Chapter 22: Visions of the Future

Despite the annoyance that Lira presented by constantly trying to persuade each of the Roswellians into talking Max, Isabel, Michael, and Ava into leaving Earth and going back to their home planet, things were looking pleasant for a change.

That and there were things to look forward to. Such as, the day after tomorrow would be Michael and Maria's wedding day.

"But you could get married on Antar or Dior!" Lira said excitingly, as she sat down in the Crashdown Café with Maria, Liz, and Ava.

"Keep tryin, kiddo. You know where me and my, soon-to-be, hubby stand on this. We're stayin." Maria said, chowing down on a French fry.

Lira sighed and then looked to Ava, who nearly choked on her milkshake, trying to conceal her laughter.

"W-What are you looking at me for?" She asked, wiping her mouth on a napkin.

"Well," Lira began, "You seem the less invested out of the four. Why prolong your destiny, Queen Ava?"

Ava groaned at the sound of her past-hierarchy title. She shook her head. "Nope. I'm staying here too, sorry."

Meanwhile, Max, Michael, Kyle, and Jesse were standing outside an exotic video store, all looking nervous and reluctant.

"C'mon, you go, Kyle." Michael said.

"Me? Why?" Kyle asked, looking confused at Michael.

"Well, you're used to this stuff, right? All you and your jock friends probably have a gift pass to this place by now."

Kyle laughed, "Wrong. I just bought the magazines at the gas station. I never once was able to make it in here."

Jesse sighed, "I guess no ones' going to be 'man enough' to go in there and check something out for the bachelor party tonight, huh?"

None of the other guys said anything, all of them just looked in different directions than the store itself.

Michael sighed, "So much for us living one more day as a bachelor, huh Max?"

Max chuckled, "Yeah, right. You're forgetting that, that road closed off for me awhile ago."

"Even much later for me." Jesse said, smirking.

"You disappoint me, Valenti." Michael said and removed himself from the side of the building and the others followed him as they walked down the street. All the while Kyle teasing Michael about not having the nerve to go in.

Jim Valenti, Amy DeLuca, and the Evans' worked hard about their own schedules to make way for the wedding ceremony. Along with Laurie and Dane, they began planning on where to actually set it up.

As far as Michael, Max, Maria, and Liz had it, they had it planned for the ceremony to take place outdoors.

"What if it rains?" Laurie asked, concernedly.

Jim chuckled, "That won't be a problem, not for these kids."

Phillip Evans nodded, "Max once told me how Isabel made it snow here, one time."

Dane shook his head, "Well, if it DOES rain, it may look conspicuous to the people in the town for it to clear up or disappear suddenly."

"Why?" Jim asked, "The weather changes all the time and forecasters are usually wrong about certain areas getting rained on, all the time."

Dane shrugged, "Well, if you say so."

The five of them continued on with the planning, writing certain people to invite, namely the Parker's, Brody and his daughter, other than them there seemed to be no one else they could think of that was close to the two families. The only other name that came up, which no one wanted to discuss about, as SHE had become a constant nuisance, was Lira.

"What time are the girls going to be over here to discuss certain arrangements?" Asked Amy.

Diane thought for a moment, looked at the clock, and then sighed. "I almost completely forgot. The girls are taking a road trip as a sort of 'Bachelorette party'. They won't be back until late this evening."

"What are you guys doing?"

Everyone in the living room turned to see Andrew standing in the doorway.

"Andrew? What are you doing in here, sweety? I thought you were playing your video games, Michael lent you?" Asked Diane.

Andrew shrugged, "Got bored, Grandma. What'cha all doing?"

"Nothing much, kiddo." Jim replied. "Just preparing for your dad's second and Michael and Maria's first wedding. They're going to be together."

Andrew looked intrigued. He walked up to the counter and placed two hands on the counter as he raised himself to peer at the surface to see what they were doing.

Dane brought over a chair for Andrew to sit in.

Just then two things happened. There was a knock at the door followed by baby cries from another room.

"I'll see to Alex and Madeline, will one of you get the door?" Amy said as she left the room.

Jim left the room and walked to the door. Opening it, he looked suspiciously at the shorthaired blonde who had dark shades on, with a lollipop in her mouth. She was dressed in a business suit, which Jim knew meant a number of things, but the thing, a warning, that alarmed in his mind was three letters: FBI.

"Yes?" Jim asked. The woman had her back to him, looking around the area.

Seeing the door was answered, the woman spun around, smiled and removed the sucker from her mouth.

"Is Max Evans here?"

Jim shook his head, "No, he isn't."

"Is someone asking for Max?" Asked Phillip, who came to the doorway with Diane close by.

The woman nodded and extended her hand.

"Yes, sir. I'm Agent Carmine. I was sent here by Special Agent Veronica Kern, to see Max about a job opportunity, should he be interested. He helped this country out a lot with the disarmament of that Russian weapons factory. Agent Kern got the approval from our Director to have Max be apart of a special field ops group, should he be interested."

"Uh, huh." Phillip said, unconvinced. "Why isn't Miss Kern here to tell us, and Max, herself?"

Agent Carmine sighed and removed her glasses, "She's in the process of becoming a Assistant Director at J. Edgar Hoover, sir. She's indisposed of, at the moment. That's why she's sent me to come talk with him and his wife about this job and see if he's interested. Your Max's father, aren't you?"

Phillip sighed and nodded.

Agent Carmine reached into her back pocket and dug around until she found her business card. She handed it to Phillip.

"I'm going to be in Roswell for a couple of days. Please have him or his wife call me."

Phillip took the card and after he did, Agent Carmine made a non-verbal 'goodbye' and went back to her Oldsmobile and took off.

Jim closed the door as both Phillip and Diane scrutinized and commented quietly about the card and the message that went along with it.

"I'm guessing the 'Agent Kern' she was referring to was the one that went with Isabel and Liz to Russia to get Max and Andrew back?" Jim asked.

Phillip nodded. "Yeah, she was; although, When they got back, she immediately left for West Virginia. We haven't heard from her since." He then showed the card to Jim. "Do you think this 'job offer' is genuine? Or is it a trap?"

Jim sighed, "I couldn't tell ya, Phil."

"Anyway you could call up the local FBI office in Albuquerque, and see if she is who she says she is?"

Jim nodded and took out his cell.

"I'll call the guys and give them the heads up." Laurie said, taking out the 'special' cell and giving a call.

Seeing mile marker 54 pass them by, Maria sighed, wishing that she was with her kids rather than on this stupid, pointless, trip with the newly designated, 'bachelorette party nazi'.

Isabel gave off a list of things they would do at the rest stop that no one has ever done, to make this more original. Then they would do some gratuitous flirting with every male stranger they would meet, saying that they were going to Las Vegas to be lounge singers. Which turned out to be a bad idea for some of the guys they encountered looked too shady to even walk up to, let alone make gestures.

Both Maria and Liz were trying to be nice about this. After all, as Isabel reminded them at one point when Maria complained about how uneventful the trip was, that Isabel 'sacrificed' precious hours helping the others plan the wedding to go on this trip with Liz and Maria.

It wasn't that bad, though. There were some moments such as Liz jumping and running for cover when a rattlesnake brushed up against her leg at the mini-mart in Alamogordo, or when Isabel accidentally spilled all three of their coffees on herself when a kid jumped up to scare her. However, these were the only things that Maria liked about their little trip, so far. As it was becoming increasingly boring.

"Uh, oh." Isabel said.

"What?" Maria grumbled, her head leaning against her hand on her elbow, which was propped up on her knee. She was looking out the window but now looked to Isabel, who was driving them.

"Uh, we're out of gas. As far as I can see, there's no gas station around for twenty miles, or more."

"Great." Maria moaned.

Isabel pulled them over and got out, as did Maria who had to wake up Liz who had been sleeping since Alamogordo.

"Are we home yet?" Liz moaned.

Maria grinned and shook her head. "Not yet, but hang in there, Parker-Evans."

Liz stretched and yawned while Isabel called out to Maria.

Maria walked around to where Isabel was where she had the gas cap off of the car, but looking around, cautiously.

"I need you to look out for me. Just in case someone pulls over to try and assist us, I'll need you and Liz to divert them away."

"Why?" Maria asked.

Isabel then stuck her pointer-finger into the gas tank hole.

"Cause this is going to take awhile." Isabel said, closing her eyes.

