Author's Note:

My Decision.

Thank you to all who reviewed and told me what they thought.

No thank you to the people who were cheaters and just told me I should do both stories.

Thank you for waiting, patiently or impatiently for me to tell you what I have decided. (Ha, as if you had a choice!)

Enough, rambling though, here's my decision:

After carefully tallying the votes.

After having deep, soul-to-soul conversations with myself.

After realizing, that after a while, my beloved A Family Matter, will be forever lost within the dusts of time, far back where nobody bothers to look...

I have decided…….

Drum roll please………………………….



Make a sequel.

And continue on with Scared.

You'd better love me; I'm a multi-tasker.

Why did I even bother to ask you if I was planning on doing both? you ask.

Well, I was originally planning to choose one or the other, but so many of you said I should just do both that I decided to actually listen to you.


The sequel to A Family Matter will be called Until the End of Eternity, and I should be creating it very soon.

So look out for updates on both it and Scared.

I hope you enjoyed my story.

I am you humble servant, here only for the purpose of entertaining you.

(Yeah, right.)

Until then,

Seul Lune