Chapter One
Little Old Me
Life sucks, I know it can be good sometimes but other times it can really, really suck. Like right now for instance, the crappy car I had been driving has broken down for the fifth time today and like the twentieth time on this whole trip. Ok sure, I did make it to Tulsa, which is where I wanted to get to, before it broke down this time, and I can fix it. I mean I fixed it the other four times it broke. But I was too frustrated right then to think about those two facts. I gave a frustrated laugh as I hopped out of the car. I always laughed when I was frustrated. I didn't really know why, I mean it didn't help. I was still just as frustrated as I was before when I'm done laughing, but I guess it is just one of those stupid habits. Every one has at least one habit that's stupid. I got out and kicked the car. Then I muttered to my self under my breath the whole way to the back of the car to get my toolbox out of the trunk. As I bent down to get it I noticed two girls walking down the street in some colourful skirts. I looked down at my Jeans wondering if any of the girls in this town actually wore pants, because if the do I haven't seen any. I hated wearing skirts. I haven't worn one since I was like 5. I hated them you just couldn't do any thing in them. As I though about this I suddenly found myself wondering if anyone in this town could tell I was a girl. I wasn't wearing a skirt, I was wearing jeans. My shirt wasn't a girly blouse that was some girly colour like pink or purple. It was a black T-shirt, and my long hair was hidden under the ball cap I had on. Just for the fun of it, I decided to see if I would get any reaction if I took my hat off. So I threw it in to the trunk as I took out the toolbox. I ran a hand through my hair as I walked to the front of the car. As I pulled up the hood of the car, I heard a gasp from behind me somewhere. I smiled, then heard some say, "Come on Dal let's go already." I froze, No, I couldn't find him that easily, I thought but you never know. I was about to turn and check when a guy in way too fancy and unnaturally clean clothes for a walk at 2:00 in the afternoon came up to me. "Need some help?" He said pointing to the car. "Oh is your boyfriend coming to help you?" He asked looking around. He was obviously one of those guys who didn't think a girl could fix a car. "No, when I said I got it I meant it. Me, myself and I are going to fix the car." I told him. Man did I ever hate guys like him; girls can fix a car just like guys. "But you're a girl." He told me. "Why thank you. I was wondering why I had these and an attraction to some men," I said sarcastically pointing to my chest. "Girls can't fix cars." He told me "See that's where you're wrong," I said looking back at the car motor "This girl can. She has already fixed it four times. So I would be so pleased it you would just leave me alone." I told him. Sadly he wouldn't leave. He just kept ranting on about how I can't fix a car and will need his help. He kept stepping closer and closer to me as he did this. I let out another frustrated laugh, "Ok look," I finally said "I asked you nicely to please leave and you didn't so now I'm going to tell you. Leave me alone or I may be forced to hurt you!" He didn't take me seriously. Instead of leaving like I hoped, he took another step forward and said, "Really I would like to see that." From some where behind me I heard a formulary voice whisper, "The idiot." I smiled, I was almost positive he was behind me now but first thing first. So I slipped my hand in to my pocket and flipped out my blade "Look guy, sir … whatever, I asked you nicely, and I warned you but you didn't listen so I will ask you again, PLEASE LEAVES ME ALONE!" That did the trick. He left pretty quickly. I've been told I get such a crazy look in my eye nobody ever thinks I'll even hesitated to hurt them, or kill them, though I would never do that. I was a little bit disappointed that I had to use my blade but hey it was his fault he wouldn't leave me alone. But I had bigger things to do. I turned around and saw the man I was looking for. "Dallas Winston," I said smiling as I saw him. He didn't look any different then the last time I saw him, and that was a while ago. He was standing with three other guys who I assumed were some of his friends. I hadn't exactly told him I was coming. I must admit that I was a little surprised that he wasn't in jail. He always seemed to be. "The one and only," I told him holding my arms out. "How did you get here?" He asked "Drove," I said pointing to the car like it was obvious. "I didn't think you were old enough to drive," he said giving me the look I hated. I could never lie to him when he gave me that look. So since I really am not old enough to drive I decided instead of answering the question I'd hop around it. "It's lovely to see you again too," I smiled innocently. He just kept staring at me and said, "Phebes." I looked at my shoes. "Ok fine I'm not old enough to drive," I told him though I knew he knew that already. "Then who gave you the car, you didn't steal it did you?" He said in an accusing voice. I couldn't help but laughing. Dallas Winston THE Dallas Winston was getting mad at me for stealing a car. It's not like he hasn't stolen a car before. Actually I know he did I saw him. "Ha, don't be such a hypocrite, I've seen you steel cars before," I told him. He took a deep breath. Sensing danger I quickly added, "Anyways I didn't steal it. John gave it to me." "Of course, only John Cullen would give a fourteen year old a car." He almost yelled. I could see this was going in a bad direction so I decided to change the topic. So spreading out my arms I said, "Ok John is a horrible, horrible person we got the point. Now come and give you baby sister a hug."
"No, I got it thanks" I told him politely. Just because I didn't really like the looks of him didn't give me any reason to be rude to him. He hadn't given me any reason, yet.
"Phoebe?!" He asked a little surprised.