Maria threw up her hands, dramatically.

Great, She thought, Just great.

Returning to Liz, and telling her what Isabel had said; Liz yawned, again, and then shrugged. The two then sat on the hood of the car and both swung their feet as they looked out at the still-hazy mid-afternoon day.

"So," Maria said, trying to bring up another topic other than what a crummy day it had been for her, which had been an over-used topic, at this point; "What are you, Max, and Andrew going to do after the two of you get 're-married'?"

Liz shrugged. "I haven't thought that far ahead, actually. I was hoping that I could go back to school, or even both of us go back to school and maybe have Andrew stay with Max's parents or mine while we do it. You? What about you, Michael, and the kids? What are your guys' plans?"

Maria shrugged, too. "I think Michael's grand plan is to go into construction. He's been taking about it for awhile. I think Kyle and Dane got him into the idea."

Liz smiled and shook her head, "Those two? Well, that's not surprising, then." She looked, then more concernedly at Maria. "But what about your dreams? What about your becoming a famous singer? Are you just going to put that on hold?"

Maria sighed, "I'm not sure. I guess both of us need to sit down with our men and see what we all want and where to go from after the wedding."

Liz nodded, solemnly. Isabel reemerged from the gas tank and wiped her finger on a discarded McDonald's napkin from the car.

"Ready to go?" She asked.

Both girls got off the hood off the car and walked back to their designated places as Isabel then proceeded to drive the three of them back to Roswell.

"Thanks for the info, Dad. I'll tell the others, bye." Max said and then shut close his cell.

Max told the others about the conversation on the phone and about the Agent Carmine who came to visit with the 'job offer' that, supposedly, Agent Kern was offering.

"Sounds like-a trap to me." Michael said, crumbling up his burger wrapper and tossing it into the garbage.

"Is Jim looking into it?" Jesse asked.

Max nodded, "Both he and my Dad are."

Michael stretched as he got off the table he was sitting on and looked to the others. "Should we check this 'Agent' out?"

Kyle shrugged, "It'd be a 'pick-me-up' from everything else we've done today. I'm in."

Jesse shook his head, "I don't know…"

Michael sighed, "Max, what about you?"

Max thought for a moment, sighed, and then shrugged. "I guess if we're careful…"

Michael jumped off the table and clapped Max on the back, "That's my reckless boy."

Jesse continued to mutter worries as they got into Max's Mustang and drove off to the Roswell Holiday Inn where, supposedly, they thought the Agent was staying at. Considering that it was the only 'decent' lodging in town, they felt it was probably the best bet on where the Agent was staying.

Parking, they all got out and Max and Michael went in alone inside the Inn. A woman with permed, red hair, wearing a black suit, wearing a headset, looked up at the two of them as they approached the front desk.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

Max nodded, "Uh, yeah. I believe we're expected by someone staying here, at least we think she's staying here; She's an FBI Agent, an Agent Carmine?"

The woman went to her computer and noisily typed as her eyes darted back and forth at the computer screen. Once her computer beeped, she turned back to Max and Michael.

"I have a 'Lorraine Carmine' staying here, but it says that she's out."

"You mean she's checked out?" Michael asked.

The woman shook her head, "No, just walked out. Would you like me to leave you a message?"

Michael saw a faint reflection of the woman's computer screen on the glass of the painting behind her. He shook his head.

"Nah, we'll catch her later."

"Thank you, anyways." Max said, politely. The two then walked back outside to Jesse and Kyle.

"What'd you find out?" Kyle asked, anxiously.

"Her name is Lorraine and she's in room 234." Michael said.

The rooms were situated in separate extensions of the building outside. Walking around, they went through the pool area and found a stenciled sign indicating where certain rooms were by arrows. They found that rooms 230-259 were to the right. Walking further down the pathway, they heard a loud argument from another room as they passed by it.

"Jeez, people. Watch the TV, why don'tcha?" Kyle muttered as they passed by the room and heard a crash, which caused them all to stop and stare at the door.

"C'mon, we're almost there." Michael said, ushering them on further as they went by four more doors before coming to room 234.

Michael looked from side to side to see if anyone was watching, then, he waived his hand in front of the electronic card lock on top of the doorknob.

There was a pause and then a bleeping sound followed by the light next to the slit turning from red to green, followed by a clicking sound.

Michael went in, followed closely by Max, Kyle, and then Jesse.

"Are you sure this is the right room?" Jesse asked. The room was dressed in a way that looked as if it hadn't been stayed in for awhile.

Michael nodded, "I read the screen correctly."

All four of them went searching in the room, opening doors, drawers, but all found the place completely unused.

"Perhaps she travels lightly." Kyle stated as he closed a drawer.

Michael shook his head, "Nah, something about this doesn't feel right."

"Besides us being here and doing this?" Jesse stated.

Max went to the window to peer out and dived as he heard a loud gunshot. He noticed the others did the same. Looking up, Max noticed that the window was intact and that there weren't any shots that followed. He then noticed a man rushing by the window in a blur.

"I think we should get out of here." Jesse said.

"I'm on board." Kyle said, getting up off the ground.

Max opened the door and peered around and noticed other occupants of the other rooms had opened their doors too and were looking about for the source of the shooting.

Max made a gesture inside for the others to wait as he got out of the room and went up to two people talking to eachother.

"What happened?" Max asked.

A bearded man, dressed in biker gear, sighed. "Some fool shot a woman in there." He pointed to the room where Max and the others had heard the commotion and yelling from.

"Already called the police." Said an elderly man, smoking on a pipe. "I hope they capture the bastard."

Max nodded and excused himself without having to say anything. He walked back into the room and disclosed what he had learned to the others.

"We should get out of here." Kyle said.

Michael walked up to Max, who was deep in thought.

"Max?" Michael asked.

Max sighed, "I hate this. We were right by their door, we knew that there was a problem. We could have prevented that woman from being shot."

Jesse walked up to Max, "It's not your fault, Max, nor ours. Some things are just out of our control."

Max shook his head and sighed.

Michael sighed, as well and put a hand on Max's shoulder.

"What do you want to do about it, hero?"

While Kyle and Jesse left to tell the others what Michael and Max were doing, as the two walked into the murdered woman's room and closed the door and then the shades.

"How much time before the cops come?" Michael asked.

Max looked about the room, "I don't know, that's why we got to be quick."

The two found the woman dead in the bathroom; her body lay sprawled up against the cabinet underneath the sink. Her head was tilted forward, a gunshot to the front, just above her eyes, of her head, trickled with fresh blood.

"Damn." Michael said, disturbed as he grimaced looking at the woman.

Max continued looking about the room for clues. Different from the supposed room of the absent Agent, this room had the bed all fussed up, extinguished cigarettes in an ashtray on the small circular table, and clothes discarded all over the floor. There was a satchel that lay open, lying by the bed.

Max approached the bag and looked inside. Inside the bag were various syringes, small rubber tubes, and several small bottles filled with a brown-like substance.

Max looked back up to the woman. "She's a junkie, I think."

Michael looked up to the ceiling and exhaled, dramatically. "Great."

Max looked back to the bag and also found an address book. Taking it out, he walked over to the phone on the nightstand next to the bed and took out a pad of stationary paper. Flipping through the book, Max, slowly, waived his hand on the stationary paper and copied all the information in the book to the paper. When he finished, he laid the address book back in the bag and waived his hand again to rid it of his own finger prints.

"Uh, Max? I think we should split and now!" Michael said, peering out the window and noticing a black and white coming into the parking area.

Max ripped the paper off and, hurriedly, went with Michael out the door of the room and outside.

It was early evening when Isabel, Maria, and Liz came back. Pulling into the DeLuca's driveway, Maria gave a too loud of a relieved sigh.

"Oh, c'mon, we had fun, didn't we?" Isabel stated looking to Liz.

Liz feigned a sincere smile and nod.
The three came to the doorway and they went in quickly when they heard a loud argument being discussed inside.

As soon as they opened the door, they noticed everyone turned to look at them.

"Hey, you're back!" Ava said. She was still dressed in her waitress outfit from the Crashdown, her springed antennas bobbed as she hugged all three of them. "How was it?"

"Well…" Isabel began, but Maria cut her off.

"What's going on?"

Jim, the Evans', and Jesse were the only ones, besides the four girls, standing. Kyle, Dane, and Laurie were sitting on the sofa.

