Split Personality: Demon's Retribution

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto owns it... Nor do I own the crossover in this fic.

( A/N author's notes )

" Speech "

' Thinking '

' Kyuubi thinking '

" Kyuubi "

" ??? "

My third fanfic... I know, I know... I should've updated Tainted Legacy first beofre making this fic. Eh but I will update Tainted Legacy, thats a promise! I will update Tainted Legacy in a week or a month... VERY SHORT PROLOGUE


" Die you demon! "

" You dont belong here! "

" We dont want you here demon spawn! "

Those words rang through Naruto's head as he was beaten, and stabbed.

" NO! No more... Please I... I " Naruto pleaded, but they didn't stop they just kept beating him.

" HAHAHAHA... Listen to the demon beg!!! " A shinobi cackled.

Unknown to them the Hokage was watching along with many others... Many cheered... Yet little were angry.

A civilian picked up Naruto from the collar, and rammed a katana through the blond's stomach, then the civilian threw Naruto to the wall. Naruto coughed out blood, he looked at the blade that was stabbed deep in his stomach... It was the one Ojii-san gave to him.

Anbu were about to stop the civilians... But Sarutobi stopped them, " wait... I want to see Naruto-kun's real personality... " The hokage stated, his eyes alone said that he was furious.

" Die demon!! " A random shinobi yelled, taking out the blade from Naruto's stomach making the boy gasp.

Naruto sight was getting weary, soon enough blackness consumed him.

Naruto got up from the damp floor, he examined it the light was very dim, he seemed to be in a sewer with many rooms. The blond started walking examining the rooms as he walked by, until he came to a large clearing... Unlike the other rooms... This one was bloody, it looked like a slaughter house. He continued to move forward as if something was calling him, in the middle of the room a blade was lying on the floor... It almost looked like the one Ojii-san gave to him... Except, this one was twice as large as himself and was emitting an essence of pure evil, the scabbard tip, guard, collar, and pommel cap was gold, the scabbard itself was black, the handle was black with many golden strings tied around it. ( The scabbard tip, scabbard, guard, collar, and pommel cap are the metal parts outside of a katana )

Naruto slowly walked forward to the blade... Until it was right infront of him. He put his hands around the handle of the blade, he slowly pulled the katana out of its sheath... He tried lifting it but failed... It was too heavy. Before he could lift it again, blackness surrounded him once more.

Shocked expressions were on the faces of everyone in that area, more people had gathered while the blond youth was lying on the floor... But not anymore the figure infront of them that was rising had pitch black hair, was a lot taller than before.

The crowd slightly backed away. The boy lifted his face up... Cold crimson eyes were staring at them... They thought Kyuubi was vile... But when they looked into the boy's eyes they froze.

A certain Anbu captain with a dog mask was shocked beyond belief...The boy's eyes were the eyes of whom killed thousands of people, and the killing intent the youth was emitting was incredible! He took of his mask sharingan flaring, examining the boy...

The shinobi from earlier that stabbed Naruto was running at the boy, blade raised and ready to kill... Just as he brought the blade down for a strike, the boy stopped the blade with two fingers.

" Heh... You would have to do better than that to kill me simpleton " The boy's demonic voice echoed through everyone's ears. The man tried and tried to take the blade back from Naruto's grip.

The blade's handle was in the man's hand alright... As well as it's blade through his heart. Naruto had a full blown grin on his face, as he grabbed the blade by its handle and out of the man's heart killing him instantly.

Naruto held the blade up in the air. " Its been a years since I held you... Muramasa! " He exclaimed.

Hate it or Love it? Well that doesn't really matter... Had this story in my mind for quite a while, one reason why I couldn't think of any good ideas for Tainted Legacy. Anyways... A cookie to the person who knows the tiny crossover for this Naruto fic! P.s : Review please!!! And feel free to give me any thoughts about this story! I don't really care about criticism... Infact I appreciate anyone who does...

Paring Vote :

Naruto x Temari ?

Naruto x Tenten ?

Naruto x OC ?

Naruto x Tenten x Temari x OC ?