
Ok so this updates are not as frequent as I'd like but I WILL finish this story and when I do it will because of all you guys who keep (lovingly) nagging me and PMing me, you seriously give me the motivation to continue with this and I wanna say a huge thank you for doing so!

I LOVE reading your reviews, especially the people who have only recently started reading, I'm glad the story flows well for you guys too because I do worry sometimes!

But anyway, thanks again for sticking with this, I love writing it (I just wish I had more time to!)

Enjoy x

Teddy checked his watch. It was ten minutes to midnight. He stared up at the straw ceiling of the hut he had been laying in for the last hour and sighed. After hours trekking in the rainforest, Teddy was thoroughly exhausted but he willed himself to stay awake, partly, because he didn't want to dream about that strange girl but also because he wanted to speak to Caspian before he slept.

Teddy had hardly been able to say two words to his best friend since his emotional reunion with his mother. Caspian had followed Kaia to the head of the procession back to her village while Teddy walked behind them with the other tribesmen. When they finally reached the village, they were greeted by fifty or more villagers who began what Teddy could only assume was some sort of traditional welcoming chant followed by a dance around a large fireplace and an enormous feast. Caspian had sat with his mother all through this while Teddy had been seated at the back with the villagers. After the festivities had died down, Teddy found himself being ushered into this hut while Caspian and his mother wandered off into the distance arm in arm.

Teddy closed his eyes and remembered the way Caspian's mother had looked at him throughout the feast. He couldn't help but feel a pang of resentment and then immediately felt guilty about it.

He's only just found his mother and you're already jealous, he berated himself but he couldn't get the thought off his mind. He suddenly found himself yearning for his grandmother but even more so for his own mother who had never known.

Just as tears began springing up in his eyes, a familiar voice called out.

"Teddy, are you in here?"

"Yeah Cass, come in," Teddy replied, blinking back his tears just before Caspian appeared at the doorway. His best friend's face was painted with strange multicoloured markings and he wore an orange feathered headdress.

"Wow, you've assimilated quickly," Teddy quipped as Caspian crawled on his knees to enter the hut.

"Yeah some dude just put this on my head and painted my face, my mother says it's what they do when a tribe member returns after many years," Caspian looked up at Teddy who sat up on the wooden mattress, "I'm sorry by the way."

"For what?"

"For leaving you out of everything tonight," Caspian said sheepishly, "I felt really bad when I realise you'd gone to bed. I just got so caught up with my meeting my mother, I forgot to even introduce you to her."

"Cass, it's fine, really," Teddy replied quickly, "I understand how much today meant to you and if anything I feel like I'm intruding."

"What? Of course not," Caspian protested, sitting beside Teddy. Caspian looked directly at him, his grey eyes suddenly deeply serious, "Teddy, I would have never made it here without you. I know I should have said this much earlier, but thank you for coming all this way with me." He smiled coyly at Teddy and Teddy smiled back, offering his best friend a fist bump which Caspian happily reciprocated.

"Well," said Caspian after a pause, "I better get back."

"Get back to where?"

"My mother asked me to sleep in her lodge tonight."

"Oh," said Teddy trying to be nonchalant.

"You can sleep there too," Caspian offered.

"No," Teddy said quickly, "I'm fine here, I'll see you in the morning," he finished briskly, practically ushering Caspian out of the hut with a large fake smile plastered on his face. When he was alone, he sighed and fell back onto his wooden mattress, feeling utterly alone.

After a few minutes of silent contemplation, Teddy opened his backpack and took out some of the stuff he had brought with him from home. One of the first things was a picture of himself aged four years old, sandwiched in between his grandmother and Harry on a park bench and another was a picture of his parents on their wedding day. He kissed both photos and put them under his pillow. Next, he brought out his copy of "Very Advanced Dark Magic" and placed it on his lap as he flipped the pages looking for the topic he wanted to read before he slept; finally he found it:

Dream Walking he read silently, the ability to enter the dreams of another and manipulate their thoughts and actions while they are asleep.

