
A week later, Tim snuck into NCIS all by himself. Well, snuck was probably the wrong word. That implied some level of stealth, and with the cane he was using, clomped was probably a better description of his method of entry. No one was around. He was early. He had planned on coming to put all of his stuff back in and on his desk and to clean up anything that might have been messed with in his absence. He was also worried that Abby would go back on her promise that she wouldn't try to throw a party for him. He really didn't want to get in trouble again, and having a party celebrating his return after his embarrassing dismissal was probably not the way to win back confidence.

As he approached his desk, he was surprised at how orderly it was, almost as if someone had cleaned and straightened it for him. A small smile lit up his face. He limped over to his desk and sat down at it, relishing the feeling. He was back where he belonged. His smile grew wider as he put his personal items back on his desk. It wasn't that there were a whole lot of things that he had wanted to return, but it was just the action of actually doing it, reasserting his ownership of the desk, that made all the difference in the world. He didn't actually do anything; he just sat quietly and basked in the feeling of being back at NCIS.

"McGee!" Gibbs shouted at him as he stepped off the elevator.

Tim shot to his feet and winced a little as he put too much weight on his injured leg. "Yes, Boss?"

"Are you supposed to be here?"

For a horrible instant, Tim thought Gibbs was questioning his rehiring and it must have shown on his face because Gibbs elaborated. "Aren't you supposed to be recuperating still?"

Tim's heart started beating regularly again. "I start desk duty today, Boss."

Gibbs didn't respond directly. "Abby's been pestering me about when you'd be coming back; go down to the lab and see her so she'll get back to work."

"Yes, Boss!" In his haste, Tim momentarily forgot his need for ambulatory assistance, took a step and nearly fell. Not daring to look at Gibbs, he turned around, grabbed the cane and clomped to elevator. He was surprised when Gibbs got on the elevator as well. They rode in awkward silence, at least it was awkward on Tim's end. He had no idea how Gibbs was feeling as he looked characteristically unruffled. The elevator stopped at the lab and Tim got off... followed by Gibbs.

Okay, this is really weird. Why is Gibbs following me? The sanity of the world was still a bit precarious as far as Tim was concerned. He wondered when, or if, things would return to normal. He limped into the lab and there was silence... no music, no lights even. Yes, the world was still a little crazy. Gibbs wasn't saying anything, and Tim didn't dare turn around and ask him what he was doing there. Suddenly, a spotlight turned on and blinded him. Seconds later, pounding music joined the mix. It was loud, but it wasn't Abby's usual music. What was it? Tim's face turned a brilliant shade of red as he recognized the dulcet tones of They Might Be Giants. It wasn't the song he'd sung to Ziva. He still recognized it right away.

"Sing along, Tim!" Abby's voice came from the darkness beyond the bright light. "I know you know the words!"

"Come on, Probie!" Tony's voice added to the mix, as did Ziva's with added encouragement: "You sing better than they do, McGee!"

He couldn't see any of them. He knew Gibbs must still be right behind him, and he couldn't turn around and look. What would he say?

What he ended up saying shocked Tim more than a million volts of electricity could have.

"What are you waiting for, McGee?"

Completely stunned by Gibbs' wry question, Tim couldn't say a single word.

Then, Abby gave him a brief respite by saying, "I know which song you need to sing, Tim. I'll bet you know it, too. It was probably your theme song!"

"Um, Abby...?"

"Nope, nothing doing, Tim. I didn't tell everyone about this, just the team. You're not even in trouble!" She found the appropriate song. "Sing, Tim! Sing!"

Ziva stepped to the edge of the spotlight and gave him a significant look, reminding him of what she had said before.

Tim looked back and forth between Ziva to the blank spaces where he was sure Tony and Abby were waiting. He started to laugh helplessly and closed his eyes. Then, predictably, he began to sing along, word for word, note for note.

"There's only one thing that I know how to do well and I've often been told that you only should do what you know how to do well and that's be you. Be what you're like. Be like yourself..."

As the chorus continued, Tim was surprised that Tony and Ziva joined in, as did Abby. She started rocking out in front of the spotlight, casting strange shadows on Tim's face. Finally, the song was done, Tim was still blushing furiously and the spotlight went out. When the regular lights came back on, Tim was face to face with a very small cake reading, "Welcome back, Agent McGee!" In fact, the cake was so small that the last two 'e's were falling off the side.

"Welcome back, Tim," Abby said, hugging him tightly. Then, she looked past him to Gibbs. "Well, Gibbs? Short and sweet enough?"

Tim finally screwed up his courage enough to turn back to Gibbs. Far from looking annoyed, he looked quite amused.

He raised an eyebrow and said, "Yes, Abby. Short enough. Now, McGee, you have files to go through up at your desk, and the rest of you, we have a case, so get back to work!"

The team scattered and Tim went back up to his desk. He was disappointed at not being able to go out into the field yet, but he was back and soon he would be doing all the things he loved to do. People wandered in and out of the bullpen throughout the day, as usual. Many of them welcomed him back, but it was all hurried and Tim was able just to smile and thank them before getting on with his own work.

The end of the work day approached stealthily, and suddenly it was time to leave. Tim started gathering his reports and filing them all away, relishing the fact that he was doing something he loved. He stood and turned to leave. Gibbs was right there... Tim would never figure out how he could just appear like that.

"Here, Boss," he said, quickly handing him his final reports.

Gibbs took them without comment and put them on his desk. Tim expected nothing more and headed toward the elevator. Then, just as the doors began to close, Gibbs said, "McGee!"

"Yes, Boss?"

"Welcome back."

Tim grinned widely. He couldn't help it. "Thanks, Boss!" The doors closed.