Please note: Updated! I changed some little things that were niggling at me. Hopefully they make it better. :D Review if you like.

Ahoyyy! A rereading of TSK gave me inspiration for a scene I have been longing to write for a long time. Hence this "missing scene" from TSK.
I'm not entirely happy with the ending, but try as I might, I coudln't get rid of that awkwardness...IC is welcome to come along and write this scene much better in the Sending! :D

The night was thick with the sounds of voices and the scent of frying fish and exotic spices. But under it all was a sticky humidity that made Rushton long for the cool, thin air of the mountains. Of home.

He and Gwynedd were sitting beside one of the fire-pits discussing the forthcoming voyage to the Red Queen's land when a red-haired man approached and sat beside Gwynedd. Rushton recognised him as the armsman who had taken a liking to Elspeth, and fought the urge to glower at him.

Gwynedd greeted the man warmly and turned to Rushton. "Do you two know each other? Rushton, this is one of my best armsmen, Gilbert. Gil, this is the Master of Obernewtyn, Rushton Seraphim."

"The Master of Obernewtyn," Gilbert remarked as they shook hands. "I've heard a lot about you recently."

"I'm afraid I can't say the same thing. Who has been telling you of me?"

Even though he had complete trust in Elspeth, and her inability to recognise anyone's romantic intentions towards her, Rushton knew that she attracted the admiration of men wherever she went. He could not help but regard this handsome stranger with a degree of caution.

Gilbert smiled. "Ah, I first heard of you from the Misfits who were trapped in the Westland with us. They shared stories of their courageous leader and his awe-inspiring team of guildmasters. And mistresses." He seemed to hesitate before adding, "The Guildmistress Elspeth also educated me on some of your strengths."

This thought cheered Rushton considerably. "And what did she tell you were my strengths?"

"She didn't so much as tell me, but it is obvious to me that any man worthy of the guildmistress's affections must be unique indeed."

Gwynedd chuckled, "Elspeth Gordie is a unique woman, certainly. Co-ordinating the demise of the Herder Faction and then riding off into the sunset on the back of a shipfish? Amazing."

Rushton smiled. "You have no idea," he remarked drily. "I didn't even have any idea just how unique she was until recently. She is ever full of surprises."

Another of Gwynedd's armsmen came over and bent to speak into his Chieftain's ear. "You'll have to excuse me for a moment," Gwynedd asked as he rose to his feet. "There is a matter I must attend to." He disappeared among the tents, accompanied by the armsman.

Gilbert appeared to have barely registered his departure, and was staring almost morosely into the fire. "Does she have flaws?" he asked suddenly.


"Elspeth. I assume she has some flaws. It's just…I spent nearly five years thinking she was perfect…" he trailed off.

"Five years?" Rushton's suspicion doubled.

Gilbert nodded in an affirmative. "Five years spent aspiring to the woman I thought I lost, the life I thought I lost." He let out a disparaging laugh. "Only to find she was Landborn, Misfit and famous! And completely above me."

Now Rushton was completely bewildered. "Where did you meet her five years ago?"

"Henry Druid's camp. I was his head armsman when she and her friends were taken prisoner. They were thought to be gypsies who had come from the high mountains. They escaped, and I thought she was killed rafting through the Suggredoon under Tor." Gilbert's voice held an underlying current of pain that told Rushton just how much Elspeth had affected the armsman.

Despite the fact that here was a potential rival for his woman, he felt pity for the man. Lud knew he had been in his situation. "If it's any consolation, we all thought she was dead too. For 3 moons it was assumed she perished in the firestorm that razed the White Valley. And believe me, she has flaws."

"Yes?" Gilbert implored.

"She is horrendous at dealing with emotions. And you always get the feeling that no matter how well you know her, she hasn't told you everything about herself. She is like a piece of smoke in your hand." Rushton vividly recalled the time he had said that to Elspeth herself. "And it is extremely hard to get her away from her animals."

"That black horse, and the cat?"

"Gahltha and Maruman, yes. They go where she goes. And I know she tells them more than she tells any human." An old jealousy infused Rushton's voice. "And she is utterly unaware of the influence she has on people. Mainly men. Is that enough flaws for you?"

"She certainly seems more human now. But still unattainable." He sighed.

Rushton fixed him with a glare. "To you, yes."

Gilbert let out a chuckle. "Relax, I'm not out to take her from you. She has made it perfectly clear where her affections lie."

This remark made Rushton feel distinctly elated. And desperate to find Elspeth.

Both men looked up as Gwynedd returned to the fireside. "Sorry about that," he excused. "Apparently there is a man here who has intimate knowledge of the slave trade. I went to speak with him, but it seems he cannot be found."

"Who is this?" Rushton asked curiously.

"A man named Daffyd."

"I know him." Both Gilbert and Rushton said at the same time, and looked at each other astonished. "He is a Misfit who lost several of his loved ones to slavers," Rushton added.

"Truly? Would you know where to find him?"

"No, but Elspeth would be able to scry him out for you, if he is here in Sador."

Gwynedd looked thoughtful. "Gilbert, would you go and look for either Daffyd or Elspeth, please? I need to speak with him."

Gilbert nodded and rose. "It was a pleasure speaking with you, Rushton."

"Likewise," Rushton replied, his heart feeling much lighter. They may love the same woman, but she loved only him. Unique, indeed.

Pllllleeeeeeaaaassssseeeeeee review! I'm desperate for feedback on this story! :D And I already have the next chapter of this planned out, so hopefully it won't be too long in coming.