Here is part 2 of Chapter 13 guys! It looks like I will have a part 3 to this, it might take a bit longer as it hasn't been written yet, but it shouldn't be too much longer (hopefully).

As a general disclaimer for this chapter, please bear in mind that I conceived this story before Bossbot HQ had been officially released. Meaning there was no CEO at the time. Thank you and enjoy!

Cogs © Disney

Pearl, Val, Taffy, Trevor, Sketch, and Victor are mine

Roxy and Sadie/Butcher belong to PoweroftheWol

Sarah/Fangs Atrox

Winky belongs to Winky Dizzypop/ lalalei2001

Edumacated, King Lollipop Rockenwoof, and Cyborg are owned by their creators of the same screen names on TTC Fourms.

Chapter 13

The Truth Part 2

"Well…here we are boys, make yourselves at home," Gyro said with a strained smile.

Kevin and Trevor looked around the house quietly, holding onto the sacks full of what few positions they had brought with them. It had been a few days since the accident had occurred, and it showed on their young faces. The underside of Trevor's eyes looked a little purple, perhaps from not sleeping well. Kevin's gaze was distant; his eyes looked glazed and dim. Gyro sighed inwardly, feeling terrible every time he saw those two pairs of eyes and looked away.

"The extra room is upstairs, feel free to take your things up there. I'll be in my workshop if you need me," said the rooster, walking away quietly.

Trevor dropped his rucksack and plopped down on the carpet, and began to cry once more. He didn't want to be here, he wanted to go back home, sleep in his own bed, but above all he wanted his parents back. Kevin looked over at his sibling in tears and sighed. He had to be strong for the both of them, no matter how hard that sounded. He was both their parents now. Kevin pulled Trevor into a hug and patted his back, "It'll be okay Trev, things will get better. You'll see…"

"N-no it won't!" wailed the youngster, "W-we'll never see mommy and daddy again!"

Kevin's ears flattened slightly against his head. Here he was trying to keep a positive attitude for his little brother, and Trevor knew just what to say to make his own words useless. Anger flared through him, and by a will of its own, his hand slapped Trevor across the cheek. Trevor's whimpers stopped instantly as his paw found the numb spot on his face. The kitten's pitiful eyes looked up at his brother's; and for a moment Trevor didn't recognize him. Kevin glared at him a moment longer before taking his backpack with him and stomping upstairs. A door slammed loudly and the house fell into silence.

Trevor sat there a moment more before he quietly set his backpack on Gyro's couch and went to explore the rooster's house. Of the house itself, there weren't many interesting things to look at until he happened to wander into one of the backrooms where he found Gyro tinkering with something on a work bench. Tilting his head in curiosity, Trevor walked over and peered up at the rooster.

So absorbed in his tinkering, Gyro didn't notice the kitten until he heard a sniffle next to him, "Oh! Goodness, Trevor you startled me…" the Rooster chuckled half-heartedly.

"S-sorry Gyro," the red kitten sniffed pitifully as he peered up at the bench, "What's that?"

"Oh, just a remote for a cleaning robot I'm working on for Scrooge McDuck," he sighed, "Though at the rate I'm going, it probably won't be done for a while," sighed the rooster; the half-hearted air growing slightly thicker.

Head tilted in curiosity, Trevor asked, "Could I watch?"

Slightly surprised, Gyro looked over at the kitten, "Well, I suppose, if you want to."

The rooster scooted over to make room for the kitten, and Trevor sat there the rest of the afternoon, just quietly watching Gyro work on the robot. He asked a question or two, but mostly, Trevor just observed him. After an hour or two passed Gyro put his tools down and sighed, "I suppose I should make dinner now. Why don't you go tell Kevin dinner will be in about twenty minutes?"

Trevor nodded and headed out of the room. Gyro smiled as he watched the kitten retreat from his workroom and was glad to see at least one of the two trying to make the best of this tragic situation. It was then that Gyro wondered if perhaps the children might like to help him in his workshop at all. It would certainly help with the large amount of work he had accumulated, and give the boys a chance to heal as well.

