A/N: Well, I had completely abandoned this story. I had no intention of ever coming back to it, either. But my friend started working on her Fanfiction, which inspired me to see how much of this chapter I had written. Surprisingly, I already had quite a bit written. So I thought to myself, 'why not finish it?'

And so this chapter is all thanks to Duskcloud. Let's give her a hand. Yay, Duskcloud!!

On with the fic!

Naruto seemed to fall for a long time, and eventually he become less tense out of sheer boredom from the indistinguishable blackness. He lay back and relaxed in the murky darkness, waiting for what was to come. After being a ninja for almost a year, falling down a never ending shaft seemed like a walk in the park.

Naruto was relaxed now. Very relaxed. Enough so that he even began to contemplate sleeping in the air. He closed his eyes, completely ready to sleep, but a second later he hit the bottom of the shaft. But it was not the sharp and unforgiving ground he had expected. In fact, it seemed relatively soft.

'Ugh, what happened? Mmmm…This is rather comfortable…'

"It seems something was meant to intercept your fall. Get up and see!"

'I don't think I will. This thing is just so comfy…'

"Stop being lazy and get up, kit!"

'But I'm so sleepy. So…very…sleepy,' he finished slowly, punctuating it with a jaw-breaking yawn.

Kyuubi sucked in a huge breath, annoyed with his unnaturally tired kit, and let out a huge, animalistic roar. Naruto didn't have any physical reaction to it other than twitching slightly.

'God, did you have to roar that loud? I think my eardrums are broken. You're as loud as Sakura!' He paused. 'No…wait…I take that back. That's impossible.'

Kyuubi looked sheepish while he said, "Sorry, but you deserved it."

'How on earth did I deserve that?'

Kyuubi growled, because with those ever-changing mood swings, he was already annoyed with his kit again. "Do I need to roar again?"

Naruto sighed. 'No Kyuubi-shishou.' He said, saying shishou in a sarcastic tone. 'No need to cause my eardrums any more damage tonight. Or, technically, today. Ugh, I need to sleep.'

"No. No sleeping yet! Now, your 'shishou' commands you to get off your lazy ass and see where the hell we are!"

'Hai, hai, I'm getting up now, Kyuubi-shishou.'

Naruto finally opened his eyes to find himself looking up at the giant, deep, shaft into which he had fallen. He rolled over and saw that he was lying on a very large...pillow? Bed? Whatever, it was a large fluffy thing. Looking around, he saw that the walls of the shaft were all stone, as were the four walls around him. Like in the shack above him, there was a tapestry of a seal on the wall. Unlike the other one, this one was not tattered at all.

Now Naruto was no seals-master (coughYETcough), but even he could tell that those two seals were different. The seal in this room seemed to be a part of the other one, but the one above him in the shack (at least he assumed it was 'above', he couldn't exactly be sure anymore) looked like it had an extra element. He had no idea what it was, though.

'Ne, Kyuubi, can you analyze this seal?'

Kyuubi sniffed. "What happened to 'shishou'? ...Aw, never mind. Yes, I'll take a look. However, it seems like it will take some time. Hmm...how about you just look at it for a second, and I'll search for it in your memories."

Naruto blinked.

'You can see my memories?'

"Didn't I already tell you?"

Naruto shook his head.

"Oh. Well I can."

'Hmmm…I see some ways in which that could be helpful. But that's for another time. How long will it take you to investigate the seal?'

"Analyzing seals is much more difficult than it seems. When you have seen the seal before, or have knowledge on it, it is a simple matter to figure out how the seal is being used. However, with a seal that I've never seen before or haven't seen recently, it can be very difficult. This is one of those seals, so I can say that it'll probably take until about sunrise."

Naruto mentally sighed.

'Great. And what do you suggest I do until then? I know now that there's more to this 'shack', and that the seal is part of it...Wait, how can you even tell when it's going to be sunrise down here? We don't know how far down we are.'

"Believe me, we'll see it. If I'm right about my guess, that is. And I would suggest getting some sleep here, kit. I can tell that you're curious, but staying up all night won't help anything. You'll need your rest for tomorrow, because it's gonna be a long day. When you wake up, before I even tell you what I've found about the seal, we will begin the sealing of your knowledge. Those headaches are dangerous and a continued liability if you get into a fight."

Kyuubi paused to suck in a breath.

"By the way, I thought I might mention that I won't be waking you up for once. If you sleep late and I finish studying this seal, I will begin identifying the seal that we saw up in the shack. Good night kit."

'But I-'

"Good NIGHT, kit."

Naruto sighed and reluctantly lay back down onto the large fluffy thing.

Really, arguing with Kyuubi wasn't worth it. And, now that he thought about it again, he remembered how tired he really was. Within a minute, Naruto was asleep, and Kyuubi was at work.

Naruto awoke to a complete absence of sound. Not that his mornings were usually all that loud, but this was different. There was none of the usual noise from the bustle of the people at the marketplace, all the sounds that he had always been able to pick up with his slightly more advanced hearing. And it was really eerie.

He slowly opened his eyes to see an amazing sight. The entire chamber he had fallen asleep in was flooded with a golden light, a light that seemed to come from…everywhere. It was nothing short of beautiful, and Naruto felt strangely at peace, just lying there.

