Two years ago, Sheena Fujibayashi made a wish. Now that someone has granted it, will she finally be able to say to him what she hadn't been able to saw before he left? Sheena x ??

Fanfic Key
/---/ in italics Character thinking to themselves or a telepathic voice.

"---" and text in italics A flashback or memory

The Power of One Wish

/Sheena Fujibayashi. How I have waited for this moment./

Too stunned to move or speak, the young kunoichi leader of the village of Mizuho just stared at the spectacle before her. Somehow this strange girl had made her way through the village gates and into her home. Had Sheena not been awoken by Corrine's hissing and growling, she might not have seen the girl standing— or rather hovering—in her bedroom doorway.

Sheena felt Corrine move closer to her side as the girl began to move closer. Out of instinct she reached for the magical-infused cards she had tucked beneath her pillow and rose to her feet. Standing in a defensive stance, she aimed one of the cards at the girl's throat and instantly she stopped moving.

"Who are you? How do you know who I am?"

/We've been watching you for a long time, Sheena Fujibayashi. We've heard your wish and now, I am here to grant it for you./

"My wish? Grant it? What are you talking about?" Holding her cards even tighter in her hands, Sheena never once let the strange girl leave her line of sight. Even as she began to raise her hands to her chest, Sheena stood her ground, prepared to attack should she need to.

At first, nothing happened. But soon after, the shutters on the windows began to rattle as the wind outside began to pick up speed. In a soft voice, no louder then a whisper, the strange girl had begun to chant in a foreign tongue. A ball of light began to form from inside her chest and as the wind continued to get stronger and stronger, the ball continued to grow and grow. By the time it stopped, Sheena found her room illuminated by the strange glow of the fairly large ball of light in the girl's hands.

/Everyone secretly wishes for something. But only a few wish for it the hardest. You, Sheena, are one of those people./

"Wh-what?" Sheena stared at the ball of light and felt herself instinctively step away from it when the girl moved it closer to her.

/This Sheena…this is your wish. Of all the people in Tethe'alla, your wish was chosen as the one to be granted tonight./

The girl saw the look in Sheena's eyes and gave her a comforting smile. Slowly she raised her hands to the ceiling and Sheena watched in silence as the ball of light floated up above them.

/Do not be afraid, Sheena./

Not knowing how she was able to move so quickly, Sheena felt the strange girl wrap her arms gently around her and pull her into a warm embrace. Where as she had felt nothing but fear when she first saw her, Sheena now felt nothing but warmth and comfort.

/All I want is to grant you your heart's wish./

"My heart's wish?"

/Do you not remember? Two years ago, you made a wish to yourself and locked it away inside your heart…/

"Two years ago?"


Sheena felt her heart skip a beat as she heard his voice speak to her so clearly in her mind.

"How…how could you…know?"

The girl pulled away from Sheena but gently placed her hand upon her cheek. She looked deeply into her eyes and Sheena saw nothing but her own reflection in return.

/We are not like you. We are beings whose sole purpose is to grant wishes. We know the wishes of all and why they wish for it. Your wish Sheena…it was a wish made out of regret…wasn't it?/

Sheena looked up at the girl before her in shock, but the girl merely smiled warmly in return and gently stroked Sheena's hair.

/Two years ago…something terrible happened…something you were unable to stop. You regretted not being able to help him, but you also regretted not being able to tell him how you feel. Because of it, you made this wish./

"I wish…I wish I could see him…just one more time. Please…just one more time."

She could feel the tears swelling up in her eyes and did her best to hold them back. She had managed to hide it from the villagers and even her grandfather, but now…all the feelings she had kept bottled up inside of her came bursting through all at once. With a heavy sob, Sheena fell to her knees and began to cry.


Placing a hand gently on Sheena's shoulder, the strange girl knelt down before her. She looked at the crying kunoichi in front of her for a moment before taking a hold of her trembling hands.

/I can grant this wish for you, Sheena. I can grant it if you let me./

"Y-you…you can?" Slowly lifting her head, Sheena looked up at the strange girl once more, tears still running down the side of her face.

The girl smiled, nodded her head and wiped away one of Sheena's tears.

/Yes. I can. Just say the word and I will./

Sheena glanced over at Corrine who had placed a paw upon her leg and was now looking up at her with a worriedly. She looked around her small home and her eyes were instantly drawn to the little souvenirs she had collected during her travels two years ago with Professor Raine, Collette, Genis…

…and him.

Wiping away the last set of tears with the back of her hand, Sheena looked up at the strange girl. Her eyes, though they showed great determination, were still clouded over with tears.

"Then…I wish...I wish…I could see him…just one more time."

And the smile on the girl's face became brighter. Her hands released their gentle grip upon Sheena's as she moved back to where she had been standing earlier. Closing her eyes, she raised her hands up to the glowing ball that had been hovering above them the entire time and chanted. It flickered for a moment or two before the entire room was filled with a bright, warm light.

Sheena turned away and shielded her eyes with hands from the light. She could feel the wind pushing against her and felt everything around her slowly crumbling away. She struggled to remain sitting upright and would have fallen back into nothingness, had it not been for the hands she felt suddenly pressed against her back, holding her up.

/I grant you your wish, Sheena Fujibayashi. May you accomplish what it is your heart has been yearning to do for the past two years…/

"Thank you…" And with her words said, Sheena felt the girl's presence slowly disappear. The wind however, continued to push against her just as strongly as before. She heard Corrine cry out softly beside her and quickly scooped the little fox-like creature into her arms. She pressed the little fox gently to her body so she would not be swept away and the felt the floor beneath her fade away.

Soon Sheena felt herself floating through nothing, the wind blowing her toward an unknown destination. But instead of feeling afraid or scared, she felt calm and at peace. She turned to face the direction she was headed in and saw bright tunnel of light ahead.

She felt the little fox in her arms squirm uncomfortable and loosened her grip on the creature slightly. Shielding her eyes once again with her hand, Sheena felt herself pulled into the tunnel of light. She could feel herself falling as if she was being dropped from the sky, but saw nothing but white in front of her.

/It's true…I regretted not telling you the one most important thing before you left…/ Closing her eyes, Sheena felt a few tears slip past her eyelids and become lost in the wind. /And because of that, this wish was made. Now that it's granted…I hope…I can finally say what it is I've been meaning to tell you…/

His smiling face flashed in her mind and slowly Sheena opened her eyes once again, her tears still falling.


To be continued…

Author's Note
This is actually my first Tales of Symphonia Fanfic that I have ever written. I've had the idea for a fanfic like this ever since I finished the game about…a year or so ago. I'm a bit worried however, that I might have made them out of character a bit. I apologize and will try hard to keep them in character in future chapters. Thank you for reading and please leave me some reviews! Those are greatly loved!

I do not own Tales of Symphonia or any of the characters presented within the game. They all belong to Namco, Bandai as well as any other companies and/or people I have forgotten to mention here. I am nothing but a simple fanfic writer.