First Christmas Disaster part 8

Within ten minutes, they had found Ino and Shikamaru. Both looked very annoyed that they had an excuse to hit Naruto and neither of them could get him. As Sasuke was the one carrying Naruto, one look from him and the idea left both of their heads.

"So how did you manage to stop that thing taking him over?" Shikamaru asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, whatever it is is still inside him, but we managed to get Naruto back in control of it. We have to take him back to Tsunade so she can cure him", Sasuke said.

"Well how did you manage to do it then?" Ino asked looking to Sakura.

"I don't know I wasn't watching. I was preparing my medical jutsu. Sasuke did something".

All three looked at Sasuke who ignored them.

"Shut up! We need to get Naruto back, he'll wake soon".

"No he won't, that knock out pill I gave him will knock him out for at least a day".

"So that means he's going to miss Christmas", Sasuke sighed, "Well, maybe something will make him wake in time". I mean, this is our first Christmas together, so I wanted it to be special. But, it's just going to turn out rubbish then if he isn't even awake for it.

Ino and Shikamaru and Sakura looked at each other. They continued to make their way back to the village.

When they returned, it just started to rain. They all suddenly realised how cold they were. It was freezing; sheer will and adrenaline had kept them warm. The rain was icy; it felt more like needles pricking at their skin.

They hurried off to find Tsunade and Jiraiya who were still talking in the room where Naruto left earlier; the teenagers all looked cold and wet but none seriously injured. Sasuke was still carrying Naruto on his back. That was when they noticed there was blood on Sasuke's t-shirt.

"How much blood has he lost since he left?"

"Well, hard to say", Sasuke said, lying Naruto on the bed.

"I did a blood-replenishing jutsu on him but I don't know how much I gave him. It probably wasn't a lot", Sakura said.

"Well, it was good that you tried. Right, my turn at it and then we better see if this medicine I made will cure him. Naruto hasn't been infected very long with this curse mark Ninjutsu so if I can catch it early then maybe it will reverse the effects".

"So you guys had better leave. Tsunade and I will oversee".

The four teenagers left the room; Ino and Shikamaru said goodbye and left the hospital whilst Sasuke refused to leave until he knew if Naruto was okay or not. Sakura stayed with him, she didn't want him to be alone. She looked outside and noticed the rain was beginning to stop. It was then she remembered it was Christmas Eve.

"Sasuke I have to leave, I'm sorry. I have to get the Hall ready for tomorrow. But don't worry, Naruto will be fine. I know you won't come with me even if I ask so just wait and he'll be fine in no time".

"Thanks Sakura. For all the help you gave him. You did really well".

Sakura smiled at Sasuke who smiled back.

He waited there in silence and all alone.

Meanwhile upstairs Tsunade and Jiraiya were arguing.

"Look I made them believe a simple medicine could cure him but what am I supposed to do? Naruto is supposed to have that in his subconscious to give to the fox!"

"Look, just let me go in there and hand him the bottle".

"You can't do that! It can damage Naruto and the fox. Last time from the shadows was enough".

"So what do we do then? Just leave him like that. That potion can't go to Naruto it has to go to the fox, who by the way is behind some bars".

"I don't care! He's still in there and if we don't do something soon, Naruto will die".

"Well, you won't let me go in there to save him so he is dying for nothing".

"I still don't know if that will work or not so we are taking a big chance".

"Well, its up to Naruto though isn't it? Just let me go in and roll the bottle towards him with a note on it".



"That's the stupidest thing ever! That could damage his brain. Remember how big the bottle is!"

"Well, I'll shrink it!"

"You are such an idiot".

"Is there something I can do to help?"

Sasuke was leaning against the door, a determined look in his eyes and an almost glare on his face.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"Depends, how many people know there is a fox inside Naruto?"

"Damn it!" Tsunade punched the wall and made a massive hole in it; parts of plaster, wood and brick tumbled on to the floor. "Oh I'll fix that in a minute".

"You do know eavesdropping is rude don't you Sasuke?"

"I wasn't eavesdropping, I was blatantly listening".

"You do know, you can't tell anyone about this. People hate him enough as it is, none of you younger people know about it".

"So how many adults know about it?"

"All those that survived but there is a degree that strictly forbids anyone to talk about it", Jiraiya said.

"So DON'T tell anyone, okay?" Tsunade said.

"Fine, all I want is for him to get better in time for Christmas".

"Well, maybe you can convince her to let me go in his subconscious to give the potion to Kyuubi. They seem to have a hate-hate relationship, like you two did", Jiraiya said.


"I'll go".

The two legendary sannin looked at Sasuke weirdly.

"What?" They both said in unison.

