I don't own anything from the manga/anime Naruto. It is Masashi Kishimoto that owns Naruto. This is a fan fiction based on Masashi Kishimoto's manga and anime: Naruto.

"Ordinary conversation"


"Wolf/Kyuubi/demon speech"

'Wolf/Kyuubi thought'


Authors note: a comment from me about the story.

-- paragraph and scene change

Finally, I'm back in action. It feels good to be back. I hope I wasn't too missed.

Oh, and I have a request. Is there anyone out there that's good at drawing, and is willing to draw Tenshi for me? I would really appreciate it. If there is anyone, send me a message please.

Alright, without further ado: the first chapter of New teams, different sensei 2:

Haruno Sakura was walking home. She felt like her arms were going to fall off.

"Tsunade-shisho (master) was real strict today." Sakura mumbled to herself. She rubbed a sore shoulder, and grimaced as she felt a knot that needed to be taken care off.

"Perhaps I can get mom to give me a massage." Sakura said and smiled. With that in mind, she hurried home.


A white haired man and a blonde haired boy were walking towards Konoha, the man calmly, the boy…not so calmly. He was literally bouncing around, running ahead, stopping and waiting for the man while tapping his foot impatiently on the ground.

"Hurry up, Ero-sennin!" the boy yelled.

"Shut up, brat." Ero-sennin, otherwise known as Jiraiya, replied, sighing and shaking his head at his young charge.

"But you're so slow." The boy, known as brat, or Naruto, complained.
"What was that?" and then, the white haired man started to chase the blonde haired boy, who was laughing loudly.


"Shisho, we're almost home, aren't we?" a dark haired girl asked. Her master, a tall man with brown and golden hair nodded.

"Tomorrow we'll be home." He replied.

"I can't wait." A blonde haired girl said, thinking about the rest of her team.

"I wonder how everyone's changed." another dark haired girl said.

"Time will show. But for now, let's find someplace to camp." The man said with a bright smile.

"Hai" came the chorus of the three girls.


A lazy Chuunin and his best friend stood in one of the watch towers of Konoha's massive gates, both bored out of their minds.

"Man, I thought guard duty would be just my thing, but I can't even watch the clouds." Shikamaru complained, almost loudly, but that was too troublesome.

"I'm not allowed to eat my chips." Chouji replied, and sure enough, his hands did not hold a pack of chips.

"I still can't believe why you let that girl decide over you like that." Shikamaru said.

"You are one to talk." Chouji shot back. Shikamaru almost blushed and a blonde woman with her hair tied up in pigtails came to his mind.

"Che…troublesome." He said. That is when Chouji saw something on the road.

"Looks like we got someone." He said and Shikamaru looked to where Chouji was pointing. Sure enough, two figures were walking towards them.

The two guarding Chuunins waited until the two stopped in front of the gate.

"State your name and purpose here." Shikamaru called.

"Wow, Shikamaru is actually doing a job." One of the two, a blonde boy, said. The other, a white haired man snickered at that, before looking up at them.

"The Sannin Jiraiya with my apprentice, Uzumaki Naruto. We have returned from a mission." Jiraya called. Shikamaru and Chouji were a bit surprised at that, but they nodded and opened the gate.

"Nice to see you again, Naruto. We'll catch up later." Shikamaru called. Naruto grinned and waved at them as he and Jiraiya walked trough the gate.

"Don't be a stranger, Naruto." Chouji called after him and Naruto nodded, still grinning widely.

"So, he's back." Shikamaru said.

"I'M HOME!!!" they heard a yell

"Yep, he's back." Chouji said and the two friends chuckled.


"Finally. Back at last. I can't wait to see Sakura-chan and Ino-chan again." Naruto said, looking around and noting everything that was different. He then saw the Hokage monument.

"Hey, they even placed the old hag up there." Naruto said, and sure enough, Tsunade's face had been carved into the stone.

"You should be more respectful towards Hokage-sama, Naruto." A voice said and Naruto turned to see Kakashi leaned against a building, reading his perverted book.

