Sorry about taking so long, coming up with a decent JJBA crossover is MUCH harder than it sounds. The reason being, I'm trying to keep this from going down the DBZ route, where everyone starts flying around chucking energy blasts.

Battles between Stand users are not always regulated to Punch in Face. Sometimes whole chapters can go buy before the hero lands so much as a rabbit punch on the attacker, because their ability makes it hard to get close to them.

Example: Jolyne and Weather Report Versus Jumpin' Jack Flash.

Another Example: Polnareff and Iggy Versus Vanilla Ice(Iced).

Stand Battles are Half Mental, Half Physical in NAture, if your ability is weaker than the opponents, then you need to think of a way to use it to your advantage.

Example: Jotaro could initially only stop time for a split second when he first learned how. However, he stopped time WHILE Dio stopped time, making the Tyrant believe that his Five second limit had lengthened, when in fact, Jotaro was getting ready to Ora-Ora him into oblivion.

That said, Let's geddit'on!

Heaven or Hell?!


The Hunger.

"We'll leave Ino-kun in my office for now." Hiruzen noted, leading the way to the giant, oaken doors and pulling out a key from inside his coat "I'm the only one with the key to this room, it's the most secure office on the property."

"If you say so Saru-ji," Naruto muttered, inwardly marvelling at the size of the old man's office, taking in the giant, oak bookshevles along both walls, filled with old, dusty tomes and the occasional inkwork painting 'Man! The décor for this place must cost more than my rent for a year!'

"This looks reasonably secure enough." Neji agreed, noting the overall secutirty of the office with approval, before shooting his cousin a strict look "Hanabi-sama, you are to remain in this room, is that clear?"

"But I wanna look for neechan too!" Hanabi insisted, the youngest Hyuuga looking into her older cousin's eyes with a stubbornness that reminded him far to much of a certain Yankee for his comfort "I can help! I have-!"

"No idea the of the nest of vipers you've just walked into." Neji cut in, narrowing his eyes at the girl to make it clear he wasn't about to budge an inch on the subject "I'm already breaking protocol by allowing one of the Yankee's friends to guard you in my stead, I will not allow you to purposefully put yourself in danger."

"If you're gonna insult me, have the balls to say it to my face teme." Naruto growled, earning a glare from Neji for his trouble "And leave my friends out of it while you're at it, hating me's one thing, don't pin your grief on them just because they've good taste in friends."

"If we had good taste, would we be hanging out with you I wonder?" Shikamaru opined with a snort, earning a glare from Naruto and a snort from Kiba "Wari-wari…but Naruto makes a good point." He insisted, locking gazes with Neji "Out of all of us, Chouji's stand has the highest attack power, but slowest speed, him babysitting sleeping beauty and your cousin in this office would serve us a lot better than letting them run around, getting caught up with whatever's about to go down."

Neji sniffed, looking over the lazy teen appraisingly, unable to refute the logic of his words, before shooting Chouji a harsh glare that set the large teen on edge "If so much as a HAIR on Hanabi-sama's head is harmed, you will answer to ME." He warned, turning on his heel and marching out of the office.

"Don't let him get to you." Tenten assured the chubby teen, patting him on the shoulder camaradiely, a grin on her face "He's just got this 'overprotective big brother' complex that makes him come off as cold if you don't know him."

"I live with him," Hanabi countered, the pouting pre-teen looking up with at the braided girl with a deadpan expression on his face that spoke volumes of her relationship with her elder Cousin "and he ALWAYS acts like that."

"Y'see?" Tenten chirped, the braided teen ruffling the Hyuuga's hair teasingly, earning an annoyed huff from Hanabi, before skipping off after her roomate with the grace of a cat "He's really protective!"

"Is everyone that goes to this campus completely fucked up in the head?" Kiba muttered, sweatdropping as he listened to Tenten catch up to Neji, their voices fading round a far corner into one wing of the campus, only to baulk as someone smacked him upside the head.

