazed by what modern science could do. She didn't quite understand the procedure completely, but she could perform it as she often assisted her grandmother in her automail shop often. She wanted to be a mechanic that could make Ed a better hand, an arm that let him do even more.
"Hey, Winry" Winry looked up to see Ed and Al waiting at the door with backpacks on looking at her with curious expressions on their faces. "You coming?" Ed asked.
"Yeah" Winry snapped up and grabbed her over the shoulder bag as she headed out the door with her two best friends, as they started walking to school.
So I went back and reread this chapter and found silly mistakes and bad wordings, so I fixed it to be hopefully better.
At this point I am going to post Chapter 8 soon, but as I was writing it I needed to go back and reread some stuff and I saw too many mistakes and mishaps in this chapter to ignore.
Please review, I love feedback.