Title: Loss
Pairings: little SasoDei, Major ItaDei. And Kisame having a major obsessive crush on Itachi xD

Description: It's Deidara and Sasori going to college for the first time. Its not placed in the ninja-naruto world. xD
Authors: ReayTakumi Sheezyart

The beeping of his digital alarm rang through his sleep, cutting short his dreams of him and his red haired lover living happily ever.

He slammed his hand down on the clock, stopping the incessant beeping. "Shut up, un," he grumbled to himself, burrowing back underneath his blanket and retreating back to dream land.

Seconds later, his dream world was interrupted again as his mother, an older looking version of himself, with the same striking blue eyes and blonde hair, slammed open the door.

"Dei-kun," she shouted, rocking the sleeping lump, "Dei-kun, wake up NOW, you'll be late for college. You don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

The blond grumbled again, and gradually eased himself up out of bed.

He heard his mother mention something about him being too late for breakfast, and grumbled again. Great, he'd have to go to college, on his first day, hungry.

He sighed, but at least he had his Sasori-chan to cheer him up on the way. He smiled at that thought, and changed into a loose shirt and some plain jeans.

He looked in the mirror at his pale complexion, and smiled. His Sasori-chan always knew how to cheer him up, and thinking of him gave him butterflies in the pit of his stomach.

He brushed his hair up how he liked it, and picked up his rucksack, quickly making his way out of the house to get to Sasori on time.

He knew college wouldn't be easy for him and Sasori, but they could stick it out.

They'd always been a team, and had been through worse. He ran as fast as he could, and stumbled as he ran head on into the puzzled looking red-head.

Sasori smiled as he noticed how much his companion was panting for breath. "Late again, Dei-kun?"

"We can still make it, un" Deidara said, pecking Sasori on the cheek. He grabbed his arm and pulled him down the street.

Sasori's cheeks went red as he muttered "I wanted to buy some candy first, for in the break."

Deidara stopped immediately and turned to a shop "Well, we've got to hurry; I'll wait for you outside."

Sasori nodded and ran to the shop.

"Sasori-kun! I miss you already!" Deidara yelled while he waved, Sasori smiled and went inside.

"Oh Sasori-kun!" Deidara squeaked when Sasori handed him a heart shaped lollypop.

Deidara flew in his arms and hugged him tightly.

"What's this for, un?"

"It's because you've been so nice to me all this time… and…" Sasori hesitated, not sure how to phrase his emotions. He sighed loudly, and smiled weakly, "I love you Dei-Chan! You've really kept me going."

Deidara looked into Sasori's eyes mustered the sweetest smile he could… He understood what Sasori meant.

Ever since his parents died Sasori had been a different person. He wasn't as bright anymore; the sparkle in his eyes had dulled. He seemed to have a heavy heart.

From the moment he woke up, Deidara always tried to cheer him up. "I love you too, un!" Deidara said softly as he took Sasori by the hand.

"Let us embrace doomsday, un," he giggled, which translated to: First day of college.

"Whoa," Deidara sighed while he looked in the hallway.

There were all kinds of people, from the average, blond haired prep, to the jock standing next to her, attempting to get her number as she giggled flirtatiously.

Sasori looked down to Deidara, who seemed oblivious to the stares they were both getting by holding hands. "I'm gonna walk you to class, then I'll have to go or I'll be late, alright?"

Deidara looked up at him, his blue eyes glinting happily. "Sounds good to me, and you're so sweet for walking me to class, un."

Deidara smiled, as usual, and added, "Sasori-kun?"

Sasori looked towards him, a puzzled look spreading across his face.

"You're perfect, un."

At that moment, they stood in their own world, where everything was perfect and nothing could hurt them. Sasori smiled, and squeezed Deidara's hand affectionately.

"You too, Dei-Chan."

At that moment, their world was crashed into by a tall, blue haired teen. He had yellow contacts, and eyed them angrily.