"Such unyouthful words will not be tolerated, Kiba-kun!" Lee chastised the cursing teen, his eyes blazing with righteous fury "A potty mouth will stifle your flames of youth and cause you to become nothing but a thug!"

"That hurt, yaro!" Kiba snarled, canines lengthening instinctively from the pain, only to choke as Lee grabbed him by his jacket collar and dragged him off to their chosen sector "I CAN WALK DAMMIT!"

"Sempai always was good with animals." Shino noted in his usual monotone, earning snickers from Naruto, Hanabi and Chouji, while Shikamaru and Hiruzen settled for snorting and chortling softly to themselves.

"Yosh, let's do this!" Naruto urged with a grin, pumping his fist as he rotated his shoulders eagerly "I haven't had a chance to bust loose since I got here, time to kick ass and take names."

"Please try to limit the damage to school property while you're at it would you?" Hiruzen asked, looking over the blonde hellion with that odd twinkle in his eye "Unless of course you feel like footing the bill for the damages?"

"You sure you're not working with Orochi-teme, Saru-ji?" Narut muttered, sufficiently chastened as he sauntered off after the old man, making a mental note not to smash anything that lookd expensive as Shino and Shikamaru went their own way, the silent duo making their way to the rooftops to get a better view of the area.


"They're left the Dean's office." A shadowy figure noted, her eyes narrowing as she watched their opponents separate into several different groups "Two men to a cell, Sarutobi-Sensei is one of them, the other are Hyuuga Neji-sempai and his Roomate, Saotome Tenten."

"Good work." Sasuke's voice noted over the phone, his tone dark and authoritative as he processed the information his spy had sent him "See to it that Orochimaru is informed accordingly."

"Are you sure we should be so…forthcoming, Sasuke?" the informant muttered, watching the groups' departure like a hawk "I mean, couldn't we take them out ourselves? If we could contact Yamanaka…"

"Leave her." The Uchiha ordered, his voice decidedly cold, earning a shiver from his informant despite the distance between them "She couldn't finish the job, so Orochimaru sent one of his own to clean up after her."

"Not…HIM?" the informer queried, shivering once again as a fresh feeling of dread and revulsion washed over her, as she envisioned one member of the serpent's inner circle in particular with LESS than fond memories.

"No," Sasuke countered, the informant lettign out a sigh of relief at the good news "Orochimaru's being incredibly selective with his deployment these days…apparently a group of rats in the nest doesn't rate getting HIM involved."

"If you say so." The infromant agreed, inwarldy suppressing a small flutter in her heart at how cool the Uchiha sounded, like the leader of an organsisation conversing with his trusted agents on a secure line, rather than a teenage boy sneaking behind his teacher's back.

"There's no telling if this line is secure." Sasuke stated flatly, the teen's words shattering the informer's phantasy like cheap glass with his bluntness "Pull back for now and keep me posted later."

"Hai…I understand." The informer submitted, hanging up the phone and slipping it back into it's holder on her belt, pushing her glasses up on her nose as she moved to a more secure location to inform Orohimaru.


"So your name's Hyuuga Hanabi-chan, right?" Chouji noted, looking over the immense bookcase in wonderment whilst keeping an eye on the little girl and Ino, the blonde resting on the dean's couch with a blanket pulled over her, Hanabi sitting on the man's desk, kicking her feet against the sides.

"Just call me Hanabi." The youngest Hyuuga insisted, not looking up from her feet as she tapped her heels against the dean's hardwood desk, deliberately marring the polish "Only my sister can call me Hanabi-chan."

'Naruto called you that earlier and you didn't say anything.' The chubby teen noted flatly, but wisely decided against voicing his opinion on the matter in favor of pressing on "So…what's your familly like?"

"Isn't that kinda rude to ask someone you've just met?" Hanabi pointed out, the youngest Hyuuga not caring if she came off as cold and insulting, as she clearly didn't like the fact she was being babysitted.

