AN: I don't own any of the NCIS Characters or any of the show's storylines that I may refer to from time to time, but the rest of the plot is mine.

AN2: I know it's been a long time. I'm really sorry, Degree studies and real life have interfered somewhat, plus my muse wouldn't let me shake my latest CSI:NY fic. I hope it won't be too long for the next chapter as this flowed well once I got going tonight!

10. Weak Links

Several seamen were pulling at the crates which had buried Lucy. Gibbs was helping, constantly calling her, he was slightly relieved when he heard her moan, then cough as she cleared some of the dust from her throat.

"Luce, keep still we're getting you out, just a couple of minutes. Can you talk to me?"

She coughed again. "... LJ? What are you doing here?" She asked sounding weak and tired. Gibbs tried to reassure her as smaller explosions continued to echo around them. The last crates were removed and Lt Briggs gave her a cursory examination before they lifted her to a stretcher and rushed her to the clinic. Gibbs and Tony followed, Kate approached them from the waiting room as they entered.

Tony greeted her. Gibbs hung back slightly as he peered at the entrance to the trauma room. Kate asked about Lucy. as Amanda, the nurse joined them.

"They're working on her, she was conscious when they got to her. ... What happened?" asked Tony.

"Lucy can tell us more, she saw something before the first explosion." Replied Kate as Amanda, the nurse joined them.

"Dinozzo! Let's go we need to see the Commander" Instructed Gibbs. "Kate you get checked out first" He ordered as she started to leave with them.

"I'll let you know as soon as there is any news on the captain." Said Amanda, approaching Kate.

In the conference room a few minutes later the ship's commander entered, greeting Gibbs. Kate slipped in as the door closed. Gibbs looked up.

"Sir, ... my team, Kate Todd and Tony Dinozzo" Gibbs introduced his team. The Commander acknowledged them then asked about Lucy.

"Lt Briggs is with her, we're not sure" answered Kate.

"Is this anything to do with your investigation?" asked Commander Barrett.

"I don't know, maybe. Kate did Lucy say anything to you?" Gibbs asked his expression fixed on his subordinate.

"We were kind of talking, She saw something, then the ammo store exploded. She never got a chance to explain."

"I expect you will want access when the area's been made safe?" suggested Commander Barrett. Gibbs nodded.

"There could still be evidence there." He confirmed. "We need to talk to Lu- Captain Hammond."

"Then you'd better come with me and we'll find out how she's doing." Said Commander Barrett, sounding very official, but giving Gibbs a reassuring smile. The commodore lead the way as they left the room.

A moment later they entered the trauma room which after the events of the last hour was more reminiscent of a war zone than a hospital room. Gibbs wasn't prepared for the sight which met him. Lucy was surrounded by machines and bloodied bandages. A heart monitor beeping at a regular rate was almost muffled by the staff still working around her. Gibbs edged forward slowly before being noticed by Lt Briggs. "Sorry Agent Gibbs, she's not fit for questions."

"I need to talk to her."

"Not now, we're going to transfer her to ICU." They were interrupted by moaning from the figure on the bed. Lucy reached up and pulled the oxygen mask from her face, her hand lightly bandaged supporting the IV currently fixed to her. Gibbs pushed past the Lieutenant and stood at the bedside and reached for her other hand. One of the nurses stopped him.

"We think it's broken" she advised him gently. Unable to take her hand he settled for stroking her hair.

"Luce? .. I'm here-" she seemed pretty groggy so he turned to the medical team. "How bad is she?"

"Concussion, probably a couple of broken ribs and a broken wrist. We're waiting for the X-rays to come back. ... She probably has smoke and dust inhalation too, nothing life threatening, we're just being cautious."

"Lieutenant we need to speak to her as soon as possible she has information for Agent Gibbs case." Advised Commander Barrett.

"Very well, just a minute." Lt Briggs conceded. Gibbs turned to Lucy again "Luce? Can you hear me, we need to know what you saw."

Slowly her eyes fluttered open. She squinted at the bright lights. "Dan?" she mumbled. Gibbs felt the icy chill in his stomach again, this was about the 4th time in the last hour. He tried to calm his nerves. "Luce, he's not here ... sweetheart you're in Norfolk, there's been an explosion, I need you to tell me what happened." He pressed gently.

Her eyes clouded with tears, and she coughed a little. "... need Dan." She gasped.

"Lucy, he's not here, I need you to talk to me." He coaxed. She shook her head a little and winced at the pain.

".. Find him ... please" she mumbled as her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep again.

"I'm sorry agent Gibbs, who is Dan?" asked Lt Briggs.

"Major Daniel Hammond, US Marine Corps, her husband, he was killed in action 11 years ago. ... in a bombing in the middle east." Commander Barrett answered formally, the impact of the news not lost on anyone in the room. Commander Barrett turned to Gibbs. "We'll wait until she's been settled in ICU then you can sit with her. ... Lieutenant I want a full medical report as soon as you have it."

Leaving the room Gibbs returned to his team. Tony and Kate looked up as he re-entered the conference room looking tired and about 10 years older.

"How is she boss?" Asked Tony.

"... concussed." He muttered. "She doesn't remember anything." He sighed as he dropped into a chair visibly drained. He rubbed his face. Lucy held a key piece to the puzzle of this investigation and she barely knew who she was let alone what happened on the docks. He pulled out his phone, scrolling through some numbers he noted the text, not being good with technology he held it up to Kate. "What do you make of this?"

She took the phone and opened the message, it was clearly only part of a message. "I don't know, its not all there, ... under our noses. Lt ... that's all, who sent it?" Gibbs shrugged.

"You know me, I can't work out the damn thing to make a call forget texts." He glared at her. "You figure it out"

Kate clicked several keys then "I've got it, it was Lucy, the number matches her one in your phone book" She announced triumphantly as Commander Barrett returned.

"We've got more medics coming from Bethesda, they'll be here in a couple of hours. We'll need to liaise with local law enforcement about the bodies and forensics." He announced.

Gibbs, barely registered the news, Tony stood up. "We'll get our guys down here, is there a lab our forensics technician can use? ... Our ME can take the bodies, ... how many are we talking?" He asked.

"I can arrange access to the hospital lab. We have 4 dead, 2 more critical not including Captain Hammond." Commander Barrett informed him. Gibbs pushed himself from the chair at the mention of Lucy's name

"What caused the explosion?" asked Kate.

"Not sure MPs are sealing the area now" Commander Barrett confirmed.

"Kate get Abs and Ducky up to speed. ... Dinozzo get out and liaise with the MPs and see any evidence is taken to the lab ready for Abby." Gibbs instructed his team before turning to the British Officer. "Commander can we speak in private?"

The other man agreed and the left the room. Tony watched the door close then turned to Kate. "What was all that about?"

"Tony it's late, just do as he says for once. We've only got weak links to go on and I would like to get to bed some time tonight, although I doubt that's going to be possible." Answered Kate tiredly as she picked up the phone. Tony realised he wouldn't get any answers at the moment so he left.

I know Gibbs ended up with Amnesia in Season 3, but I had this planned out before knowing about that, so please bear with me.

Reviews are always welcome and will make me update quicker...