This is nonsense, just so you know.

A/N: Oops, it's Naruto's birthday today! Goodness, why can I not just be like regular people and wish him a 'Happy Birthday!' instead of writing lame stories and poems:laughs:

Thanks, Nadra, for rush beta-reading this! Sorry for making you read something in such a rush so I can post it up!

Beta-read by Nadramon.


It's one of those days when the world won't spin
And you know it's wrong
When the birds will stare and the rain will fall
And the moths will run and the leaves will cry

And you know it's wrong

It's one of those days when you see it now
And you feel it come
And the day you shatter
And break and shun

It's one of those days with your heart all aflutter
And your mind isn't right
And your mouth is dry
And you know that and so do I

Yet one of those days will change your life
Will pull you apart and examine you
Will push you away, away
Like another useless, worthless thing

And you know it's wrong

It's one of those days when I love you
And you won't say
The things I want

When the words are broken
And make no sense
But you love me
And you won't say

The things I want

You look at me
Like you don't know
But it's true, you do
But you won't say

Is it 'cause the world will see?
The things you do
The things you are?

Is it 'cause I am me?
And you are you
And the worlds apart
Have split us again?

Is it 'cause she loves you too
But you don't care
And I see it there
And you won't say it any more

Is it 'cause she loves me too
And you don't like that
Nothing to do
Can't stop this from happening

And you know it's wrong

But you won't say the thing
I want to hear
And you will kill us
With your lonely silence

Is it 'cause the world is cruel
And we are the same
But not quite yet?
Is it just your mind you hear?

Is it 'cause we both are here
And you are looking at me
As if you don't know
And the world will stop

And they will look

And you know it's wrong

But you won't say

The things I want to hear

I see myself in your black eyes
My wavering smile and my deep, deep sighs
And all that want you have within that gaze
Makes me want to cry again

I see myself in your black eyes
My whiskered cheeks and bright, bright hair
So different from you
But we are the same

You see yourself in my blue eyes
That cold, cold look
That thin line: lips
Your want and need

You see yourself in my blue eyes
That careless smirk
That ardent wish
But you won't say

What I want to hear

And it's one of those days
All over again

When I want to yell
And scream
And cry

And you won't care
And I know that

Because you are you
And I am me

But you won't say
What I want to hear

So what to do but to walk away
Then we can meet again one day

It's one of those days when the world won't spin
And I know why
You don't dare to speak

The things that I truly want to hear you say

Why is it that
I love you so
And you do too
But you don't care

But what to do but to walk away
Then we can meet again another day

Why is that
You hate me
Yet I love you
And you don't care

Why is that
She loves you
And you have no concern
And it breaks my heart

This unreturned love

Why is that
She loves me
And you know it
But won't stop that

This unreturned love

Why is that
The world won't spin
And the birds won't sing
And the leaves will cry

Why is that
The world won't spin

Won't spin for me
Won't spin for me

I can't get over this trivial thing
The world won't spin
Not for me
Not for me

I love you,
Why can't you say?
Is it 'cause I am me
And you are you?

I love you,
Why can't you say?
Is it 'cause you love me too?
And why is that?

I love you,
Why can't you say?

You won't say the things
I want to hear

So the world has stopped

And won't spin
Won't spin

For you
For you

For me
For me

The world has stopped
But this feeling won't

I love you

And you won't say

What I want to hear


A/N: By the way, this is one of the two stories I wrote in honor of Naruto's birthday. Check out the other one too, if you will, please!

I will gladly answer any questions you guys have in case you need any clarification!