Jesse sighed as Isabel walked to him, "Max and Michael…"

"They should have talked to me first, before going off and doing this!" Jim grunted.

Liz looked around, "What did they 'do'?"

Kyle sighed, "Well we went to this FBI lady's room, to see what or who she is, and, in the meantime, someone got shot. Max and Michael are tracking down the guy who did it."

Maria closed her eyes and held out her hands in front of her, haltingly.

"Whoa, wait, take a step back, here. FBI? Shooting? Max and Michael investigating? Not the combination I like."

Jim nodded. "I agree, Maria. I've tried to reach them on their cells, but, being as 'smart' they are, they left them in the Mustang."

Liz sighed and sat down with Laurie and Dane. "Start from the beginning. Let's start with this FBI woman, to begin with."

Jim sighed and told the three about the visit by the woman proclaiming to be from the FBI and to have been sent by Agent Kern with a prospective job offer for Max for his involvement with the destruction of the Russian weapons building. Kyle and Jesse finished off by telling how, with Max and them, deciding to look in on the woman and to see what they could find all up to the point where they heard the shooting and Max and Michael deciding to look in on it.

When all had finished with what had been happening, no one had spoken. Then, Maria turned and, out of irritation, paced.

"Ooo, I could kill Michael!" She then walked over to the table and picked up the keys to his dirt bike and stormed out the front door. A few moments later she returned, her expression looking the same, but her face had turned beet-red.

"Does anyone know how to drive a dirt bike?"

Dane raised his hand and got off the couch.

Jim sighed, "Forget the bike, come with me, I'll drive."

Max and Michael hadn't been getting anywhere. So far the address copied from the drug dealer's book, seemed to be the address of his customers, all of who seemed reluctant to talk to either one of them about their dealer.

"This guy's a murderer!" Michael yelled at the disheveled man, who was slumped up against the side of the porch of his dilapidated house. "Is this the kind of person you think is worth protecting?"

The man looked at him with half-closed eyes, he yawned.

"Look, narc. I ain't talkin to you, or no one about him. Get lost."

Max sighed, "Come on, Michael, let's go." He led Michael away from the man and back out to the sidewalk as Michael still looked narrowingly at the man on the porch.

"People." Michael said, shaking his head.

Max nodded. "We have three address left."

Michael sighed, "How're you sure we'll even find this guy at one of these address, Maxwell? Seems like we're reaching."

"I need to catch this guy, Michael. I feel like we screwed up by not saving that woman."

Michael, again, sighed and starred upward to the, now, star-lit sky.

"Max, Max, Max. How many times-"

"We could have prevented it. We could have." Max said.

Michael shrugged, "If you say so. You know I'm with ya."

Max sighed and rubbed his eyes, "I know and I appreciate it."

It took ten minutes before they reached the next place where the dealer did his business. To their surprise, the 'place' was a grocery store. Acker's Grocery.

"Mr. Acker's? I know the guy has problems, but drug ones?" Michael asked, astonished.

Max didn't answer but instead, walked right into the store with Michael. The place was packed, which wasn't unusual at this particular time.

"Do you even know what he looks like?" Michael asked as they walked down one of the isles.

Max stopped and thought for a moment. "He has a mustache…a black one. He's slightly bald and is short."

Michael nodded, "Alright, but what's his favorite song?"

Max sighed and turned away, looking at everyone in the grocery store as he went up the isle to the back. So far, no one he could see was anywhere closely resembling the man Max had seen running past the window. Then, just as he was nearing the end of the isle, Max stopped. There was a man crouched down on the floor, tying his shoelace. Max waited until the man either brought his head up or until he fully risen to see if this was the guy. The head came up slightly, and Max could see a full set of hair. Max sighed out of disappointment. He turned to Michael, who seemed to be watching the same guy.

"I give up." Max said, defeatedly.

Michael didn't respond, as he continued watching the same guy Max had done previously.

Max looked to where Michael was looking and then turned back to him.

"It's not him."

Michael looked to Max and then back to the guy.

"What do you mean? He's got a mustache, which is black, and he's short."

"Well," Max said, "He's not bald, which is a key indicator on whether or not it's him."

Michael gave a lopsided smile, "Haven't you heard of a toupee, Maxie?"

Max starred and then turned back to the man he'd been looking at before, scrunching his eyes as he tried to look more closely.

"Can you tell?" He asked Michael.

Michael shrugged, "One way to find out." He then jerked his index finger up and, just as predicted, the toupee of the man they were looking at came right off and onto the floor. The man hurriedly bent over, grabbed the piece, and placed it back on his head. He clumsily moved it about into position.

Michael looked to Max, who nodded and the two moved in closer.

It was then, however, that the man noticed of their looking at him. Looking over his shoulder, the man then changed direction and walked down the meat and dairy isle along the wall of the store. Max and Michael followed quickly.

The man then made a mad dash to the doors leading into the back of the store, knocking over a grocery clerk in his wake.

Michael and Max pursued him, until they finally reached the back where they noticed he was gone. Large stacks on pallets of all items for the store littered the back, making the area into a maze.

"Damn! Where did he go?" Michael said, looking around.

"Split up?" Max asked.

Michael nodded and the two walked in separate directions, weaving through the towering pallets of food.

Max looked cautiously about as he walked around the towering stacks. He felt his heart racing, wildly. His mind suddenly questioned his motives for doing this sort of thing. Max shook his head to remove the fear and self-doubt. Coming around the third row, two hands holding a crowbar came swinging down and hit Max in the shoulder, dropping him to the floor.

Max grunted out in pain. The person revealed himself to be the man they were chasing.

The man dropped the bar and took out a small revolver from the front of his pants; he shakingly pointed it down at Max.

"Wh-Who are you guys? Cops? Feds?"

Max was too busy clutching his shoulder, which hurt like hell.

The dealer pulled the hammer down on the gun, which still was shaking violently.


The dealer looked up and Michael, who had his hand extended outward, sent the man flying backwards into one of the many stacks.

Michael, then, helped Max back up onto his feet. Max put his hand on his injured shoulder, healing it in the process.

"You ok?" Michael asked.

Max nodded.

Michael turned back to the dealer. "Well, what now? Take him to the cop-shop with a note pinned on him?"

"I think not." A voice said, from behind.

Max and Michael turned around and found themselves completely surrounded by men with guns. A tall, domineering, man in a suit came out, his hands in his pockets approached from behind the others.

"I don't know who the two of you are, or how you managed to track Gary down, but you little journey ends here."

Maria was getting worried. It had already been an hour and so far they haven't been able to find neither Michael nor Max. It was getting late, the four of them still searched on, yet hope on finding them before night's end, was getting dim.

Jim, Liz, and Dane still continued, as did Maria, as they went by possible places the boys could have gone. Before going, Jim had made a call to the station house to see if the boys had been spotted near the Inn and if anyone had seen where they might have gone to…no one knew.

Maria sighed, she knew Michael wasn't to blame for this. After all, he was just being a good friend and Maria knew if there had been a trading of places she'd have done exactly the same thing had Liz asked. Still, with it getting later by the minute, her worrying was increasing. Jim was on the phone with one of the officers who were at the scene of the crime at the Inn.

"Really?" He then took out a piece of paper and wrote on it. "What was that last one? Ok, I got it. Thanks." He then hung up his phone.

"What do you got?" Liz asked.

"Apparently the guy who shot the woman was her drug dealer. He had a bag full of his junk and an address book with names and addresses."

Maria looked away from the window, hopefully. "You think the guys found it and have been trying to track the dealer down?"

Jim sighed, "Knowing Max, it's probably a best bet. The only problem is junkies don't like to talk about where they get their stuff and from whom, unless they're forced to."

"Where does that leave us, then?" Liz asked.

Jim, then, smiled. "One of the addresses is probably the best place we can go to, to see if anyone has seen either one of them."

"Where's that?" Maria asked.

Without answering, Jim turned around and drove all the way to Acker's Grocery. Pulling inside the parking lot, Maria laughed, ruefully.

"Acker's, huh? I know he's a pervert, but a junkie?"

Jim sighed, "You know that's just a myth made up by some old women, just because the guy lives with his mother and is unmarried."

Maria shrugged, "Still…"

The four walked into the store where two, uniformed, police officers were interviewing some people.

Maria was terrified, now.

One of the officers noticed them, and Jim.

"Sheriff? What are you doing here? I thought it was your night off?"