Background: There are no recorded examples of Wizards being able to dream walk but several ancient mythologies describe dream walking among sprite communities. In these texts, a sprite will enter the dreams of a nearby animal and through this, control the beast's actions. Typically used by sprites for retribution against humans, dream walking is described as a highly difficult and dangerous type of magic with often damaging effects on both the dream walker and their chosen beast. Although often compared to the Imperius Curse, dream walking differs in that a dream walker cannot make their beast do anything, rather, they must make their beast think they want to do something...

Suddenly Teddy fell asleep.


Teddy woke up the next morning surprisingly refreshed. He crawled out of his hut to find the village bustling with movement. There were children laughing as they chased chickens around the huts, women cooking by the fireplace and men carrying bundles of straw and lumber up and down the length of the village square. In the centre of the village was a long wooden table and sitting at its head was Caspian's mother, Kaia, surrounded by half a dozen tribesmen. As Teddy approached, she looked up and smiled, standing up to meet him.

"Good Morning Teddy," said Kaia. Even without her headdress she was taller than him and as he looked at her closely, she realised how youthful she seemed. "Did you sleep well?" She asked.

"Yes, thank you," answered Teddy, surprised by this sudden acknowledgement of his existence.

"I'm sorry that you were put in that small cramped hut, I don't think my men realised who you were," Kaia explained putting a hand on Teddy's shoulder and leading him away from the table towards the large wooden lodge behind them. "I have to admit I didn't even realise Rio had brought a friend with him until he told me but you'd already gone to bed. You must think I'm the rudest mother alive."

Teddy shook his head instantly but Kaia smiled at him knowingly.

"May we start again?" She asked offering out her hand, "I'm Kaia, chieftess of this tribe and mother of Rio Caspian Malfoy."

"Teddy Lupin, er...best friend of your son," Teddy replied, shaking Kaia's hand, "Where is Caspian by the way?"

"He's in my lodge," Kaia answered gesturing to the building in front of them, "You may sleep here from now on as well if you like."

The wooden lodge was large three storey building, a far cry from the tiny hut he had slept in last night.

"Yes," he agreed immediately. Kaia beckoned him inside the lodge which was even more spacious than it appeared from the outside with a large living room and dining room and three ladders leading upstairs. Descending from one of them was Caspian who smiled happily as he viewed Teddy and his mother standing in front of him.

"Ah Teddy, welcome to mi casa!" Caspian exclaimed, "I see you've met my mother now. Morning mum."

"Morning my darling," Kaia replied, stroking Caspian's face tenderly, "I hope you slept well?"

Caspian nodded enthusiastically, staring up at his mother with a dazed, mesmerized look .

"I've told your friend that he can sleep with you from now on, would you like that?"

Caspian nodded again and Kaia beamed at him.

"What do you want for breakfast? Do you like eggs?" She asked, turning to Teddy as well.

"Eggs would be great, thanks," Teddy replied.

"Yeah whatever," Caspian agreed with a shrug, not taking his eyes off his mother.

"Ok, I'll tell my fire women to prepare some for you," Kaia said kissing Caspian softly on the head before leaving the room.

"Isn't she great?" Caspian sighed as he watched her go with a contented smile, "She's so cool, we spent all night talking."

"That's great. Did she explain why she gave you away?" Teddy asked as they both took a seat at the dining table. Caspian frowned and coloured slightly.

"No," he replied curtly, "but we talked about lots of other stuff like how we're both ambidextrous and we both like muggle things and the fact she also played beater on her school Quidditch team, it's like we're the same person."

"That's great, Cass," Teddy responded but Caspian watched him carefully.

"You think I should have asked her, don't you?"

Teddy shrugged, "It's not my place to say."

"But you think I should have."

"Well isn't that one of the main reason you came all the way here, to get some answers?"

"I've just met her though," Caspian said defensively, "I can't just bombard her with all the questions I've been storing up for eighteen years. And plus, I mean it's clear she loves me. Look at the way she keeps touching and kissing me, she even cried when she saw me. And remember, that girl in the white dress said she'd been expecting me. I mean the whole tribe went berserk when I came back, they called me their long lost son. My mother's clearly been waiting for me all this time so what does the past matter when I'm obviously the most important thing in her life?"

