Deidara lay in the hospital bed, barely able to move. How had the accident even happened? He couldn't fathom what had taken place. Sure, it had been a battle. Ok, so both were getting into the fight. But

"Deidara-kun?" A voice, a very recognizable voice. He groaned with the effort that barely lifting his head caused him. The Tsuchikage stood above him, smiling down. "I am so sorry, Deidara. I am truly sorry." Deidara smiled slightly through the pain.

" isn't...wasn't..." The old man quietly shushed him, walking to the dresser.

"You know, Deidara. I have watched you grow into a fabulous shinobi. A wonderful one, in fact. If a son had been born to me. Nay, if any child had been born to me, I would have wished them to be just like you...almost in every way." He picked the head-band that was sitting there on the dresser up, fondling it. "When I was a Chunin, Deidara, I was considered a Jounin. Yes, I was un-advanced when it came to jutsu's. I will let you in on a little secret. I still am not that good at jutsu's. I have very few that I really do know well...very few indeed. It seems that with age comes the fact that you forget yourself as well. Ah, for the good days of youth once more." Turning back to the boy, he sat gingerly in a chair. "However, I was considered Jounin class because of the way that I handled myself during fights. Not because I won each and every one, however. No, far from it. However, in each fight, I came out ahead in almost every way physically and mentally. Where as my opponent wouldn't be able to fight for long periods of time after, I was always able to continue fighting. I had found the secret to chakra conservation, or so others told me."

"But...but're the in the...village. Why wouldn't...wouldn't you know jutsu's, un?" The old man chuckled.

"Deidara, it isn't the jutsu's you need to know. It is only the fact that you need to be able to fight on, with all your heart, under the most dire of circumstances. You've seen me fight as I am now, correct? Those nin that broke in years back, the ones that almost killed me. The ones you saved me from? Yes, those ones. Well, they saw only a few of my jutsus. Had I the power and chakra from my youth, I would've been able to beat them easily. However, with age comes drawbacks, you see. That is mine, Deidara. That is my drawback." He stood, his back cricking slightly. "Oh! My old age is killing me, I think! Hehehe..." He replaced the chair, standing back to see Deidara in the whole. "My boy, never forget this. If you know nothing but one jutsu, if that is all you have, than be thankful. If you know that one jutsu up and down, in and out, forward and back, well..." and he smiled once more, placing a finger on the boy's head. "That is something that you should be most thankful for. One jutsu can be the difference between victory and defeat...Remember that." Deidara grinned, and he would have nodded if the brace on his neck hadn't stopped him from doing so.

"I will. Thank...thank you, Tsuchikage-sama." The old man smiled, turning back to the dresser. Picking up the green Chunin headband, he stowed it carefully away in his pocket.

"You won't need this anymore, Deidara." But before Deidara could protest, he slipped another out. "Here...wear this with as much pride as you can muster. Get well, Deidara. You are the next generation...and you are what I hope to retire on. Hehehe..." With a wave, the old man exited the room, leaving Deidara staring at the red headband on the dresser. The headband...of a Jounin. Through some miracle, he had actually graduated to Jounin status. He had become that which he had set out to so long ago. He cried silently to himself as Yanoi walked in, smiling as she sat down and began feeding him a bowl of jello.

"The doctor says you'll have to stay here until your wounds heal. But, you can have all the jello you want!" Deidara groaned slightly, but ate the mass of flavored gelatin readily. If Yanoi fed him, than it was worth it.

It was well worth it indeed.

A/N: The next story is up and running everyone! To find out what the heck happened to Deidara here, you will just have to read the prologue of Deidara's Story: Clay Hearts Molded! See you there.