Disclaimer- I don't own Fruits Basket or Ouran High School Host Club. XP

Chapter 1: The News

"Eh? You're transferring Yuki?" questioned Shigure.

"Yes. Just for a while, I suppose. I have needs for him there." They both knew what Akito was saying. Shigure remained kneeling on the floor in front of the sickly young head.

"Will it just be him?"

"Yes. The rest are unsuited for this situation."

Shigure understood. Kyo was the same age, but he was too brash. Momiji rarely could be serious, and Haru had his black side to deal with. Tohru wasn't even one of the Sohmas. Only Yuki could be used in this delicate situation. He rose, bade the still figure goodbye, and left the Sohma house by himself. Shigure whined, "I hate to be the one to break the news to them. Yuki's gonna skin me alive!" Suddenly, he turned serious again.

"Poor Yuki. For his sake I hope he doesn't fail his mission." With that ominous thought in mind, Shigure headed home, followed by the brisk autumn wind blowing up a storm of dead leaves.


CRASH! The porcelain plate Tohru was carrying back to the kitchen slipped from her weakened grasp. Instead of immediately apologizing and cleaning it up, she slowly sank on the ground. Kyo went over to help her. Yuki was still gaping at the smiling dog, hoping this was another one of his stupid jokes.

Shigure nodded. "Yup! Akito told Yuki to transfer to another high school. He will be starting next week."

"Why does he want me?"

Shigure answered, "For family business."

Yuki started to ask why him, but then went through the same thinking process Shigure did.


Shigure shrugged. "It doesn't seem to be a permanent move." Tohru had regained her composure and was helping Kyo pick up the shards.

"How long will Yuki-kun be gone?"

"Just until he gets Akito's business done," comforted Shigure.

Kyo started to get irritated. "What is this family business anyway?"

The dog hesitated. "He has to..." Tohru imagined terrible tasks, such as feeding piranhas or cleaning a kitchen that was as dirty as Shigure's before she came!

"...make a friend." All three of them blinked at him.

"That's it?" Kyo asked in annoyance.

"Yup!" giggled Shigure. Tohru sighed in relief. "So Yuki-kun won't be fighting bears like Kyo-kun did in the mountains?" she blurted out, then turned red. "Oops." The three guys stared at her strangely.

"What school is the damn rat going to?"questioned Kyo.

Shigure thought for a moment. "Started with O or A, I forgot. Umm...Aha! I remember! It's called Ouran."

Tohru squeaked, "Ouran High? That's one of the most prestigious schools!" Even Kyo looked a little impressed by that.

Yuki was still lost in the dark. "I don't understand. Why do I have to go there and make a friend?"

Shigure sighed. "Really, Yuki. And I thought Kyon-kyon was the dumb one."

Kyo glared daggers at him. "Hey! I resent that."

Tohru hurriedly swept the last of the broken plate up and threw it away, not wanting to miss a word of the conversation.

The oldest man sighed, "Truth is, Sohma Industries wants Suoh Industries as its business partner. Akito wants you to get closer to the CEO's son, Tamaki Suoh."

Tohru gasped again. "Tamaki Suoh? Only son of the Suoh's?"

Shigure asked her how she knew that. While Tohru explained she saw him on television, Yuki was rethinking what he had to do.

"Eh? Tamaki Suoh, huh? So that's why," mused a thoughtful Yuki.

Suddenly, Shigure reverted back to his carefree self. "Don't worry! Just toddle off to bed now! Good night!"

Startled, the three teenagers said a quiet goodbye and trudged up to their rooms, each with their own inner thoughts.

"Have you heard the news? Prince Yuki is leaving!"

That was the juiciest piece of gossip in the school that day. It was unknown who started the rumor, but it spread among the students like wildfire. It wasn't long before the Prince Yuki Fanclub caught wind of it. "WHAT? It can't be!" screamed Mokoto, the president of the club, dramatically.

"If our beloved prince leaves, this fanclub will be meaningless! Pass this message on: ALL FANCLUB MEMBERS MUST PERSUADE OUR PRINCE NOT TO LEAVE! Understood?"

Her cronies nodded. "Understood!"

Thus, all day long, Yuki was pestered by more than half the school's girls, begging him not to leave. Needless to say, he was more than irritated. Thankfully, today was Friday, and no more crazy fangirls! Unless, they followed him home. Urg.

"Yuki-kun!" a smiling Tohru waved at him, oblivious to the hostile glares from the other girls. Tohru's voice was abruptly drowned out the loudspeaker. "Ahem. Is this thing on? Oh. PRINCE YUKI!" -feedback- "PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE OUR BELOVED SCHOOL!" Yuki grimaced. He knew that voice anywhere. It was no other than Mokoto Minagawa. He speedwalked to Tohru, grabbed her hand, and both of them ran off that campus straight home to where Kyo, Haru, and Momiji already were. At home, Shigure and Kyo laughed at Yuki's school day, while the others were a little bit more sympathetic.

During the weekend, Yuki was no less busy! There were papers to sign, official documents to file away, and other tiresome paperwork. His textbooks were bought, and the specially tailored Ouran uniform arrived. All in all, Yuki was ready to follow Akito's inane plan, if he could get up on time.

On Monday, when his alarm clock went off, his hand appeared from under the covers and fumbled with it. When he couldn't make it turn off, the sleepy rat threw it against the wall, then got up. Even though his eyes were still closed, he dressed himself perfectly, only waking up to put on the blue tie. Blinking blearily, he stumbled downstairs, readjusting his tie again, and meandered into the kitchen.

Tohru smiled approvingly at him, "Yuki, you look very nice!" Indeed, the light blue jacket and the black pants emphasized his slim frame and silver hair, slightly mussed. However, the tie was done haphazardly, as if the person was half-asleep at the time. Knowing Yuki, he probably was. She giggled and redid his tie for him. Blinking, he gave her a small "thank you."

She grinned and replied, "You're welcome. Breakfast is ready."

After another one of Tohru's delicious homemade meals, Hatori arrived to drive Yuki to Ouran. It was around a 15-minute drive, so by the time he pulled into the school, it was almost time for school to start. Yuki grabbed his bookbag, said a quick good-bye to Hatori, and raced through the gigantic portal, up two flights of stairs, and came to his classroom. He referred to the piece of paper clutched in his sweaty palm to be absolutely certain it was the right room. 1-A. This is it. Breathing deeply, he opened the door and stepped in just as the bell rang.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Thus began Yuki's first day at Ouran High School.

A/N: So how was it? This is my first attempt at writing a crossover. Fruits Basket and Ouran High School rock! In this story, chapters will be longer than what I usually post, so look forward to them!

Review will be gratefully accepted. :-)