"I suppose that's true." Chouji agreed, too good natured to let the barbs of a child get under his skin, stepping away from the literary works to face the girl with a smile "I suppose I should go first huh?"

"If you want." Hanabi quipped, shrugging offhandedly as she resumed her tapping of the desk, her breath rising and falling in pace, though she made no audible noise. If Anyone paid attention, they'd notice that her inhalations lasted almost two minutes.

"Well, my familly ain't as well known as yours obviously." Chouji admitted, rubbing the back of his neck as he sat down in a comfy armchair across from the girl "But you ask anyone in East Konoha who's got the best goods and snacks, they'll tell you Akimichi Groceries all the time."

He grinned at her dubious expression, before reaching into his back pocket and pulling out a packet of chips, popping it open and offering her it "Go on, try one!"

Hanabi blinked, honestly wondering where on earth the big guy had been storing the oversized bag, before shrugging offhandedly and biting down on one of the potatoe snacks, her eyes widing as the taste washed over her "Sugoi-!"

"I got other flavors too!" Chouji admitted, pulling out several others for emphasis as Hanabi looked on in awe "And I got sweets too! Dango, choco-giri, candy bars…" he chuckled nervously "Damn, s'like I packed for a picnic…huh?"

The stout teen blinked as Hanabi gazed at the assembled snacks, her eyes wide with awe as she looked between them as if they were the promised land, uncertain as to whether she should reach out and touch them or not. "S'matter, never tried any of these before?" He asked, only to blink as Hanabi gave a small shake of her head "Well that wont do…" he unwrapped a chocolate onigiri "Here, try this first!"


Ino awoke with a groan, flinching as the back of her head spiked in protest at the sudden movement, tentatively reaching back to check for injuries as she tried to recall what had happened.

'I was fighting…someone…' she muttered to herself, flinching as she recalled two boys, one fat and one thin, 'They were Stand users too…Orochimaru-sensei told us they came here to hurt Sasuke-kun…'

Her eyes widened as she sat up straight, only for pain to lance through her body, sending her crashing onto the floor with a pained gasp, clutching her head tightly between her hands.

"Hey, you okay?" a concerned voice asked, the blonde looking up into a face that was, to her addled mind, unusuallly familiar. Which was strange because she didn't recall knowing anyone so porky at the academy "You took quite a spill…lemme help you up."

She did so, whimpering slightly as the large teen picked her up as if she weighed nothing, depositing her back on the nice, soft leather of the sofa she realised she'd been resting on with a gentility that belied his size.

"You just rest there a bit." He insisted, smiling down at her with a face that, had she not already fixed Sasuke-kun in her sights, would've looked cute, in a Pittsbury Dough-Boy kind of way "We're not gonna hurt you."

"Who?" Ino wondered, only to blink as she recalled exactly where she'd seen the teen before, her face paling as she recalled how he'd brought the floor out beneath them, only her playing possum giving her a chance to end the fight on her terms.

'Not that it did any good against that shadow bastard.' She noted with a shiver, recalling how the pony-tailed youth had played her like a 5-yen kazoo, 'And now they've taken me hostage…' he face contorted in horror as scenes that were best described as R-rated flashed through her mind 'who knows WHAT they're going to do to me?!'

"Wanna chip?" her captor offered, startling her out of her panicked thoughts by holding out a bag of, ridged, salted chips she recalled from her childhood "Your from East Konoha originally right? So you gotta know about these right?"

"How did you-?!" Ino began, eyes widening at the revelation, her hand snapping to her mouth, as if to call the words back, only to look away with a grimace "I mean, I'm not from that hellhole!"

"No need to pretend anymore." The big guy assured her, sitting on the edge of the sofa and munching away at his own packet "Tenten-san and the dean told us you transferred here from Eastside…" he grunted as he swallowed the last chip, popping another packet open in the process "musta been hell trying to adapt to these uptown snobs and their P's n' Q's."