Suddenly Kaia came back into the lodge, her face beaming in delight.

"We have some special guests coming in a few minutes."

"Who?" asked Caspian in excitement.

"Your father!"

Teddy watched all colour leave Caspian's face. "What?" He demanded.

"Sorry," said Kaia hastily, "I mean your stepfather, my husband," she amended still smiling.

"Stepfather?" Caspian repeated in shock.

"Yes and your brothers," Kaia said impatiently, "They're just unloading their catches, they went fishing for a few days, they can't wait to meet you!"

"My b-brothers?" Caspian stammered, "You... have other children?"

Kaia's smile faded as she saw the look of disappointment on Caspian's face.

"Yes, does this upset you?"

"No," answered Caspian unconvincingly.

"It does, you're upset. Why are you are upset?"

"I'm not," answered Caspian hotly, "I'm just...surprised."

"Why?" Kaia queried moving closer to Caspian.

"Well, because you gave me up," Caspian replied after an excruciating pause, "how can you have other kids if you didn't want me?"

Kaia's whole face suddenly changed, she seemed both simultaneously upset and angry. She towered over her son, her brown eyes were fierce as she spoke, "You think I didn't want you?" she asked, her voice trembling, "Rio, I've wanted you more than everything in the world. I've waited all these years for you to come back to me."

"Then why did you let me go in the first place?" Caspian asked, his voice drenched in hurt.

Kaia's brimmed with tears and she looked away for moment before facing her son, "I didn't let you go, you were taken from me by your father and I was too young and naïve to do anything about it. I have always wanted you, Rio. There has not been a single day in the last seventeen and a half years that I have not cried for you, waiting and hoping that this will be the day that you might come back to me." Her face soften and she placed a hand on Caspian's cheek and looked at him with a sad sort of smile, "Yes, I got married and I had more children but I tell them everyday about their big brother from England. They know all about you, they have photos of you on their bedroom walls. They've grown up dreaming of the day when they finally get to meet you, for the day when our family is finally whole...but if this is not what you want..."

"No-" Caspian interjected, his voice choked up as he placed his own hand over his mother's with a smile, "I'm sorry, I want to meet them, of course I do."

Kaia smiled, wiping away her tears as she rushed to the entrance of the lodge and yelled out something in a foreign tongue. Within a few seconds, three boys raced into the lodge accompanied by with a stocky, dark skinned man who was carrying a fourth boy. All five looked at Kaia expectantly before diverting their gazes to Caspian and Teddy, standing awkwardly in the dining room.

"Rio, this is my husband Rodrigo and these are our sons, your brothers," announced Kaia. She gestured for the three older boys to move closer to Caspian which they did, rather cautiously, staring at their new brother with wide browns eyes.

"Hi," said Caspian awkwardly as he viewed the three boys who stood in military stance in front of him, "I'm Rio, or Caspian if you like. What are your names?"

"I'm Thomaz,"declared the boy who stood in the middle and was almost spitting image of his father, "He is Thiago Luis" the boy explained gesturing to the fairer, rounder boy to his left, "the other is Francisco" he continued pointing to the smallest of the three who had unruly curly brown hair, "and the baby is Angel", he gestured backwards to the youngest boy who was being held by his father.

"And which of you is the oldest?" asked Caspian.

"I am the second," answered Thomaz, "Luis is the third, Francisco is the fourth , and Angel is the last."

"Who's the first then?" Caspian asked in confusion.

"You," stated Thomaz matter-of-factly, "You are the first. You are the oldest brother."

"Oh," Caspian realised with a sudden smile, looking up at his mother who stood watching in the distance, "I guess I am."

"Finally, I have a big brother," Thomaz grinned, looking up at Caspian with big brown eyes, Caspian smiled back down at him.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"Twelve years old," Thomaz answered.

"I have ten years," Luis piped up.

"You are ten years old," Thomaz corrected his brother.

"Me, seven," Francisco said simply.

"And the baby is three," Thomaz finished.

"You all speak English very well," Caspian commented.

"I make them practice everyday," said their father Rodrigo, coming into the fold with baby Angel still in his arms, "I told them they have a English brother so it's important they can speak his language. I bet you three are glad I did now aren't you?"

