Here is the next chapter, hope you enjoy!!

5. Toys

The Strahl flew across the Rozzarian Empire to the East, heading for Dalmasca. Vaan was keen to talk about the guards and what in Ivalice was going on, but Basch overruled him, saying it would be best to wait until Balthier and Fran were able to give their side of the story.

Penelo went straight to tend to Balthier and Fran with her magicks. Vaan followed her out as soon as he realised there was to be no further discussion on the mysterious guards. Basch prowled around for a moment, but soon disappeared out the back when Larsa said he was going to get some rest.

"They're sweet," Renne said to Ashe, who was sat at the front of the ship with her, "where's his mother?"

"I don't know," Ashe answered honestly, "I never met her."

She paused a moment before asking, "How long? Until we're safe?"

"It will take the night to cross Rozzaria," Renne said, "we'll have to make a slight detour around the Jagd Yensa, but should be able to make it to Rabanastre by tomorrow evening. From there we can reach Balfonheim in a further day or two, depending on the weather. We should be safe enough there."

"There is no need for detours, the Strahl can fly in Jagd," Ashe said.

"How?" Renne questioned, "the Jagd should make the Skystone drop out of the sky!"

"Spoils of the Draklor Laboratory," Ashe said, remembering Balthier's words to Reddas before they made the trip to Ridorana, "a Skystone unaffected by Jagd."

She watched Renne closely for a reaction, but if the woman felt anything towards the Draklor Laboratory then she didn't show it. Ashe felt a modicum of triumph that she perhaps knew Balthier better than the Gypsy.

"Science will undo this world," Renne said in the end, "now there is no place unattainable by sky."

"Perhaps," Ashe said, "but Draklor at least will ruin no more lives."

"How so?"

"It was stormed, the research destroyed," Ashe said. Its Doctor killed.

"Destroying research will not destroy the legacy Draklor has left behind. It will be many generations before the sting of Nabradia's destruction is no longer felt."

"You had friends there?" Ashe asked.

"Family," Renne said.

"I'm sorry."

The words were so empty, but it was all Ashe had to offer. That and the fact she had forsaken the power of the Occuria, and had not wrought more destruction on Ivalice by fighting fire with fire. How many more kingdoms would have fallen, how many more lives claimed if she had taken her own stone of Deifacted Nethecite?

"You must have much knowledge of the politics of the Empire to know Draklor was behind what happened at Nabradia," Ashe said after a moment.

It was perhaps not appropriate to prod, but Ashe needed to get a feel for this newcomer. How much she knew, how far she could be trusted, her drives and motivations. If someone wished her kingdom overturned, Ashe wasn't about to trust anyone easily.

"I keep my eyes and ears open," Renne said, "when you spend much time wandering, you hear things. The currents that move and shape an Empire often run loudest in dungeons, and I have spent more than my fair share of time in them. But Nabradia, I know not how its destruction was wrought, only that Draklor was somehow behind it. Reddas told me as much before he went there to exact some revenge."

"You knew Reddas?"

"I was a guest in his manse a number of times. He sought to build good relations with our clan in the Steppe, for trade, safe passage and such. We helped keep the population of dangerous creatures under control on the Steppe in return for free medicines and supplies."

"He was a good leader, and a good man," Ashe said.

"A troubled man," Renne said, "and troubled men walk to their own doom seeking redemption. I'm only sorry I did not have the chance to see him again before he died on some distant shore."

A beeping from some part of the Strahl broke the silence that followed and Renne stood to examine some flashing light towards the back of the cabin. Ashe knew little of ship mechanics, but Renne seemed to have it under control, so Ashe took the opportunity to have a good look at the Gypsy woman.

Renne was tall and lithe, much like Fran, and a small, bitter part of the Queen wondered if Balthier liked his women to appear as such. Renne's clothing was, at least, a little more conservative than the Viera's.

She wore shorts of a soft blue, and a simple white vest, but the plainness of her attire was compensated for by the large amount of decorative jewellery she wore. Ashe wondered if this woman had taught Balthier how to accessorise.

Her boots were knee high, made from some animal hide, but not as tough as leather, rather light and flexible, allowing for greater movement. Her hair was tied in two practical bunches either side of her head. The only armour she seemed to wear were leather armguards. Two swords hung from her belt, both short and slightly curved.

Living two years underground with a group of soldiers had taught Ashe much about weapons. Such blades, known as scimitars, were unusual in Dalmasca and Archadia. They were light and somewhat flimsy, not carrying the weight of a regular sword, such as the Durandal that hung at Ashe's waist.