Ino flinched at that, looking to the side as the memories of her first day at North Konoha rose, unbidden, from the depths of her memory. It HAD been a struggle at first, what with her not knowing anybody and everyone prying into your past like it was some sort of televised drama. Hell, during her first semester, she'd been hazed so much she'd honestly considered hanging herself to get away from it all, unable to stomach the theft and destruction of her books, clothes and other assorted property with no sign of help or compassion from anyone. She'd even had her ponytail burned off once, though it had thankfully grown back without permanent damage.

And then she'd gone to see Orochimaru-sensei, and while the guidance councillor had come off as slightly prying and creepy, he had nonetheless been a shoulder to cry on and a source of comfort from the storm.

But the greatest thing about was that he had introduced her to Uchiha Sasuke, the undisputed Prince of North Konoha Gakuen. From the moment Ino had laid eyes on the boy, she'd instantly forgotten all her own troubles, all her insecurities, as they would only hold her back in her bid to prove herself worthy of his attention.

And prove it she did. Within a week she had regained the confidence and drive she'd possessed as a child, growing up in the Yakuza-laden streets of East Konoha, but now it was coupled with a feminine grace and confidence that only a woman could possess. Her body had developed well when she'd hit puberty and she knew it, and took every opportunity to let others know it too.

And all it had taken was for her to let Orochimaru-sensei shoot her with an arrow, the guidance councillor assuring her that if her love for Sasuke was true, then the Arrow would give her the courage to face her fears head on.

'Wait…what?' she wondered, blinking as the memory of the actual moment she gained her stand returned to her 'When did…I agree to that?' she stammered, her eyes widening as she recalled the man's face as he fired the crossbow, sending the Stand Arrow into her breast with a serpentine leer on his face 'WHY would I agree to that?!'


"Oi…you okay?" Chouji asked, the burly teen looking over the captive blonde in concern as she began to tremble, one delicate hand gripping her head as her breath hitched in the back of her throat "Your head still hurt?"

"He…he shot me…" Ino stammered, her blue eyes wide with terrified realization, not reacting to the concerned teen's voice "He just smiled and shot me…like it was all some sick game…he SHOT me!"

"She's freaking out." Hanabi noted with a decidedly more calm tone than was appropriate, though the fact she was currently chewing away at a set of dango skewers probably had something to do with it "Better hold her down in case she does something drastic."

"He SHOT me!" Ino repeated, gripping her shoulder in horror as her shivers reached new heights "I just stood there and let him shoot me in the heart! I let him shoot me with a smile on my face!"

"Calm down!" Chouji insisted, grabbing her by the shoulders and forcing her to look him in the eye "It wasn't your fault! Orochimaru's manipulated lots of people like you! He's been at it for years!"

"What would you know!" Ino snapped, thumping her fists against the chubby teen's chests desperately, trying to break free of his hold "just how the hell would you know what I've been through? He SHOT ME!"

"And Anko-sensei, and countless others before her!" Chouji snapped, earning a look of shock from the blonde as he looked her in the eyes "The freakshow didn't know which people could become stand users, so he experimented with the students." He frowned at the memory of Anko's tale "Anko-sensei…who used to go here as a kid herself, was one of the subjects used…she lived, and became a stand user."

"Like me?" the blonde stammered, looking into the large teen's eyes in disbelief, a hint of wonderment and hope shining in those baby blues "She got shot like me…and she still has a normal, everday life?"

"Well I wouldn't call Anko-sensei NORMAL." Chouji admitted with a chuckle, recalling the gym teacher's…unusual punishments for people tha crossed her, "But she's a respected member of the community back home, and she puts her all into teaching kids."

"So there's another failure out there." A guttural voice noted, Chouji's head snapping up, wrapping his arms around a startled Ino and dragging her and Hanabi to the floor, even as the door of the office burst open, reduced to little more than flying shards of wood "Good to know."