"Hey Kakashi-sensei." Naruto yelled and Kakashi raised a hand in greeting.

"Naruto, we should find Tsunade." Jiraiya said and Naruto nodded, before he started walking towards the Hokage tower. But Jiraiya and Kakashi didn't follow right away.

"Do you know when Tenshi is returning?" Jiraiya asked and Kakashi shook his head.
"No, I don't. I'm not sure even Rin knows." Kakashi replied.

"I see." Jiraiya said and Kakashi looked up from his book.

"Something wrong?" he asked and Jiraiya sighed.

"Perhaps. I'm not sure. I'll see you later." Jiraiya said and followed his apprentice. Kakashi looked after the two, before he vanished in a puff of smoke.


Tsunade sat at her desk and read and signed her paperwork. At least, that is what she wanted people to believe. In reality, she was sleeping, and drooling all over said paperwork. How she could do that? She was the Hokage and could do as she pleased. The genjutsu she had placed over herself and her desk also helped.

She smiled in her sleep. In her dreams, her desk was overloaded with paperwork, which she toasted with a Katon jutsu while chuckling evilly.

But her dream was not to last. She was rather harshly broken out of said dream when her assistant, Shizune, ran into her office, yelling: "Hokage-sama!"

Shizune for one, saw right trough the genjutsu, which was a good thing, or she wouldn't have seen the chair that was hurled towards her as punishment for ending the dream. Barely dodging the chair, Shizune feared a bit for her health, but sighed in relief when Tsunade grumbled and asked:

"What is it?"

"Naruto-kun and Jiraiya-sama are back." Shizune replied. As on cue, a puff of smoke came and when it passed, two people stood in the middle of the office. Naruto and Jiraiya grinned, disturbingly equally.

"Yo!" Jiraiya said.

"Hey, Tsunade-bachan." Naruto said. He effortlessly dodged the paperweight Tsunade threw towards him. Shizune wasn't so fortunate, and was knocked unconscious.

"Oy brat, look what you made me do to Shizune." Tsunade scolded, but her stern expression vanished and was replaced with a smile as she walked around her desk and stood in front of the young man.

"You've grown brat. But you're still a brat." Tsunade said, grinning widely.

"And you're still old." Naruto said. Moments later he was on the ground, holding a large lump on his head. Jiraiya shook his head in disbelief.

"He still hasn't learned to shut up." Jiraiya said and Tsunade sighed.

"So, I take it the trip was successful?" Tsunade asked while sitting down on her chair again, ignoring the groans from Naruto and Shizune.

"Yeah, I got to gather lots of 'information'." Jiraiya said and gave a perverted giggle. Tsunade's left eye started twitching violently, and she had to take several deep breaths to calm down.

"I meant Naruto's training, you perverted bastard." Tsunade said and Jiraiya looked thoughtful for a moment.

"He's learned more than I intended to teach him, so I guess he isn't that bad." He said.

"What do you mean, 'not that bad'? You Ero-sennin!" Naruto yelled, jumping up and glaring at his teacher.

"Shut up, brat. Why don't you go find that girlfriend of yours?" Jiraiya asked. Naruto blinked, a look of comprehension coming over his face, before he simply vanished. Tsunade was shocked.

"Was that?" she asked and Jiraiya nodded.

"He's fully mastered Shunshin. He's just as good with it as Arashi was." Jiraiya said proudly. Tsunade then turned really serious, leaning her elbows on her desk and staring at Jiraiya.

"Tell me about your trip." She said, and Jiraiya suddenly had a feeling of impending doom.


Naruto was running, fast. He was also on a mission. Before going to Ichiraku, before unpacking, he was going to Sakura's.

There. He saw the Haruno residence, and he saw just the person he wanted coming out the door.

"Mom, I'm going to pick up those new training weights Shisho wanted me to use." Sakura called.

"Alright, honey." Rin called back. She was confused by the lack of a door shutting and worried when she heard Sakura gasp, so she went out to look, and smiled widely. There, standing on the porch, was Sakura, deeply kissing Naruto.