"Watch where you're going, will you?" He grimaced.

Deidara cowered slightly, but Sasori squared up to the much taller, much more aggressive looking boy.

"Don't talk to me, or Dei-kun, like that again," Sasori said coldly.

Deidara relaxed slightly, knowing his Sasori-kun wouldn't let anyone hurt him.

The blue haired boy swung his arm back, and punched the air in front of Sasori, stopping millimetres from Sasori's face, but Sasori didn't flinch.


A dark haired boy, with crimson eyes ran up to the blue haired boy.

"Kisame! Leave the first years alone," the boy was tall, but slightly smaller than his friend. His hair was raven-black and he seemed to be wearing contact lenses that made his eyes the strange crimson colour.

Maybe it's the new fashion in college, un… Deidara thought to himself. He breathed a sigh of relief that the other, calmer boy had stepped in. He didn't want his Sasori-kun hurt.

The dark haired boy took a hold of his friend's arm, and lowered it to his side. "You need to stop picking fights Kisame, it's crowded. People are obviously going to bump into you."

The boy named Kisame scowled, and muttered under his breath.

Sasori relaxed his stance, and squeezed Deidara's hand, signalling that everything was okay.

The dark haired boy glanced over to Sasori and Deidara.

"Problem?" He said coldly. Deidara tensed up again, sensing that the dark haired boy may not be a friend after all.

The boy cut off Deidara's train of thought, saying acidly, "look, if all you two are gonna do is gawp, then I'm gonna let Kisame hit you next time. Move it brats."

On that note, the bell rang. Sasori scowled at the dark haired boy and his accomplice as they pushed their way past him.

"Oops, I got to go now Sasori-kun. I don't want to be late for class," Deidara said, as he flung his arms around Sasori's neck and kissed him.

A few people behind Sasori began laughing as Deidara skipped away, humming happily.

He didn't care about those people! He loved his Sasori-kun and didn't care who knew it.

"Hey, you," a boy sneered at Sasori from the desk behind. Sasori had a bad feeling about what was going to happen next.

"Hey, I'm calling you bitch," the boy hissed, kicking the back of Sasori's chair.

Sasori grimaced, but didn't turn around. He wasn't going to take the bait.

The boy tutted, "I guess if you aren't going to answer me, then I'll have to get the answers from your little blond friend…" The boy and his friends laughed, mocking Sasori.

..How long is it going to take for a teacher to get here damn it…? I don't know how much more of these idiots I can stand…

One of the boys leant forward towards Sasori's ear and murmured with a smirk, "I wonder if your little blond friends a squealer…"

Sasori leapt up at that comment, and slammed the boy's head hard onto his desk, his small form blanketing his true strength.

"SHUT THE HELL UP, NOW!" Sasori screamed, and lifted the boy's head up so that his crushed, bloody nose was almost touching Sasori's.

"If you go anywhere near Deidara," Sasori continued icily, "I'll kill you."

The lessons before lunch break passed by in a blur.

The boy with the bloodied nose had been sent to the nurse, and Sasori hadn't been blamed because the boy was too proud to admit that he'd been hurt by a "faggot."

Sasori endured three straight hours of Mathematics, trying to understand complex equations and ignoring wolf whistles and snickers from the remaining group of boys behind him.

He wasn't going to enjoy this school, and in the first three hours he had managed to make a group of enemies. Great.

He sat and daydreamed about his Dei-kun, hoping the time would pass quicker.

The bell sounded loudly for lunch break, and made Sasori jump. He was lost in his dream world, and the bell was an unwanted intrusion.

He sighed loudly and trudged out of the classroom, knowing that he wouldn't just escape his earlier actions.


Ugh… shit that hurt…

Sasori was thrown easily against the lockers by the three larger boys. The largest grabbed him by his collar and pushed his face into Sasori's.

Sasori grimaced. The boy's breath smelt stale, and his face was twisted into a sick smile. He was enjoying every second of Sasori's pain.