Over the next few months Gyro began to show Trevor and Kevin some of the basics of engineering and robotics. Trevor was truly fascinated by what Gyro had to teach, while Kevin simply avoided Gyro's lessons as much as possible. He'd hole himself up in his room and rarely come out except to eat or take a bath and the rooster was beginning to worry about him. He was taking his loss a lot harder than expected, and Gyro was running out of ideas except giving the boy his space and hoping that time would heal.

Speaking of healing, Trevor seemed to coping rather well. Perhaps it was the age gap, as Trevor would have had less memory of his parents than Kevin did, and therefore less to mourn. At the moment though, he and Trevor were both busy working on fixing an automatic house cleaner that belonged to Scrooge out in the back yard, as it was too large to fit in the workroom. Toontown's inventor watched as Trevor was precariously half inside the robot, picking out the broken components that Gyro had pointed out to him when someone looking over his fence caught his attention.

It was the child of the family that was moving in next door to him. When they locked eyes, the young kitten ducked down slightly, as if afraid. Realizing she was just curious as to what was going on he smiled at her and was about to turn back to Trevor and check his progress when a startled scream and a thud sounded from behind him. Trevor lay dazed on the ground with some cogs and springs wrapped around his arms and neck.

"I…meant to do that…"

The other kitten across the yard giggled, and Trevor sat bolt upright when the laugh reached his ears. He looked over and saw the girl looking at them over the fence and felt his face grow hot with embarrassment. Gyro laughed too and helped the humiliated child to his feet and brushed him off, "Why don't you take a break and go say hello? I can manage for a while without you."

Trevor nodded and timidly approached the Toon on the other side of the fence, "Um…hi…I guess you just moved in?"

"Yeah, we used to live over in Daisy Gardens, but mommy and daddy said they needed a 'change of scenery'," she replied with a smile.

Trying to avoid the touchy subject of parents, he asked, "What's your name? Mine's Trevor."

"Baby Blue Eyes; but mommy calls me Blue for short."

Trevor's ears drooped slightly as she mentioned her mother again. He'd been doing his best like Gyro said to remember his own mother fondly, and he'd been doing pretty good so far. But it seemed just the speaking of the word was enough to still make tears come to his eyes. It was then he realized just how much he missed his parents. He didn't remember all that much about them, but he remembered enough: taking him and Kevin to Donald's Dock to fish, having popcorn fights while watching movies, his mother reading him stories or singing him songs before he drifted off to dreamland…

"Trevor, are you okay?"

"H-huh," Trevor choked out before he realized he had started crying in front of her. His face pink with embarrassment, he quickly rubbed at his eyes, "Y-yeah. I gotta go. Nice meeting you!" His voice cracked before he ran full force back towards Gyro's house. The rooster saw his flight and looked worriedly after him and then over to Baby Blue Eyes.

Despite this being a new side of Toontown, just about everyone knew the great inventor's name. Baby Blue Eyes called out with confusion in her eyes to him, "Mr. Gyro? What's wrong with Trevor?"

"Well, I'm afraid he's still in the process of recovering, young one…"

"From what," She asked tilting her head curiously.

"Not for me to tell. Give Trevor some time and I'm sure he'll come around," Gyro replied, forcing a smile, hoping that the young Toon would do as predicted. Having a friend around was good for the boy, and to give it up simply because he was still grieving was so silly it was almost laughable.

Eventually, he did come around a few days after and invited Baby Blue Eyes over to Gyro's house to play. Trevor showed Baby Blue Eyes some of the contraptions he had helped Gyro with, hoping one day he might be able to make something on his own. Afterwards they played a couple of different games such as hide-and-go-seek, tag, and the one where the floor was lava and the only safe spots were on the furniture; which was quickly put to a stop by Gyro when a lamp was almost knocked off an end table.

When the last game had come to a premature end, Baby Blue Eyes suggested they make a blanket fort out in the back yard, "My daddy showed me how to build one, we need some chairs, and some blankets and clothes pins!"