Everything about Renne's weaponry and armour seemed to grant its bearer speed. Ashe wondered if this was a conscious strategic decision on Renne's part, playing to her strengths, or if a lifetime spent running had shaped her choices in a much more subconscious manner.

Penelo left Balthier's room wearied from the magic it had taken to make the Sky Pirate sleep easy. Fran had been less work. The Viera slipped into natural, deep sleep almost by herself. A simple Regen spell was all that Penelo had performed, just to help Fran's natural defences repair.

Vaan was waiting outside for her.

"All done?" he asked.

"All done," she confirmed, yawning widely.

"Woah, you ok?" Vaan asked, putting an arm round her shoulder, "you should lie down, get some sleep."

"I haven't used this much magic since the Bahamut."

"We're both out of practise," Vaan agreed, "a year ago we would have totally kicked those guys' butts!"

"Well, I'm not so sure about that – there was a whole army of them," Penelo laughed.

"We could have taken them!"

The two friends walked to the back of the Strahl, automatically heading to the room they had shared.

"I call top bunk," Vaan said as they entered, and a mad dash for the bunkbed ensued, ending with Vaan on the floor laughing his head off as Penelo wrapped herself up in the blankets on the top bunk.

"Don't mess with me Vaan, I'm still tougher than you!" she giggled, feeling completely happy that she was back with her friends, back in the Strahl, back on another adventure.

The next morning, Balthier woke up confused. For a moment he had no idea where he was, though the change, he had to admit, was welcome. Warm, soft sheets, a comfortable bed, fresh air and bright, natural light beat waking up in dank dungeon.

As he gained a more solid grasp on the waking world, memories of the rescue last night started coming back to him. Renne appearing in his cell, drinking all those potions, feeling his fever abate and the bones in his legs start to knit back together, then Ashe was there. Ashe was there. Balthier smirked to himself at this. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine she would turn up.

Well, he had entertained a few wild dreams during the long, more lucid hours spent locked up.

Then there had been the commotion with the guards. Something about them being much stronger than regular guards. Then they had been outside, and they weren't making fast enough progress, and Renne and Vaan had run off to bring the Strahl back to them…

Renne and Vaan were both fair enough pilots, but Balthier decided it was high time he got up and took control of his beloved airship back into his own hands. He went to the small ensuite bathroom facilities in his room and got cleaned up. When he came back out again, someone had brought him a plate of food.

Balthier didn't think he had ever felt so good in his life. A hot shower, a warm comfortable bed, decent food – these things felt like such distant memories during the last few weeks of his imprisonment. His legs still ached and his muscles were stiff, but the improvement was incredible. He strolled out into the corridor, checking on Fran who was still asleep in the room opposite, before walking towards the front of the ship, stretching his arms and back as he went.

"You look better," he heard Penelo say.

"And I suppose I have you to thank for that," Balthier replied, turning to face her.

The girl blushed a little, but recovered quick enough to retort:

"I think a bath made as much difference as my magic!"

Balthier raised an eyebrow at this. The past year had apparently given her some confidence. Her new choice of outfit certainly spoke of a more mature and confidant Penelo. It made Balthier feel a little old.

"It's good to see you up and about," Penelo said more softly.

"Good to be up and about," Balthier replied, "now where's Renne, I need to tell her off for putting her feet on my ship controls."

"How did you know she did that?" Penelo asked.

"Because she always does," he said with a smirk.

"You might want to thank her for getting you out of that dungeon," Penelo said.

"Later," Balthier said, with a lazy wave, "important matters first."

Penelo rolled her eyes and muttered something about 'boys and their airships'. Balthier didn't stop to point out that he was a man, the leading man, not a boy, and walked on to the front of his ship.

Renne was the only person in the front of the ship. Basch and Larsa were still in their room, Vaan and Penelo enjoying a lazy morning, and Ashe had retired some hours before. The Gypsy girl was dozing in her chair. Balthier resisted the temptation to surprise her awake.

She had grown some. It had been a full two years since he had seen her last, not counting the brief encounter in the dungeon. Their last meeting had been some time before the business in Rabanstre that led to his journey across Ivalice with Ashe. In that time she had gone from girl to woman, though Balthier doubted he would ever stop thinking of her as the child he knew.

"Rabanastre on the horizon," he said to announce his presence.

Renne stirred lazily, opening a single eye to acknowledge his statement.

"She makes good time when you don't have to fly around the Jagd," she said, "playing with your Father's toys?"

"I'm not too proud or ashamed to admit some of his toys were useful," Balthier said, taking his seat.

Renne sat upright, straightening her sleep-tousled hair.

"You seem a little more lucid this morning, how are you feeling?" she asked.

"Better, though it may be a while before I'm best," he responded.

