The morning was cold, frost coating the leaves that half covered Deidara's window. Deidara edged out of his bed, softly padding to his mirror. He was a wreck, it hurt to open his eyes, and as the pale morning light bit through the window, he winced.

He slowly pulled the brush through his hair, trying to ignore the stabbing pain that ran through his hair every time the brush snagged on a knot. He left his hair down, and sighed as he silently pulled off the clothes from the night before, and pulled on a darker shirt, dark jeans, and Itachi's jacket.

He carefully picked up the note Sasori had left him, folded it and put it in Itachi's pocket, sweeping up the cigarette box and lighter at the same time and placing those on top of the paper.

He studied his face again in the mirror. His eyes were dull, still slightly bloodshot. His hair fell in rough waves, un-kept, and the dark clothes he wore, teamed with the oversized hoodie swamped his small frame, and made his complexion paler than usual. He looked…dead. Ironic, I look how I feel… he mused, his broken attempt at humour making him wince further still.

A soft knocking at his door broke his thoughts, and he sighed. Probably his mother, coming to talk some more… make him unearth the feelings he was trying so desperately to hide.

He ignored the knocking, and brushed strands of gold away from his tired, pained face, still staring blankly at his reflection.

"Hey, Deidara, can I come in?"

A voice, not his mother's, sounded through the door. Deidara tilted his head slightly, trying to place the familiar sound, whose usual cold edge was softened.

Not waiting for an answer, the door pushed open, and Deidara looked, puzzled, as Itachi walked in, smiling weakly.

"I thought I'd come walk with you, I walk alone anyway so…" Itachi walked up to the blond, who still stood, silent, and placed his dark nailed hand onto Deidara's shoulder, "…are you alright?"

Deidara stood, and looking into Itachi's eyes, which he noted didn't have contacts in, and smiled weakly, his cheeks burning a shade of crimson that usually tinted the Uchiha's eyes, "…I've got one hell of a hangover, un." Itachi relaxed slightly, and smiled.

"Well, luckily for you I know how to solve that one, experience and all," he joked, and turned, walking to the door.

Deidara started after him, glancing to the mirror once again. He pushed his hand into the pocket of his newly acquired jacket, and a painfully familiar pang of guilt shot through him as his fingers touched the paper and he realised that his shoulder was tingling from the dark haired boy's touch.

He followed Itachi out of his room, and shut his door behind him with a dull click. As he walked towards the front door, he turned to see his mother smiling at him weakly. She walked to him, and kissed him on his forehead.

"Love you Dei-kun, come home safe, yeah?"

Deidara smiled up to his mother, and nodded as he walked out of the front door to his waiting raven haired friend, who had his characteristic cigarette hanging from his mouth.

Itachi smiled weakly at Deidara's disapproving look, "Old habits die hard… Had to get some more, what with you stealing my only pack like that," Itachi grinned, and mocked shock, which made Deidara smile slightly.

They walked quietly after that, and turned the corner at the end of the street, where, Deidara remembered, with a painful sinking feeling consuming his body, Sasori waited for him everyday.

He stood for a moment, and remembered Sasori's warm smile as he'd given Deidara the small heart shaped lollipop, remembered how he'd held him tightly and thought, so naively, that the grip would never loosen, that they'd stay that way forever…

Deidara turned to Itachi, sighing heavily as he caught up with the taller boy, who had carried on walking as Deidara ran painful memories through his mind.

"College… Sucks, un."

Itachi raised his eyebrow, looking questioningly at the blond "Huh, why would you say that…?

Deidara frowned, a wave of anger coursing through his body, "They'll be there…" he murmured, his voice trailing off as Itachi almost choked on his cigarette.

Itachi shook his head, and turned to Deidara, half smiling, "Look, firstly, you won't have to worry about those guys. Second, I meant why would you say college?"

Deidara sighed again. As much as he didn't feel like sitting through lessons, the one thing he would begrudge more was drinking…taking more drugs… he wanted to feel numb; of course he did, but his small frame still ached from the night before.

Itachi read Deidara's expression, and smiled warmly, "Relax kid, today is most definitely chill out time for you."

Deidara looked to Itachi, and mustered the warmest smile he could…considering the fact that he felt so cold, so distant to the world.

"We're going to my flat, we can just hang out there," Itachi said quietly, quickening his pace, "It'll be a refreshing change, I'm usually holed up in there by myself, and hey," he said, looking to Deidara over his shoulder, "Misery loves company, right?"