Jim nodded and strolled forward. "We're looking for some friends, thought they might have come in here to shop. Have you found anything regarding the murder at the Inn?"

One of the officers shrugged, "Maybe, I guess. Several people here saw two young men chasing a strange short guy into the back of the store."

Jim, Maria, Liz, and Dane looked at the officer with interest.

"And?" Jim asked.

The officer, again, shrugged. "Well, sir, that's the thing. No one saw any of them come back out. We went back there and all we found was some blood on the ground near some boxes, but no bodies. Nobody, nothing."

Jim turned to Maria and Liz and tried to give a reassuring look. However both of them had now walked away and were proceeding to the back of the store when another officer came out and held up a hand.

"Sorry ladies, I can't let you back there."

"Like hell!" Maria said and she pushed through the officer and walked back with Liz right behind her. The officer shouted at them, but didn't follow.

Maria had one thought on her mind and that was to try and find what the police couldn't. Anything, hopefully, that would be a clue as to what happened to Michael, and Max.

Soon, however, she found herself lost as the place was towering with stacked crates of merchandise for the store.

"I wish you two would wait, but I guess that's too much to hope for." Jim said who walked ahead of the girls, who followed.

He led them around to an area where there were fewer crates. Jim pointed to an area that was masked away by police tape. Both Maria and Liz knelt down as they tried to see behind the tape and saw a small pool of blood on the floor.

"Unfortunately, forensic evidence won't be available till tomorrow." Jim said, "So, we won't know whose blood that is until then."

Maria and Liz sighed in unison.

Liz looked back to Jim. "Is there anything? Anything that could tell us what happened back here when Max and Michael went back here, when they went after that guy?"

Jim sighed, "Well, from what the other officers tell me, is that the description of the man the guys were chasing matches that of a man that's been wanted in both New Mexico and Arizona for drug possession, selling, racketeering, and murder. Other than that, there's very little. They've found hundreds of finger-prints but that's a dead end seeing as how Acker's employs almost twenty people."

Liz sighed.

Maria looked up and around and noticed that there were several cameras in high positions on the ceilings, probably to prevent stealing and to record any loss.

She pointed them out to Jim. "Has anyone checked out the video on this place?"

Jim nodded, "They didn't see Max, Michael, or the guy they were chasing."

Maria closed her eyes, trying to be calm. "Well, did they check for anything else? Maybe to see if there was anyone suspicious or out of place back here that may be linked?"

Jim thought for a moment and then called out.

"Ronny! Can we see those tapes?"

Tied and gagged, Michael squinted his eyes as he felt the rough impact of his rear against the unpadded floor of the van as the van hit a speed bump. Looking to his right, he noticed Max had experienced it too.

Michael closed his eyes, wondering where this little trip of theirs was going to end. After having been surrounded, the men tied both Michael and Max at gun point, threw them in the back of this van, and have been riding it ever since. There was no mention as to where their final destination was, but where ever it was seemed to be roughly close.

Michael sighed. Were they cursed? It seemed any venture they took, or par took of, seemed to land them in these types of situations. Michael remembered vividly life before all of this began. A life, which seemed like an entirely separate life than what they, now, lived; where they lived in constant fear of being found out. All of which was changed when Max Evans decided to save the life of the one he loved most.

Michael, despite the cloth tied around his mouth, smiled. Hell, it was worth it, all of it. Besides, it wasn't over yet.

Their journey ended as the van came to an abrupt halt. And the back doors of the van opened where three men with guns dragged Max and Michael out into the open. Looking around, Michael recognized that they were near the mill where him, Max, Liz, Isabel, Maria, and Alex, when he was still alive, took part in a high school party and Max and Liz got busted for the alcohol at that party.

The men dragged the two of them to the large storage house where two guards lay outside, in their hands were Uzis.

The guards looked narrowingly at the two captured, and one held the door open for them to be brought inside. Once in, Michael was astounded to see that the place had been converted into a large drug lab. Various amounts of migrant workers, all wearing masks, worked at tables where white powder lay stacked and they quickly packaged them into small bags to be placed in plastic bins at the ends of their tables. Numerous men with guns walked by each workstation, looking over the process and scanning every worker, they too had menacing weapons. Michael and Max were taken past them to an office area in the far corner of the back where another guard was positioned, also masked.

After being pushed right through the door, two men went behind Michael and Max and undid their gags. There were two men in front of them, one of who was the man they met at Acker's Grocery; the other was in a large, leather-bound, chair.

"Are these them?" Asked the man in the chair, his back to them. He was watching the process of the work floor from a window in front of him.

"Yes." Said the man next to him.

He turned around and revealed himself to be a man of an elderly state. His white beard and hardened look looked at Michael and Max.

"Is Gary here?" He asked.

The other man nodded.

"Send him in."

The other man motioned to one of the guards and they left. In a second, the dealer, Gary, came in. He ringed his hands and looked nervously to the two men in front of him.

The man in the chair looked narrowingly at Gary.

"How is it, with all that we pay you to distribute our merchandise discreetly, that you could be found out by a pair of teenagers?"

Gary turned white. "I-I WAS careful, Mr. Zoel. I Don't know how they-"

Mr. Zoel held up a hand, silencing Gary. "You know how we work. Quiet, unseen, and without anyone knowing about us. You've failed." He then looked to one of the guards who was positioned behind Max. The man lifted his weapon and shot a single hot at the back of Gary's head. Gary fell to the floor with a loud thud.

While the guard who shot him proceeded taking Gary's body out of the room, Mr. Zoel lit up a cigar and looked intently at Michael and Max.

"Now, you two. How many others know about Gary and this operation. Answer and answer quickly."

"No one." Michael answered. Max nodded.

Mr. Zoel squinted as he took one last drag and then extinguished the cigar on a tray at his desk. He turned to the man next to him. "Are they telling the truth, Jonathan?"

Jonathan shrugged, "Can't say."

Mr. Zoel closed his eyes. "Gary was a nobody. His being missing will trigger nothing to draw attention to this operation. These two however…"

Michael looked from the corner of his eye to Max, who to his amazement seemed absolutely calm.

Mr. Zoel looked back at Jonathan. "Thoughts?"

Jonathan smirked, "Well, they worked awfully hard to find us, might as well they experience first-hand what it's like to be in this world and put them out on the floor. We can decide what to do with them later when we move our operation."

Mr. Zoel gave a soft smile, "As always, you have good judgement, Jonathan. Yes, take them out to the floor and have them work. If they resist, run, or try anything, kill them."

The guards nodded and took Michael and Max outside. Michael noticed that Mr. Zoel was watching through the window of the office, puffing on his re-lit cigar. Michael sighed as he noticed that they were being separated and put into opposite places on the floor. Michael surveyed the room and noticed that there were at least twelve men, armed, patrolling the area, not counting those outside or the one outside Mr. Zoel's office. Escape was suicide, at this point. However, they needed to come up with something, or, like that guy Jonathan said, they were going to be dealt with when these people moved their operation, which to the way Michael had heard it, sounded like would be happening fairly soon.

Sitting inside the cramped, small, little office of the grocery store, Jim and the others looked over the tapes from today to find any sort of hint or clue as to what may have happened to Max and Michael. So far, all the tapes were showing the usual people who worked at the grocery store, moving in merchandise in and out.

Maria sighed. She was hoping with all her might that this wasn't a dead end and that Max and Michael were lost to them forever.

Then, something showed on the fourth tape. This image showed Mr. Acker, himself, being approached by several men in suits. Two of these men had guns.

"You really need better people on your force, Mr. Valenti." Dane said, smiling, cockily.

Jim didn't reply to Dane's remark as he and the girls continued to watch for any clues as to who these people were. The men seemed to be talking in a heated discussion with Mr. Acker who was waiving his arms and hands about in a dramatic manner. He then stormed off and the men turned and left to the back door where a van was parked outside, waiting.

"Wait," Maria said, "Freeze that."

Jim hit the pause button and Maria leaned forward and she squinted. "Can you read the license plate?"

Jim did as she did and scribbled on a piece of paper. Once he had finished he looked at the number.

"JT876509 NM" He thought for a moment and then picked up a phone. "Yes, Peter, hi. I need you to look up a plate number for me." While Jim gave the number, Maria continued to look at the men who had her fiancé and Liz's. One terrible thing that went through her head was that these were people who had discovered Max and Michael's origins and this was another whole government attack.