Within seconds, the larger boy had brought his head back and slammed it, hard, against Sasori's forehead, causing the back of Sasori's head to smash into the lockers behind him.

"Hey, what the hell do you think you're doing?!" shouted a cold, familiar voice.

The larger boy who was holding Sasori up suddenly dropped him to the floor, leaving him against the lockers in a dazed heap. He had bigger things to worry about now.

Sasori made out the figure of the dark haired boy who had prevented a fight between him and Kisame earlier.

"Wouldn't it be a good idea to pick on someone your own size?" the dark haired boy smirked. He clearly enjoyed conflict as well, "more of a challenge… Or perhaps you like picking on people who you know won't be able to fight back?"

The dark haired boy crossed his arms across his chest, and smirked, mocking the bully.

The bully dwarfed the boy in bulk, but there was an air of confidence the boy gave off that made it clear who would win this fight.

The larger boy realised this too, and grunted as him and his friends backed away from the challenge, and walked away, spitting on Sasori as they passed his crumpled form.

"Y'know, I'm not going to be around to keep helping you out," the dark haired boy said, offering Sasori his hand and rolling his eyes, "come on, let's go find lover boy huh?"

Sasori's heart lifted, and all of a sudden his bruised and very painful head didn't seem so bad. In moments he'd be with his Dei-kun, and it didn't matter what anybody else did, as long as they had each other.

"I'm Itachi by the way," the dark haired boy mumbled, straining under the weight of Sasori's body, "Uchiha Itachi, and also, it seems, your bodyguard."

"Maybe he got lost…" Deidara said to himself as he leaned against the lockers in the main hallway. For the tenth time since he'd been there, he looked at his watch; minutes seemed to be dragging by as slow as hours… Where could he be?

Even the last students in the hall had started to make their way to the cafeteria or to the benches outside… Deidara winced as his stomach whined for food, but still he wanted to wait for his Sasori-kun, they were a team, after all!

Finally Sasori showed up in the hallway, but not alone. Deidara saw how the dark haired boy held up Sasori, helping him get to Deidara.

"Sasori-kun!" Deidara gasped, shocked at seeing his lover in such a state. He ran towards him and grabbed him by his shoulders. "What happened?"

Sasori tried to smile, but failed miserably, wincing with the pain of his bruised, bloody head, "Well, I made "friends" already, almost got beat up pretty bad..' he said, his voice trailing off as he saw tears welling up in Deidara's eyes.

"Hey, I said almost, right?" Sasori murmured, trying feebly to comfort Deidara, "I was done for until this guy turned up," Sasori motioned at Itachi, who was easing him from his shoulders so that Sasori could go to Deidara.

Deidara smiled weakly.

"Thank you. Saso-kuns hero!" He grinned at Itachi and stuck out his hand confidently.

"I'm Deidara, but my friends call me Dei-kun," Itachi smiled at him and shook his hand "Call me Itachi, and," he added, blushing slightly, "I'm no hero. Anyone would've done the same."

Itachi turned to Sasori again. "I'm going to leave you two lovebirds alone for a while, go search for Kisame. I don't know where the hell he is… I'll meet you after break to escort you to class," He said with a grin. "Keep out of trouble."

Sasori nodded and put his arm around Deidara's shoulders. 'Bye, hero-kun!' Deidara said and Itachi lifted his hand as he walked away.

Behind the dark haired boy, a few girls came out of the toilets and stared at him. They giggled and went on to the cafeteria. Well, Deidara thought, Hero-kun must be pretty popular with the ladies…

Sasori pulled on Deidara's arm, signalling that he wanted to go to the cafeteria… As he did, Deidara noticed he was still staring at Itachi's back, and a pale pink spread across his face.

He carried on watching his Hero-kun until he disappeared through the double doors at the end of the hall, feeling the familiar fluttering at the pit of his stomach.