Dis-clai-mer? Vhat ees thees dees-clay-mer yo speek ov? (Digimon's not mine. N-o-t m-i-n-e.)

Shi-chan: With 'In Your Shoes,' out of the picture, here's another Kensuke! -------------------------------

Love Is (Working title)
By Shimegami-chan

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Kensuke, and angst, and sap. Enjoy!

Plug: Sandglass,' updated on July 11.

There were a million things I loved about him.

His eyes, for one. They were a soft brown, sending his emotions out like a banner. They could stare down even the bravest of bullies, defy the most deadly of enemies.

When he looked at me with those beautiful eyes, my heart melted.

So many things about him that I craved, and not just in his outward appearance. He radiated confidence, perhaps even overconfidence. Loyalty. A love of life, of his family, of his friends. He was talented. Kind. Smart. Witty.

There were reasons why he was Chosen as the Child of Courage and Friendship.

And he's my best friend in the whole world.

True, I loved him in a more-than-a-friend kind of way. I wasn't going to tell him that, though, for fear of losing his friendship and trust. That was worth the world to me, and I'd be damned if I gave it away.

Unfortunately, I think we were both damned from the start.

I think I first decided that I really loved him after we first became friends. He was the only one that would trust me after the whole Digimon Kaiser fiasco, even though I was being slowly forgiven by the others. He hung out with me, played games, did soccer drills--anything to take my mind off the pain I was going through. When we became Jogress partners our friendship only grew stronger. I couldn't have asked for a better guy to be my best friend.

I never meant for him to find out that I liked him that way. I wasn't sure how he'd take to finding out that I was bisexual--Dai had an open mind for sure, but I was afraid of being under constant scrutiny, of him never talking to me about guy stuff...of him being nervous about coming in contact with me.

I kept my secret with the skill of practice. I had learned to lie and do it well from the time I was old enough to need to. It wasn't that I didn't like girls; I did. I had suffered a bit of a crush on Miyako in my early Kaiser days. Some of the Tamachi girls were nice, but I was too busy in my junior high days. By the time I got to Odaiba High School, I just was't concerned with relationships any more. I swore not to tell Dai about my interest in him, and was quite content with my life as it was. Being single was a lot better than people made it out to be.

All was well, until Daisuke slipped me a folded note in math class one day.

Want to catch a movie tonight? ~Dai

Sure. What time? ~Ken

Around 7. Me, you, Ayumi and Hikari.

Suddenly life had gotten ten times more complicated.

"What do you mean, it's a date!?" I yelled, my heart twisting. "I thought it was a group thing!"

Daisuke looked hurt. "I didn't say it was! Hikari-chan asked me to a movie, and told me to ask you. She didn't mention that Ayumi-chan was coming too. Hell, I thought Takeru was coming. It's not my fault they're deluded. I really, really want to go, and I don't think Hikari-chan will come unless you and Ayumi-chan do? Please, Ken? For me?"

"Motomiya." The low tone of my voice and the use of his family named must have told him I was really mad now. He fliched. "I do not want to go anywhere on a date with Yutaka Ayumi."

He pouted, ignoring my building anger. "But Ken...I could have a chance with Hikari here! Why don't you like Ayumi-chan, anyway? You don't get out enough!"

And then, he used the Puppy Dog Eyes.

"Daiiii..." I whined, clenching my sachel to my chest. "If it was Miyako, sure, but I don't know Yutaka-san! I only know that she's Hikari-san's friend!"

"And she likes you! Give her a chance, Ken."

I didn't have the nerve to go out with a girl; especially not Yutaka Ayumi. She was nice enough, but she was a snob in my opinion. An Odaiba cheerleader, blonde, and a gossip. What Hikari saw in her I would never know. And if I did go out with Yutaka-san, just this once...what if she knew? It wasn't like I was flamboyant; I wanted to keep my secret just that--a secret.

But Daisuke...I'd do anything for Daisuke. He was so far gone over Hikari; I knew this meant a lot to him, how could I possibly turn him down?

Even if it meant crushing my own hopes.

"Dozens of girls have decided they 'like' me. Notice how I never like them back, at least not enough to date them."

"So you'll go?" Bastard.

I rolled my eyes. "Dammit, Dai..."

He knew he'd won just because I wasn't angry enough to call him by his family name any more. "Just for me." Those brown eyes filled with silent pleas and his lower lip trebled, obviously for furthur effect.

"I hate you."

"I'll pick you up at six."

~to be continued....

Shi-chan: Like? Hate? Don't worry, Ayumi's not important. :-P I tried to pass her off as a Mary Sue. ^^;; Shall I continue this? R&R onegai!