Ignoring the 'd' word as best he could, Trevor agreed to go and get the sheets while she went and asked Gyro about helping her set up some chairs in the yard next to the laundry line. The kitten hurried upstairs to his and Kevin's bedroom and began to remove the blanket and sheet from his bed. Kevin was sitting at his desk flipping through a book about old time mobsters that had once been in Toontown, paying no mind to his little brother until he started ripping the blankets from his bed as well.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing with my blankets? Put them back!"

But Trevor continued to tear the bed clothes off, "Sorry Kevin, Baby Blue Eyes and I need them for our blanket fort. I'll bring them back when we're done with it."

Frustration clouded Kevin's face, "Baby what now?"

"Baby Blue Eyes! She moved in next door a few days ago. Maybe if you'd play with me outside more often you'd have met her," the younger sibling said in a matter-of-fact way before he balled up the blankets and sheets and carried them downstairs.

Anger flaring, Kevin slammed his book shut and got up from the desk, "Trevor, if you don't get back here and put those back, you're so dead!"

There was no reply from his little brother downstairs, only the sound of the back door opening and closing behind him. Hissing with rage that his brother was refusing to listen to him when he was the elder, Kevin stomped after him. When he hit the back door he could already see Gyro assisting his brother and this Baby Blue Eyes with the hanging of the blankets for their stupid fort.

"This is so cool. It's gonna be huge compared to the one daddy and I made!"

Trevor flinched at the mention of the word 'daddy' once again and Gyro saw it, "Err yes, I think it will be a nice sized one…" the rooster paused when something red moving towards them caught his eye, "Oh! Kevin, it's good to see you out of your room," He smiled at the other Mc'Laffin brother.

"I wouldn't be if a certain someone hadn't taken my bed stuff. Hand it over you little squirt!" Kevin glared at Trevor, holding out his hand expectantly.

Trevor's ears drooped in dismay, "We're not gonna hurt them Kev, we just wanna borrow them for a little bit."

"I don't care, I told you not to touch them and you still did!"

Frowning, Gyro intervened, "Kevin, were you even using your bed when Trevor went up there?"

"No, but-"

"Then I don't see the harm in letting your little brother and his friend use them for a little while," he concluded, "Maybe you could help us? A little fresh air might do you some good."

Kevin's ears flattened against his head when he did not receive his bedding back, until he noticed Trevor's friend was looking at him. She had an expectant look in her eyes as she asked, "Please? It'll be more fun if you help."

Trevor piped up when she did, seeming to gain some confidence back, "Yeah come on Kev, just for a little bit?"

Realizing there was probably no other way he was going to get them back until they were finished anyway, Kevin reluctantly conceded to help. He didn't say much as he helped hang and pitch the blankets in a tent-like shape, but he did continue to watch how his brother and Baby Blue Eyes acted around each other. They were smiling and laughing. Kevin realized Trevor looked like nothing bad had ever befallen the two of them. As if their parents' accident had been simply erased in the mind of his brother; and Kevin was sure he could feel envy welling up in his chest at such a notion. Such envy that he was sure it was something akin to hatred. That's what it was; he hated his brother for being able to forget the pain so easily. Why am I thinking like this? He's only five years old! It's not his fault…

Kevin soon noticed that the blanket fort was finished and decided he should head inside to clear his head. Without a word, he turned and headed back towards the house. Stopping when he heard Trevor call out to him, "Hey Kevin, don't you wanna play in it with us?" Kevin only shook his head and continued his silent trek back to the house…

"…The next several years went pretty well for me. Baby Blue Eyes and I became pretty close friends. I started school, and with Gyro tutoring me I was one of the top in my class. Kevin went for a while but as the years went on he started to become more distant and he finally dropped out of school. I'd still see him at home but then he'd leave for days at a time and not tell anyone where he was. He started dressing differently too…"

Trevor paused for a moment to gather his thoughts and let Little Taffy chew on what he had told her so far before he continued, "Shortly after starting my last year of regular schooling I found out just what Kevin had been up to for the past few years. Where he'd been and what he'd been up to, and to be honest I'm surprised neither I nor Gyro figured it out sooner…"

Trevor sighed as he and Baby Blue Eyes walked the street towards home. The School year had only just started and the pair of them had already been swamped with tons of homework. Trevor looked over the homework he had for tonight and frowned, "Tell me again why I chose to go into the same field as Gyro?"