The three boys nodded enthusiastically.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you, Rio," Rodrigo said offering out his free hand to Caspian, "I just want you to know, even though we've never met, I still feel like you're my son too."

Teddy could tell Caspian was trying hard not to raise an eyebrow as Rodrigo pulled him in for an impromptu bear hug.

"And who are you?" asked Luis suddenly to Teddy.

"Oh, this is Teddy," Caspian croaked, wriggling out of Rodrigo's grasp, "He's my best friend."

"Hi," said Teddy as all four boys and their father turned to him.

"Why are you here?" asked Francisco innocently.

Good question thought Teddy but before he could answer their attention had diverted to someone who just walked into the room.


Teddy looked up as the girl from his dreams sauntered casually into the room wearing the same knee length thin white dress as the day before.

The three older boys rushed towards her while Angel fussed in his father's arms to be let down so he too could run to her. She picked him up and kissed him lightly on his chubby cheeks before looking up at Kaia and smiling and then turning to Rodrigo who gave her a simple nod.

"Blanca, look, Rio's here!" cried Luis, patting the girl impatiently with one arm while gesturing to Caspian in excitement with the other.

Blanca glanced up at Caspian and Teddy, letting the younger boys lead her to them with a beguiling smile on her blood red lips. Teddy stared at her. There was something different about her but he couldn't place what it was.

"Hello Rio," she said slowly, completely ignoring Teddy as she stared at Caspian with a steely gaze, "I believe we've already met."

"Yes... sorry about all that yesterday," Caspian said apologetically.

"Ancient history, brother," Blanca replied, leaning in and kissing Caspian tenderly twice on each cheek.

"Brother?" queried Teddy as Caspian's face flushed where Blanca had kissed him.

"Are you're my sister?" asked Caspian in surprise as Blanca grinned at Kaia who had come to stand beside them.

"Yes," Blanca answered.

"What? How is that even possible? How old are you?" Caspian questioned, his eyes darting from his mother to Blanca in confusion.

"I'm almost seventeen," Blanca responded.

Teddy could see Caspian trying to do the mathematics in his head.

"Blanca is my adopted daughter," Kaia clarified, "In truth she is my brother's daughter, I adopted her after his death."

"Oh," Caspian said, relaxing, "So you're my cousin."

"Sister," Kaia and Blanca corrected simultaneously.


"Blanca is no less my child than you or my other children," Kaia said firmly, running her hand through Blanca's silky black hair fondly. Blanca kissed Kaia's cheek and smiled. Teddy watched her carefully, noticing her smile fade when her gaze met with Rodrigo who stood a little distance away from the group.

"I'm hungry!" announced Francisco, pushing himself into the centre of the group.

"Oh yes, the eggs," Kaia remembered, "Thomaz, go and tell the fire women to bring our food."

Thomaz did as he was told and within a few minutes, breakfast had arrived and they were all sat around the dining table eating heartily.

If Teddy had not felt awkward before, he certainly did now as he sat in silence listening to Thomaz, Luis and Francisco grill their new brother on his life in England with Kaia and Rodrigo laughing at their questions. As Teddy watched them, he realised just how seamlessly Caspian seemed to fit in with his new family. His mannerisms, the way he smiled and laughed, it was the same smile as his brothers and his mother. This is his home, thought Teddy trying to ignore the gnawing feeling of jealously and loneliness that was threatening to overwhelm him. He looked up from his food and found Blanca staring at him. She quickly looked away but not before Teddy suddenly realised what was different about her today.

"Your eyes," he blurted out in surprise.

The whole table turned to look at him.

"Everything okay Teddy?" asked Caspian in between a forkful of food.

"Your eyes have changed," Teddy said, his stare fixed on the girl in front of him who was looking back at him with fierce green eyes, "They were blue yesterday but they're green today and I swear I just saw them flash brown a second ago."

Blanca said nothing, she continued to glare at him fiercely but with every blink her eyes would change colour: green to brown to blue to grey to amber to purple until finally they were green again.

"How are you doing that?" Teddy demanded.

