May 31, 1976

James has been hung over all day, but it really hasn't mattered.  They've spent a lazy Sunday lounging about in various locations -- in the dorms, by the lake, under the Quidditch stands, moving from place to place as the mood strikes them, but never with any real intent behind it.  Sirius and Remus have been murmuring to each other all afternoon.  It's the quietest the former has been all month, and James would be worried if it weren't for the stupidly happy expression on his face.

Half an hour before supper, Sirius sits up with a jerk, eyes wide.

"Oh, no," he moans.

"What is it?" Remus asks, while Peter and James look up curiously.

"Moony, we forgot to go all the way around the lake today.  Remember?"

They'd planned it and forgotten about it; Sirius had wanted to investigate an interesting hole in the ground he'd noticed the week before.

"Don't worry about it, Pads," James says lazily, as Remus tugs Sirius back down into their sprawl on the grass.  "We've got all the time in the world."

Author's Notes:  I'm so sorry for the delay between the last post and this one -- I lost this in a notebook, and couldn't remember what I'd written.  Anyway, that concludes this fic; thanks so much to everyone who read, commented, and waited patiently as the experiment changed and was delayed.