Jim was soon off the phone and he wrote down an address.

"Do you have something?" Liz asked, hopefully.

Jim nodded, "Maybe. That van is registered to a place on this address. However, I don't want you three to come along." Maria, Liz, and Dane began to protest but Jim shook his head. "Sorry, not where there's guns involved and where there's drugs there's to be more men with guns. I'm going to call Jesse to pick you guys up while me, and some officers, head over to this address. I WANT you three to stay home and wait for me to call you, is that understood?"

No one answered and Jim immediately took it to mean they agreed with him, albeit reluctantly.

"Things are going to be fine, you'll see. I'm going to get Michael and Max back safely, you can count on it." He then picked up the phone again and called Jesse's cell.

It was hot as hell on the floor, the work became exhausting, and the presence of the armed men hovering about, irritating. That and whenever Michael tried to glance over at Max, he was quickly yelled at and butted in the ribs by one of the armed men.

This sucked, royally. Michael wanted nothing more than to either attack these guys or try to run and make it out alive. He knew, though, that both of those options required Max and both of them ended with them getting shot.

Sighing through his mask, Michael continued strenuously at packing the right amount of powder into the bag, rolling it, taping it, and then placing it onto the pile already in the bin. He was tempted to use his power, so tempted. The more he got hit in the ribs for looking elsewhere, the more his fingers reflexed and wanted to strike one of these guys hard. He knew there were consequences and unseen ones. Max could be punished for Michael's arrogance and mistakes. Michael wondered if Max was feeling as vindictive as he was right now.

There was a whistling sound and then one of the guards shouted, "Five minute break! Hydrate yourself and then prepare to get back to work!"

Grumbling came from the workers as the marched over to a counter that had very small pixie cups of water laid out for them.

Michael was relieved. Finally he'd get a chance to confer with Max. Going over, he found that the guards weren't lax here than they were on the floor. No one talked with eachother, none dared to look anywhere but the floor as the guards walked by everyone to see if they had any evidence of taking any of the merchandise. One of the guards seemed to be particularly interested in Michael as he continued to watch him through the whole line all the way to where he got his cup. Michael glared at him, which resounded with the guard tightening his grip on his weapon and motioning to someone behind Michael. Michael felt, yet another, hard blow to his side as a guard behind him hit Michael with the butt of his Uzi.

"Eyes front!" He shouted.

Michael breathed shallowly, trying his hardest to keep his temper in check. Not just for his sake, or Max's, but for everyone else here, as well.

Michael had found Max who seemed to dare to take a quick glance at Michael before returning his gaze back down to the floor. Michael made his way to Max, hoping that they weren't choosy over who was with whom during break time.

Michael noticed the closer that he got to Max, that Max was clutching the side of himself. It dawned on Michael that Max had received more than what Michael had with punishment from the guards. Michael was relieved that he was able to stand next to Max without be reprimanded by the guards.

He knew, however, that any eye contact or verbal communication WOULD result in more harm. Michael decided to proceed cautiously and hope, if it worked, Max would follow in turn.

Drinking his cup entirely in a matter of seconds, Michael used his finger and, using his powers, scribed very small, across, "Are you ok?" Michael then made a very quiet tapping sound against the cup with his finger. Which seemed to work since Max soon tapped his against his own cup and Michael peered quickly at Max's cup, which read, "Fine, I guess. How do we get out?"

Michael repeated the process and tapped his cup to Max, which read, "Without getting us and everyone killed? No idea, you?"

Again, Max tapped his cup and Michael quickly glanced, again.

"Must try something."

"Alright, break time's over! Back to work!" A guard yelled.

With all the supernatural power that their group possessed, it was times like these that Maria hated being powerless over.

Staying at home with Liz, Ava, Laurie, Dane, Isabel, Kyle, and Jesse; Maria also hated the fact that she obeyed Sheriff Valenti when asked to. It has been over an hour and so far Jim hadn't called the house, which was worrying Amy and Kyle.

Maria hated this. She wished she had tried or harder, argued, at least, or something. She could feel that Liz was feeling as frustrated, or even more as she was the only one pacing in the room. She stopped, as she appeared to have thought of something. She immediately went to Isabel.

"Dream-Walking. Can it be done while they're awake?" She asked her.

Maria felt like slapping herself over the head. Why hadn't she thought of that? Maria got up and joined Liz as Isabel sighed.

"I've only done it once and it didn't turn out good."

"Look, we just need to see if they're doing ok, alright? Anything to give us some peace of mind." Maria said.

Isabel thought for a moment then said, "Fine, as you wish." She set down her cup of tea and had Maria and Liz follow her to the center of the room where she sat down on the floor, Maria and Liz did likewise.

"Alright," She began, "Take my hand and close your eyes." Both did as they were told. Isabel closed her and her mind concentrated on images she had warmly memorized of both Max and Michael.

Maria soon found herself in a darkened room, though she wasn't alone, as she could sense Liz and Isabel close by. Maria inspected this place further and found two lights in opposite direction from eachother.

"One of those are Michael or Max and the other is the way back out." Isabel instructed. "Don't take too long or you might fall asleep."

Maria nodded and approached the light closest to her and found that it was the way back out. She turned and headed toward the other light and found it to be a room surrounded in white. Upon further inspection, it seemed to be the inside of a warehouse. She ventured on further, trying to get more information as to what was happening to Michael and Max, when she found herself being pushed away from the light.

Oh, no, she thought, I came here to find out what's happening and I'm not leaving with out it. Resolved, Maria fought against the resistance and pushed hard.

Michael felt odd. Something wasn't right. Perhaps some of this crap had gotten through his mask. He was beginning to feel dizzy and soon he lost his balance and fell to the floor.

Now, he couldn't move, or do anything other than see and hear.

"Aw Dammit!" Said a guard looking down upon him. "We got a dropper!"

Michael then felt someone grab him underneath his arms and began to drag him up and away from the floor. The person continued on dragging him to a room Michael had never been before. It was smaller than Mr. Zoel's office and there seemed to be a makeshift medical table that had bandages, rubbing alcohol, and cotton swabs in small jars, on it. A man smoking a cigarette, wearing a white overcoat approached Michael with a bottle and held it underneath his nose.

Maria once again felt the resistance and this time it was more than she could stand as she was hurtled from the image across the black void and back to her physical self in the living room as she fell down backwards.

Michael blinked and found the use of every part of his body. The man in the coat looked at him.

"Aw, you're awake. They'll be pleased. Heat exhaustion's a bitch, ain't it? Well, time to get you back on the floor. Guar-"

The man didn't get a chance as Michael, as a response for being surprised, had his hand out and flung the man across the room and into the wall, putting him into unconsciousness. To Michael's terror, he knew that sound was probably heard. He knew that he needed to act and act quickly. Exchanging clothes with the man, Michael quickly masked his face to the doctor's and then the doctor's to Michael's. As predicted, a guard came.

"What's all the noise, doc?"

Michael remembered the sort of tone the doctor had and he quickly imitated it.

"Heat exhaustion's a bitch, ain't it? No sooner do I get him up than he falls back down again."

The guard looked down at the "Michael" on the floor. "Well, he's no use to us like this, better put in the tank till he comes through." The guard then lifted up the doctor in disguise and pulled him down the hallway to a locked cellar below. Opening up the hatch, he tossed the body roughly inside, closed the latch and locked it.

Well, this is an idea, I guess. Michael thought. He then motioned to a guard who came willingly.

"What can I do ya for, doc?" He asked.

Michael pointed to Max. "That one looks like he's going to fall at any moment. Better bring him on in here."

The guard nodded and walked over and directed Max to the doctor's office. As soon as both were in side, Michael closed the door and held out his hand, sending the guard flying and hitting the wall.

"Wha-" Max began, starring at the fallen guard and at the doctor.

Michael's voice came back as he said, hurriedly, "No time to explain, get into his clothes and mask his face and voice, quick!" Max did as directed and soon was the guard and the guard him. Max dragged himself as another guard appeared in the doorway.

"What's going on, doc?"

"They're dropping like flies, that's what's happening." Michael said. "Better get this one to the tank."

The other guard took the man Max was holding and dragged him off to the "tank" and did the same with him that was done to the doctor. After seeing that the guard was locked down there with the only other person to know, Michael shut the door and turned to Max. Both of them reverted back to their own faces, sighing in the process.