Itachi shifted uncomfortably as he pushed the key through the keyhole. His apartment had always been a mess, but his only visitor since… her… never seemed to care. As he pushed the door open, he felt a tinge of embarrassment.

Deidara walked into the apartment, and stifled a grin. The apartment was sparsely furnished, with the basics of a kitchen and an empty living room bar a small, dusty stereo that sat in the corner.

Itachi cleared his throat, and opened the door to his room, walking over to the curtains and sweeping them open to let daylight in.

This room wasn't much better, the floor blanketed with dust, the bedcovers unmade. Sketches and discoloured posters clung to the wall, some falling forward with the weight of the paper.

The walls themselves were cracked, and were painted an off blue colour, with the paint spilling onto the floor below and tinting it.

The room was also bare, with a small single bed pushed into the corner, a dust caked TV set and a small cupboard. Deidara raised his eyebrow slightly, and looked to the dark haired boy who called this place home.

Itachi knelt in front of the TV, and pressed the power button in. He tapped the side of the set lightly, and then harder to make the picture come into view, rolling his eyes and cursing as he did.

Deidara smiled slightly at Itachi's annoyed expression, and how his dark brown eyes flashed with anger and frustration as he cursed the TV.

Itachi pushed himself up from the floor, turning the volume up and throwing Deidara the remote.

"Make yourself at home," he said quietly, and made his way towards the kitchen.

Deidara walked towards Itachi's bed and sunk slowly onto the covers, sitting upright against the wall and half watching the TV, half thinking. He wondered how many people had been here, if Itachi had ever taken up the offers given by the flirtatious, giggling girls that admired him at college.

He scanned the room with his pale blue eyes, and smiled weakly. It was well lived in, and he noted that Sasori would've gone crazy from the mess and clutter that had built up in numerous parts.

He turned slightly, his keen artist's eyes wanting to admire the sketches that were pinned to the wall next to the head of the mattress. He gently traced his finger over the sketches, which were all painstakingly intricate, and tilted his head with curiosity as he realised one of the pictures seemed to be Itachi, with his arm wrapped around a dark haired girl.

So this must be the girl Hero-kun is in love with… Deidara mused. She was pretty, slim, and had an awkward smile on her face. Itachi looked proud in the picture, content…

Deidara jumped as a loud smash interrupted his musing, and he turned to see Itachi cursing, a plate shattered on the floor around his feet. He pushed himself up from the bed, and walked over to the Uchiha, who was holding his hand and swearing under his breath.

Deidara's eyes widened slightly as he saw blood starting to form on the inside of Itachi's hand. Itachi placed his thumb over the wound, and turned to Deidara, smiling weakly.

"Well," he started, laughing quietly, "There goes your hangover cure…"

Deidara looked to the floor and realised that under the shards were bits of food. He smiled weakly, and started to brush the pieces carefully into his hands.

"Thanks, un," he murmured as the smell of the food wafted into his face, "It uh… smelt nice," he added, smiling up to Itachi, who was wrapping a bandage from the cupboard around his hand, wincing slightly as he saw the blood soak through the white layers of fabric.

Itachi grinned, and walked to his room, laughing that Deidara wouldn't be so nice if he'd tasted the food. Deidara brushed the remnants of the plate and meal into the small, metal bin, and followed Itachi to his room, slumping back onto the bed next to Itachi, who had already taken up his usual lying position, with his feet hanging from the side of the bed, examining his hand curiously.

"This'll be a bitch to heal," he murmured, tsk-ing slightly and turning to Deidara.

"I was clumsy, huh?"

Deidara smiled to Itachi, and nodded, noting how deep Itachi's dark eyes seemed.

"Why aren't you wearing your contacts, un?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of his manners. Itachi smiled, "My vision isn't exactly what it used to be, and sometimes my eyes could do with a break. Not like I'm going anywhere today so I left them out."

Deidara nodded, and started to think of the picture that was pinned on the wall next to Itachi. He had so many questions, but he didn't want to upset Itachi, didn't want to feel like he was asking unwanted questions; he knew all too well what a pain the attention was when you just wanted to forget, and Itachi seemed to avoid talking about the girl.

He watched for a moment as Itachi stared at the TV, squinting slightly.

"You should get glasses, un," he noted, and Itachi waved his hand dismissively, commenting that he'd rather go blind.