"W-who the hell?" Chouji muttered, looking up with a scowl as a large figure in a North Konoha Gakuen Track Suit, an obviously custom tailored version due to the size, stamped into the room, his feet dressed in geta rather than the traditional school shoes.

"I was worried that after my meal I'd still be hungry." The figure noted with a chuckle, stepping into the room, revealing a large, bigger than Chouji even, teen with a sick smirk on his face, his hair sculpted into a mowhawk in an attempt to disguise his premature baldness "But if there's another failure out there than maybe I can get a decent snack!"


"Ji-Jiroubo?" Ino stammered, looking over the large teen in confusion, still trying to get over the fact she'd just stood there and let herself be used like a pin cushion "What are you…why're you here?"

"Ain't it obvious?" the giant teen muttered, looking down his nose at the girl as he snorted in disdain "I'm here to clean up your mess…Orochimaru-sensei doesn't need you blabbing to the wrong people."

"Orochimaru…Sensei?" Ino stammered, the blonde's eyes widening in sudden realization as she pieced all the pieces together for the first time "You…you mean he used me…and now he wants to kill me!?"

"Nah…" Jiroubo muttered, cleaning out his ear as he walked into the room, blowing it to rid himself of his waxy buildup dismissively "Quite frankly he's forgotten you even exist, but better safe than sorry, right."

"So I was just a pawn?" Ino snorted, her tone bitter and laced with self-contempt as she glared up at the advancing, overwieght senior in outright disdain "Just another disposable piece for him to throw away?"

"And they say blonde's are stupid." Jiroubo scoffed, cracking his neck joints audibly as he advanced, a dangerous smirk on his face "But then again, you were stupid enough to lose and think we'd let you live."

"PARAMORE!" Ino called out, leaping swiftly to her feet and summoning her Stand, bringing the multi-eyed female figure before her like a sentry, all of it's eyes widening as she prepared to use her ability "You're mine!"

"Think so?" Jiroubo scoffed, before throwing something, from the looks of it the doorknob from the recently destroyed door, straight into the air where it smashed into one of the sprinklers embedded in the ceiling. Ino, caught of guard by the sudden, indoor downpour, raised a hand to cover her head out of instinct, only to freeze as she realise that was just what the thug was waiting for, bringing her Stand to bear just as a large, meaty hand flew out of nowhere and grabbed her by the neck.

"You think I didn't read up on your Stand ability before coming here?" Jiroubo hissed, lifting the startled girl off the ground with virtually no effort "Orochimaru-Sensei keeps detailed documents on all our abilities…all I had to do was look through the files to know that if you can't see, your Stand's next to useless."

That was far as the teen got before Hiruzen's couch was hurled at him from across the room, sending him crashing into the wall, dropping a coughing Ino in the process.

"Forget about me fatass?" Chouji called out mockingly, Smash Mouth hovering just behind him, at the ready "I dunno how things are in North Konoha, but where I come from that ain't no way to treat a lady!"

"You little shit!" Jiroubo snarled, hurling the couch off him with surprising strength, looking none the worse for wear despite behind smashed through the wall "Where the hell does a porker like you get off calling ME fat?!"

"I'm not fat! I'm chubby!" Chouji snapped, the portly brunette pointing at the larger teen irately, his face a mask of righteous indignation "And I've every right to call you fat! If I'm extra large you're Family Size!"

"This ain't fat! It's pure muscle!" Jiroubo snapped, the balding giant ripping his shirt open, earning a squal of disgust from Ino as he bared his massive torso for all to see "That's right! Look what I got!!"

"Oh God the HAIR!" Ino shrieked, the traumatised blonde covering her eyes and fighting the urge to choke on her own tongue as she dropped to the fllor "Oh god I can see it in my sleep! And the wrinkles! The wrinkles!"

"Ugh…" Chouji muttered, the portly teen covering his mouth in disgust as his face took on a decidedly greenish tint "That put me right off my appetite…Oh man even I've never gotten that bad…"

"He's got man titties!" Hanabi cackled, the hyuuga pre-teen pointing at the mohawk sporting senior and laughing her ass off, even as Ino's shrieks of terror went up a notch "Big sagging man titties!"

