A/N: Okay I know I said that chapter nine was the last chapter but I've been getting reviews for an epilogue so I started one and here it finally is. The first part is mostly Severus/Narcissa but this is a Draco/Ginny fic so that will be the focus.
Ginny stood in awe of the manor that sprawled before her. Her grip tightened on Draco's hand. "Are you sure that your mother isn't just going to try and kill me when we see her? She wasn't that pleasant the last few times I saw her."
Draco smiled at his nervous girlfriend as they walked toward the entrance to his home. "Mother will be fine. Remember that she's the one who invited you in the first place."
She did remember, but that didn't make the fear dissipate. "I'm trusting you here Draco. You've already met all of my family and survived, your family is another matter entirely. I mean your father was a psychotic bastard, your aunt is in prison and your mother seems kind of bipolar." They stopped outside the entrance and Draco leaned down to kiss her. His tongue met hers for a quick dance before he pulled away again.
"Let's go Gin." As they walked through the doors Ginny's hand tightened once more on his.
"Draco, Ginevra, it's so good to see you again." Narcissa was hugging both of them at once and kissing Ginny's cheek. Chocolate eyes wide, Ginny looked for some means of escape before they landed on Snape standing in the background. She tugged at Draco's hand to direct his attention to the man standing behind Narcissa.
"Snape, what are you doing here?" The confusion in Draco's voice was apparent as he let go of Ginny's hand and walked toward Snape.
"Darling, now isn't the time for questions. " Narcissa interrupted her son and grabbed his arm to intercept him simultaneously. "You've had a long trip and I'm sure you're ready for supper." She looped her arm through his, leaving Severus to escort Ginny to the dining room.
So Severus wound Ginny's arm around hers and dragged her after Narcissa and Draco. He leaned down and whispered in her ear. "She takes a bit of getting used to." Ginny looked up, shocked that he was even talking to her outside the school capacity. "I've known her for years and her moods change faster than the weather. Draco is used to it, but I can see how it could be a bit off-putting. Just give her a chance."
She smiled up at him briefly. "I'm beginning to understand that. And I fully intend to give her a chance; I do love her son and no matter what happens I willing to make an effort." They had reached the door that Draco and Narcissa had already disappeared through when Ginny came to a halt. "Do you know what's going to happen today? All I saw last night was her sitting us down for a 'serious' talk."
Severus laughed, only making Ginny's expression more severe. "Yes, I do know what's going on. I am not however going to tell you what it is because half of it is not my business."
"But the other half is your business?" The only thing that Ginny could coax from him before they he sat her at the table was a smirk.
Dinner was a quiet affair, not like the rowdy meals at the Burrow. Ginny was decidedly uncomfortable. When it was over they adjourned to the parlor for drinks.
Ginny and Draco finally settled on the chaise lounge with strong coffee Narcissa cleared her throat and Ginny knew that the talk she had seen was about to happen so she settled in for a shock.
Snape took a seat on the couch across from Draco and Ginny and watched Narcissa pace the floor in between the two seats. "Cissa, why don't you sit down? It might be easier to talk to them when you're calmer."
"Oh you're one to talk. As I recall you told me that I had to do this myself and that even though I told you to tell him you were going to put that responsibility on me. So I don't want to hear a sodding word out of you."
Never in his life had Draco heard his mother so flustered let alone use that type of language. "Mother you're making me nervous would you please get to the point." She sat down next to Snape and he swiftly wrapped his arm behind her torso. It was such an intimate pose but Draco didn't have time to process that information before his mother was speaking again.
"I need to start at the beginning I suppose, so my first year at Hogwarts. And I don't want any interruptions until I'm completely finished telling you all of this." At their nods of agreement Narcissa continued. "I'm going to make this as short as possible. I was so tired of hiding from everyone when I started school, I felt alienated from my family and then I started having these dreams. I started knowing things about my classmates that I had just met the day before.
"Now Ginevra, before you ask, no I don't have the same kind of visions you do. I only hear things in my sleep, later on in my life because I knew so many people when I would have my visions I could eventually put faces to most of them. I was still learning to cope with all of this when I had a vision about this slimy character a year older than me announcing our engagement. So I decided that I would stay as far as I could from Lucius Malfoy."
Narcissa paused for a moment to grip the hand that was wrapped around her stomach. He seemed to give her the strength to continue with her story. "It was my fifth year that I met my best friend. He was the only person that I ever confided my secret in before this very moment and he confided in me just as much. We were as close as two friends could be." Severus' thumb glided over the back of her hand and he pressed a kiss to her cheek.
Smiling at him she began speaking again. "By the time I graduated I knew that I was starting to fall in love with this man, but I knew that he was in love with somebody else. He was fourteen and already he had fallen for that sla…never mind. Anyway we continued to correspond with each other for the next five years until he graduated.
"I still remember the day that he graduated." Now she was leaning against Snape's shoulder, there was no mistaking the intimacy of their interaction. "He came to me absolutely heartbroken. Lily had chosen James over him and he came to me for comfort. That was the one time that we were together before I got married. One night of fantastic, passionate, angry sex." When her son's face blanched she grew slightly irritated. "Oh Draco don't give me that look."
