Chapter 1

AN: Introducing chapter 1 of "Alpha Female", I kinda like the stories based on the Remus and Hermione ship especially when it involves Hermione being a werewolf as well as Remus, But I prefer the Hermione and Draco ship ( SeXy DrAcO aka ToM FeLtOn, so dats where I got my pen name to " Mrs.T.Felton".)

Ok enough about me so ill just start the story and tell me what you think, oh and check out my other stories aswell " A werewolves journey through time" and "Love or lust". All Flames comments and reviews accepted ...XxXxXxX

Hermione had been lying in the hospital wing for two weeks after Voldemort's last attack on

Hogwarts. Even though Dumbledore had expected this attack a week in advance, he had not

Expected Voldemort to bring anyone other than his Death eaters to the Battle.

When Voldemort arrived the doors to the entrance hall burst open in an explosion while Death Eaters, Werewolves, vampires and a Giant or two bounded into the hall.

There was smoke and debris everywhere though the place was eerily silent except the odd growl and hiss from the werewolves and vampires for what was about to take place, the calm before the storm.

" He sure knows how to make an entrance." Ron's irritable voice broke the silence, and Harry stomped on his foot for him to keep quiet.

" Ouch……, what was that for, I only said he knows how to make an entra……. Oh."

Ron stopped after seeing the look on Harry's face and seeing this is not the time to be arguing over something so stupid.

Order members, Professors, positioned themselves around the entrance hall with some of the older students blocking all entrance into the school, waiting for the first spell to be thrown so the battle could begin and end as quickly as possible.

As usual, it was Harry, Ron, Hermione, Sirius, Remus, and Dumbledore who had taken up the front line to start the battle.

Harry was the first to speak, and with a shout of "Sectumsempra" (I think that's how its spelt) the battle began……

Later that day, well into the night the battle had finally finished and everyone was in the hospital wing getting their injuries treated, or confirming the dead bodies that now lay in rows on the floor in the hospital wing.

Extra healers were called in from St. Mungos to help Madame Pomfrey heal everyone, as it was too much work and stress for just one healer to treat more than one patient at a time.

The light side had one the war, but not without the many necessary sacrifices that came with the burden of war. Many were lost, many suffered the great loss of their loved ones dying, many would never live a normal life again.

There would be a huge celebration later to for the downfall of Voldemort, but that would only take place after there was a proper burial for the people who had lost their lives.

Moreover, as a sign of respect all student were made attend the service before the school would be closed to refurnish from the amount of damage done to the castle mainly from the giants.

Two Weeks Later

Hermione Lay in a bed in the Hospital wing, barely conscious from the stress the battle had put on her a little over two weeks ago. Multiple Werewolves had attacked her at the same time when she was cornered in the great hall in the heart of the battle.

Fenir Greyback, Brutus Greyback, Buccula immortalis, and Robustus Monitus were the known werewolves that had attacked Hermione, After the Multiple Bites Hermione had sustained everyone was surprised that she would make a full recovery in the ext few days, but she would suffer from lycantropy for the rest of her life.

Unknown to everyone in the Hospital wing Hermione had been awake for the last few minutes listening in on the conversations around her.

" How is she Poppy, Is there any serious damage?"

" Luckily Albus, the only serious injuries the child has suffered are the bites which are healing up very nicely."

" Will she be coming round soon, she's been unconscious since the battle Poppy?"

Dumbledore and madame Pomfrey went on talking like this for the next ten minutes or so while Madame Pomfrey checked Hermione's vital signs making sure everything was stable, after a few minutes Dumbledore turned to face Hermione's bed ….

" Ms Granger you can open your eyes now."

" Sorry Professor."

" Quiet alright Ms Granger no harm being a little curious as to what's going on around, though I do advice you exercise your curiosity with caution."

Hermione had opened her eyes a little sheepishly when she heard a few snickers and giggles in the backround after Dumbledore had addressed her, and saw Harry, Ginny, Sirius, and Remus crowded around the end of her bed.

" Where's Ron?" Everyone's face paled when she mentioned Ron's name and there was no longer a smile on a single persons face.

" Hermione …Eh… How should we tell you this..."?

" Harry just tell me " Hermione tried sitting up but Hissed in pain when her arms gave way to the weight of her body, the pain shot through her whole body, right from the hairs on her head to the tips of her toes it was almost unbearable.

" Here child, drink this its for the pain." Madame Pomfey pushed a smoking Goblet into her hands and smiled kindly at her seeing the expression on Hermione's Face.

