Christmas Evens

The weather was changing fast this fall. It grew colder in the start of October. The first snow fell just after Thanksgiving. Charlie had purposely avoided Thanksgiving with the family. He wanted Michelle to be a complete surprise. Instead he'd spent the holiday with her family; her mother and stepfather and brother. They'd been impressed with Charlie's choice of career.

"Well I can't think of anyone more well suited for my little sister," Jared said with a smile, clapping Charlie on the shoulder as they left.

"Thank you. Perhaps you'd all like to come to Romania and meet my fine flying friends," Charlie offered.

"Oh that's so kind of you," Michelle's mother said.

Presently, snow was falling in thick blankets over London. People were wrapped up in scarves and thick coats. Molly had cleared a large patch in the backyard for people to apparate to. Arthur was finishing setting the table.

"Molly dear, how many settings will we need?" he called.

"The usual," Molly answered as she shook her skirt off in the doorway.

Over at the Potter household, James had just arrived. He'd been visiting Teddy and Andromeda the last few days.

"Is it time to go to Grandma's yet?" Lily asked.

"Yes…come on. Coats everybody," Harry called.

"Will we see Uncle Charlie?" she asked a Ginny helped her with the left sleeve.

"Probably," Ginny answered.

Not far away, George and Angelina were getting ready to make the trip to the Burrow as well. She'd dressed Fred in a red and gold outfit. He'd gotten big since last Christmas. He was hanging on to the edge of a chair in the kitchen, his padded feet doing a little dance on the floor.

"There's my boy!" George said, scooping the child up in his arms. The sudden change in altitude made Fred giggle with delight.

"Let's get going. We don't want to be late," Angie said, trying to put Fred's hat on.

"We aren't going to be late, Angie," George assured her. Still, the took the child from him and slid his arms through his coat.

Bill, Fleur and the children were the first to arrive. They walked into the kitchen to find Molly standing over several pots on the stove.

"Happy Christmas, Mum," Bill said.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come in," Molly said, looking a bit startled. Victoire held baby William in her arms.

"Oh hello my precious little darling," Molly gushed, whisking the child from his sister's arms.

"Looks like we're first here. Why don't you girls go see if Granddad needs any help," Bill instructed. Celeste and Victoire went in search of Arthur.

Shortly, Percy, Penelope and Prudence arrived. Bill and Fleur were sitting in the living room, watching William wiggle around on the floor. Prudence took careful, wobbly steps towards her cousin and plopped down on the floor.

"Looks like you have a playmate," Bill said, tickling his son's stomach.

"Happy Christmas," Percy said, shaking his brother's hand and giving Fleur a hug.

"Can you believe she's a year old already?" Penelope sighed, leaning against Percy's arm.

"They grow up fast," Bill agreed. From the kitchen they heard more voices and Rose stuck her head in.

"Mum, can I play with the babies?" she called.

"Ask your aunts and uncles," Hermione replied.

"Come on over Rosie," Bill said. She scurried over to where th babies lay. Twenty minutes later, Harry and company arrived by Floo.

"Sorry we're late," he called, dusting off his robes.

"We're still waiting on George and Angie," Ron said as he gave his sister a hug.

"And Uncle Charlie," Celeste added. Molly just gave her granddaughter a small smile and headed back into the kitchen. Not two minutes later the back door burst open and George came in.

"We're here!" he called loudly.

"Don't need to wake the bloody dead," Ron hissed.

"Sorry," George whispered.

"Fleur's watching the little ones in the other room," Hermione said as Angelina walked in with Fred.

In the heart of London, Michelle pulled her hair back into a ponytail. She checked her make up one last time and pulled her coat on. Charlie stuck his head in from the kitchen.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Let's go," she said with a broad grin. They took hands and apparated to the Burrow. Michelle looked around.

"You're sure all of your family can fit in there?" she asked with a giggle.

"You'd be surprised what Mum can do," Charlie answered, ushering her towards the back door. He peered into the kitchen window. Everyone was starting to head for the table.

