Title: Who We Once Were - Prologue
Rating: PG
Author: Nine -
Summary: An AU taking place after The Mummy, prolly not too far from it. Post TMR...perhaps sorta leading into an AU version. Ardeth dreams of Evy.
Disclaimer: I don't own The Mummy or it's characters, but I do own Ankhwa, Nila, Jahad and Ahmed. :-D

Note: I'm usually an Imhotep/Evy fan, but I couldn't pass this idea up. And please, those Rick/Evyites who may be ah, violently inclined, if you are gonna go off on a tangent in my review please think twice. I wuuuuuv Brendan Frasier. I wuuuv Rick. But my creativity lends itself to loftier works at times and non-canon relationships are a guilty pleasure of mine. Please don't kill me. They're just movies and I...I can...become a doctor maybe and save the world? *friendly wink/smile*

Constructive criticism is one thing.
Mean reviews will only make you look goofy. ;-D


An Egyptian sunset could dazzle one's mind as the sun fell from the sky in an orange and pink blaze. The cool that dusk brought afterwards was also dazzling - in a lulling and soothing sort of way. There was something charmed and mystical about looking over the pyramids with the night sky and moon as their backdrop. And there was a feel in the air that breathed into his very veins constantly - home. Yes, Ardeth Bay had grown up in Egypt, but it was more than just a love of land. It was as if he were - and had always been - a part of Egypt. And still he could find little rest this night.

His dreams were bothered and who couldn't predict that? He'd heard the tales as a child and had sworn his life to live in such mystery, but never did he think he would witness such things he had seen. There had been the chanting at Hamunaptra, yes and the occasional stir of the sand, perhaps a dead horse or two but he'd never really believed he'd see something so sobering as a three thousand year old corpse coming to life and almost bringing the world down around him immediately after awakening. He'd lost his own father to the minions of the creature and had nearly lost himself. Now his sleep would be haunted with these events.

But his dreams weren't always horrific. Bothersome and puzzling, no doubt, but not horrific. They left him wondering exactly what he'd drank the night before. Why would she invade his dreams so? She was very attractive and charming, but he'd seen attractive and charming before and never had it affected his sleep. He'd conceded to logic that perhaps shared stress contributed to this almost delightful madness his dreamscape had taken, but somehow it felt more important than just dreams. But there was little he could do to stop these dreams of Evelyn Carnahan and besides - they amused the hell out of him. Deeper meaning would reveal itself in time if need be.

Laying in his father's bed, now lord of the old curator's manor, Ardeth slept fitfully as images filled his unconscious mind.


She sat there at the edge of the pool, her fingers dipping into the waters every so often. It was strangely familiar, her sitting there in the clothing of an ancient Egyptian princess. Miss Carnahan truly fit into Egypt no matter what time period you set her to. He had this sense of some stand here at the doors and forbid entry to intruders. It was an ancient duty no longer required of his people, but this felt right. And yet, duty or not, he felt an urge to go to her. She turned as he walked towards her and smiled at him as if he were doing something wrong. "Ankhwa," she hissed playfully in the ancient tongue, batting at his legs. "You better go back to your post before one of the other Med-Jai sees you and reports you."

He grinned and sat beside her. It came to his lips naturally. "Nefertiri, Princess, there are no others around this area. You know most of the Med-Jai guard your father this very moment as he travels homeward."

She grinned conspiringly and splashed some of the water up from the pool onto him. "Someone will catch you for sure."

He smiled gently. "Someone has caught me." He reached for her hand as she drew more water to splash him with. Turning her hand up he kissed her palm. He was pleased at her blush.

"Ankhwa," she said in a warning tone as he kissed her wrist. "You must stop! Anck-su-namun is expecting me for lessons and while I," her eyes widened as he kissed her forearm, "while I don't look forward to that," she pulled her arm away, "she'll be angry if I'm late."

He laughed, taking hold of her other arm and starting the kisses all over again. "Your lessons aren't for another hour."

She smiled affectionately and jerked her arm away, resulting in her falling into the pool. "See what you've done," she cried, standing in the waist high water. She pointed at her wet clothes. "Look at me."

He couldn't help but laugh which won him a temperamental glare. "Come to me. I will help you out of there."

At first she wouldn't hear of it, but gradually she began walking towards him, grumbling something about "a pitiful excuse for a Med-Jai" and when she finally reached him, he pulled her up and to his wanting lips. "Med-Jai, you risk yourself," she warned softly as he pulled her from the waters.

"Princess, I care not," was his reply as he pulled her into his embrace once more. He could lose himself easily in the storm of such passion. But such things were not meant for the sun to witness. The mask of night could shield them from prying eyes. Despite the birth of Rameses - Seti's only son - Nefertiri's future was uncertain. He sighed when she pulled away. What hope could he, a Med-Jai, have of taking such a woman to be his wife? It was quite possible she would marry Rameses himself. But it was he that loved her, not her brother. But perhaps the gods would smile on such innocent love. Such rare and honest love. He touched her wet hair. "I will come to you tonight," he whispered, standing and leaving her. As he resumed his post she watched him, longing in her dark eyes. A look he would never forget.


Ardeth woke slowly, opening his eyes and fixing them on the moon outside the window. Such a strange dream, he would have. Never had any of these dreams featuring Evelyn been so detailed and flowing. He'd seen the Egyptian clothing before, seen the night with her in ancient palace gardens, but never had they seemed so real. Getting out of bed, he quietly moved to a chair beside the window. Watching the street he thought about this dream and about the feelings it stirred in him. Smiling quietly and shaking his head, he whispered into the darkness, "Nefertiri." Perhaps this Evelyn had meant more to him at some point in history than he'd imagined.