Blanca laughed derisively, "You of all people are asking me how I change my appearance?"

Teddy frowned and opened his mouth to reply to Caspian got there first, "How do you know Teddy can change his appearance?" he asked suspiciously.

"I know everything," Blanca replied with a lazy shrug.

"And you knew we were coming yesterday," Caspian pressed as he remembered, "How is that?"

"Magic," teased Blanca wiggling her fingers mockingly.

"Blanca," Kaia warned.

"You'll have to forgive Blanca," Rodrigo said hastily, shooting his adopted stepdaughter a cutting look, "She's not as well trained in English manners as my boys."

Blanca stared at Rodrigo dangerously but said nothing.

"Blanca is very special," Kaia explained, sensing the rising tension in the room, "She has the gift."

"What gift?" asked Caspian.

"I don't know what you call it in English..." Kaia paused for a moment, trying to explain, "she sees things that others cannot see, she knows what will happen next-"

"You're a seer!" Teddy interrupted.

Blanca looked up at him but said nothing.

"That's how you knew we were coming, that's how you know everything about me, you can see the future!"

"And the present and the past," Blanca replied, her eyes turning from green to brown as she fixed her gaze on him, "I see all Teddy."

"So you're a seer," Caspian exclaimed, his grey eyes wide as he stared at his cousin, "That's so cool. So you just know everything that's going to happen?"

"Only if I want to know," Blanca answered cryptically, "Sometimes I can see everything or nothing, other times, I have no choice."

Caspian raised an eyebrow in confusion. Blanca smiled mysteriously, "It's complicated, maybe our mother can explained better, she used to have the gift as well."

"You were a seer too?" asked Caspian turning to Kaia. His mother nodded.

"It runs in our family," Kaia explained, "I was a seer, as was my brother, my mother and her mother before her, it has been like this for generations."

"But you don't have the power any more?" Caspian queried.

Kaia considered the question for a moment, "Most people lose the power after a certain point in their lives," she explained.

"A very certain point," Blanca added with wry grin.

Kaia rolled her eyes and continued, "There are very few true seers, that is, those who have the gift all their lives. My mother, your grandmother, was one. She was the first true seer in our family for decades, I wish you could have met her."

"She's dead now?"

"Yes, more than sixteen years ago," Kaia lamented, "She was a remarkable woman. A fierce warrior, great leader and so wise. I think you would have liked her."

"But she didn't like me very much," Caspian quipped.

"Who told you that?"

"That's what my father told Teddy and my cousin. He said that she thought I was a white devil child, isn't that right Teddy?"

Teddy nodded hastily, his eyes still locked on Blanca who seemed to purposely looking away from him.

"I cannot pretend your grandmother was fond of you, Rio," Kaia said sadly, "but it wasn't her fault, she was misinformed. You see, shortly after you were born, she had a vision of a baby with skin and hair as white as snow being born from the river and bringing destruction and death to our tribe. It was foretold that the baby was going to kill her and then after her death, this baby would cause a great war for the leadership of the tribe where many would die and the tribesmen would fight against each other, irreversibly tearing our mighty tribe into many smaller, weaker fractions."

"The baby was me," Caspian concluded slowly, "That's why you sent me away."

Kaia looked at him sadly, "She was convinced the baby from her vision was you so she made me give you to your father. Her visions were always correct but she misinterpreted this one."

Caspian pondered this for a moment.

"How do you know she wasn't right? If all her visions were always correct then maybe I was going to bring death and destruction to the tribe."

Kaia smiled wistfully, "Believe me, the baby in the vision wasn't you Rio."

"But how do you know?"

"Because it was me," said Blanca with a wry smile as she locked eyes with Teddy.


The day wore on slowly for Teddy after breakfast. He spent most of the day following Caspian and his half brothers around as the young boys took them to see the sights of the village which happened to be few and far between. Finally, after what seemed like a lifetime of meandering about, it was time for bed and Teddy lay in the pitch black darkness of his new abode, laying comfortably on a feather bed beside Caspian.

"I'm going fishing tomorrow with my brothers and stepfather," Caspian said, "Do you want to come?"