"How did you think of this?" Max asked.

Michael shrugged, "I didn't. I really DID pass out, out there."

Max smiled, "Good going."

Michael nodded, "Well then, shall we get the hell out of here."

Max sighed and looked out at the floor.

Michael groaned, "Aw, hell no! Max, C'mon, we did our good deed for the day by finding that dealer, Gary, and now he's dead and we need to get out of here before we get shot!"

Max didn't say anything, he just continued looking out on the floor.

Michael turned away sighing, rubbing his natural face. "Alright, Max. What do you suppose we do to help these people WITHOUT getting shot?"

Maria had told the others on what she had seen and Liz added by what she had. Isabel had been drained by the experience and had gone off to bed.

"They're being forced to work in a drug lab?" Jesse asked, incredulously.

Both Maria and Liz nodded. "And there are almost a dozen or more guards with guns in there." Liz added.

Everyone looked worryingly at eachother. Just then the front door opened and Jim Valenti came in, looking extremely agitated.

"Hi, you guys." Said in a grumbled tone.

"No luck?" Kyle asked.

Jim took off his jacket and shook his head. "Turns out that van was stolen from a cleaning company, which means Max and Michael could be about just anywhere."

"Well, they're okay, at least." Laurie said, trying to be upbeat.

"How do you know?" Jim asked, he looked around waiting for an explanation.

Liz told him of what they did and he sighed. "I wish you hadn't." He then sat himself in the armchair of the room. "What's you learn?"

"Well," Maria said, "They're in a drug lab, of some kind, being forced to work."

Jim sighed, again, and rubbed his fingers into his eyes. "They're okay, though, right? They're not hurt?"

Liz and Maria nodded.

"They're in some sort of warehouse, very big one, too." Liz said.

Jim, again, thought for a moment and he then asked Liz and Maria to describe it. After they had finished, his eyes seemed to brighten.

"I think I know where that place is." He then hurried to a phone and made a call.

"You can't be serious, Maxwell." Michael said as he stood by the door, waiting for the next person to come in, should they.

"It's the only thing I can think of that might work. If we can hold Mr. Zoel hostage, then maybe they'll be forced to let the workers go so he can be released."

Michael shook his head; "There are plenty of ways for this to go wrong. They could just fire at us without mercy to us, or to him."

Max shrugged, "Got any better plans to get them and us out of here?"

Michael sighed and looked toward the door. He then moved his hand across his face to turn himself back into the doctor. He then opened the door and ushered a guard over, while Max hid in the opposite corner of the room.

"Tell Mr. Zoel I need to see him, immediately."

The guard thought for a moment and then nodded.

Michael turned to Max, mouthing, "Bad idea." He turned back when he saw, not only Mr. Zoel approach, but his second-in-command, Jonathan.

"What is it, doc?" Mr. Zoel asked.

Michael noticed that Mr. Zoel wasn't stepping into the office but waiting outside the room.

"I need for you to look at something." Michael said.

Mr. Zoel looked unconvinced. "My time is precious, Doctor Javier. Either tell me now what it is or tell Jonathan so I can get back to work."

Michael gulped, but not visibly. It seemed Mr. Zoel wasn't going to comply, which led to a risky alternative if Max's plan was to be carried out.

Michael moved his hand toward himself, in one quick motion, as he did so, as if mirroring the action itself, Mr. Zoel felt his body come hurtling toward the doctor. Michael grabbed Mr. Zoel around the neck and then quickly closed the door shut. Sounds of Jonathan and the guards yelling and bustling towards the door emitted.

Michael put Mr. Zoel into a headlock as he turned to Max.

"Well, now what, fearless leader?"

"First." Max said, he waived his hand across Mr. Zoel's head, knocking him out. Michael set him down on the floor.

"And second?" Michael asked.

Max sighed, "Wait and see."

Michael locked the door as the banging and jostling of the knob came at the door, which followed by Jonathan's warning.

"Open this door now, doc, or whoever you are, or will kill you all inside!"

Michael looked to Max. "What did I tell you."

Max turned to the door, "Quick to kill your leader, huh?"

There was a pause outside, followed by laughter, which was unsettling.

"Leader? He's one man in the whole cartel." Jonathan said. "Killing him, along with you will mean nothing."

Max nodded, "Alright then, why the hurry to get in here, then? Why not shoot us all?"

Michael shot Max a glare.

"It's…it's not important. Again, you have ten seconds to open this door, or we'll start firing."

Max turned to Michael. "There's something important, otherwise they wouldn't give us that option."

Michael frowned, "They're still open to shooting us, Max. I fail to see the difference in choices."

Max sighed and looked down at the figure that was Mr. Zoel. Bending down, Max searched him and found a floppy disk.

"What's this?" Max asked.

"I guess they haven't heard of CD ROM drives yet, huh?" Michael smirked.

"Are you looking for a floppy disk, Jonathan?" Max called out.

There was a longer pause followed by hushed whisper by Jonathan and the guards outside.

"I'll tell you what, give us that disk and we'll let you two go free." Jonathan said.

Max grinned and turned to Michael, "Now, we have them."

Michael shrugged, "If you say so. I still think we're going to get shot at."

Max ignored the comment and turned back to the closed door. "Tell you what, you get this disk ONLY if all the workers, and the two of us, are let go without harm or incident."

Jonathan laughed, "The workers? Are you serious? You think they're here by force?"

Max scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "You're saying they're not?"

"Hell no. They're here because they WANT to be here. We pay them better than they do in their own country. The conditions are hard, but they work happily."

Michael sighed, "Great, just great."

"Now," Jonathan continued, "On the count of five you slip that disk underneath the door or else we start shooting."

Michael gave an "I told you so" look to Max.

"One…two…three…fou-" Jonathan stopped as a banging sound outside omitted followed by loud yells, gunfire, followed by more yellings.

Michael and Max looked at eachother. Mr. Zoel made a groaning sound and sat up, rubbing his head.

Max waived his hand again and sent the man back down to the ground.

"What's going on out there?" Max asked.

Michael shrugged and cracked the door open and peered out through the slit. From what he could see, cops and the guards were shooting eachother, the drug dust was flying everywhere making the whole room invisible, cloudy.

"It looks like a damn cop movie. The police are in there blasting away."

Max's eyebrows raised, "How?"

Michael smiled, "I think we owe it to our friendly, neighborhood, Sheriff Valenti. I think he figured out where we were."

Jim, along with Maria and Liz, stood outside the warehouse as the officers marched the arrested men while others brought the migrant men out and had them sit along the walls. This operation was big, so Jim had to borrow some men from some other districts. Both Jim and the girls' faces brightened when they saw Michael and Max walk out with two officers to them.

Both Liz and Maria ran to the boys and enveloped them into a deep hug, followed by a kiss.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Maria asked; looking at the plaid shirt and white overcoat Michael was wearing.

Michael grinned, "Nice to see you too, honey."

Jim walked up to them, "I can't tell you how relieved I am to see the both of you alive and well."

"Same said here." Max said as he kissed Liz again.

Max gave the floppy disk to a detective who later came by and announced it was a list of US and Mexican Bankers, probably on the payroll of the Cartel, which was very valuable.

Suddenly, a woman in a baseball cap, sucking on a lollipop approached them, a woman with long black hair accompanied her; both were dressed in dresssuits.

"Good work, Mr. Evans. I knew we could count on you."

All five of them turned toward the women; both Jim and Max scowled at the women.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Jim asked, fiercely.

Agent Kern sighed, "Sorry this had to be done to you, but I couldn't exactly give a job offer if that person wasn't prepared. You see I knew your suspicions would get the best of you and you would try to see if Agent Carmine was who she said she was. She had it prepared for another Agent, Agent Burke, to lead you in the right direction, unfortunately, Agent Burke died in the line of duty."

Michael thought for a moment, "Wait, are you saying that the woman who we found shot, was an FBI Agent?"

Agent Kern nodded, "Her job was just to irritate the man enough to leave and to arouse your suspicion into tracking him down, therefore giving you the motivation to find out about where he's been given the drugs he's been selling. I had no doubts about your abilities, Mr. Evans, or yours, Mr. Gurien."

Max sighed, ruefully. "So…This was all a test to see if I'm committed, wasn't it."

Agent Kern smiled, "Actually…if BOTH of you were. It was planned out for the both of you."