Untangling himself from his lover's embrace he poured a drink for her then sat back down beside her. "Are you sure that you want to finish this tonight?"
She downed the drink in one swallow and nodded. "It was a couple of week later that my father held a party. I remember that that was the night Lucius stood in front of that formally dressed crowd and proposed to me. I was standing by my father and Severus, shaking my head in denial when my father leaned down to whisper in my ear, 'This isn't a choice dear. Now put on a smile and go up to your fiancé.' That's exactly what he said to me you know. At the end of the fete I found Severus and talked to him." The tears started gathering in her eyes and she had to stop talking.
"I believe the exact thing that she said to me was, 'I will always love you…you know that right?' and when I looked at her shocked, 'I'm sorry it was only once and I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you before it was too late.' She kissed my cheek and walked away from me. And when she looked back at me I could see the tears glistening in her eyes. I knew in that moment that I never wanted to see her cry again." His arms wrapped around Narcissa and let her cry into his shoulder.
As soon as she calmed down enough she looked at her son and Ginny. "Your father was never a good husband, Draco. He was cold and…and…well he was just a bastard. So while I was married to Lucius, Severus and I decided that if he was allowed to find company outside the marriage bed then I was as well." Their hand's linked and they held on to each other for strength. "I hope that this isn't too much of a shock for you right now. I know that you just graduated Ginny and Draco is going to be taking over Malfoy Enterprises in the next week or so. I just didn't want any of the rumors about Severus and me to reach you before we had explained."
Ginny was the first to speak. "Thank you for including me in this Mrs. Malfoy, I'm honored. Is there any way that I could speak with you privately about these visions?" It wasn't that she was enthusiastic about being alone with her boyfriend's mother; she knew that he would want to talk with Severus.
Both women's hands unwrapped from their respective lovers grasps reluctantly and they adjourned to a different room. "What exactly did you want to know, Ginevra?"
The older woman looked terrified and Ginny could think of nothing to say, so she started laughing. "I'm sorry Mrs. Malfoy; it's just that this is so awkward."
"Yes I know what you mean. I wasn't even planning on saying anything about the precognition until after you two got married…oops." Her voice trailed off.
"Its fine, I already knew as well. I'm just keeping quiet until he decides it's the right time." She sat down and Narcissa followed suit. "But honestly, I just wanted to give those two time to talk it out."
So they sat and made idle chitchat as the two men resolved whatever they needed to resolve. When Draco walked through the adjoining doors they were both back in fantastic moods.
"Well I see you two are getting on well. Are you ready to join us again?" He was amused by the complete understanding that now existed between the two women.
The younger was first to get up and she went to Draco, wrapping her arm around his back. "I believe we are ready." In a quieter voice she added, "Are you doing okay?" He nodded in the affirmative and they moved into the other room with Narcissa following them.
Severus was standing when they came back through the doorway and he and Narcissa immediately excused themselves for the night. Once they were out of sight Ginny pressed her lips to Draco's. "Let's go to bed Draco."
When she tugged on his hand though, he didn't budge. He smiled down at her. "How about just one glass of wine and we'll go up?" She sat back down on the chaise and let him pour two glasses of Chablis waiting for him. He set his glass of wine on the end table before handing her the other and kneeling before her.
"Ginevra, I know that you just graduated, I just can't wait any longer. I love you more than I have ever loved anyone and I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" He pulled an engagement ring out of his pocket and held her left hand.
"Oh Draco, yes of course I will." She let him slide the ring onto her finger and slipped her arms around him, careful not to spill the wine still in her right hand. She held onto him as she stared at the ring on her finger. It was yellow gold with a large princess cut diamond and two emeralds offsetting the clear stone. It fit her perfectly, size and style.
Draco picked his fiancé up off the chaise and leaned over to let her retrieve his wine before carrying her to his bedroom. He gently set her on the bed, taking the glasses and depositing them on the nightstand. "I love you so much." He turned back to her, crawling across the bed to kiss her.
"I love you too Gin." He murmured against her lips before claiming them in a searing kiss. His tongue delved into her mouth to meet hers in a slick passionate validation of love. Their hands roamed, slowly undoing layers of clothing until skin pressed against skin.
Ginny's lips moved along Draco's jaw line trailing down his neck to nip at the pulse she felt under her mouth. He stroked his fingers down her side, making her giggle slightly. Lips followed fingers caressing Ginny's pale freckled skin to her puckered nipples, laving and nipping at the sensitive skin. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as his tongue and lips moved over her breasts.
Finally he moved back up to her lips, both of them too impatient for too much foreplay. When he drove himself into her their pace was languid. Each meeting the other with every shift. His lips continued to move against hers as they made love constantly caressing. When the pressure began to build inside both of them Draco started moving faster. The wave of pleasure crashed over them as he gave one last forceful thrust.
He rolled to the side as they came down from their blissful peaks, pulling her up against his side and stroking her hair. "Merlin, I love you." She smiled against his chest pressing a kiss to his nipple before rolling away from him.
"Wine?" The glass was handed to him and they sat in bed celebrating their pending nuptials. Their hands linked as the sipped the blood red wine. Tomorrow they would tell the Weasleys. They would give Narcissa and Molly a year to plan the wedding with Ginny. But for now they would bask in the afterglow.
(Seriously this time)