Teddy considered for minute before answering, "No."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go through my potion notes tomorrow. I have to get started on the human trials soon."

There was long pause before Caspian spoke, "I don't really like the idea of you testing out the potion here."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't really want you killing my tribesmen."

"Your tribesmen?" scoffed Teddy, "Cass, you've barely talked to any of the villagers."

"Doesn't matter, my mum says that everyone in the village is like family. I don't want you killing my family."

"Well I have to kill someone or I'll never get my potion patented."

There was another long pause, this time broken by Teddy.

"Well, Cass?"

"I don't know," his best friend sighed, "just go to another village," he added lazily.

"Another village?" Teddy repeated incredulously, "Caspian, I can barely navigate my way around this one."

"Then ask Blanca to help you find another village."

"You're kidding right?" Teddy took out his wand and whispered, "Lumos," so that he could see Caspian's face as he spoke to him, "You want me to ask help from the girl who single handedly destroyed a whole village before she could even speak."

"Hey, don't talk about my sister that way."

"You met her yesterday," Teddy snapped, "And she's not even your real sister."

Caspian sat up immediately and scowled.

"Sorry, that was out of line," Teddy admitted. He sighed loudly, "You know what, maybe I should just head back to England."

"Don't be silly."

"No, you're right, this is your family and your tribe, I did my part by helping you find your mother and now I should go and let you spend time with her and your brothers and sister."

"But what about the potion?"

Teddy shrugged, "I'll figure something out, this can't be the only way to get it tested. I'll just...figure something out."
Caspian frowned but said nothing and they both silently settled into their beds and fell asleep soon afterwards.

It felt like minutes later that Teddy was being roughly woken up but when he opened his eyes, it was bright and sunny.

"Where's the fire?" he groaned as he begrudgingly opened his eyes to find it was Francisco shaking him violently.

"Wake up, quick! We found someone!"

"What?" Teddy muttered sleepily, sitting up and seeing Thomaz and Luis dragging Caspian down the ladder as Francisco urged him to follow them.

"We found him just wandering near the riverbank," Teddy could hear Thomaz telling Caspian excitedly as they were led out of the lodge into the village square where a small crowd had gathered. Teddy could see Kaia and Rodrigo in the centre and to his surprise, in the middle of it all was Vanessa's friend and their driver, Manuel.

"Manuel?" Teddy called as he recognised the messy haired sixteen year old.

Manuel, who Teddy could now see was tied with ropes all across his body, looked up in relief.

"Teddy, Caspian!" he yelled, "Gracias a dios!"

"You know him?" queried Rodrigo.

"Yes, he drove us here from Ecuador," Caspian explained, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

"And you left me for two days by the side of the road!" Manuel added heatedly.

"Why didn't you go back to the border?" argued Caspian.

"My car battery died," Manuel replied, struggling against the ropes which held him to no avail.

"Please, tell them to release me!" he begged, "I was looking for you but I got lost, I fell asleep by the river and when I woke up I was in ropes being carried here!"

"Is he your friend Rio?" asked Kaia, "May we release him?"

"He's not my friend," Caspian answered as Manuel's eyes darted to the armed tribesmen in fear, "but yes, release him."

Manuel sighed in relief as he was cut loose and fell onto the ground in a heap.

"Thanks guys," he said breathlessly as Teddy and Caspian helped him up. His clothes were torn and there was dirt all over his face.

"You look awful," Teddy commented as the crowd dispersed, "We better sort out how to get you home."

"Home?" Manuel repeated wiping the sweat from his face grubbily, "I just got here."

"There's really not that much to see," Teddy whispered as they followed Caspian back towards the lodge, "I'm actually planning on leaving today."

"Well if you're going maybe I should-" Manuel stopped in his tracks, "Wow, who's that?"

Teddy followed his gaze and his eyes fell on Blanca who walking out of the lodge. She was wearing the same white dress but somehow in the bright morning sun, she looked different, her long black hair seemed extra silky today as she walked past them and her eyes were the same deep brown Teddy remembered from his dreams.

"Bom dia," she said, biting her red lips slightly before disappearing into thin air before their very eyes.