'So, he's back. Good.' Rin thought, before walking over and pulling the two apart. Both panted for air and blushed deeply, but tried to dive at each other again.

"Alright, enough making out. You can do that later. Nice too see you again, Naruto." Rin said and Naruto grinned at her.

"Nice too see you too, Rin-neechan, Sakura-chan." He replied and Sakura smiled at him, before hugging him tightly.

"Welcome back, Naruto-kun." She said and Naruto hugged her back.

"As nice as this reunion is, weren't you going somewhere, Sakura?" Rin asked. Sakura blushed, and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I'll come with you." Naruto said enthusiastically. Sakura smiled and nodded.

The two waved at Rin and began walking, talking excitedly at each other while holding hands. Rin smiled softly at that, and remembered her own love. She smiled even wider at the thought of him returning soon.


Naruto and Sakura were walking hand in hand down the street towards the weapon store, Naruto talking excitedly about his training.

Sakura smiled as she listened to the tales her boyfriend told, and just knew that he was very strong now. She also couldn't help but wonder about the last person in their little triangle, and how she was doing.

"Ne, Naruto-kun. How do you think Ino-chan is?" Sakura asked. Naruto scratched his head and smiled wistfully.

"Ino-chan is probably amazing now, just like Sakura-chan." Naruto said and Sakura blushed.

"Thank you, but you don't know just how strong I am now. You may be surprised." Sakura said and grinned widely, making Naruto swallow nervously.

"But I think you're right. Ino-chan and Hinata-chan has to be really strong now. I mean, since sensei was able to make the three of us as strong as he did in so short time, then two and a half years…I can't wait to see how strong they are." Sakura said, ignoring Naruto's nervousness.

"And I can't wait to see how strong Tenshi is." Came a voice from behind them. They turned and saw Kakashi leaning against a post behind them.

"Yo!" he said while raising a hand in greeting.

"Kakashi-sensei." Sakura greeted with a smile on her mouth. Just then, Naruto snapped his fingers.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I have a present for you, Kakashi-sensei." Naruto said and pulled out a book. Kakashi's visible eye widened impossibly.

"Naruto…this is…" Kakashi said and Naruto nodded.

"Yeah. This is Icha Icha tactics." Naruto said and handed over the book, which Kakashi cradled like a baby.

"But…it is still unreleased. How do you have it?" Kakashi asked.

"It helps to know the author, but I thought it was boring." Naruto said while yawning. That is, until he felt the killing intent radiating from his girlfriend.

"You brought Kakashi-sensei a gift, but not me? AND you read that…that…piece of thrash?" Sakura said in a very dangerous tone. Kakashi briefly considered defending the genius that is Icha Icha, but decided to keep his life, and balls, in their rightful places.

"No, Sakura-chan, that's not right. I have a gift for you too. It's just, I wanted to wait with giving it too you until Ino-chan came." Naruto hurriedly explained.

"Yet you still read that 'book'." Sakura said, book being pronounced with such sarcasm it was almost visible.

Naruto slowly nodded and squealed like a little girl when he saw the fist coming. Then he was sent flying across the road and crashed into some dumpsters.

"Maybe that will teach you that no boyfriend of mine is a pervert." Sakura said. Her reply was a pain filled groan. Sakura then walked over to him and dragged Naruto out of the dumpster he was imbedded in.

"Thanks for the book, Naruto." Kakashi said and both Sakura and Naruto were unsurprised at seeing him already reading his new book.

"So, how much stronger do you think sensei is now?" Sakura asked, looking at Kakashi.

"Hmm, I don't know. But if I know him right, then he will at least be the same level he was when he fought Itachi. But most likely he has reached a level even beyond that. He does that you know. Push himself to a new level when he must. He has done it all his life." Kakashi said and both Naruto and Sakura nodded.

"One thing is for sure. He is a hell of a lot stronger than me." Naruto said, but with a smile on his face.

"Perhaps." Kakashi said, while looking at Naruto, as if searching for something in his eyes.