"Looks like we're right on time," he added as he pulled the back door open.

Inside everyone had started to take seats. Harry looked at the empty seat next to him. He hoped Charlie would show up…that he wasn't still mad about Molly's scheme. Just then they all heard the back door open and Charlie appeared. It looked like he was alone and Harry's stomach dropped a little.

"I'm on time," he said, sitting down next to Harry.

"Happy Christmas, Charlie," Ginny said.

"Oh…Mum, we're going to need another chair," Charlie said and Michelle walked in. Every mouth in the room dropped. Arthur scrambled to his feet and went in search of another chair. Bill was on his feet as well, getting another place setting. Once Michelle was situated, Charlie looked around the table.

"Everyone, this is Michelle," he introduce.

"Michelle…this is…well everyone," he said with a laugh.

"It's nice to meet you all. I know some of you," she said, looking directly over at Harry. Lily who was sitting to Michelle's left tapped her on the arm.

"Are going to marry Uncle Charlie?" she asked. Michelle blushed a little.

"Well I don't know…do you think I should?" she asked. Lily shook her head vehemently.

"Let's take it one step at a time there Lilybug," Charlie stated, smiling down at his niece.

Dinner passed by with great joy. Everyone wanted to know about Michelle. Those who didn't work at the Ministry peppered her with questions about the department.

"So you were part of the founding of the department. That's great," Ginny said as Molly brought out desserts.

"Yes…well I helped set up the juvenile division. My counterpart in the adult division is a bit of a…well…a bit bossy," she said with a laugh, minding her language in front of the children.

"So…how long have you and Charlie been seeing one another?" Molly finally asked. Charlie ran a hand over his face.

"Mum come on…not now," Charlie begged but she didn't back down.

"Since June," he answered.

"Six months and you're just introducing us to her now?" Molly railed.

"I wanted it to be a surprise, Mum," Charlie said.

"Well it certainly was," Arthur replied.

"I have to say though, I owe most of it to Harry," Charlie announced.

"No…you really don't," Harry replied, sounding nervous.

"Course I do. Without you, Michelle and I never would have met," Charlie said.

"It was really nothing," Harry mumbled. He could feel Ginny's glare boring into him. Charlie caught his sister's glare.

"Gin, come on. Take it easy on him. He did it nicely too. A nice little letter. Didn't put an pressure on me at all," Charlie explained.

"You went behind our backs," Ron gasped.

"Well…I'm sorry. I saw an opportunity and I took it. Don't complain…not one of you. Charlie is happy," Harry retorted.

"I was surprised you never checked up on us," Michelle addressed Harry.

"I didn't want to impose," Harry answered.

"Well I'm glad he took a stab at it," Molly voiced.

"Mum…don't start," Charlie begged and she just smiled at him.

They ended up retiring to the living room, all cramming around the tree for presents. Michelle found herself sitting next to George.

"You know…I think I've seen you before," he said.

"I was the first person to enter that raffle," Michelle whispered back.

"Oh…shame we didn't pick you," he sighed.

"Yeah…then we'd be getting all the glory," Ron added.

"Let's just say, Harry's more adept at observing people than people give him credit for," Hermione hissed. Harry watched his children open their presents.

"What did you get us, Uncle Charlie?" Albus asked, tugging on Charlie's arm.

"Yeah?" Hugo and James asked in unison.

"What did I get you?" he asked and they nodded.

He grabbed the three boys and tackled them to the floor. They mass of limbs and heads started laughing as Charlie tickled them until their sides hurt.

"I got you all…that's what I got," he rasped, out of breath. Just then Lily and Rose jumped on him and they tumbled about, sending the room into fits of laughter. Michelle smiled as she watched him wrestle with his nieces and nephews.

"It's not Romania…but it certainly was entertaining," George snickered.

"He'll be a great Dad one day," Ginny said, sitting next to her.

"Yes…he will. And I'd imagine he'd let them go riding dragons," Michelle laughed. Ginny smiled at the woman's comment.

"Just don't tell the boys," Ginny whispered.