Title: The Many People We Are

Rating: T, just to be safe.

Warnings: Spoilers for Ackey Jakey Heart Part 1 & Part 2.

Summary: Love is difficult as it is. It is even harder when you are confused about yourself. Join Miley and Jake over their years of self discovery: who they are, who they want to be, and who they can become. Because before they can be happy with each other, they have to be happy with themselves.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Author's Note: This story takes place after Ackey Jakey Heart. It will be a Jiley story if you could not tell from the summary. So, that's pretty much all I have to say for now. Enjoy Chapter I.

Chapter I: Six Months

It had been six months since Miley last saw Jake. Six months since he stormed out of her house. Six months since he sent her the note and rose. Miley thought that after the jerk he had been, she would be able to get over him quickly. But after he sent her that note, she realized that Jake could be that guy she thought he was. That guy was the guy Miley wanted. She tried and tried to forget about him. She went out, flirted with hot guys, went out on dates, but it just never worked out. When it came down to it, no one measured up to the Jake that confessed his love for her, bought her a star, and told her his real name was Leslie. Miley missed him terribly.

She was lying on her couch, watching television after a particularly restless night. It had been three months since she came to terms with the fact that she missed Jake and no on else would do. She had not been out on a date since. Her nights were occupied with homework, Hannah Montana activities, movies with Lilly and Oliver, watching mindless teen dramas, and avoiding programs and tabloids that mentioned Jake Ryan.

She was flipping through the channels when he came on. She was about to change the channel again but she found she could not. It was advertising his latest film, Dealings with the Devil. Of course, he was the protagonist of the story. As Miley watched the preview, she could not help but think that there was something different about him. Granted, he was as attractive as ever, but there was something off.

"What are you doing, Miley?" a voice said near her front door.

Miley turned to see Lilly walking over to her with a frown on her face. She took a seat next to Miley as the preview ended. Miley sighed and turned off the television.

"Have you seen that preview, Lilly?" Miley asked, turning towards her best friend.

Lilly shrugged, trying to act as though she had not. "Um…of course not." Miley gave her a look of disbelief to which Lilly sighed then nodded. "Oh, of course I've seen it. It's been all over television, magazines, and billboards. This is his biggest feature yet!"

Miley shook her head. "That's not what I'm talking about."

"Then…what are you talking about, Miles?" Lilly asked, looking confused.

Miley shrugged, not wanting to look stupid. Lilly reprimanded her every time she brought up Jake. She knew that Lilly was just trying to knock some sense into her but it did not help her in the least. "Don't you think he looks…different?"

Lilly shrugged as she got up and walked into the kitchen. "Well, it has been six months since we last saw him in person. Kid had to grow up sometime." She opened up the refrigerator and stuck her head inside.

Miley followed her and sat down in a stool at the counter. "Once again, that's not what I mean. I mean that he looks like there is something wrong."

Lilly laughed, shuffling stuff around still looking for something good to eat. "Maybe he finally realized how big of an egomaniac jerk he is."

Miley glared at the back of her head. "Lilly…."

"Don't 'Lilly' me, Miley." She shut the door and came out holding an orange. She started to pull off the skin while looking at Miley. "You wanted to break up with him. Not the other way around."

Miley nodded, fiddling with a table setting in front of her. She sighed with her eyes downcast. "I know. And…he deserved it. But I still miss him, Lilly."

Lilly let out a heavy breath as she walked over to her best friend. She laid a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Look, I understand what you are saying. But, Jake's gone. You asked him to leave. That wasn't for no reason. Something told you that it wasn't working." At this, Miley nodded. "As harsh as this may sound, you need to move on. I'm sure Jake has."

Miley looked up at her friend and nodded again. "I guess you're right."

Lilly stuck a piece of the orange in her mouth before saying, "Of course I am." Just then, the Hannah phone began to ring. Lilly jumped up and down and quickly swallowed the orange. "Oh, can I answer it? Please?"

Miley laughed and nodded. "Sure. Go ahead."

Lilly jumped and ran over to the phone. She cleared her throat, ready to use her 'Lola' voice. "Hello, Hannah Montana's phone. This is Lola Luftnagle speaking." She listened for a moment. "Oh, hello, Tracy. What's up?" She nodded and listened for a few moments before her eyes grew big. "Oh, really now? Well, that sounds like fun! Sure, Hannah will be there. She may have to shift around a few things, but she'll be there. Oh, thank you, Tracy. I can't wait!" She nodded again, a bright smile on her face. "See you later. Buh-bye." She then hung up the phone. She turned to Miley, her eyes dazzling. "Guess who that was."

Miley stroked her chin in mock thought. "Oh, I have no idea. Could it have been…Tracy Vanhorn?"

Lilly nodded but then glared at her. "Hmph. Well, Miss Miley, I guess you don't want to go tonight."