Deidara grinned for a moment, forgetting the pain and loosing himself in the world that was forming with just him and his Hero-kun, imagining Itachi waving a stick around, wearing thick black glasses and cursing as he bumped into things.

Itachi turned to the blond, who seemed to be zoning out, and flicked him playfully, grinning.

"Anybody home?"

Deidara smiled awkwardly, and took a deep breath. He wanted to know so…

"Itachi, who's the girl in that sketch?" he said quietly, fidgeting with his hands awkwardly and wincing as he realised he had the subtlety of a brick.

Itachi froze, his grin disappearing. He sighed, and turned to the blond, who obviously meant no harm with his question.

"Well," he said quietly. He knew there would be no Hidan to break off the awkward, painful explanation this time, and he didn't know where to begin.

Itachi scratched his head, not sure where to begin. He wasn't about to start pouring out his past; Deidara didn't need that, and neither did he.

He decided to keep it short, and smiled weakly, murmuring, "She… she was just someone I cared about a while ago." he paused, and looked at Deidara, who nodded, understanding him, "It's fine if you don't want to talk about it right now, un."

Itachi nodded, and relaxed more on the bed. "Thanks."

Deidara slumped lower, and closed his eyes, thinking of Sasori… about how he'd told him to move on. He started to understand why as he turned to look at the raven haired teen who was slouched next to him, frowning at the bandage wrapped around his bloodied hand. He could sense how broken Itachi was about the girl, and sighed.

"Something wrong?" Itachi asked, hearing Deidara sigh and averting his attention from his wound.

"Not really, un…" Deidara murmured, images of Sasori flashing through his mind, "I just…" He sighed, pausing and looking away from Itachi's questioning eyes, "I just really miss Sasori."

At the mention of Sasori's name, Deidara's voice cracked, and a familiar, cold sadness swept through his body.

"Oh…" Itachi murmured, not sure what to do. He edged closer to Deidara, and wrapped his arm around the blond, pulling him to his chest. Deidara leant against him, inhaling the sweet smells of aftershave and the bitter scent of alcohol, letting the soft fabric of Itachi's shirt comfort him, closing his eyes.

He didn't cry, he couldn't cry again… his still bloodshot eyes stung as tears threatened to fall, but he was bought back to reality by a soft touch running through his long, wavy blond hair.

Itachi gently stroked Deidara's hair, his fingers gently pulling through the knots, as he rested his chin on Deidara's head, murmuring that he'd be okay, and that things would start to seem better as time went on.

"No…" Itachi paused, shaking his head quietly, "no… that's wrong… things won't start to seem better…"

Deidara looked up, and saw that Itachi's deep brown eyes were glassy, uncharacteristic tears pricking his eyelids. Itachi turned his eyes away, avoiding eye contact with the blond. He couldn't seem weak, Deidara needed somebody strong to protect him…a hero…

Itachi's eyes widened, his memory flicking back to the line in the note that had Deidara so confused the day before.

Maybe a hero can save you from your tears…

A hero… Hero-kun… Itachi's thoughts were cut off, as he felt arms gently wrapping around his waist, and Deidara resting his head softly on his chest. Itachi looked, confused. He wanted nothing more than to return the embrace, but no… the time wasn't right…

"Things will start to get better," Deidara murmured, squeezing Itachi slightly, reassuringly, "my Hero-kun…"

Itachi flinched at the comment, he didn't want to react… he didn't want to show he was hurt, show his vulnerability. He rested his hand around Deidara's back subconsciously, unintentionally.

For a moment, he relaxed in Deidara's arms, but he couldn't let his mind wander… all this was, all this could ever be, was a hug, between friends.

Friends… Itachi felt his face redden, and cleared his throat, pushing himself up and breaking the hold Deidara had on his waist.

"Yeah, they will," he said simply, walking to the TV and turning the volume up, facing away from Deidara, waiting for the redness to fade. Why am I such an idiot? He thought, cursing silently in his mind.

He pushed himself up, and grimaced at the TV, which was blaring out feedback. Itachi rolled his eyes and turned to Deidara, noticing that the blond was watching him.

"Nothing to do, huh?" he said quietly, sitting back on the bed, though putting more space between him and Deidara than before.

Deidara shook his head in agreement, staring at the TV. He was angry with himself, he'd gone too far. Guilt consumed his small frame, and he sighed.

"I wish…" he murmured, trying to pick his words right, "I wish… I couldn't feel this pain anymore…"

Itachi's ears pricked up, hearing Deidara's hint… he knew what he meant.