"You guys saw that right?" exclaimed Manuel in shock.

Caspian and Teddy nodded.

"Was she real?" asked Manuel.

Caspian nodded, "She's my sister."

"She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen," breathed Manuel staring at the spot Blanca had disappeared from in awe.

Caspian's eyes narrowed and he frowned at Manuel, "Hey, don't get any ideas buddy," he snapped before grinning suddenly, "wow, it's so weird being on the other side of that conversation."

The trio continued into the lodge where Teddy and Caspian showed Manuel where to clean up and get changed before having breakfast with the rest of Caspian's family. After eating, Caspian and his brothers headed out to go fishing accompanied by Rodrigo while Manuel fell asleep leaving Teddy alone to pack his things in preparation for heading back to Ecuador.

It's for the best, Teddy told himself as he put his clothes into his suitcase, it had been nice helping Caspian find his mother and meeting his family but he had a mission to complete and if he couldn't complete it here, he would go back to Vanessa's grandfather for advice on where else he could go.

It was in the mid afternoon by the time Teddy was ready to leave. He went to find Manuel but found him still fast asleep. Teddy thought about waking him up but then remembered the rough couple of days Manuel had suffered and decided to let the poor boy sleep for a few more hours. Instead, he decided to use his remaining time in the Amazon to take a few pictures with his camera of the rainforest to show the Potter kids when he got back home. He wandered out of the village and into the thick foliage that surrounded it.

"Wow," whispered Teddy as he took a picture of orange snake which had wrapped itself around a nearby tree, "James is going to love this." He strolled on further and took some snaps of a flock of macaws and then a picture of a sloth who hanging above him. After a while he came to a massive river.

"Wow," he muttered again, taking several pictures of the impressive sight. He followed the river around the left hand corner, walking with it as it twisted and turned into several smaller rivers and taking dozen of photos of the fish and fauna. He followed one of the smaller rivers further, uphill into some more deep forest. Soon, he arrived to a small lake and swimming in it was Blanca.

Teddy stared at her.

She had her back to him and only her head was visible but he knew it was her. Manuel's right, she is beautiful he admitted to himself as he watched her swim around. But he's a bitch, Teddy decided as he remembered the way she looked at him, that permanent sneer and aloofness, the way she had called him wolf boy. Teddy stared at her furiously. Why does she hate me so much? He thought suddenly, annoyed at how much it infuriated him. Maybe it's because she's seen my dreams, he thought anxiously maybe because she knows how dark and twisted I am...

All of a sudden, there was a sound and Teddy looked up to see Blanca swimming towards the shore. As the water became shallower, her neck became visible, then her shoulders and then Teddy realised she wasn't actually wearing anything at all, she was completely naked.

Teddy gasped loudly in shock and Blanca looked up immediately.

"Shit," hissed Teddy in horror, "Shit, shit, shit," he repeated as he suddenly realised that as if he didn't already look like a pervert, he was also holding a camera in his hands. Without thought, he hurriedly and clumsily spun round, slamming head first into the nearest tree in his haste.

"Oh shit," he moaned as he blacked out into darkness.


Teddy woke up with a throbbing headache. Two brown eyes stared down at him.

"You're not dead," they said.

"What happened?" mumbled Teddy rubbing his head as he sat up. It took a moment for his vision to clear and when it did, he realised Blanca was leaning over him, her face a mere two inches from his face.

"You walked into a tree," she stated, "You were trying to avoid seeing me naked."

A sudden jolt of pain hit Teddy in the head and closed his eyes for moment. When he opened them, Blanca was still there standing over him, her face calm and stoic.

"How long was I out for?" Teddy mumbled trying unsuccessful to stand up while Blanca watched him but did nothing to help him up, instead deciding to sit down cross legged on the dirt beside him.

"About fifteen minutes," she answered, "You hit your head pretty hard. I must be particularly repulsive to you."

Teddy looked at her in bewilderment, "What are you talking about?"

"My body disgusts you, no?"


"It was so disgusting, it literally made you knock yourself unconscious so you wouldn't have to see it."