"Anyway, I'm off. Thanks again, Naruto." Kakashi said and vanished in a puff of smoke.

"Perhaps we should hurry. It's getting late." Sakura said and Naruto nodded.

They then hurried towards the weapon store, eager to get home again.


After paying the weapon store a visit, Naruto and Sakura half ran back to the Haruno residence. When they got there and went inside, they were meet with a delicious smell.

"No Ichiraku for you today, Naruto-kun." Sakura said and Naruto almost pouted. Almost.

"Rin-neechan's cooking is worth missing Ichiraku for." Naruto declared and Sakura laughed.

Rin was, unsurprisingly, in the kitchen, making dinner.

"So, how was your trip, Naruto-kun?" Rin asked and Naruto grinned.

"It was really good. I learned lots of new jutsus and other stuff. I think I'm as strong as Kakashi-sensei now." Naruto said and Rin and Sakura were visibly impressed.

"Wow, that's quite the improvement, Naruto-kun." Rin said.

"But don't get cocky. I've improved as well." Sakura said with a dangerous glint in her eyes. Naruto gulped.


Naruto opened his apartment door and nearly cried. His apartment was filled with dust.

"Oh man, I wonder if I can sleep at Sakura-chan." He wondered, but sighed and began cleaning up.

In the end, even with several Kage bunshin, he used several hours.


The next day, Naruto, Sakura and Rin were walking towards the Hokage tower, when a blur appeared in front of Rin and she was picked up and vanished. Naruto and Sakura briefly felt like someone had ruffled their hair, and stood there blinking for a while.

"Well, he's eager, isn't he?" came a familiar voice.

"Shisho hasn't seen Rin-san in two years. You can't blame him." Came another and Naruto and Sakura turned around. Their eyes widened and they pointed at the newcomers.

"You!" Naruto said, but Sakura smiled and walked over to the three that had arrived and hugged them. Naruto followed her example.

"Good to see you, Naruto-kun, forehead." Ino said with a grin.


"Tenshi" Rin squealed and Tenshi smiled at her.

"Hello, love." He said, before speeding up. Rin barely had a chance to realise where they were going, before they arrived at Tenshi's apartment, which for some reason looked relatively clean, although a bit hastily done.

"I've missed you." Rin said while looping her arms around his neck as Tenshi carried her inside.
"We've got a lot of time to make up for." Tenshi said before carrying her into the bedroom.


"Ino-chan, Hinata-chan, Haku-chan. You're back." Naruto said happily. Ino responded by pulling him into a deep kiss, effectively shutting them away from the outside world.

"So, how was the trip?" Sakura asked, while ignoring the two now making out.

"Really good. Shisho was brilliant." Hinata said and Haku nodded.

"Oh? He trained you well then?" Sakura asked, although she knew the answer.

"Not only us. He trained himself like crazy too." Haku said and Ino finally broke away from Naruto.

"He's stronger now than before fighting Itachi." She said, before diving right back, not that Naruto minded.

"Wow, how did he do that?" Sakura asked.

"He got us to attack him with killer intent. Although he nearly died a lot of times." Haku said.

"He has been really good practise for medical treatment training." Hinata said with a smile and Sakura laughed.

"I'm not surprised. With how hard he pushed us, then he would no doubt push himself just as hard." Sakura said and Haku nodded.

"Well, let's go see Hokage-sama. We won't see hide nor hair of Shisho and Rin until at least tomorrow." Haku said and the group started walking towards the Hokage tower, while pulling Ino and Naruto along.


"So, you're back. But where is Tenshi?" Tsunade asked. She got a pretty good idea when she saw the blush on the teens in front of her.

"He missed Rin, so you'll probably see him tomorrow." Haku said and Tsunade had to keep herself from laughing.

"I see. Well, I'll ask about the training then. Come back tomorrow. Dismissed." Tsunade said. The five in front of her vanished in puffs of smoke.

Tsunade chuckled for a bit, before she laid down to sleep on her paper work.