"We're headed for Balfonheim, you can recover in safety there. Your friends can get flights back to their homes from the aerodrome, it services most major cities. You need a haircut," she added.

Balthier ran his fingers through his hair.

"Isn't it dashing?" he asked.

"Scruffy," she said.

Balthier grinned at her.

"I'm sure I can make it work," he said, wiggling his eyebrows a little.

"I'm sure you can," she said dryly, "glad to see your ego survived in tact."

Balthier slouched back in his chair, linking his fingers behind his head. He was the epitome of casual elegance, even with his scruffy hair. Renne rolled her eyes at him and stood up.

"Well, if you're ok to take over here, I'm going to get some sleep. I've been sat up here all night."

"With your feet on the controls, no doubt," Balthier gave her a stern look.

"You know me," she said with a grin.

Balthier pushed himself out of his chair with his arms taking most of his weight. He tried not to wince, but didn't quite manage to catch the last one. Renne shot him a look of sympathy which he waved off.

"It's fine," he said, taking a step forwards, "just a little stiff from all the sitting and lying around I've been doing for months."

He stepped forwards again and stumbled a little. His hand went out to Renne's shoulder to steady himself, and she caught him by the elbows.

"It's fine?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

Balthier smiled, having the good grace to look a little embarrassed. His grip on her shoulder tightened as he wobbled on his feet. He noticed she was almost as tall as him now.

"Thank you," he said, "for getting me and Fran out of there."

"You're welcome," she smiled.

The sound of the door opening caught their attention, and both turned their heads to see Ashe walk in. As Ashe took in their stance she jumped back a little.

"Sorry," she said, "I didn't mean to… interrupt."

"Actually it was perfect timing," Renne said, before she could walk back out of the door, "you come here and help this idiot back to his chair before he falls over so I can go and get some much needed sleep."

Ashe looked awkward, but she nodded and stepped forwards to support Balthier. Renne smiled her thanks, and slipped out of the room. She walked towards the back of the Strahl, her eyes practically closed as her feet found the paths they used to tread regularly.

She entered the room that used to belong to her and nearly walked straight into Penelo.

"Oh, sorry," she apologised to the younger girl, "this used to be my room. I assumed it would still be."

"Oh, I didn't know," Penelo said, "Balthier never men…"

Penelo realised what she was saying a little too late.

"Mentioned me?" Renne finished for her, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of her lips.

Penelo looked embarrassed, though the girl really had no need to be as far as Renne was concerned. She knew the ways of Pirates. They lived in the present – Balthier wouldn't have mentioned her because he wouldn't even have thought of her. She was a welcome interference when she wandered in his life, and no more than a vague memory when she wandered back out of it.

"You can stay here, if you like," Penelo said, "Vaan's gone to talk to Basch and Lamont. I can tell him to stay out."

"You don't mind? I think every other room in this rig is occupied, and to be honest I could use a little rest," Renne said.

"Sure," Penelo said, "mind if I keep you company? Only, I'm sure Amalia and Balthier will want to catch up, and I don't really fancy the boy talk next door…"

Renne gave another slight smirk at Penelo's mention of Ashe and Balthier 'catching up'. She walked over to the wall opposite Penelo's bunk and pushed a small, discreet button. After a moment's mechanical whining a third bed emerged from within the wall. Renne lay down on it and faced Penelo.

"Of course not," she said, "it is your room after all."

When Penelo stuttered a little as she tried to apologise, Renne changed track of conversation.

"You must have some considerable power," she said, "all the magicks you worked last night, and up bright and early this morning."

"I've got nothing on you!" Penelo said, "that spell you used on the guards, I've never seen anything like that before. And turning invisible – I wish I could do that!"

"It's not so hard," Renne said, "I could teach you, if you like."

"Really?" Penelo sat forwards a little on her bunk, "is it not like a big secret?"

"It's only a big secret because people are afraid to learn."

"But am I strong enough?"

"I have no doubt," Renne said with a smile, "it took all the strength I had to perform that little stunt with the guards. You are probably far stronger a mage than I am."

"What was that spell?" Penelo asked.

"It increases the gravity field around the enemy, making them move slower," Renne explained, "perfect for guards already pushed to the limit of their strength by heavy armour."

"That's incredible, I've never even heard of magicks like yours before."

Well, should you wish to stay a while in Balfonheim before flying off wherever it is you plan to go next, I will give you some lessons in the Arcane Arts. But for now, I must rest. It's been a long night."

"So we are headed for Balfonheim?"

"I presume so," Renne said, "unless there is somewhere else everyone wants to be."

"I doubt it," Penelo said, "Balfonheim is about as far from Rozzaria as we can get, which sounds good to me!"

Please review! Xx