Time Flies

The school year had come to an end and the girls were on their way home for summer vacation. Prue had managed to study for her finals and had gotten decent grades. Andy pulled his car to a stop between their houses and Piper and Phoebe climbed out. Prue leaned against Andy's arm and smiled.

"I'm glad it's summer," she murmured. Andy smiled back at her.

"Me too. No school for three months," Andy said with a laugh.

"So…do you think things will calm down on the demon front?" he asked after a brief pause.

"I don't know. I hope so. I mean the Triad is gone…I don't think there are any other big upper level demon out there," she rambled.

"Good. We should go to the movies tomorrow," Andy suggested as they climbed out and walked up to the front door of the Manor.

"Ok. We'll have to check the paper," Prue replied before kissing him on the lips. They parted ways and Prue walked into the Manor. She tossed her backpack on the stairs and headed for the kitchen. She found Victor sitting at the table.

"Hey Dad," she said, pulling open the fridge.

"Hi honey. Glad school's done?" he asked.

"Yeah. I can relax for the summer," Prue answered, getting a glass and pouring herself some lemonade.

"You going to get a job?" he asked as she joined him.

"I don't know. I guess so," she mumbled into her drink.

"You are going to have to get a job sooner or later," Victor commented.

"Can I think about it tomorrow or something? I just want to relax," Prue asked. Victor nodded his head and she stood up. She headed upstairs and ran into Piper coming o ut of the bathroom.

"Hey," Prue said.

"Hi," Piper muttered, leaning against the wall.

"What's up?" Prue asked but Piper didn't answer. She just shook her head.

"Come on, Piper. Just spill," Prue said, dragging her sister by the arm into her room.

"I just kind of keep thinking about what happened with the Triad…and Leo," Piper sighed.

"You like him…we all know it," Prue said with an eye roll.

"He didn't leave your side until you woke up," she added. That made Piper smile a little.

"I'm sure you'll work it out," Prue said.

"Thanks," Piper murmured, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Maybe things would be ok. She would let some time go by before she talked to Leo about their feelings again though. She didn't want to upset the Elders.

"Dad wants me to get a job," Prue sighed, falling backwards on her bed.

"Didn't he want you to get one last summer?" Piper asked with a laugh.

"Yeah…but I think I need to. To save up some money…for college," Prue stated.

"College? I thought you weren't going to college," Piper commented.

"I don't know…I mean it would be a good thing…and I can go somewhere close by," Prue answered.

"I think you should do it," Piper said. Just then there was a knock on the door and Phoebe poked her head in.

"Hey Pheebs, come on in," Prue said, waving her sister in. Phoebe pushed open the door and climbed onto the bed.

"What's going on?" Phoebe asked.

"We're just talking," Piper answered.

"Prue's going to get a job," she added.

"And Piper is going to spend time with Leo," Prue said with a wink.

"I said maybe," Piper shot back.

"Don't tell the Elders," Phoebe giggled.

"Do you have any plans for the summer?" Piper asked.

"I don't know…maybe practice my levitation," she said with a shrug.

"That's probably a smart idea…hone our powers," Prue agreed.

"You think we're going to need to practice?" Piper asked.

"I think so…I mean…there has to be some other evil out there," Prue answered.

"You're right. We need to be ready for whatever comes after us next," Piper said with a nod.

Down in the Underworld, Cole was lying on his back on the floor of a small cave. He'd managed to keep out of the radar of the top demons. He couldn't let it be known that he'd helped vanquish the Triad. He closed his eyes and breathed a sigh. He thought back to all that happened. He thought about meeting the Charmed Ones and getting close to Phoebe He knew he would have to hide for a while.

"This is such a mess," he groaned to himself, his voice echoed in the cave.

Elsewhere in the Underworld, demons had started to gather, having heard the news that Triad had been vanquished.

"What happens now?" a scabber demon called.

"Who will take over?" another called.

"We will!" a group of swarm demons roared. Voices rang out from various other demonic factions claiming their stake in reorganizing the Underworld.

"We need to deal with the Charmed Ones," one demons' voice rang out above the other.

"That would be suicide," several others roared. The cave reverberated with echoes until they finally died down; groups shimmering out in anger.

The summer passed by. Prue had gotten a job as a waitress in a small burger restaurant and started to save up money for college. Piper had been doing her best not to avoid Leo. He did his best to be in close range for the girls in case demons attacked. He knew that the Underworld would be reorganizing.

"Guys!" Phoebe called a few days before school started. Piper and Prue rushed into the living room.

"What is it/" Piper asked.

"I don't know…I just felt really weird," Phoebe answered.

"Weir how?" Prue probed.

"Like…I could have sworn I felt…really excited…about school," Phoebe answered. Her sister stared at her in confusion.

"And I kind of felt anxious too," she added.

"Well you're going to a new school. That's not weird," Prue stated.

"But…it kind of felt…like I was feeling it from your guys perspectives," Phoebe muttered. Piper raised an eyebrow.

"Leo!" Piper called. He appeared almost instantly.

"Phoebe says she's feeling weird…feeling things…that we feel," Piper explained quickly. Leo thought about it for a minute.

"Well…you could be coming into a new power," he offered.

"A new power?" Phoebe asked, sounding excited.

"It's called empathy. You can feel other people's emotions," he clarified.

"Cool," she smirked.

"It sounds annoying. I mean…why would you want to feel other people's emotions?" Piper asked.

"It's not a power meant for everyone. But, if you are meant to have it, you will be able to control it with time," he answered.

"You sure?" she asked and he nodded.

"Guess we have a new secret weapon the demons don't know about," she said with a smile.