"I guess I can sort that out for you," he murmured, half smiling and walking over to his cupboard, pulling out a small bag and some cigarettes. He quickly pulled the cigarettes apart vertically, emptying the contents and replacing them with the bag's.

He licked the cigarette paper, sticking the sides back together and twisting. He passed one to Deidara, and Deidara eyed it curiously.

"I don't…smoke, un." He murmured, and Itachi waved his hand dismissively.

"Hardly smoking," he said, wincing at how tetchy he seemed, adding softly, "…and hey, you wanted to feel numb, right?"

Deidara nodded, and watched as Itachi lit it, brining it to his lips and inhaling deeply. He spluttered, and Itachi laughed.

"You shouldn't take so much in, you've never tried it before," he grinned as Deidara coughed, and stood, tapping him on the back.

Deidara looked up into Itachi's dark eyes, and smiled hazily. It was strong stuff, and he winced slightly as it coated the back of his throat, a hot sensation unlike anything he'd felt before burning it's way down his neck.

Itachi smiled, and exhaled smoke rings, leaning back and sighing, contented, numbed. He turned slightly, and noticed Deidara watching the rings disperse into the air.

"Want to learn?" He asked, tilting his head and looking towards Deidara.

Deidara grinned, and shifted closer to Itachi, "Yeah, un," he smiled, hooking his arm through Itachi's, "Teach me."

Itachi looked over to his side and smiled to Deidara, laughing as he said "I always knew you admired me for that."

"What? Shut up, un," Deidara said, putting the joint to his lips and inhaling again, looking frustrated as he blew out a cloud of smoke which mixed with the halos that Itachi made.

"Teach me!" He giggled, smiling weakly as he looked into Itachi's deep brown eyes.

It's a funny feeling, how time seems to speed along when you…aren't there. Not mentally. I took Itachi's drugs regularly after that. Not always, I wanted to stay sober sometimes, if only to think about Sasori-kun. I'd think it would be a good idea, and end up in tears. Pushing unwanted emotions away is a lot easier with drugs pumping through your system.

I guess I started to recover slowly, time passed by, a couple of blurred, hazy weeks, sprinkled with tears. I always though, guiltily, that it felt better… they were right however; the first days were the most painful.

Itachi turned up more, which was strange; he usually preferred his own company, not that I cared – his company was welcome. He understood, he didn't ask questions, he was just…there. His presence was comforting, we grew closer. He seemed to know when I was having a bad day, knew exactly what to say, how to act around me. Our similarities became more apparent as we spent more time together, and we often spent days just staring at the sky, talking about everything and nothing.

I stayed at home for those couple of weeks; I couldn't face classes, face people… I couldn't deal with the false concern people would show me, people who before, didn't care, didn't talk to me – sniggered at me and Sasori. They'd come up to me and ask me questions, really just wanting news they could spread around. I didn't care about education either – what was the point when my entire future had been wiped away?

Everything - education, socialising… life… seemed so unimportant next to the death of the one person I'd ever cared for; My Sasori…

That's why I continued using the drugs, it numbed me… stopped me doing something stupid. I needed it, it was my cure, the one thing that protected me from the world.

I'd sit on my bed all day long, watching TV, not even knowing what was flickering in front of my eyes. I'd stare at my ceiling blankly, listening to the dull ticking of my life passing by, not thinking, not feeling. God, it felt so good next to the grief I felt the moment I was sober…

Gradually, I started being able to think about Sasori while I was sober without crying, though my heart was still torn. I slowly felt that I was regaining my old self, regaining my will to live, to carry on… though smiles, laughter…happiness were a long way away.

Itachi paused, clearing his throat and shifting uncomfortably.

"…What happened?" Deidara murmured, moving over to make room for Itachi to sit on the bed next to him, "Why that face, Itachi?"

Itachi leant back on his hands, trying to un-tense, "Well," he murmured, "We… we had a memorial day at college today, for Sasori. Everyone got to say goodbye… It was pretty sad, there were kids who didn't know him in tears; the… suicide story really hit home…"

"Oh…" Deidara murmured. This was the first time Sasori had been mentioned in a while, and though the wounds were starting to heal, he still felt as though he'd been punched in the stomach whenever he thought about the red haired boy. His eyes glazed over with fresh tears, tears he'd been hiding for so long…

"I… knew this would come," he murmured, choking slightly, his voice rasping as his throat tightened, "I wasn't ready for it…"

"Hey…" Itachi murmured, tightening his hold on Deidara, "look, no one's ever expecting you to forget about Sasori… the pain, it doesn't get easier," he paused, remembering the last time he'd said that, how he'd left the sentence unfinished, "…but you learn to deal with it, you learn to cope in your own way."