"I've been in Naruto's subconscious before, but I didn't see a fox so I guess he was on his way to see it? Anyway, it was kind of an accident, I was practising a jutsu and he appeared out of nowhere and I hit him with it! I ended up inside his brain with him and he was very shocked but happy I think. I managed to release the jutsu straight away but I don't think I hurt him. I haven't used it since. Plus, I'm smaller than Jiraiya-san".

"Well, maybe. You have to take this tiny bottle to give to the fox. Naruto will do it, he knows him better oddly enough".

"Don't be seen. You could scare them both and they may attack you".

"Okay". Sasuke looked at Naruto and did the jutsu and managed to transport himself in to Naruto's subconscious. The place looked the same as last time; the walls were grey, and there was this feeling that there was a leak somewhere. Sasuke moved on ahead to try and find Naruto but got lost in trying to find the area. Naruto's subconscious was huge!

Soon, he heard voices talking and moved to find out where they were. He found Naruto sat on the floor, hugging his legs and talking to an invisible being behind the bars. The fox then pounced out and Sasuke jumped back. He really was very vicious and evil-looking.

"Well, is this the end then?" the fox asked Naruto.

"Well, if it is, it's your fault!"

"Don't start arguing with me again!"

"Well it is! I mean come on, what kind of almighty power are you if you can't guard against this?"

"Shut up! I'll kill you!"

"Oooh, like I care, we're dying anyway! Plus how many times have you said that and how many times have you done it? None! So there!"

Sasuke looked on in shock; only Naruto would be stupid enough to talk to such a great and evil power that way. Then again it was living within him.

Sasuke didn't want to go out and give Naruto the bottle but he needed to get it to him somehow. The floor had lots of cracks in, so rolling really wasn't an option. He took the bottle out of his pocket. It was made of a sort of glass; easily shattered. It gave him an idea.

Sasuke threw the bottle as far as he could and as soon as the bottle left his hand, he picked up a kunai knife and judged the exact time to throw that it would smash the solution over both of them. he threw the knife and managed to get a direct hit.

"Yes!" he whispered.

"What the hell was that?" Naruto shouted. He turned behind him and saw nobody there.

"I don't know but its curing me". The fox extended his claw to try and snatch Naruto but he dodged again.

"Yes! That means I can wake up and enjoy Christmas after all!"

"Okay time to wake up!" Naruto closed his eyes.

Sasuke had just managed to release his jutsu and escape when Naruto woke up.

"Yay! Cured! Now I can enjoy Christmas at the hall!"

"Oh no you can't! You're going to stay here until you get better. You still have the after effects of blood loss to deal with", Tsunade smiled. Jiraiya smiled and left before Naruto noticed he was there. Naruto was still angry at him for not being there to train him.

"Oh man! I don't want to be here!"

"Well, you stay until you get better okay?" Sasuke said, "I'll see you later, I have to prepare for Christmas. Get some sleep". He smiled at Naruto and left the room.

"Don't forget to thank him".

"I know, for bringing me back. But I have to thank you for curing me. I mean you smashed that bottle in my head; you sure have some guts".

Tsunade's smile faltered slightly.

"Well excuse me Naruto I have to go and do some more work. You'll be fine here for a second, a nurse will come to settle you in". She smiled again and left.

"Sasuke!" she shouted and she ran off to try and find him.

Naruto managed to get to sleep in the end. He was very excited for Christmas. When he woke up, he saw his room was decorated with all sorts of ornaments; a tree in the corner had lots of presents underneath, there were streamers from the curtain pole and a stocking at the end of his bed. Though quite weak he crawled to the end of his bed to get the stocking.

"Started already?" Sasuke came in the room with everyone who was going to be at the hall. They had all come to wish him a merry Christmas before they went to enjoy themselves.

"Yay thank you!" Naruto beamed at them and looked around the room again. He did seem to have quite a few presents until he realised that Sasuke's presents were here as well.

"Sasuke, aren't you going to the hall?"

"Nope. I'm enjoying Christmas with you here". He sat down on the bed and hugged Naruto. Naruto beamed again.

Everyone said hi to Naruto and gave him a present to put under his tree, Sakura had quite a few for him and so did Ino and Shikamaru.

They stayed for about half an hour before going off to enjoy Christmas as they had planned.

"Well, if they all just gave me presents, which means that all of them are from you?" Naruto looked surprised.

"Well, and my family have given you a few too".

"I love you!" Naruto said, hugging him tightly.

"I love you too".

"Hey let's open the presents!"

"Hold on, there's something else I want to give you first". Sasuke locked the door and shut the curtains and pulled the blind down over the window of the door.

"Sasuke! We can't do it here!"

"Why not?"

"We're in a hospital!"

"Oh so you want to role-play?"


The End!

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I do like how I ended it. I hope you enjoyed it! Not one of my best stories but that's up to you to decide. Reviews welcome please and I hope you like my other stories to come … xx