Miley laughed. "What is it, Lilly?"

"Tracy's throwing a party tonight at her house," Lilly explained.

Miley nodded, considering it. "I guess we could go. I mean, we have nothing else to do, right?"

Lilly nodded excitedly before blanching. "Oh, my God! What am I going to wear?!"


Hannah and Lola stepped out of the limo and onto a makeshift red carpet out in front of Tracy's house. The paparazzi were lined up on both sides of the walkway, cameras in hand. When Hannah was noticed, the night was interrupted by flashes and questions from every direction. She and Lola smiled politely for them as they made their way to the front door. Hannah could barely hear what any of them were saying. She was just about to go through the door that the guard was holding open for her when she heard something that rang in her ears.

"Jake Ryan!"

"Over here, Jake!"

Hannah turned around with a snap and looked in his direction. He was standing on the far end of the walkway. He was flashing his infamous, cocky, I'm-so-awesome smile. He started walking only to be stopped again by a reporter. He was just about to answer her question when he looked to the door briefly and stopped dead. He looked right into Hannah's eyes and all of his poise and arrogance vanished. He mumbled something to the reporter before walking hurriedly towards Hannah.

Lola gave Hannah a tug on the arm, pulling her inside. Hannah just stared at Lola, completely terrified. "What do I do?" Lola just shrugged as a hand came to rest on Hannah's shoulder. It was a familiar touch that made her stomach flutter, her heart flip, and her knees buckle. But he could not know that he did that to her.

She slowly turned around to face Jake Ryan dead on. She gave him a weak, nervous smile. He just stared at her, a slight smile on his own face. "Hey, M-Hannah," he quickly corrected himself. He then turned to Lola. "Lilly?" he asked in a hushed whisper. Lola nodded quickly.

Hannah looked around frantically. "Um…Lola, I'll catch up with you later." Lola nodded and took off down the hall. Hannah then pulled Jake by his arm into a study off the hallway. She closed the door and locked it before turning back to Jake.

"It's good to see you again, Miley," he said, taking a seat in a chair.

Hannah sighed, taking off her wig. She threw it on the chair opposite him. She then sat on the arm and just looked at him. "You look different."

It was true. While he had not changed physically, there was a different shine in his eyes. Maybe, Miley thought, he looked less conceited. But then again, maybe that was just what she wanted to see. She did not want to get her hopes up.

Jake shrugged, running a hand through his hair. He stood up and crossed to the window at the other end of the room. "I haven't changed, Miley. Not yet."

Miley nodded. "I know."

He suddenly turned to face her, his eyes sparkling they way they had six months ago. "I missed you."

"I know." After a moment's hesitation, she added, "I missed you, too."

"Really?" Jake asked, not really believing her. He walked over to her slowly.

She nodded. "Well, honestly, I missed the Jake I'm talking to right now."

Jake nodded as well, his eyes disheartened. "Right, you miss Leslie." He watched as Miley leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. "I want to change, Miley. Will you wait for me until I do?"

Miley sighed, her shoulders rounding. She opened her eyes to stare at him. He could see the turmoil within them. "I wish that I could, Jake. But I'm not about to make promises that I can't keep." She sighed, walking closer to him. "I have missed you so much over the past few months. But, the fact of the matter is, I've only missed the part you are around me; the part you call Leslie. And, it's great that you want to change. That means that you know that…sometimes you don't act the way you should. However," she took hold of his arm and stared up into his eyes. "if you are only going to change for me, then it isn't worth it. You need to change because you want to. You have to change for yourself, not me or any other person. Because it isn't for you, it's never going to stick and that will only lead to disappointment and heartache."

Jake nodded, reaching up to cup her cheek in his hand. "I know, Miley. I need to…figure everything out." He sighed, rubbing his thumb back and forth across her cheek. "I only regret that that means that I'm not going to be with you."

Miley sighed, tears coming to her eyes. "I know, Jake." She wanted to add that she was going to miss being with him as well but she could not bring herself to speak anymore.

Jake smiled sadly down at her. Then, before she could stop him, he leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the lips. He was about to pull away when she began kissing him back. After a minute of passionate kisses, Jake pulled away and looked into her eyes. He smiled at her. "Until I see you again." Miley gave a shuddering breath as he stepped back and headed towards the door. He was about to open the door when he stopped. He did not turn around because he knew that if he did, he may never leave. But he needed to say it for he did not know when he would have the chance to again. "I love you." With that, he slipped out of the study, leaving Miley to herself.

A tear silently fell down her face as she turned to the door. "I love you, Leslie." She then picked up her wig, fixed it on her head, and headed outside to the party.

I suppose this was kind of an uneventful chapter. It was kind of setting the scene for the rest of the story. This story is going to take place over a few years, showing their changes. So, characters may seem to be OOC but keep in mind that they are changing.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it! Please review!