A month after Sasori's death, Deidara did learn to deal with it, he coped. He lived through each day blocking out the pain, avoiding places, objects that reminded him of his dead lover.

The incessant bleeping of his alarm clock once again sounded, only this time, he was awake. He lay, his eyes staring forward emotionlessly, not thinking, not feeling.

He knew he'd have to face college again, he was falling behind. He didn't care, but he could tell by his mother's concerned face whenever she caught him sitting in the house during the day that she was starting to grow weary. She needed her son back, she needed him to want to live, want to carry on.

He slammed his hand against the alarm clock, deadening its noise and lying still in the silence before the chaos of the day began. His room was still dark, the beginnings of the day not yet touching it. He stared forward, and blinked, his eyes hazy from the lack of sleep he so desperately needed.

He felt lonely, empty. He pushed himself up from his bed, still wearing the clothes from the day before that he'd retreated to bed in the night before. He let out a quiet, tired sigh, and walked to the bathroom, his bare feet not making noise against the plush carpet.

He twisted the tap, watching as scalding hot water spouted from the shower head. Undressing, he stepped into the shower, not paying attention as the water burnt at his skin.

He stared up to the shower head, letting the water pour onto his naked skin, remnants of the dark eyeliner he wore streaking down his face as he half heartedly massaged shampoo into his golden, un-kept hair, teasing his fingers through the knots that had formed.

He paused, rubbing his eyes and wincing as the shampoo mixed with the hot water, stinging. At least… he mused sadly I can still feel pain.

Steam clouds surrounded him, and for a moment he pretended he was in his own little world, where the clouds shrouded everything that had gone wrong, protected him, kept him safe.

He thought silently about the events of the past month, hot tears threatening to flow again as he remembered day one; finding Sasori, lying there, alone, hurting…

Deidara reached for the taps, and twisted them, stopping the water. Cold air hit his body, and he shivered slightly as he stepped out of the shower, the hot water cooling on his body and dripping from his hair.

He wrapped a towel around himself, letting the softness comfort him, closing his eyes for a moment, pausing and appreciating the quiet.

He walked over to the mirror, clearing it of condensation with a sweeping movement, and pushed his hair out of his eyes, for once revealing two almond shaped pools of pale blue that stared back at him emotionlessly… dead.

He hated that word; hated how easily it was thrown around. He felt as if the definition was blurred, everything it had ever meant to him.

Before… before he simply shrugged off death; while it was a sad occurrence the people went to heaven, to a better place where they were happy. Now he saw it as a divide, as a barrier to Sasori.

A searing pain ran through his body, questioning mortality tended to do that, though he usually stopped his train of thought before the pain hit him. He sighed heavily and started to rub a towel through his hair, still staring at the mirror.

Deidara walked out of the bathroom to his bedroom, and picked out a pale top and jeans from his cupboard. His hair was still damp, wavy. He left it flowing down his back, and pulled Itachi's jacket on, inhaling the intoxicating smells that blanketed the fabric.

He once again paused, and stared at his reflection in the mirror that hung from his wall. It scared him how cold he could look, how he could be alive but feel so lifeless.

He picked up his rucksack and swept the contents of his cluttered desk into the open pocket, remembering how he'd thrown his rucksack on enthusiastically on the first day, rushed to meet Sasori.

It felt like the first day all over again; only this time there was no enthusiasm, just a rising dread in the pit of his stomach as he faced college without his lover, without the one person who made everything okay in the world.

He walked out of his room, closing the door behind him, hearing the click that sounded the beginning of his new life, his new start that he didn't want; his start without Sasori.

Deidara's mother wrapped her arms around her son as he made his way towards the door, and kissed him gently on his forehead, sweeping his hair from his eyes. He smiled weakly, and left his home, shutting the door behind him and making the journey to college in silence.

He noted, as he walked past the string that usually held the lanterns, that his and Sasori's lantern had fallen, and had been crushed in the road by a car. The small pieces of paper that made up the lantern were now strewn across the tarmac.

Every step he took, an old memory was refreshed, painfully clear in his mind. It was as though he was watching himself, watching as his mind wandered and precious memories burst into his consciousness.