Michael closed his eyes, "Wait, you're saying you want to make FBI Agents out of Max and I?"

Agent Kern nodded, "You'll have to go to Quantico, West Virginia and train there like everybody else, but yes."

Max shook his head, "No, not possible."

"Not going to happen." Michael nodded.

Agent Kern sighed, "Why?"

Max narrowed his gaze, "You know why."

"People ask questions which lead to too many questions." Jim said, his gaze matching Max's.

Agent Kern smiled, "Why do you think we sought you out after Russia? The Director is onboard with my recommendation. People with your extenuating circumstances should use their abilities for the good of all, and you've proven you're capable of doing that by what you did today. You selflessly went out of your way to convict a man of his crime and by doing so you've done more. Don't you want to go even further by helping out those who are in dire need by people like us? People like you two? Aren't you tired of running? Wouldn't you rather be helping?"

They were put into a corner and Michael knew it. Their one weakness that she could exploit. If Michael knew Max, he was probably feeling as helpless as he was, right now.

"The questions still remain." Jim said, vigilant.

Agent Kern nodded, "They do. However, they shall remain sealed for now and for always, regardless of your decision to take up this offer."

"We have families here, people who are dependent upon us." Michael said.

Agent Kern nodded, "As they should. Should they want to come and stay with you during your training, we do have homes for you to stay in while you train at the academy."

Michael looked to Maria, her face expression-less. He had hoped that she would try and direct him, give him some sort of indication on what to say or where to go.

"I'll need more time." Michael said, finally.

Agent Kern nodded.

"Same as me." Max said.

Agent Kern walked up and handed her cards to the two of them.

"I hope to hear from you shortly. Till then, good work Mr. Evans, and you too, Mr. Guerin." She then turned to Agent Carmine and the two then walked away to a parked car out in the distances.

The following day was a day of contemplation and of thought. Michael laughed to himself as the thing that they had dreaded most was Lira's arrival to have them go back to Antar that was nothing compared to this.

Getting in bed with the enemy had its pros and the obvious cons. Getting out of something like this would be harder than getting in.

"Do you have to think about this now? You're getting married tomorrow, you two." Amy said.

Both Michael and Max sighed equally out of frustration.

"I really don't see what the problem is." Dane said.

"Oh, really?" Michael said, scowling at Dane. "Did Ko'dairk zap some brain cells out of you back in Oregon? We're Aliens, you idiot. We have everything and a lot more to lose if we accept this offer."

Dane shrugged, "Sure, if you wanna look at it in that way. Although, you could look at it in a different way, like you spying on them, for a change."

"Like that would work." Michael scoffed.

Liz and Maria still remained quiet and unopinionated about this topic, which was unsettling to Michael, as they seemed to be the voice of reason for both he and Max.

"What do you guys think?" Laurie asked Liz and Maria.

Liz took a deep breath and said, "It really shouldn't be up to us, it should be up to the guys, after all they were offered this."

"Still," Max said, "I think we'd like to hear your two's opinion on it."

Maria shook her head and smiled, "It shouldn't matter what we think, it's still up to you guys to figure out if this the best thing for you, for us, actually."

Both Michael and Max groaned in unison.

The day followed as usual, Lira, who had been staying with Brody and Sydney, came by to try and convince them that by staying was the wrong choice and only by coming back to Antar would all of them find peace and refuge. Again, the four of them turned her down and again, she promised she wouldn't stop asking until they finally yielded. The rest of the day was pretty mundane. Michael, Kyle, and Dane went to the park to play ball while Max, Liz, and Andrew decided to go to the Albuquerque Zoo. Maria, Ava, and Laurie hung out at the park chatting with eachother while Maria looked after Alex and Madeline. Isabel and Jesse spent their time together, as did Jim and Amy. The day wound down slowly and finally came to slow end as the sun set against the horizon.

Michael sat outside the DeLuca house on the porch swing, twiddling his thumbs, thinking.

The screen door opened and soon Max was outside as well, a bottle of Snapple in his hand.

"Nice 'set', huh?" He stated.

Michael shrugged, "I guess."

Max sighed and sat down next to Michael, the swing groaning, slightly, as more weight was added to it. The two swung while Max took deep drinks from his Snapple.

"Where do go from here, Max?" Michael asked, not looking at him but at the sunset.

Max sighed and closed his eyes, cradling the bottle of peach-tea in the palms of his hands. "I don't know, honestly."

"I was actually looking forward to going into construction, getting my hands blistered, working long hours, but now…"

"No one's forcing us to do this, Michael." Max said, pointedly.

Michael laughed ruefully, "Aren't they? I mean, it's what THEY want, isn't it? Have us right where they want us, so they can observe us, control us."

Max shrugged, "Maybe, maybe not. I mean, they will be watching us, I'm sure, but won't we be watching them as well? I'm sure they know that."

Neither of them spoke after that. Then, after a while Michael said, "I just can't picture myself in a suit."

Max laughed and nearly dropped his Snapple. "Neither can I, really."

Michael sighed, "What about you? Are willing to do this?"

Max went silent and then said, "You know, it's funny. I thought the hardest things ahead of me were being a father to my estranged son. To get remarried to Liz and finally live a life without fear of being found, again; to stop worrying about our safety and to try to find some normalcy of a life to hold on to. But now, with this on top of all that, I'd hate to go and do this thing alone, if I do it at all."

Michael smiled, "You know I got your back, no matter what."

Max smiled back, "I guess I need hear it every now and then."

Michael nodded, turning back to the sunset which was beginning to escape under the horizon. The dark, star-lit sky, drawing nearer.

"Should we do this, we got to stay together, all of us. Liz, Maria, the kids, all of us. I think should one of us feel like it isn't the right choice we should bail, and bail quickly."

Max nodded, "Agreed."

Michael took the Snapple away from Max and took a drink. "Now for the hardest part, I have to get married tomorrow."

Max smirked as the two of them got up and headed back inside. "It's not THAT bad."

"Says you, you've already gone through with it once." Michael said, slugging him as he closed the screen door.

The very next day, All the men went off to pick up their tuxedos as the women, who already had their dresses, stayed at home and got ready to prepare.

Jim, the Evans', the Parker's, and Brody helped set up the outdoor ceremony. Setting up the platform, the seat, the archway, and the flowers while everyone else got situated.

In the store, adjusting their ties and buttoning up their shirts, Jesse helped the grooms as Kyle and Dane watched with humor as Michael fidgeted.

"So, have you guys decided about the gig at the FBI?" Dane asked.

Michael looked to Max who turned to Dane, "We're still thinking about it. I think Maria and Liz have to put their thoughts into if we're ever to come up with a decision."

Kyle laughed, "What a bunch of whimps!"

Michael smirked, "Say, Kyle, I heard from Maria that Ava's thinking about marriage herself, you ready?"

Kyle turned white and quickly muttered something incoherent while Dane laughed out loudly.

Meanwhile, back at the DeLuca home, The girls already had their dresses on and were now fixing their hair.

"The guys still seem uncertain about those FBI jobs, handed to them." Laurie remarked.

Isabel smiled, "Both of you know those two are helpless without you two. Why not tell them what your thoughts are on it and help them decide quickly?"

Maria looked to Liz who sighed; "They've never asked what WE want. I want to go back to school and Maria wants to train to be a professional singer. They know this, yet that want instruction on how to live their life."

"Ah," Said Ava, "So all of this "you figure it out on your own" is just your way of getting back at them, huh?"

Maria sighed, "Sort of, I mean, I know it's something we need to talk about together, but…"

Isabel smiled, as she teased with Liz's hair, "But nothing, honey. Besides, haven't you two realize that you could probably get away with those things while they're off to being trained as government agents? You could go to school Liz and have the government PAY for your school, same thing for you and your Singing, Maria. They've got the government eating out of their hands because they think they'll be obedient and play by their rules. I say, milk them all for what they're worth."

Ava and Laurie laughed.

Amy, Diane, and Nancy came in already dressed as well.

"Well, we're all set up outside, we're just waiting on the boys." Amy said.

"Well, we're almost done in here." Said Isabel.

Liz looked to Maria, who looked back at her with a shrug and a smile; Liz then smiled back.

"Ah, to be married for the first time." Said Amy, touching up on her daughter's hair.

"For the second." Liz said, grinning.

"To the same man, no less." Ava laughed.

Everyone in the room laughed, heartily.