"You die brat!" Jiroubo snarled rushing the girl with his shirt still wide open, only to be tackled out of his path by Chouji, the teen putting hs smaller, but still notably heavy, girth to good use to knock the larger teen off balance.

"Hanabi-chan!" the smaller of the two titans called out, turning to face the startled Hyuuga as he put the enraged Jiroubo in a headlock "You and Yamanaka-san get out of here! Find the others-!"

"Like hell I'm letting you get away!" Jiroubo snarled, standing up, lifiting a surprised Chouji off the ground with his strength and slamming him back into the wall, before barelling towards the girls like a freight train "C'MERE!"


Jiroubo stumbled, only to yelp as the floor dropped out from under him, dissolving into so much powder and sawdust and leaving him stuck in a good size hole, his girth holding him in place.

"To bad that file doesn't cover the rest of us." Chouji shot back with a smirk, his Stand's hand placed against the floor of the office, having absorbed as much of the minerals out of it as he dared without bringing the house down "Otherwise You'd know better than to turn your back on me."

Jiroubo snarled and lashed out with his fist, only to yelp as he sank lower into the sinkhole, his body tilting slightly as struggled to pull himself up. "You bitch!" the balding teen roared, glaring at Chouji over his shoulder, "When I get outta here-!"

"Going down!" Chouji shot back with the air of an elevator attendant, Smash Mouth Slapping it's hand into the floor, sending a shockwave through it that widened the hole, sending the screaming senior crashing through to the floor below.


'That was a close one…' Chouji muttered, slumping against the wall as he held his aching ribs tenderly 'That big bruiser wasn't too bright…but he packed one hell of a wallop…in my condition a fight probably wouldn't have been the best idea…'

Staggering to his feet, the Akimichi scion winced as his ribs screamed at the sudden movement, almost bringing him back to his knees from the pain alone. 'Definitely busted…' he muttered, eyeing the dent he'd made in the wall when Jiroubo, or whatever his name was, had thrown him into it 'Damn…whatever that guy's been eating…don't think I want any of it-!'

His thoughts on the matter were cut off as a large, beefy hand punched through the floor and grabbed him by the ankle, Chouji's yell of alarm tearing through the damaged office even as he was pulled down through the floorboards to come face to face with an unpleasantly familiar face.

"Miss me fat ass?" Jiroubo snarled, glaring at the stunned brunette as he held him off the ground by his ankle, the older teen's fingers digging deep into the wall, several other holes making it clear how he'd climbed his way back up "Round two!"

Chouji yelled as the larger teen let go, the two of them falling from the ceiling, punching and kicking in a bid to put each other on top, even as they punched through several floors, startling the beejeebus out of several passers by. Jiroubou, after taking the brunt of the assault, managed to get Chouji under him, the smaller teen's eyes widening as he caught sight of the unforgiving floor coming up FAST.


The stand lashed out, punching at the ground and sending a hail of debris up at them. The force of the blow slowed their descent, Jiroubou actually cursing as bits of sharapnel hit him in the face, releasing Chouji as they crashed into the ground, the younger teen's skin looking strangely grey and shiny.

'Damn…marble mustn't be as durable as carbon.' The younger teen muttered, grimacing as his body slowly changed back, wincing as his bones and muscles screamed their displeasure at the rough treatment 'Still he's gotta be feeling that a LOT more than-!'

"Pretty resilient for a brat." Game a guttural growl, Chouji's eyes snapping round to gape at the source, which was picking itself up with terrifying slowness "Underestimated you…WON'T be happening again."

Jiroubou's skin had turned a dark, rusty red, his muscles bulging as they writhed under his skin like vipers, rearranging themselves and growing larger at the same time. His hair was lengthening to, changing from a mohawk to a mane that was slowly easing down his back.