"There you are. Did you two have fun last night?" Sakura asked as Rin and Tenshi walked inside the Haruno residence, where Sakura, Naruto, Ino, Hinata and Haku were relaxing. Sakura also noted that Rin was walking a bit awkwardly.

"Hush you. You're too young for that." Tenshi said before walking over to Sakura and hugging her. Instead of hugging him, he ruffled Naruto's hair. Then he turned to Hinata.

"But why haven't you gone home?" he asked and she looked slightly nervous.

"I was kind of hoping that you would accompany me home." She said and Tenshi nodded.

"Alright, after breakfast." He said with a smile and Hinata relaxed.

"So, how are you two?" Tenshi asked, while turning his head towards Sakura and Naruto.

They then preceded to talk about their years apart while Rin made breakfast, still with the awkward walk.

(A/N: I am not describing those talks for a reason.)


"Ne, Hinata-chan. Why did you want Tenshi-sensei to walk you home?" Naruto asked.

"Because she wants me to talk to Hiashi." Tenshi answered for her and Hinata nodded in agreement.

"Do you think you'll still have trouble with the council?" Sakura asked and Hinata shook her head happily.

"No, I think I'm strong enough to be fine." She said, although a bit meekly. Rin looked at Tenshi with a smile.

"You got her to stop stuttering." She said and Tenshi laughed.

"It wasn't easy." He said, making Ino and Haku laugh as well, and poor Hinata blush.

"So, you've become really amazing then?" Naruto asked and Hinata was about to say something when Ino put her arm around her shoulder.

"Yeah, you should see her when she goes all out. She can easily take the three of us from two years ago." Ino said and Hinata began to mumble something.

"Hinata!" Tenshi said sternly and Hinata squeaked a little before straightening.

"Sorry, Shisho." She said before closing her mouth. Rin, Sakura and Naruto looked a little confused at that.

"I've tried to get her to speak up, but she reverts to old habits sometimes. But Ino is right though. Hinata is very strong now. And if they take of their weight suits, then I have no idea who would win, Haku or Hinata." Tenshi said.

"Weight suits?" Sakura asked. As one, Ino, Hinata and Haku plucked at a black, skin tight fabric.

Ino wore a purple two piece, not unlike the outfit she wore two years ago, only now she wore a pitch black spandex suit under. Hinata still wore a large jacket and loose pants, both black but the jacket had white sleeves and hood. She opened the jacket to reveal the same spandex suit as Ino. Haku wore a white kimono with dark orange leaves on. The obi (belt) was yellow and purple.

"They are weight suits. Special seals are implemented in them when they are made. These seals constantly drain chakra to power the seals. So not only are there weights on the whole body as opposed to normal weights, but it is also a constant chakra drain, which forces the body to produce more chakra, increasing chakra capacity." Tenshi explained, before showing his own suit. He hadn't changed his clothing much either. Now he wore the standard Konoha Jounin outfit, only with a darker vest.

"Why didn't you buy…oh!" Sakura said as she started to berate him but stopped when he pulled out three more suits and threw them at Naruto, Sakura and Rin. All three were instantly floored.

"Take of whatever weight you have on now, and put on that. Trust me, it does wonders for training." Tenshi said with a smile before turning to Haku.

"Can you and Ino lead these three while I go to the Hyuugas?" he asked and Haku nodded.

"Lead us?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, you three need to get acquainted with your suits. Now get them on, and get moving." Tenshi commanded.

"But you just go back. Can't we just relax?" Naruto wined.

"Nope. Get going, before Haku uses her new skills on you." Tenshi said and Naruto gulped, before going to the bathroom to get into the suit.


Hinata and Tenshi were walking towards the Hyuuga mansion, Hinata leading Tenshi, who were using his cane as well. Hinata wasn't as adept at leading him as Haku was.

"Yo." Came a voice. Hinata looked to their side to see Kakashi, Kurenai and Asuma.

"Kurenai-sensei! Asuma-san, Kakashi-san." Hinata exclaimed, glad to see her sensei.

Kurenai smiled and hugged her student, while Asuma and Kakashi waved.