"Because you're good at it, Trevor! I'm sure you'll figure out what the teacher's asking for and if not Gyro said he's always willing to help you if you're stuck," Baby Blue Eyes smiled at him, "Besides, it's only the first assignment. If you mess it up it won't affect your grade too much!"

"Oh thanks!" He chuckled and swiped a hand playfully at her ear. Baby Blue Eyes giggled as she ducked to avoid his hand and Trevor smiled inwardly at her laughter as his hand went into his jacket pocket. It bumped the small box that rested there and reminded him of the gift he still had to give to her. He had saved ages to buy it for her after it had caught her eye from one of the shop windows and Trevor had almost forgotten that he had started carrying it with him while waiting for the perfect time to give it to Baby Blue Eyes. The red Toon almost removed the box to do so until he noticed his companion had stopped suddenly when a commotion just up ahead caught her and Trevor's attention.

A group of five Toons came sprinting out of the ice cream parlor they had been heading towards. They were hollering and laughing and making an awful racket in general. They passed by Trevor and Baby Blue Eyes on the opposite side of the street without giving the pair a glance. Trevor's eyes followed the Toons and wasn't quite sure he was seeing things correctly. The Toon at the front of the group was a red feline that looked strangely familiar.

Trevor's eyes squinted in disbelief, "Was that-"

The shop owner, a plump, lime green horse, came running out after them; but due to his girth, he did not get very far. His clothes were covered in ice cream and there was an upturned sundae glass on top of his head, "You darn hooligans! You ever come near my shop again and I'm calling the police!" He growled and shook some melting ice cream off his sticky hands and sighed, "Shop's a mess, I'm a mess…can't get any worse I suppose…" He looked over and saw the two felines looking at him with confused expressions. They were regular customers at his parlor.

"Oh, Trevor, Baby Blue Eyes, sorry you have to see me in such a state…"

Trevor waved off the shop owner's embarrassment, "It's no problem Mr. Saltwater, but who were those Toons?"

Mr. Saltwater snorted, "Just one of the local gangs, The Rancid Apples. One of them said there wasn't enough whipped cream in their ice cream shake, so they all started a protest and started throwing their orders at me and my other customers…I swear the police aren't doing anything to stop them or any other gang for that matter and…"

As the old horse trailed off on a long-winded tangent, Trevor turned to Baby Blue Eyes, "I know this is going to sound odd but, I think Kevin was with those Toons that left the ice cream shop…"

"What? Kevin? Are you sure?"

He nodded, "Positive. I think if we hurry we might be able to catch up to them. I haven't seen him in days and I want to make sure he's okay. What if he's with them against his will or something?"

"Didn't seem like that to me, but if it will put your mind at ease let's go try and catch up with him," She sighed.

Trevor nodded and the two of them took off down the street after the group of Toon's leaving Mr. Saltwater to continue his tangent. Trevor and Baby Blue Eyes ran as quick as they could to make up the distance they had lost and before long, Trevor could spy the group's retreating forms as they all rounded a corner. Looking behind him to make sure Blue was still keeping up, he followed the others around the corner and came to a stop when no one was in sight.

Frowning, Trevor looked back at her, "They're gone; up and disappeared like smoke…"

"Hmm…" Blue thought as she scanned the street ahead of them, "Well, if I were part of a gang, I might try that old warehouse a few shops down."

Trevor felt a wave of foolishness wash over him as he too noticed the warehouse for not having seen it sooner, but the feeling soon passed, "Okay, let's go check it out. Stay behind me though, I'll go in first."

Baby Blue Eyes quirked an eyebrow and said in a playful manner, "Oh what, you think I can't handle myself?"