He paused at the end of the street and sighed heavily. Four weeks ago Sasori would've been waiting for him, smiling and commenting that he was running late

He brushed strands of blond from his face again, and readjusted his rucksack, speeding up and blocking out memories. He couldn't break down again, he needed to carry on.

"…So then I said fuck no, bitch," Hidan laughed, waving his arms around dramatically, "there is no way you stand a chance with moi."

Itachi rolled his eyes, hearing about Hidan's latest conquest was common practice, and he exhaled the bitter tobacco and smiled half heartedly, "Damn, you told her, huh?"

"Fuck yeah," Hidan grinned, running his hand through his grey hair and winking at Itachi, to which Itachi smirked, raising his eyebrow and rolling his eyes again.

"Hidan pulled again?" a rough, rusty voice cut through the light hearted conversation, and Kisame walked over to the pair, leaning his elbow on Itachi's shoulder.

The physical contact between himself and the blue haired teen made Itachi's blood run cold, and a shudder of fear shot through his body. Stay cool…He thought to himself, grimacing and forcing a smile towards Kisame.

Kisame grinned back, and rested his arm around Itachi's shoulders. Itachi shifted awkwardly under the larger teen's weight, and looked to his feet uncomfortably. As he started to think of a reason to leave, he heard a familiar, soft voice call to him.


A rush of blond hair blurred past Itachi's face, and his breath was knocked out of him as Deidara hugged him affectionately. Hidan raised his eyebrows and laughed slightly, commenting that he didn't know Itachi had pulled; a comment met with a glare that screamed "don't say such inappropriate fucking things," from Itachi.

Hidan laughed nervously and backed off, dragging Kisame away to find Kakuzu. Itachi sighed, and dropped his cigarette on the floor, stubbing it out with the bottom of his worn shoe. He rested his hand around Deidara and smiled weakly.

"I didn't think you were going to come back for a while," he murmured, looking down to Deidara.

Deidara smiled awkwardly back at the Uchiha, and made a puzzled expression, "I'm not really sure why I did come back, un" he started quietly, "I guess I just needed a friend around, it got pretty lonely at home."

Itachi nodded, understanding, and pulled away from the hug as the bell sounded for class. Before he opened his mouth to suggest skipping class, Deidara shook his head.

"No skipping today, un," he said quietly, and started making his way to the double doors that marked the entrance of the building. Itachi caught up with the blond, who was walking faster than usual, with his head down, avoiding eye contact with well meaning strangers.

"Hey fair enough, but wait up, huh?" Itachi gasped, the unexpected sprint taking his breath away. They walked quietly, pushing through the double doors and into the corridor, enclosing themselves from the world; comforted by each other's presence.

Deidara kept his line of vision directed to the floor, and tried not to react as three hulking frames walked past him, one barging into him, knocking him and making him stumble.

Itachi glared to the first figure, his eyes narrowing. Deidara didn't need this, not today of all days.

The larger boy turned to Itachi, grimacing. He paused, slowly turning to the blond, smirking.

"How's Red head these days," the boy started, grinning as he saw a wave of anger and hurt flash across Deidara's face. He laughed again, and cruelly continued, feigning innocence, "…oops."

The boom of his hysterics rippled through Deidara's body. Itachi watched as Deidara clenched his fists, his eyes widening and the small boy smashed his fist to the larger teen's face as hard as he could, a loud crack sounded through the group as the boy's tooth splintered.

The boy looked shocked, instinctively putting a hand to his wounded face. Blood dribbled down his chin, and he glared at the blond boy, who was squaring up to him; ready for a fight. He wasn't used to people fighting back.

"You're gonna pay for that, fucking brat!" the boy screamed, angered and humiliated. He stepped forward, closing the gap between him and the smaller teen. Deidara narrowed his eyes, and didn't move out of the way as the boy swung his arm back, his hand clenched into a fist ready to pummel the blond.

Itachi lunged forward as the boys fist thundered towards Deidara's body, smashing into Deidara and knocking him into the lockers, taking the full blow of the punch on his shoulder, the thud sounding through the corridor as he winced slightly.

"Watch what you're doing you fucking loser" Itachi growled, slamming his fist into the larger boy's face.

Deidara felt his anger draining away as reality hit home; Itachi was protecting him, and was hurt just because he hadn't controlled himself. I'm so stupid... He thought to himself, not knowing what to do as he watched the fight unfold.