"How are you, Hinata?" Kurenai asked and Hinata beamed.

"I'm well. This trip has been the best thing ever." She said excitedly and Tenshi chuckled.

"So, how are you then?" Kakashi asked, looking at Tenshi.

"It took a long time, but I'm back at my old level." Tenshi replied.

"Just your old level?" Kakashi asked, but Tenshi didn't answer.

"How about your three companions?" Asuma asked and Tenshi chuckled.

"Hinata has surpassed my expectations. So has Ino and to a certain degree Haku. They are very strong now." Tenshi said, but didn't elaborate.

"So, where are you heading?" Kurenai asked.

"Hyuuga estate." Tenshi replied.

"Oh." The three Jounin said.

"Hinata, we shouldn't keep your father waiting too long. Should we go?" Tenshi asked, while smiling apologetically to the other Jounin.

"Yes. Bye Kurenai-sensei, Asuma-san, Kakashi-san." Hinata said while taking Tenshi's arm again, and the two continued their trip.


Not too long after, they arrived at the Hyuuga estate, where Neji was waiting.

"Hinata-sama. It is good to see you back safe and sound." Neji said and Hinata smiled at him before hugging him. He stiffened for a bit, before hugging back.

"And you too, Tenshi-sama." Neji said while bowing respectively.

"Sama?" Tenshi questioned, but Neji didn't reply.

"Is my father available?" Hinata asked and Neji nodded. He then lead them to a Zen garden, where Hiashi sat and meditated. Without a word, Tenshi sat down next to him and also meditated. Hinata and Neji made themselves comfortable, while chatting silently.

After a half an hour, Hiashi came out of his meditation, and Tenshi soon followed.

"So, you're back." Hiashi said, and surprised his daughter by hugging her.

"Yes, father." She said with a slight bow as he released her.

"I trust the trip was a success?" Hiashi asked and Tenshi nodded.

"Hinata is now at a level where the council hold no power over her. She had blossomed from a small bud into a beautiful, but powerful flower." Tenshi said and Hiashi looked at his embarrassed daughter.

"I'm glad. It is good to know." He said and Tenshi nodded.

"Hinata has also mastered her own version of Jyuuken." He said and both Neji and Hiashi looked flabbergasted.

"W-what?" Hiashi asked.

"Hinata didn't fit well with traditional Jyuuken, so she started making her own which uses her natural flexibility. I helped her further develop that, and she has mastered it. I would say she is as dangerous with that as you are with the traditional version." Tenshi said. Hiashi didn't know what to say. He still didn't know when Hanabi came, carrying a tray with tea for everyone on.

"Hello Hanabi-san." Tenshi was the first to acknowledge her, which surprised her a bit, after all, Hiashi was facing her and Tenshi was not.

"Hanabi-chan. How are you?" Hinata asked.

"I'm well, Hinata-neechan. And you?" Hanabi asked as she kneeled and started passing out tea.

"I am very well, thank you." Hinata replied and Hanabi smiled at her, before sitting down next to her and hugging her.

"If I may be so bold as to ask, how did you help Hinata develop a new type of Jyuuken?" Neji asked. Hanabi looked startled but didn't say anything.

"Jyuuken has only one demand of the user, extreme chakra control. The Byakugan is not necessary, although it is much easier with it. During our training trip, I did not only train Ino, Haku and Hinata, but also myself. In order to return to my previous strength level, I would need to become a master with the chakra radar and sphere. To become a master at that, I needed perfect chakra control, which I achieved during the training. Thanks to that, and me being blind, I am able to use a very simple type of Jyuuken." Tenshi said.

"Thanks to you being blind?" Hanabi asked. Surprisingly it was Hinata that answered.

"Because Shisho is blind, and he is slowed down when using meditation to see, he had to develop his remaining senses much stronger. That includes his chakra sense. So he can, if he is fighting one on one, sense a person's chakra and chakra coils." Hinata explained and Tenshi nodded.