Misconstruing her playfulness as sarcasm, Trevor flinched at her comment and replied with an indignant tone, "N-no, I just meant that-"

She laughed and patted his arm, "I'm just giving you a hard time, relax Trev," to which she received a slightly frazzled look, "Come on you big softy, lets just take a peak then get going."

With a loud, metallic screech, the warehouse doors slid open to reveal a cavernous space. It showed signs of having been lived in recently as well as being furnished the way a group of kids might a clubhouse. Various old pieces of furniture, tools, a stereo, and loads of other personal knick-knacks littered the room signifying several individuals occupied it. The pair of felines entered the room cautiously, still looking around for the Toons they had been following. A quick scouring of the room once more yielded no sign of their targets.

Trevor frowned, "I don't see them. Maybe they passed by here and we missed them or something," he looked over at Baby Blue Eyes, "Let's get going."

She nodded back in response, "Good idea, this place is starting to give me the-" she was cut off by the sound of the warehouse doors screeching closed. A second later, she was thrown to the ground, arms twisted behind her back. Baby Blue Eyes flinched as she saw Trevor befall the same outcome.

"Get off me, you creeps!" Trevor grunted as he tried to struggle free of the strong grip holding his wrists.

The Toon on top of Trevor pulled one of the flaps of his jacket out from under him and chuckled, "Hey Boss, looks like we caught some curious high school kids! What should we do with them?"

Padded feet walked across the concrete floor towards the pair. Both looked up and Trevor felt his stomach drop. A red feline stepped into their line of view; he resembled an older Trevor, save for his outward appearance. That consisted of a leather jacket with the sleeves torn off, a dark pair of sunglasses, and distressed jeans. His hair was slicked back and left ear pierced with a copper stud.

"Kevin!" Trevor exclaimed. He knew he'd seen his older brother running with those Toons, but it was another matter entirely Trevor found himself in. Kevin glanced down at his sibling. He pulled his shades off to get a better look at him in the dim light and smirked.

"Well now, this is certainly a surprise. My not-so-little anymore brother and his girlfriend."

Trevor blushed at the accusation when he heard the other Toons in the room laughing, "We're just friends…"

"Uh huh, sure. So then, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" He asked. Kevin placed his shades snugly back on his nose before he bent down to Trevor's level.

"'Our visit?' Gyro and I have been worried sick about you and you call my trying to find you a visit?!"

Kevin snorted and stood back up. He nodded at the Toons holding them down and they were released. Trevor stood, offering a hand to help Baby Blue Eyes up before brushing off his jacket. "As far as I'm concerned you two are in my home. That ratty shack of Gyro's was never my home and it never will be," Kevin replied to his inquiry.

Trevor looked over at Baby Blue Eyes and frowned slightly; she returned it before he turned back to his brother, "So…you're not coming back with me then?"

Kevin reached over and mussed Trevor's hair, "Aw, look at how smart my little brother is."

Had Trevor's fur not been red already, it would have turned so at the sound of laughter from the other Toons, "Cut it out, Kev! Look, can't you at least drop by for five minutes to show Gyro you're still breathing? Believe it or not, he actually does care about your wellbeing."

The elder brother pondered this for a minute, "I suppose I can make time in my schedule for that," he smirked, picking a clot of ice cream from under his nail.

Trevor frowned at his nonchalant attitude, "You mean it?"

He smirked and replied, "Of course, I wouldn't want you both to send out a search party or anything." Some of the other Toons chuckled in response.

Trevor sighed, and rubbed at his eyes, ""Look, I'm not asking you to move back. I just want you stop by at least once to let Gyro know you're okay. He did look take us in after all. You owe him that much."

Kevin's face seemed to soften a bit at that, "Alright, alright. Don't get all mushy on me. I'll be there around dinner time."

Content he would show up back at home, at least, he hoped that Kevin would, Trevor sighed and mussed his fingers through his hair, "Come on Blue let's get going…"

The other Toon nodded and they left without another word…