Chapter 6
Chain of Fate
Helltanz's notes: To clarify Harry knows nothing of the wizarding world, other than that they are group of spiritually (magic) sensitive humans.
Dumbledore however knows what happened at Godric's hollow up until the killing curse was cast at Harry and from there he told it as he planned which basically amounts to 'ittle Harry Potter defeated the dark lord, que England celebrating until they realize he's missing
Chapter Begin
If someone even a month ago had told him he'd have been stuck in human world on an assignment even remotely like this the captain of the third division probably would have recommended the person go see the fourth division.
Simply put captains regularly just weren't sent on extended missions in human world for the fact of their level of spiritual energy. Their spiritual pressure was, even restricted by half, far to prone to effecting humans and making them 'aware' or worse spiritually active.
He had also just given up on 'correcting' people when it came to addressing him, well for the most pat there was one particular wizard he could not help but enjoy getting a rise out of, but that was because the man was an utter ass. Harry had one other complaint and that was the food, okay if he was honest he would complain about several other issues but wasn't going to vocally do so.
The Captain sighed bringing his Zanpakuto in a long sweeping arc. Shinigami were judged by their proficiency in the four principle techniques. Those four techniques were Zanjutsu, sword techniques, Hakuda, or hand to hand combat, Hoho, movement techniques, and Kido, or Shinigami magic.
Zanjutsu encompassed the abilities of the sword, including the release states of a shinigami's, or Vizard as the case was, Zanpakuto.
With Shikai, the initial release of his Zanpakuto, Harry could deliver a fatal blow because it was nigh impossible to block the matter transition effect, meaning one had to dodge his attacks, and well hollows didn't really do the whole dodging thing. Of course as it stood there were not a lot of things that could actually dodge a captain, if they were fighting seriously.
Of these things Kenpachi Zaraki, or any captain probably, would have a reasonable chance of dodging his attack. The captain of the eleventh division was an immensely strong opponent. In fact Harry himself would concede if Kenpachi Zaraki ever bothered to develop his other Shinigami abilities, or became a vizard, a shingami who had gained hollow powers, he would be even more than if he had to fight the head captain.
Luckily Zaraki preferred to simply brawl, which substantially, relatively speaking, reduced the potential threat of the eleventh division captain. Harry wasn't particularly concerned though about such a fight though.
Apparently the demi hollows, the so called dementors, had been around for quite a while in this society, long enough in fact that the stupid people bred the things and had used them as guards and execution tools.
The two captains had refrained from commenting on that though the reports did match up to surges in Hollow activity. By all accounts without immediate action taken to exterminate the demi hollows their world would see a substantial spike in Hollow activity.
Concerned was a good way of putting it, the actions of the spiritually sensitive populous on their own was of minimal concern, but the war with the hollows continued ever onward.
That fight was the duty of the thirteen imperial court guard squadrons, if the demi hollows were permitted to roam unchecked there would be trouble.
Deciding further practice would do little and that there were more important issues to address he sheathed his soul cutter. He moved the now sheathed weapon onto his back with practiced ease.
Aizen was up to something, but that didn't mean Harry was completely in line with the soul society's policies either. His status as a vizard opened avenues to power, which he otherwise wouldn't have had access to. Forbidden spells were another such avenue, but as it stood Harry didn't particularly have an objective.
for the demi hollows the soul society had no interest in becoming
involved with the spiritually sensitive humans here, the same however
could not be said for the 'wizards'.
Human world wasn't
something that the Seireitei liked interacting with, unknowingly this
policy of isolation was much like the separation between the
wizarding cultures of the Far East and the west.
Of course the Far East was aware of the Seireitei, if by aware meant myths and legends, and a few surviving records from several centuries ago. For all involved however the matter was closed for discussion.
Harry had, as had Soi Fong, expressed that their sole concern was the demi hollow and anything else was a secondary issue or a non issue to them. It was only because of existing problems that the two of them had been dispatched, that being the disappearance of the Sixth division's captain's sister in the human world.
Allowing unrestricted hollow population growth, by permitting the continued existence of the demi hollows, was out of the question hence the other reason that they were both here.
Still they, the Seireitei, probably would have better handled the task by dispatching members of the Stealth Force as opposed to only two, captains or not. Such mattered little they were the head captains orders and little could be done to change them.
Just as he returned to the hall he felt Soi Fong's spiritual pressure, he could of course already detect it rather it was becoming indicative of annoyance.
The captain of the second division was far stricter than he in regards, and not simply of internal discipline, though like himself held little tolerance for fools, or idiocy.
Knowing the captain of the second division, as he did, he expected what little patience would be expended shortly if it hadn't already been squandered. Little threat could the wizards pose to the captains, even if they were to try as it seemed too long had they kept from the field of battle. Their abilities whiles some seemed useful were slow on the offense and lacked the destructive power of the Kidou, which admittedly could be slower in casting. With Flash step a Shinigami would all but be untouchable against their slow moving, relatively speaking, attacks and both captains knew that well. Allowing it to show in typical cold smug attitude of superiority.