"That your Stand a few seconds ago?" the larger teen growled, snorting wryly at Chouji's stunned silence "Pretty tough looking, but it doesn't hold a candle to mine…" he smirked as the changes came to a halt "Course…using it makes me peckish, so I hope ya don't mind if I end this QUICK!"

That was all the warning Chouji got before a fist like a sledgehammer rammed into his face, sending the teen crashing across the corridor, through a wall, and into a room that shone with pristine metal and plastic.


"The Kitchen huh?" Jiroubou noted, the transformed teen smirking as he walked through the hole, his fingers gouging out a chunk of the wall as he passed "Convenient…I could use a pick me up…" he sneered at the twitching, coughing form of Chouji "Bad for you though."

Smirking at the prone form before him, the giant teen walked over to one of the massive fridges and ripped the door off it with one hand, sending it across the room with a casual toss as he started forgaging inside.

"My Stand's a little different than most." He admitted, stuffing several sandwhiches into his mouth at once without bothering to chew "The more I eat, the stronger I get…" he took a bite out of a leg of lamb, only partially thawed "Doesn't matter if it's cooked or not, I can eat it no matter what it is."

The teen's muscles bulged, growing larger with every bite consumed, like air pumping into a tyre. Not only that, but his bones cracked as they enlarged, his pants tearing slightly as his feet burst out of their sandals.

"Normally I can't get enough in the tank, cause my Stand just bruns everything up." The teen muttered, chewing away at a piece of bone like it was candy "But thanks to you, I can go all out…" he smirked at the downed teen "Y'know…I've heard that human flesh tastes a lot like pork…I've always wondered if that was true…"


'This guy's insane…' Chouji panicked, lying there, trying to get his head together, fighting off the nausea from the blow whilst trying to move his limbs. They weren't responding though, or at least one wasn't. He couldn't feel anything from either of them, but his left arm still moved, albeit stiffly.

'Legs are like jelly…' he noted, his eyes fading in and out of focus as he tried to move them, grunting under the sheer effort it took to get a reaction 'Can't run away like this…gotta think of something…'

What could he do? The sounds of the enemy eating had died away, meaning that he'd either finished off what was in the fridge, or was coming over to sample the 'long pork' he'd been talking about. Either way, it wasn't looking good for Chouji, who was coming to the very clear realization that he was about to die.

'Theres nothing for me to use here…' he noted, looking around the shiny kitchen in a daze 'Everything here's aluminium…he'll tear through that in seconds…the floors made of some sort of plastic I think, but he can crush concrete with his fingers…hows that going to help…'

"It amazing really…" Jiroubou's voice called out, his heavy footfalls drawing ever closer as he advanced on his prey, talking around a mouthful of meat "Most people don't even know how much energy their bodies got locked up inside…if it weren't for Orochimaru-sensei, I'd have probably remained a worthless fatass like you the rest of my life."

Chouji wanted to smack the freak for calling him fat, but he couldn't muster the strength to do little more than lie there, drawing pained breaths into his chest, mind blurring as he tried to think of a way to escape the behemoth.

'Wait…energy?' he wondered, recalling the insane giant's words as if in a daze, his beleagured mind replaying the mostly one-sided conversation as if on fast forward, even as his eyes widened in understanding 'That's it-!'

"No point in letting you think up an escape." Jiroubou muttered, standing over the downed teen with a smirk, now standing well over ten feet in height and bulging from head to foot with muscular sinew "Just hold still…" he muttered, drawing one oversized fist back "AND DIE!"

He punched downwards, a fist the size of a small engine rushing towards Chouji's face, even as the crippled teen clapped both hands over his own stomach.



Oh Noes! CHOUJI!

Yeah, the group's split up so that they'll be facing down Orochimaru's 'Knights' individually, or in pairs.

No spoilers as to who's facing who though, sorry.

I'll Give you Jiroubou's Stand next chapter, so hang in till then, K?

R&R to save Chouji!