Of course, then he realized what had happened before he had fallen asleep, and he sat up as fast as his spine could handle.

'Kyuubi, what di-'

"Kit, we begin now."


Naruto gasped when he felt an immeasurably strange feeling blossom from his stomach.

He gasped and curled his body into a fetal position. It wasn't a sharp pain, nor was it a dull one. It was more alike to a great, great heat wave spreading throughout his body, leaving a large burning sensation wherever it went. He shuddered again as he felt the wave of heat reach his head. The moment he felt it there however, it seemed to turn cool. Until, by the time he felt the 'wave' reach his forehead, it made him feel icy-cold.

'K-kyuubi, w…what are-'

Naruto groaned in more discomfort than pain as he lost the will or ability to speak to Kyuubi through their link, and Kyuubi didn't feel it necessary to reply.

Naruto felt a second wave of heat originate from around his navel and spread out in precisely the same way the first had.

He had no Idea how long this continued. It could have been seconds, minutes, or weeks. Finally it stopped.

Naruto's body, which until now had been tensed on the ground, relaxed suddenly. Naruto gave a sigh of relief.

"Well, that's over." Kyuubi said, in a voice not seemingly befitting of Naruto's current stature.

If Naruto hadn't been practically unconscious, he definitely would have responded angrily. But seeing as he was practically unconscious, this didn't occur.

"Well kit, I'm afraid I'll have to force you to get up again."

Instead of getting up as he was asked, Naruto actually blinked, as though he had just realized something.

When he finally spoke, what he said was…unexpected.

'Oi, Kyuubi, why do you call me "Kit", anyway?'

Kyuubi nearly collapsed from the sheer stupidity of the question. He had expected the young boy to begin raging at him, or at least grumble some random swear word, but this was what he got?

Kyuubi chuckled. "The kit is full of surprises."

"Well, don't go thinking its some sort of sign of affection or something. It isn't. Kit is a sort of title, like your 'san', and 'sama'. In the tribe of foxes, a kit is a small child, a younger fox."

Naruto thought about it. 'Isn't "kit" used for cats though? I thought "puppies" were baby foxes. Because foxes are related to dogs, aren't they?'

Kyuubi's eyes narrowed. "Don't ever relate ame too a dog again or I'll rip out your internal organs and sell them to charity."

Naruto blinked. Again. Because people blink quite often.

'…Sell them to charity?'

Kyuubi flushed a bit redder than he already was. "What? I thought it was a good insult."

'Well it wasn't. Anyway, you were saying…?'

"…Ah! Foxes aren't really related to dogs in any way. That's just something you foolish humans made up, as is the concept that we call our young 'puppies'. We are actually much more closely related to cats."

Naruto looked at nothing in particular for a couple seconds before resuming speech.

'Well, that was an utterly useless and off-topic conversation, but it killed a few minutes!'

Kyuubi nodded in agreement.

Several seconds passed in silence.

"Right, well, now that I'm sure you're fully awake, would you like to hear what I found about the seal?"

Naruto unfurled his body from the fetal position he had remained in while speaking to Kyuubi.

'Ooh, sure! This'll be cool!'

Kyuubi smiled at Naruto's childishness, but quickly continued.

"Would you like to hear about the seal in the shack, or the one in this room? I finished identifying and analyzing both of them."

Naruto, who was now sitting cross-legged on the large fluffy thing, pumped his fist in the air.

'Score! Alright, I wanna hear about the one in the shack first!'

"Very well. The seal in the shack was a seal designed to be triggered when a certain boundary was infringed upon. In this case, it looks like it was triggered when you stepped on the floor. What it did was open a portal to another dimension."

Naruto's eyes widened. 'Whoa. So I'm in another dimension right now?'

Kyuubi nodded. "You may be berating yourself for not reacting fast enough to the floor falling away. The fact is it isn't your fault. The floor didn't actually fall away. It disappeared entirely as it was meant to with the activation of the seal. There was nothing to react to. The entire process was instantaneous."

Naruto nodded. It actually made sense to him. 'And the seal in here?'

"Well, the seal in here isn't too different. It also leads to a different dimension. However, it does so with the addition of a blood seal. The one 'upstairs' also had a blood seal, but an innate one. That means that the one upstairs tried the blood inside of your body as you fell. Finding a match, it deposited you here. The one down here is an activated blood seal. Just swipe your finger along the seal and it should work."

Naruto squinted his eyes. 'What exactly do you mean, 'should'?'

"Er… just try it."

'Well… alright then.'

Naruto got up from the Large Fluffy Thing (A/N: Yes. That is its name. Deal with it) and strolled over to the seal. Biting his thumb quickly on one of his sharp canines, he smeared some blood over it.

A bright light emitted from the seal, until it covered everything.

Naruto started to feel dizzy.

'I'm starting to hate this house, you know.'

Then he was sucked into the light, shooting towards someplace else.

A/N: That's it. A filler chapter, that's actually slightly related to the story progressing. So review, because I didn't grind out this last (or not last) chapter for nothing. Perhaps you can all convince me to continue this story.

Goodbye, for perhaps the last time (though it is doubtful).

Kagekitsune49, out.