Max and Michael stood on opposite side of Kyle who was presiding, albeit weirdly, as the minister of the ceremony. Once Kyle had announced that he wanted to do the ceremony and that he, to the shock of everyone, announced that he had an online certificate to perform wedding ceremonies, Kyle's dad could only comment, "You COULD have been a star athlete…"

Jesse and Jim acted as best men to Max and Michael, while Dane sat in the unoccupied audience chairs. Soon, the Evans', the Parker's, Brody, Sydney, and Andrew and even Lira came and sat themselves in the chairs as they watched for the front doors of the back of the house to open. Nancy held both Alex and Madeline in her arms, both making baby cooing noises.

First, Laurie, Isabel, and Ava came out, each of them holding a bundle of lilies in their hands; all of them dressed in light blue dresses.

As soon as they had gotten into their positions, Maria, accompanied by her mother, came out. She held the biggest smile she had ever displayed. Michael smiled back at her as she was led up to him and Amy gave Maria's hand, that she was holding, to Michael, who took it and gently kissed the top of it. She hit him in the head with her flowers.


"Hey, the hand doesn't count." He grinned.

Next, Liz came out, accompanied by her father, Jeff, she too had a wide smile on her face, which she held all the way up to Max as her father gave her hand to his. Once Jeff had settled into the chair next to his wife, Kyle began.

"Dearly beloved, friends and family…and Lira. We are gathered here today to celebrate the union between four people, and no not in the kinky way."

Jim scowled at his son, while Ava and Laurie tried to sustain their laughter.

Kyle continued, "I can't think of any couples better than the ones you see before you. They've all gone through a lot, and, well, I've been there with them and seen it first hand. High School, getting chased by the FBI, hunted by demonic Aliens, and now they may be headed off to join the FBI. God help us with these two defending our country."

This time, everyone laughed, including Max and Michael.

"Now," Kyle said, "They shall be joined in perfect bliss. Do you Max Evans take Liz Parker to be your lawfully wedded wife…again…to honor, to cherish, in sickness and in health, till death do you part?"

"I do." Max said.

"I do." Liz replied.

Kyle nodded; he then turned to Michael and Maria. Do you Michael Guerin, take Maria DeLuca as your lawfully wedded wife? To honor, to cherish, in sickness and in health, without bailing out on the last minute of this speech or till death do you part?"

Michael scratched the corner of his eyebrow while giving a smirk at Kyle. "I do."

"I do too." Maria said.

Kyle nodded and directed his attention to the audience, "For all those who witness today, and should there be no objection, I hereby honor these four's wishes and declare them husbands and wives."

Everyone stood up and cheered as the men kissed their wives.

Maria looked to Michael, smiling. "Wow, it actually happened, Guerin."

Michael shrugged, "It's all because of you, Mrs. Guerin."

She pointed a finger at him, "Watch it, buster. It's Mrs. DeLuca-Guerin." The two then kissed again.

Max and Liz swayed in eachother's arms, Max looking lovingly down at Liz, while Liz looked up the same way at Max. Then, suddenly, Liz stood rigid; her mouth gaped open and her whole body convulsed.

"Liz?" Max looked at her, startled.

Liz's eyes rolled up to the back of her head and then she fell away from Max and off the platform on to the grass below.

Max jumped off the platform as others scurried to Liz.

Just as Max got to her, Liz seemed to be coming around, rubbing her head as Max and Kyle helped her off the ground.

"What happened?" Ava asked, giving Liz back the flowers that she previously had in her hands.

Liz took them and smiled, looking at everyone. "I had a premonition."

"A pretty big one, seeing as you fell right off the stage." Kyle remarked.

Max looked concerned. "What was it, Liz? Are we in immediate danger?"

Liz smiled and shook her head, "No, we're not."

Everyone looked impatiently and anxiously at Liz.

"Well," Michael starred at her, "What was it that you saw?"

Liz's Vision:

Standing in a crowded stadium at an Offspring concert, a young man in his twenties accompanied by a teenaged guy and a teenage girl, enjoy their evening with the rest of the crowd. Banging their heads and mouthing the lyrics to the songs being performed on stage, the eldest of the two barely pays attention to the concert. His focus is on a familiar dark, longhaired, brunette a few feet in front of him; her image is that of impeccable beauty in his eyes. His friends notice his distraction and his male friend elbows him. Neither of them can hear eachother due to the fans and the band performing onstage.

Soon, the concert ends and all of them head out to the parking lot.

"Man, that was such a blast! I'd marry Dexter Holland in a heartbeat, if he'd ask me." Says the girl, walking with the two guys.

"You're easily amused, Madeline." Says her brother whose walking next to her, he gave Madeline a little shove.

Madeline shoved back, "I saw you enjoying yourself, Alex!"

Both Alex and Madeline teased eachother back and forth, unaware that their friend isn't paying attention to them.

He was older then they were, by about six years, although none of them brought it up or held it against anyone of them. It wasn't that big of an issue.

All three of them considered eachother family, with him being like their older brother.

The oldest of Alex and Madeline looked on ahead; his eyes were still fixated on the girl from the concert. She was walking ahead of them, talking on a cell.

"Andrew?" Alex called out to him.

"Hey!" Madeline waved her hand in his face and snapped her fingers several times.

"What?" He asked, finally looking to the two.

"What do you mean "what?" Man, can you please, for one minute give up this crazy 'guy loving and watching from afar' routine?" Alex said, nodding toward the girl ahead of them.

"Yeah, I don't think April Halliwell's going to like it if she finds out you do this." Madeline piped in.

Andrew scoffed, "Yeah, sure. She doesn't even know I exist. How's she going to pick up on me-"

"Andy, you gotta grow some and just go up to her, man. This is getting old, what you're doing. It's what your dad did." Alex said, sighing.

Andrew sighed, a deep resonated sigh, and kicked a can in front of him off into the distance. However, when it stopped clattering, he could hear a scream.

Andrew looked back ahead and noticed April wasn't there anymore. Andrew, then, took off sprinting.

Ignoring the calls from his friends behind him, Andrew Evans looked into all the alleyways as he ran ahead. The yelling was becoming louder and as soon as he reached the place where it was originating, he heard a gunshot. It was followed by hurried footsteps and he saw two guys running hurriedly from the alleyway, one of them had April's purse clutched tightly in his hand.

Andrew ignored them and proceeded into the alleyway to find April coughing up blood, her abdomen bleeding, profusely.

Andrew knelt down next to her; she looked up at him, amongst her coughing and quiet sobs.

"A-And…rew?" She gasped.

"You know me?" Andrew asked, astonished.

April coughing stopped and she took one last ragged breath before that stopped as well.

Andrew's eyes went wide and he looked all around him before putting his hand on her wound.

"Oh, my God…"

Alex and Madeline had just reached Andrew and both were looking down on the two of them. Alex proceeded forward and put a hand on Andrew's shoulder, he started to tug.

"Andrew, man, what the hell are you doing! You know we're not allowed to-"

"Shut it!" Andrew barked.

Alex released his grip, sighing regrettably.

Andrew closed his eyes and his hand glowed. April's wound began to close up on itself and suddenly her eyes came alive, as well as her gasp as she jerked forward, coughing.

Alex looked around them, nervously. "C'mon, Andrew, we gotta split!"

Andrew suddenly realized what he had done and he, looked around and found a broken beer bottle. Taking it he wiped the residual blood that was on his hand onto the edges of the bottle and then looked to April, who was staring at her abdomen where the bullet-wound once was.

"You…you got poked by this beer bottle, alright?" Andrew clumsily explained.

"Andrew! C'mon!" Madeline yelled.

April Halliwell's eyes looked into the deep-dark ones of Andrew Evans, which now were pleading.

"Please don't tell anyone." Andrew said, in a whisper. He then got up off the ground and rejoined Alex and Madeline, the three of them soon took off around the corner, leaving April watching them, thinking.

Who IS he?

The End

A/N: Cheesy and predictable ending, right? Aw, well, it's worth it. Hope you've all enjoyed the 'journey'. I sure, as hell, have enjoyed writing it and reading your responses to it.


Here are all those I want to thank for taking this journey with me and responding to it in kind:










Insidious heart



Ruth Emma Renoldy

Regina Halliwell











And to all of you who have 'favorite' and 'alert'-ed this story, and myself, thankyou. Glad you could enjoy this.