Making his path Harry stepped beside Soi Fong carefully remaining in the other captain's line of sight. she was tense and annoyed as it was, and getting in someone's blind spot in an unfamiliar territory no matter how well you knew them was never a good idea.
Most certainly was it not a good idea when the person also was the head of the Seireitei's assassination unit.
Yes suffice to say Harry would prefer not to have to fend off an instinctual attack, "No problems I take it," He inquired a slight frigidness to his voice. The captain of the third division narrowed his eyes a fraction, "Soi Fong perhaps it would prudent for us to move elsewhere for the time being , there is little to be gained from squabbling with the locals," He commented instantly noting the other wizards who were beginning to congregate, an action the captain of the second division likewise noticed.
"Yes in the issue of prudence it would be wise to move elsewhere," Flash steps would likely have been the best method of getting out of this, but the other wizards were already loudly arguing with each other as they neared.
Harry scowled snubbing the overly curious, and very annoying local spiritually sensitive humans was not likely to go over well, but at the same time neither he nor Soi Fong were particularly inclined to indulge the curiosity of the wizards.
Both captains disappeared one trailing after the other.
The vizard felt the second captain's eyes, "You would prefer to be elsewhere," She remarked stating the obvious.
"Of course," He replied
She gave a slight shake, "No you would rather prefer to be elsewhere outside the Seireitei," She commented,
"I would," The vizard remarked, she knew him quite well. It was true enough he this assignment in human world annoyed him. His trips to human world were rare due to his position as a captain, and other than hollows there were few reasons to come to the world.
Karakura town was one of those places, but that was for his own reasons, not the least of those reasons involved the Quincy, as well as monitoring the former captain Uruhara, the latter of which he had not had much chance to do given recent events.
The disappearance of Rukia Kuchiki also intrigued him and certain would have been a more welcome assignment than this, which would in his opinion be better delegated to the stealth squad.
Complaining however not have helped things any so there was no point to doing such. Even so dealing with the wizards was not particularly pleasant. Their clamoring about or constant questions were rather bothersome and extremely impolite. The lack of respect show to the two captains did little to help their patience with regards to the wizards, the lack of honorifics could possibly been excuse the use of personal names so freely and the lack of etiquette and personal space not so much.
Still they had put up with it, even if by their standards the wizards' manners were worse than Zaraki's, as they would like continue to do so until their mission was completed or they were recalled to soul society.
Hopefully the order to return would come soon, but until that time the two captains were stuck here. Arguably a waste of their abilities and a task the first division lieutenant would have killed to have.
The vizard leaned back, at least if they had been back in the soul society he could have been training. Admittedly he was already beyond the norm for a captain, use of forbidden spells involving time and space to train.
Like Aizen of course he hadn't shown his full capacity, both knew they were holding back, Soi Fong also was aware he was holding back most the time as well.
Unlike Aizen Harry however wasn't yet sure what goal he intended to pursue other than preventing Aizen if the man got out of hand. There was one advantage Harry did have over the Fifth division captain; his hollow abilities.
"Well it'd be within your abilities to destroy the demi hollow
infestation," She remarked, "its well within the abilities you
He snorted yes it was, "Hai," He muttered, "That it
is, however my powers, those powers rather are something I'm not
supposed to use," The Vizard paused "besides the regulations are
still in place."
It was true though the Head Captain had given them his permission that in the event of an emergency that they could remove the seals on their spiritual power while they were on this assignment.
Harry doubted they would need it from what they had seen so far, but it was still somewhat reassuring.
Shinigami abilities, of them he had mastered three of the four basics, Hakuda was the only one he was not a true master of, and even then he was still quite capable, especially with his enhanced strength.
With regards to hollow abilities they were quite advanced, after all he had trained them, somewhat recklessly, through the use of a training ground that distorted time and space. If it came to it he could fight Aizen or Old man Yamamoto on even ground, of course he wouldn't walk away from such a fight unscathed, but he would probably be alive, given the ridiculous regeneration capabilities of the Vizard.
Still if such a no holds barred fight did occur the soul society could well descend into Civil War. Aizen could likewise fight and win against the head captain, and frankly that worried Harry, given he still wasn't sure what the fifth division's captain's true motives were.
Of course the chances of Aizen moving were slim, but the longer he stayed here the more likely it might be for Aizen to act on his ambitions. "You know if I ever left the soul society I'd take you with me right," He stated giving a light smile.
Soi Fong punched him in the arm for that remark… hard.
Chapter conclusion
Helltanz's notes: Okay my update schedule is officialy quite a bit different than what I thought it would have been even six months ago.
Anyway that is six, short yeah