Reviews for 31 Days in May
irusita chapter 31 . 5/11
great story! thank you!
Guest chapter 24 . 8/4/2019
What does a plotbunny look like? I imagine a cross between a mad scientist and a white rabbit... complete with the green-lensed goggles!

Also, love the story. I especially enjoy how there’s a good plot that’s not just the Sirius/Remus relationship, unlike other slash fics I’ve read.
SomehowSlytherin chapter 2 . 8/1/2016
Trelaway wasn't hired until the Marauders were out of school, I believe

Not to be rude, just thought I should point that out :)
theblacklake chapter 31 . 3/6/2013
That was great! I love the original prank ideas and How you didn't ignore Peter like most authors do.
bibz chapter 13 . 2/14/2013
Really enjoying this. Also, Sirius reading the Hobbit is just awesome. :D
TechNomaNcer28 chapter 12 . 8/28/2011
WOW!This is a real sweet chapter!Love the first bit and goodness he punched Snivvy!
Aria657 chapter 31 . 8/2/2011
Aww, this was so sweet! I love Remus and Sirius and their puppy love! I love the whole days of a month thing, they have interesting lives! Great job!
GeekyAndPr0ud chapter 9 . 9/24/2010
I really like they way you have done the characters:) I also love the parts in brackets from this chapter:)
Moony McGoogly chapter 31 . 7/19/2010
I loved this! I love the spells you invented, and how Sirius almost subconsciously pranks when he's bored.
Sarah chapter 31 . 4/13/2010
Wow. Really, really excellent story. Your characterizations were great and the plot was very intriguing. I just loved the cameo of crotchety old Phineas Nigellus. Then again who wouldn't be grumpy, being stuffed into bags from 1976 to 19?

But it's your Sirius that truly has me impressed. I love that he realizes his feelings for Remus coming off a conversation about the Order with Dumbledore, thinking about freedom and equality and why he wants to fight. Given Sirius' nature this line rang especially true: "... and while Sirius doesn't care much about the Muggles, he cares about Remus, and that sort of world sounds like it's worth fighting for." It's absolutely beautiful that his discovery of his feelings follows this line of thinking.

And then after he's figured out his feelings but before he's told Remus? Perfect. He's just so... adorable. All shy and trying not to be obvious about how he feels but completely failing because he's Sirius and Sirius just wears his feelings on his sleeve doesn't he? I've read so much crappy and good RL/SB alike where Sirius is proudly and overtly out and sleeping around, that your characterization was a precious and refreshing change. I'm pretty new to the ship, but I'd like to think that this is really how Sirius would act.
Bottlebrush chapter 31 . 10/25/2009
This is one of the very best fan stories I’ve ever read. It is totally amazing. I love the way you have written the characters of the Marauders. They are all exactly as I want to see them. You’ve concentrated mostly on Sirius and that’s difficult because he is such a complex person, but you’ve caught him precisely. You show the brilliance of his intelligence and magical ability, and his courage bordering on recklessness – “he is Sirius Black, and he is more than a match for anything he might encounter” – but held in check by his knowledge and experience – he doesn’t touch the silver box, he treats it with caution and respect. And you’ve caught his hyperactivity, the restless energy and intolerance of tedious routine which can make him seem childish and superficial but are the downside of his brilliance. I like the tiny glimpses you give of his background: it appears that at this stage in his life he is at least on fairly good terms with his father, who is teaching him magic beyond what is appropriate for his age. It’s only during the course of this story that he makes the choice to reject his family’s political stand, which will lead in due course to rejecting his family.

Other good stuff in this story:

the facetious accusation of “traitor” by Sirius to Remus and by James to Peter, foreshadowing events to come.

“Professor McGonagall is some sort of non-sleeping robot.”

The whole story of the stalking of Trelawney –and yes, I know there wasn’t a Divination class when the Marauders were at Hogwarts, and if there had been, Trelawney wouldn’t have been teaching it, but to me it doesn’t matter. It’s far too good a story to lose over a technicality like that, and even more than Trelawney herself I like the part McGonagall plays in it – “McGonagall turns in her seat and directs a long, suspicious look at the Gryffindor table.” She KNOWS – in the same way Snape KNEW Harry was responsible for Sirius’s escape at the end of PoA – but doesn’t know the details and can’t prove anything. In fact I really like the way you’ve written McGonagall throughout the story.

“Sirius is certain that Gandalf is somehow based on Dumbledore” – that is so clever, because it’s probably the other way round, but in a world where Dumbledore actually exists, yes, this is how it would seem.

The description of the smell of Dark magic as detected by Sirius in dog form.

Dumbledore’s sudden and – to me, at least – totally unexpected mention of Voldemort and the Order.

The delicate sensitive treatment of the Sirius/Remus slash. I absolutely love the way you’ve done that. The subtlety and restraint infinitely more intense and erotic than the crude accounts of what goes where and description of resultant bodily fluids that gain certain other fanfics many enthusiastic reviews.

The ending is very poignant. “All the time in the world” when they have so little, especially James.

Did you know that the summer of 1976 was exceptionally hot in Britain – the sun blazing down on us for weeks until we thought it would never rain again – or is that just a lucky coincidence?

A few quibbles:

Second sentence of May 5: two clauses beginning “especially as”. It might have been better split into two sentences.

May 10 and May 14 give conflicting explanations of why Sirius is not allowed into the Hospital Wing.

May 19: “Even as Padfoot, the Forest is unpleasantly silent.” There is something wrong with that sentence and I’m not sure what. Maybe it would be better as “Even to Padfoot….”
8ami chapter 31 . 3/21/2009
Oh such a great story, really wonderfully job. I liked the balance between Remus and Sirius and them actually being Marauders.
flatnoodle chapter 31 . 3/14/2009
love it!
Paula chapter 31 . 11/12/2008
lovely :)

I especially liked how they all felt in character and your British expressions. Nice one
GeekyAndPr0ud chapter 31 . 10/20/2008
Loved it
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