Reviews for Loss
I'm a reader chapter 10 . 10/29/2012
It was so sad when Sasori killed himself. I started crying buckets for Sasori and Deidara. This story is just so emotionally strong. I'm just a reader but it truly Is an amazing and heartwarming story. P.S. I'm crying while writing this ;)
DeltaofNeptune chapter 10 . 8/21/2012
I love the story
The style
The plot
The Charachters
The angst
The suicide
The depression
And the DRAMA
Y U NO UPDATE!? I NEED to know what happens! Please.
WolfsLullaby chapter 2 . 6/22/2009
finally, someone who ISNT a homophobic freak. :D

yay ita! hes so sweet to the two of them :3

lol thats so cool that theres such a beautiful place to skipp class to. i wish my school had something like that.

wonderful story so far. 3

so descriptive...
WolfsLullaby chapter 1 . 6/22/2009
i really like it so far _ it just me, or does dei-kun have a thing for ita?

BAD DEIDARA! your with sasori! D:
quietBlood chapter 10 . 6/22/2009
this...was so sad...

it had me crying for a few chaps...

such a brilliant tear jerkrer...

i love your style of writing, this is one of the best fics ive ever read, no joke. its hard to find amazing fics like this.i love it, love it, love it!

i went through a time like this...

the irony... heh.

i fucking hate ppl who are so against homosexuals like that... they deserve to be beaten to a pulp. :3


he should have fucking killed him. haha

but c'mon, its college lol shouldnt people be a little more bit mature? thats some middle/high school shit, maybe even elementary. so fucking ridiculous.

thankyou for brightening up my day with such an addicting fic, even if it was depressing as fuck. thats what makes the story so addicting tho. :D

please update as soon as possible...

i need to know what happens next. i simply ned to.


SnakeyLobve chapter 10 . 6/15/2009
-sniffle-... -teary eyes-... Every chapter since 6 has had me in tears! And like... Not just a few tears, full out BAWLING. Such a sad story! Please update soon, I think I still have some tears left in me lol. No fic has EVER made me cry this much! I really wish Sasori hadn't killed himself -sniffle-. Please update!
GayItachi chapter 7 . 2/19/2009
T-T i am cring that says it is really good i hate for him to die but he did it in the place of someone he loved
PrincessPika chapter 7 . 12/31/2008
Holy shit man... I'm about to cry, it's so fuckin' sad! Sasori... awesome story.. just awesome, so dramatic.. I love it!

Happy New Years!

iJoeyMonster chapter 10 . 4/10/2008
This was so sad. Poor Dei. Why did Sasori have to kill himself and leave Dei alone like that? Please continue. -sniff-
Terrorist Teapot chapter 10 . 2/5/2008
Okey, you had me crying constantly for like four chapters. I've started reading this today, but I just couldn't stop until I'd read everything. So now it's almost 3am and I really need to go to bed...

I don't think I've ever read a fic that made me this emotional. And it's simply... I can't really describe it with words, I guess 'brilliant' or something like that have to do, even though it can't describe how I feel about it.

Thank you for writing this and keep me up at night crying. _
Terrorist Teapot chapter 8 . 2/5/2008
omg this is really getting to me... You know, I'm crying and sobbing. it's a luck I'm the only one at home, otherwise people would definately wonder.
Terrorist Teapot chapter 7 . 2/5/2008
Oh shit, I'm crying.. I'm actually crying..
Nii-san's Obsession chapter 10 . 2/1/2008
ah! how can you end it right there? no! and they were just startin' to get it on, man! oh, i really like hidan's 'i swear to god man, you're a fast mover. getting in with Itachi like that'. XD keep writing! up date soon!
Nii-san's Obsession chapter 7 . 2/1/2008
oh my gosh...i am seriously...i am seriously crying. i am not joking. i'm fucking CRYING. just two tears cause i stopped myself so no one would see and ask what was wrong. and i barely ever cry...i mean, i don't even know who sasori is but what i've read about him in a few fanfics and heard about him from a friend of mine. i can't...oh my gosh...that's really know how to really strike emotion into your writing, no kidding. i'm not insulting you. really. it's very good.

keep writing.

Samauke09 chapter 6 . 1/24/2008
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