A/N: This story started out as an experiment to see if I could avoid dropping into angst at every opportunity. It's mostly successful with only occasion dips at that bottomless well. You can be the judge. I hope you enjoy it! References to events in seasons 3 & 4, but not season 5 because I wrote most of it before season 5 started.

Disclaimer: Of course, they're not mine. If they were, I'd be rich and not living in a rented basement.

Chapter 1

"Oh, no." The words weren't spoken so much as exhaled.

At first, Abby didn't pay much attention. Tim usually got so uptight about his work that he thought his life was over at least three times a day. He still hadn't learned the fine art of discerning when things were really important and when the bosses were just trying to be difficult. Then, when she glanced over, she saw in his eyes that this was a real "oh no" moment.

"What happened, McGee?"

"She's going to kill me, Abby. And when Gibbs finds out, he'll probably dig up my body and kill me again."

"What did you do?"

"They're gone. Every single one."

"What do you mean they're gone? That's impossible. They can't just be gone. They have to be somewhere." Abby walked over to where Tim had been working. She leaned over him and starting searching.

Tim pushed her hands away. "They're not. I've been trying to find them for the last hour."

"And you didn't say anything?"

"I was too busy watching my life flash before my eyes." Tim closed his eyes and grimaced. This was very bad. "I have to go tell her."

"Want some moral support?"

"No. I'll be okay. She can't commit murder in the middle of a federal building." Tim tried to smile, but Abby could see how sick he was at having lost the entire case. She didn't blame him. He was in big trouble. She couldn't figure out how a computer geek like Tim could just lose a whole set of files. Tim stood up and looked like a man heading to the firing squad.


"Hey, McGeek. How goes the file hunting?" All Tony knew was that Tim was doing some extra work for the Director while they had some down time. Gibbs and Ziva were assisting another team in clearing a massive crime scene and Tony was catching up on weeks worth of unfiled reports. Gibbs had threatened to kill him if he didn't get them done. He looked up as Tim walked past him to the stairs. He was pale and didn't respond to the teasing at all.

"McGee, what's wrong?"

Tim didn't respond, didn't even slow down as he climbed the stairs to Director Shephard's office. Tony was slightly worried, but sat back down and continued his own work. Tim was in the office a long time. Suddenly, the door opened and Tim came out. As he walked down the steps, Tony glanced up and then stared. Tim looked, if anything, much worse than he had when he'd ascended.

"McGee, what's going on?"

Tim didn't say a word until he'd reached the bottom. Then, he looked at Tony and said weakly, "Where's Gibbs?"

"He and Ziva are clearing a crime scene. Why?"

In the same weak voice, he said, "Oh, no reason. Do you have a box on hand that I could use?"

"Um, sure." Tony handed Tim a cardboard box left from his last computer replacement.

"Thanks." As if in a trance, Tim walked over to his desk and started to put his personal items in the box.

"Whoa, McGee, what are you doing?"

"Packing my things."


"I-I just got fired."


"I screwed up big time, Tony. Director Shephard fired me."

"You must be mistaken."

"No," he said and laughed. His laughter was tinged with hysteria. "She was very clear."

"Just wait until Gibbs gets back. He can clear this up."

Tim shook his head. "I have ten minutes to clear out my desk and leave the premises. I don't want to leave anything behind for my replacement."

"Replacement? Now, I know you're kidding, McGee."

Again, with a hopeless look in his eyes, Tim shook his head. "She started to look for another agent while I was still in the room."

"What did you do?"

Tim just shook his head once more and looked at his desk. He'd never kept many personal items there. It was just his desk. Not anymore. Now, it would belong to someone else.


"I lost the files. All of them. I was working through them and then they were gone."

"What files?"

"The-the ones that–" Tim broke off. This wasn't supposed to be common knowledge as yet. Not until I finished my assessment, he thought ironically. "The files the Director had asked me to analyze. They're gone and I don't know how it happened."

"And she fired you?"

"Yes." Tim looked around once more and then started to walk to the elevator.

"Wait, McGee. Wait for Gibbs."

Once more, Tim shook his head. "Thanks, Tony. Bye." He stepped on the elevator and Tony watched helplessly as his colleague just seemed to disappear.