Itachi began to struggle as the boy overpowered him, his bulk outweighing the Uchiha's. The two boys that were grouped with the larger teen were yelling, jeering at Itachi. Deidara trembled, still pushed against the lockers, not knowing how to help.

He watched as the second teen stopped jeering, his facial expression changing as a sadistic idea ran through his mind. He reached into his sports bag, and grinned as he pulled out a large wooden bat.

Deidara felt his heartbeat quicken, petrified by the situation. He felt powerless, and lunged towards the boy with the bat, trying desperately to defend his friend, who seemed to be overpowering the teen he was fighting. He couldn't let Itachi fight on his own, but as he stood in front of the teen with the bat he trembled, loosing confidence. These were the boys who'd beaten Sasori so easily…

The boy noticed Deidara edging towards him, and slammed him back against the lockers, laughing as Deidara sunk to the floor once again, terror tainting his features.

"What the fuck Itachi," the boy with the bat sneered, throwing his bat from hand to hand, smirking as he continued, "Protesting for the fags now?"

The larger boy was still struggling with Itachi, who slammed his knee into his stomach as he tried to pin him down. People had begun to gather around the fight, though, Deidara noted, no one seemed to be willing to protect Itachi.

Itachi quickly got distracted as the second boy joined the fight, swinging his bat around and laughing as it crunched heavily into Itachi's ribs. He let his guard down, and the first boy took the opportunity to grab his hair, twisting it in his fist and smashing Itachi's head into his knee.

Itachi stumbled back, dazed, and pushed himself forward, launching himself into an attack again, only to be smashed in the back by the heavy wooden bat. He wheezed as pain shot through his body and he fell to his knees, coughing and feeling hot blood drip from his mouth.

"Not so tough now, huh Itachi?" The second boy snarled, raising his bat and crunching it against the Uchiha's back, slamming him against the cold tile floor.

Itachi winced, trying not to give the boys a satisfaction of a reaction, and tried to push himself back up. He couldn't loose, he was known as someone with power, strength. He wasn't weak…

As that thought flashed through his mind a new strength took over his body, rage consuming him as he slammed his body into the larger boys, smashing him against the wall. His arms pummelled with inhuman speed, each hit smashing harder into the boy's face, blood starting to drench Itachi's fists.

"Fuck…you!" Itachi wheezed as his fist hit the boy again and again. The boy panicked; seeing his friends back up, not willing to face the boy when he was in such a state. "S…Stop," he begged, moaning as Itachi's knuckles met his skin, each time creating a fresh wound on already battered skin.

Itachi felt as strong hands gripped around his body, and started to thrash, ready to take on a new opponent.

"Itachi, what the fuck?!" A familiar voice, Kisame, cried out, struggling to control to raven haired boy. He pulled Itachi back, and tried to hold him still, failing to calm the teen.

"Let me go Kisame!" Itachi screamed, kicking out at his friend, loosing control, "Let me fucking go, LET ME JUST FUCKING KILL HIM!"

The teen who had previously fallen victim to Itachi's anger started to back away, and his friends followed him down the hallway, away from the dark haired boy and his friends.

"Itachi," Kisame said loudly, trying to talk over the hysterical teen, "Itachi, let it go!"

Itachi shook his head violently, trying to escape Kisame's grip. Kisame sighed, and grabbed his friend's shoulders, pinning him against the lockers away from the dispersing crowd.

Deidara pushed himself up away from the lockers where he'd fallen, and walked towards the two boys, guilt clouding his expression, "I'm so sorry Itachi…" he stuttered, fidgeting awkwardly with his hands as he studied Itachi's face, "I didn't want you to get hurt…"

Kisame turned to the blond and grimaced, then turned back to Itachi, taking in the details of the fight. Itachi's shirt was tattered, and as Itachi calmed down slightly Kisame let him go, watching as the boy opened his top to see the damage.

His pale body was littered with newly forming bruises, and he winced as he traced his finger down his ribcage, hearing a dull crunch as he pressed down on the bone. Kisame reached his hand forward, "Let me see," he said quietly, gently touching under Itachi's ribcage. Itachi shifted uncomfortably, not liking, not understanding, why Kisame felt the need for the contact.

"Fuck…" he murmured nervously, coughing again, ignoring the blood that dribbled down his chin, "…bastards…they got me pretty good, huh?"

Kisame grabbed Itachi's wrist angrily, frustrated that Itachi could take this so lightly, "Itachi, what the fuck was that?" Kisame paused, his eyes narrowing, genuine concern hinting in his voice, "those guys are fucked in the head, they could've killed you."