" Drink it, I promise it may taste bad but it will take care of the pain." Hermione nodded and downed the horrid concoction, while scrunching her nose up in distaste. This seemed to earn her a few chuckles and giggles from the others, which reminded her they never answered her question.

" Harry, Where's Ron?"

" Ron Died Hermione, Beletrix hit him with the Killing Curse a while into the Battle, he died straight away."

" And voldemort is he dead?"

" No he escaped with Lucius and Beletrix"

" Hermione are you ok?" It was Ginny to speak this time noticing the tears in her friend's eyes.

" Eh…Yeah...yeah I'm fine Ginny."

" Ok everyone please run along the Headmaster needs to speak with Ms Granger and then she needs her rest so out."

" But… But Madame Pomfrey cant we stay for a little while Longer, we wont be a bother I promise."

" No you may not, I've heard that excuse many times from your father and Mr. Black here, now Out, Out, OUT."

Madame Pomfrey had to push Harry and Ginny out of the Hospital wing for Hermione to get some rest. The school matron was starting to get highly irritated when every time she went to close the door one of them made their way back into the hospital wing, it was like a game of cat and mouse, and she was the cat.

Hermione spoke when she began getting irritated by their antics ……

" Guys its ok, I'm fine, Madame Pomfey isn't going to torture me."

Harry and Ginny made to leave when Hermione said she was ok but stopped in their tracks when they realized she was not finished speaking.

" She's leaving that until you leave the room."

Before anyone could Protest Dumbledore raised his hand for silence while letting out a soft chuckle.

" That is enough of that Ms Granger, I see you haven't lost any of your sense of humour….. Now boys and Ginny You are better off heading to your common rooms, Hermione wont be released for another day, so she is going no where."

" Ok cya Mione, We will be up first thing in the morning."

With that, they left leaving the everything in silence.

" Now ms Granger I'm sure you have realized why you are here."

" Yes I remember being attacked by Greyback and his brother, why?"

"Well Ms Granger it seems that you were bitten multiple times by different werewolves."

" Professor I'm not sure I see how this matters, I know I was bitten but why does it make a difference if it was by more than one werewolf."

" Hermione maybe I can answer that for you."

Hermione turned away from Dumbedore to face Professor Lupin and Sirius was looking at Hermione with pity in his eyes, no one should have to go through this not at such a young age.

Professor Lupin on the other hand held a look of understanding and admiration in his eyes, seeing this young react so calmly, when I went on a rampage after I found out I was to become a monster for 3 nights in a month.

" Professor, why does it make such a difference, you might as well tell me because I will find out one way or another."

" Hermione Call me Remus that is my given name and I have not been your Professor for many years now."

" Sorry Professor……I mean Remus."

" Well Hermione due to the extent of the bites, you know you now suffer from lycantropy?"

" Well I kind of realized when I was bitten that I would become a werewolf too."

" Hermione your taking this very well, Remus said he went off the wall when he first found out, I mean there was a huge explosion and he destroyed everything he could get his hands on in his mother's house. Though I suppose that would be expected given he was only five, I suspect you'll act the same when it finally sinks in."

" Sirius, Remus, Professor I don't mean to be rude but when is someone going to tell me what is wrong, because you are all avoiding telling me!"

" Hermione what Dumbledore and I are trying to tell you is that…..well ….after your first transformation you will be stuck in wolf form until the next full Moon when you take your werewolf form, but the wolf form will be your new form you will…..uh not turn back to a Human in the time during the full moon's like mysef."


" And there's the explosion I was talking about."

" Ms Granger I know this is a difficult time for you but we are here for you whatever you need, though I have a theory that you might be interested in?"

Hermione sat staring into space while listening to Dumbledore ramble on, she had shock written all over her face as the information finally sunk in that she might never be human again.

" I wonder how long I have left until my first full moon I hope it doesn't hurt too much, Oh Merlin what will Harry and Ginny think, I'm going to be a monster for the rest of my life and there's nothing I can do about it." Hermione's mind was working furiously for a solution to this, well maybe not to the Lycanthrope but maybe I wont have to stay a wolf forever.

" Professor I'm sorry for that outburst but this is a lot to come to terms with, Merlin this is my last year at Hogwarts and I'm a werewolf."

Dumbledore got Hermione, Remus and Sirius' attention and stared at them with that twinkle of hope in his eye when he spoke.

" Ms Granger I Might have a temporary solution, that may or may not help………"

AN: Well that was my first chapter hope you like it cause im having a lot of fun writing it. So please Read, Review and comment if you have any requests for the story id like to hear those too .Thanks Mrs.T.Felton XxXxXxXxX