"No!" Teddy insisted, "of course not, your body is fine. Very fine, excellent actually," Teddy confessed, feeling his cheeks going red as he spoke, "I wasn't walking away because I didn't like your body, I was walking away because it was inappropriate for me to be looking at your body."

Blanca grinned slyly.

"What?" Teddy asked feeling very hot and still completely mortified.

"It's always funny hearing people explain things I already know," she said smugly. She stood up, "Come on let's go." She held out her hand and Teddy hesitated before taking it and being helped up to his feet.

"Where's my camera?" Teddy asked groggily as the world seemed to spin all around him.

"It's smashed."

Teddy groaned.

"Don't worry about it," Blanca said.

"But I took some amazing photos to show my god siblings."

"You have plenty of time to take more photos."

"Actually I'm leaving today."

"No you're not," Blanca stated evenly.

Teddy frowned, "Excuse me?"

"You're not leaving today."

"Says who?"

"Me," Blanca declared firmly, "You're staying because you need to test your out your potion. Going back to Ecuador won't help, you need to test it here."

Teddy reached for his wand and pointed it at Blanca who didn't even flinch, "How do you know about my potion?" he demanded.

Blanca yawned and smiled patronizingly, "Do I really need to reminder you that I'm a seer Teddy?"

"I've got an outstanding OWL in Divination so I know seers see the future but I've never read of any seer who can read minds and invade dreams as well."

"Well maybe you should read more," Blanca replied acidly.

"What are you?" Teddy asked angrily.

"What are you?" Blanca returned, "You say you've never read of any seer who can invade dreams, well I've never seen dreams like yours Teddy Lupin so explain that?"

"What do you mean?" asked Teddy, his wand hand faltering slightly, "What's in my dreams?"

" So much pain, so much darkness, so much longing, a thousand and one plans yet no direction, so boastful yet so self loathing-"

"Is that why you hate me?" interjected Teddy suddenly, his voice trembling slightly, "you know everyone thinks I'm perfect but I'm not and sometimes I wonder what they'd think of me if they really knew the real me, well you do and you hate me so I guess I've been right all along about keeping it all bottled up?"

Blanca stared at him nonplussed. She said nothing for almost a minute but with every blink her eyes changed colour, until they settled on the same grey as Caspian's.

"Everything you think is the opposite," she answered a near whisper, "How can you know so much and yet so little Teddy? If you had just let me finish, I would have told you that despite all that...or maybe because of all that, your dreams are amazingly beautiful. I first entered them to manipulate you to bringing Caspian back but I stayed in them because your mind is one of the most enchanting, enthralling places I've ever been... but then again maybe that's the darkness in me."

She sighed suddenly and looked at the sky.

"We don't have much time Teddy, it will rain soon. You need to test out your potion and I want to help you. Will you let me help you?"

Teddy thought for moment, he looked at Blanca and noticed the way she was looking at him had changed, it was no longer a look of disdain, in fact she was actually smiling softly at him.

"Okay," he said finally.

Her smile broaden.

"Good, we will start tomorrow morning."

"But who will we test it out on it?" asked Teddy, trying to keep up with her as she raced ahead of him as rain started to fall.

"Why, on my customers of course," Blanca said matter-of-factly. She stopped and took Teddy's hands suddenly, "We better just apparate, the rain is going to get heavier now."

Without warning Blanca apparated the both of them to within feet of Kaia's lodge where it had indeed starting violently pouring down with rain.

"I need to go now, go inside and prepare everything you need for your potion and I'll met you here at ten am tomorrow," Blanca instructed letting go of Teddy's hands and turning away from the lodge, "Oh and Teddy," she called, Teddy spun back round to find her completely rain soaked but with a sly smile on her red lips. "I wouldn't tell Caspian anything," she advised and with squeaky pop, she disappeared.

Hope you liked that?

Yeah I've been waiting since like chapter 5 to get to these chapters. I kind of feel like calling these group of chapters "The Lost Weekend" (John Lennon reference).

Let me know what you think about Blanca? She's a pretty important...(but don't worry TeddyxVictoire shippers...or maybe you should worry...just kidding...or am I?)

Coming up: Prophecies, Kisses, Letters and Soulmates.