"Heh, would've died for a good cause, they made fun of Deidara" Itachi wheezed, smiling weakly, wincing as the split in his lip opened again, "Almost had 'em too."

Kisame slammed his fist angrily against the brickwork next to Itachi's head, "All this?" He growled, "All this to defend that fucking fag?!"

Deidara stared for a moment, not knowing what to do. He wasn't about to argue with Kisame, and he couldn't believe what had just happened. All of this… all of this was for me?

Itachi leant forward, squaring up to Kisame. His face millimetres from Kisame's.

"Shut the fuck up," he hissed under his breath, adding acidly, "You can hardly talk Kisame."

Kisame smashed his fist into the bricks again, closer to Itachi's face. He tried to control his anger, but as he looked into Itachi's eyes he saw pure venom, hate.

He backed away, clenching his fists, trying not to snap… Itachi hadn't flinched from his position, and Kisame grimaced as he brushed past Deidara, walking away from the pair.

How could Itachi care for someone as pathetic as you? He thought, glaring at the clueless blond.

Itachi and Deidara both watched as Kisame walked down the corridor, turning the corner and out of their line of vision. Deidara shifted uncomfortably again, blushing slightly as he noted Itachi's shirt was still open.

"I'm… I'm so sorry, un" he whispered, edging towards the boy, who still stood against the wall. He paused for a moment, listening to Itachi's laboured breathing, watching him wince as his chest expanded and his rib crunched quietly.

Itachi tilted his head, and smiled weakly at the blond, whose face was contorted into a guilty, uneasy smile. "It's fine," he said quietly, as warmly as he could muster, "I mean, I'll have a story for the next couple of weeks now," Itachi paused for breath, trying to make his voice clearer, "and hey, y'know the girls love a story."

He laughed for a couple of seconds, quickly starting to cough. Deidara smiled weakly as the teen commented that it was a "stupid fucking idea" to laugh, and moved closer to him, their bodies inches apart.

"Let me see?" he asked quietly, cutting Itachi's laughter short. Itachi blushed, looking to his feet as he nodded.

Deidara gently placed his hand on Itachi's bruised chest, and traced it down to his stomach, where he let it rest against the black and brown bruises that painted Itachi's porcelain skin.

Itachi closed his eyes, wincing at the pain of the weight resting against his body, and at the same time appreciating the warmth in the touch. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt safe, secure with another person like this.

Gently, he placed his hand over Deidara's, looking to the blond, watching as his features gradually tinted pink. He smiled warmly, and winced again, his lip starting to trickle with blood.

"Ouch…" he murmured, touching his other hand to his lip and examining the blood that stained his polished finger.

Deidara tilted his head questioningly, and looked at Itachi's hand. He pulled the battered teen's hand down, leaning in to look at his face. The split in Itachi's lip widened, almost reaching his chin. The flesh around it wound was raw, and blood seeped from the opening.

Itachi winced as he tried to smile again, and Deidara grabbed his wrist gently, leading him to the office.

A crash behind them made them turn, both curious to the cause.

"Motherfucker…"Hidan slurred, making a V sign to the lockers he had crashed into. He sniffed loudly, and wiped his nose on his sleeve before stumbling towards the pair.

"I swear to God man…" Hidan said, slapping his hand against Deidara's back, "You're a fast mover. Getting in with Itachi like that…"

He laughed loudly, and turned to Itachi. As he realised Itachi was hurt, his eyes widened. Shakily, he reached an unsteady hand to Itachi's face, pressing his finger onto the boy's facial wound to check he wasn't hallucinating.

"HIDAN," Itachi growled, slapping him around the head. The slap told Hidan that he wasn't hallucinating at all.

"Fuck man, what happened to you…?"

Hazy, lilac tinted eyes tried to focus on the Uchiha, as the blond teen cleared his throat to explain.

"I was an idiot, un…" Deidara started, uneasy in the company of the obviously wrecked older teen, "…Itachi protected me."

Hidan's eyes narrowed, and he leant closer to Itachi, "This true?"

Itachi nodded his head, and Hidan leapt up, almost pulling the dark haired teen back with him as he screamed that he would kill them.

He pushed himself away from the pair, and launched himself towards the double doors, ranting to himself and threatening to kill the thin air that rushed past him as Deidara and Itachi turned to each other, smiling weakly.