"This was also needed in my mastery of the radar and sphere. Since it involves chakra and sensing it. But as Hinata said, I can only sense one person's chakra coils at a time. Which is why I can't use Jyuuken against multiple opponents. But what little I am able to use, allowed Hinata to have a Jyuuken opponent. She was able to take my sloppy movements, alter them, teach me how to better move and use the teaching for herself." Tenshi said.

"Shisho uses a little of the same style I use, Shugohakke. (guardian of eight divination seals)" Hinata said and Tenshi nodded.

"Still, that's amazing, Hinata-sama." Neji said and Hiashi beamed, actually beamed, with pride. Hinata on the other hand, flushed bright red.

"Well then, I'll be going. I have some business to take care of with Hokage-sama." Tenshi said and stood up. Hiashi and Hinata also stood up. Hiashi took Tenshi's hand.

"Thank you for your help." He said and Tenshi nodded. Hinata hugged him briefly before bowing to him.

"Thank you for your teachings, Shisho." She said and Tenshi smiled.

"Did you honestly think you were rid of me now? Nonono, Hinata, we are going to train together for a long time. Remember, no matter how strong you become, there is always someone capable of taking you down. That is why we must always train to keep ourselves sharp. I'll try to figure out a time for you to join me and my team for training, okay?" he asked and Hinata smiled happily while nodded.

"When you find a time, why don't you come to dinner? Then you can inform Hinata of her new training schedule then." Hiashi suggested and Tenshi nodded.

"I'll do that. Have a nice day." He said before simply vanishing.

"Hinata-neechan, can you do that?" Hanabi asked and Hinata shook her head.

"No, I can't. That was a jutsu only Shisho can use." She answered.

"Now, Hinata, tell us about your trip." Hiashi said, sitting down again.

"Yes, father." Hinata replied, also sitting down again.


Tenshi appeared in front of Tsunade's door, and without knocking, he entered. Not surprisingly, Tsunade was sleeping.

The only surprising thing was that her paper work was finished.

Walking over to her, he used his cane to poke her. The result was that she took her famous "waling swing" at him, but he dodged.

"Huh? Oh, it's you." Tsunade said and yawned.

"It's good to see you too, Tsunade-sama." Tenshi said with a grin and Tsunade laughed.

"Sit down, brat, and give me your report." Tsunade said and Tenshi complied.


"So, your trip was a success then." Tsunade asked and Tenshi nodded.

"Hinata no longer is weak by any standard, even the Hyuuga's. I have managed to get back to my previous level and mastered the chakra radar and sphere. Ino and Haku have become real powerful as well." He said and Tsunade leaned back in her chair.

"Yes. That is good. I was wondering how long you would take to get back to your old strength. But you just had to go and do it in two and a half years." Tsunade said while rubbing her temples.

"Don't tell me you betted on me or something?" Tenshi asked. Tsunade's silence told him everything he needed to know.

"So, who won and what did they win?" Tenshi asked, ready to either sweat drop or laugh. Possibly both.

"Shizune. I can't drink sake for a month." Tsunade said. She frowned when Tenshi began to roar with laughter.

"I see. Well, that's too bad." He said, while continuing to chuckle.

"Can we get back on track?" Tsunade asked, clearly miffed.

"Sure. So, you want to test our progress. How exactly?" Tenshi asked, still with an amused smiled on his face.

"Oh, I think I can come up with something." Tsunade said while grinning evilly.


Yo, Kin-Ryu Chikara here. Took me much longer than I thought, but here I am. But just to set things straight, I won't be updating quickly. I am currently splitting my time between school, this, another story I'm writing, training, eating and sleeping. So I don't have all that much time to write. But I will try, and as always reviews will help motivate me.

And to all those that have reviewed me, asking for a sequel. Here it is, and I'm happy that you enjoyed the original that much.

Also, I have two new stories up, 'Shikon and shinigami' and 'Shikon and the swordmaster'. I would be happy if people could read those and vote on the one they want me to continue. I am torn between them, and don't have the time to do both as well as this one. So, a oppinion from others would be nice.