The Lady Knight Arrives

Keladry of Mindelan wasn't complaining that Neal was pushing them to get to Fort Steadfast as quickly as possible. The Lady Yukimi was Neal's betrothed and Kel's friend, and was awaiting them eagerly at the fort. The Protector of the Small had her own reasons for hurrying, but she wasn't betrothed to her reason, nor sharing his bed even.

Her reason was Sergeant Domitan of Masbolle, a good friend of hers from the King's Own. She had traveled with him for four years as Lord Raoul's squire, and then spent a bit of time with him since she'd gotten her shield, nearly a year ago. He'd even chased after her on orders to help her rescue her people.

Thinking about him as she neared the fort Kel had a moment of confusion. His attitude towards her had changed about the time the battles between Scanrans and Tortall had gotten serious, about a year and a half ago. Dom was a flirt, always thinking of ways to sweep court ladies off their feet, and even flirting with Kel. That amount of flirting had dropped way off as the battles had picked up. Briefly she wondered why, then chuckled. Of course he'd stopped flirting; he'd gotten serious because he was always on duty now, really.

The fort walls loomed up and Kel sighed. Soon she would be undergoing dress fittings. A note had come to her by courier a few weeks previously. Lord Raoul and Buri, previously the Command of the Riders, had decided that she was to be part of the wedding party. They'd asked her old maid, now a well-known seamstress in the capital, Lalasa to make a dress, but of course it would have to be fitted to her in a few spots since she hadn't seen Lalasa in half a year.

All she really wanted from her trip to Fort Steadfast was to relax, talk with Dom, and see her friends happy. The dress fitting was nowhere on her list of desires, despite the fact that she did enjoy wearing a dress on occasion, though she drew the line at cosmetics. As the party rode in through the gates that were opened for them Neal spurred Magewhisper, his horse, to a gallop.

Inside the gate he flung himself from his horse while still moving and ran to Yuki, who allowed him to pick her up and swing her around before returning to her cool Yamani exterior of showing no emotion. Well, she returned to her manners all except her hand, which was wrapped up with his as they awaited directions. Kel rode in more slowly, suddenly feeling a pang in her heart.

She'd decided on the road north to war that she would have no lovers until her score was settled with Blayce. That score was settled now. And there was nobody to welcome her. Dom, his squad, Lord Raoul. None of them were hanging about to greet her. None of her year-mates, not Owen or Lord Wyldon. The only person there showing any interest in her, for Yuki was thoroughly distracted by Neal, was the young soldier sent to show them to their rooms.

"Evenin' Lady Knight. I'm here to direct you to your rooms. The hostlers will take your horses." The squad who had come with Kel, Neal and Tobe all handed their horses over and walked towards the barracks. They already knew where they'd be. Kel dismounted and Tobe handed his piebald's reins to a hostler as well as Hoshi's. Neal and Yuki waved and left.

Neal grinned. "Yuki says she knows where my rooms are. Fill me in one when we are supposed to report in, love?" He'd begun calling her 'love' on occasion on their trip into Scanra. It annoyed Kel, and probably Yuki since her shukusen came into her hand threateningly as he drawled that out.

Sighing Kel let the man lead her and Tobe to their quarters. "You're ordered to report to Lord Wyldon, who arrived here yesterday, tomorrow at midday. Lord Raoul and Buri have also asked that you report in after dinner for information regarding their wedding tomorrow."

When they arrived at their rooms the saddlebags weren't there yet. Kel knew they would arrive sometime during dinner and wasn't worried. It wasn't as if her clothes weren't decent enough to wear to dinner or a meeting. Just in case, though, she shook some wrinkles out.

"Lady? You don't look happy," her small boy commented. Looking down at the blonde boy she ruffled his hair, earning a scowl and a protest of "Mother!"

"I'm fine. Come with me to supper?" Tobe shook his head and informed her that he'd rather eat with the servants, make some friends his own age since they were to be here for a week.

Kel went off to eat alone in the mess hall. Dom's squad still wasn't in, although she was greeted warmly by others, of the Own as well as Owen. So the loneliness that had been stabbing at her heart was alleviated a small bit, since Owen was a good friend.