So here goes another story. Only, it's not new.
I actually began writing it in July and finished it some time after that.
Originally the name of this story was A New Life, but halfway through the story takes a turn that I had not orginally planned on it taking. The title kind of still fit, but not as well, so I recruited the wonderful Rachel to rename the story. It is now called Timeless after Kate Havnevik's song and I plan on incorporating the lyrics somehow, but that might not happen.
Anyways, the story is pretty long, but not as long as You Can't Run. Lots of people remember this story and I kind of earned a reputation from the ending. I hope you like it. It wasn't originally written in Chapter form, so the beginning is just kind of a day per chapter and it evolves from there.
Anways, this takes place 6 months after prom. You'll just have to wait to see what happened in those six months before the story started!
Chapter 1:
January 9, 2007- New York City, New York, Meredith's Apartment
"Meredith? Meredith, baby it's time to wake up," a man whispered into the ear of a sleeping woman. She groaned slightly and rolled away from the man, almost falling off the bed. The man smiled and got up, "Come on Meredith, you need some coffee and then we both need to go to work."
The man left Meredith and headed down the hall towards a kitchen. It was small, but had a big window, overlooking the beautiful city. The man completed his morning routine easily, fixing coffee and eggs and bacon for two. He placed two plates at the small wooden table and waited for Meredith.
She hurried into the kitchen, looking frantic. She pulled her hair back and grabbed a cup of coffee as the man read the newspaper. "Did you check the messages?" she asked.
"No," he said putting the paper down, ready to enjoy breakfast with her.
Meredith went over to the phone hanging by their refrigerator and pressed a large black button before sitting down at the table. She looked at her food and then at the man in front of her before smiling and letting a relaxed look take over her body. She looked into the man's beautiful green eyes before their answering machine began talking to them.
First their own message played in Meredith's voice, "You have reached Meredith and Jacob's. We're not home right now, but leave a message and we'll call you back whenever we can." Then the answering machine beeped before talking, "You have two new messages." The first message played in a women's voice sounding sweet, "Meredith, we have got to get together. Nathan is driving me crazy. Women's night out, anyone? Call me back, when you and Jacob decide to keep your hands off of each other, okay?" The answering machine beeped again and then a man's voice sounding much more stern came on, "Hello, this is Richard Webber. Meredith, we need to speak for more than one reason. I was planning to talk to you about a job offer, but now I am unfortunately delivering more unpleasant news about another surgeon here at Seattle Grace. Please give me a call back."
"Who is Richard Webber?" Jacob asked as Meredith ate her food as fast as she possibly could.
"My old boss back in Seattle. It's probably nothing, just something about one of my old friends," Meredith said pretending as if she didn't care. She ate one more bite and then jumped up, "I'm sorry, but I'm going to be late." She kissed Jacob hard, almost reluctant to let go, but forced herself to so that she could leave for work.
Meredith walked past a busy nurse's station, but stopped when she heard her name, "Dr. Grey? The Chief would like a word." Meredith smiled and nodded before heading towards the large office nearby. Meredith knocked on the door and waited for an answer.
"Come in," a male voice said. Meredith obliged and opened the door. She saw her Chief, but was surprised by the second person. She tried to hide her bewilderment and walked into the office to take a seat.
"Dr. Grey, I'm sure you remember Dr. Webber," Meredith's Chief Dr. Henderson said.
"Yes, of course," Meredith said trying to smile.
"Dr. Webber has many things to tell you, so I'm going to leave you two alone," Dr. Henderson said getting up. Before leaving he looked at Meredith seriously, "You can have the rest of the day off, if you need it."
Meredith once again became completely confused and turned her head back to Richard as the door closed behind Dr. Henderson.
Meredith walked into her apartment with a melancholy look upon her face. She turned on the light in the small hallway and placed everything she was holding on the small table against the wall. She walked into her bedroom and got changed into some more comfortable clothes before walking back to the table.
Meredith looked through the mail that she had gotten earlier that day and found a simple white envelope. She looked at the mailing address and opened a small drawer that she kept locked. She unlocked it and threw the letter inside. She looked at the full drawer for a long moment before closing it. She sighed at all of the letters and then closed and locked the drawer, leaving them all unopened.
She walked into the kitchen and looked at the time. It was 5 o'clock, time for dinner. She thought about actually making dinner instead of Jacob doing it, but then turned to her freezer. She opened it and found coffee ice cream. She found that slightly ironic, but knowing that she had nothing else, she took out the ice cream and got a spoon.
She walked back into her small bedroom and fell on the bed. She turned on the television to the sappiest love movie she could find and began to eat away at her ice cream.
Jacob walked into his apartment and noticed that all the lights were on. He knew what this meant. He heard the television from his bedroom and followed its noise to a sleeping Meredith. He picked up the empty ice cream container and threw it away before getting a blanket to put on top of Meredith. He turned off the television and then the light before closing the bedroom door behind him.
He walked back into the main hallway and towards the mail. He picked up the cable bill and saw a key beside it. He knew what it was for, but was surprised that she had left it out. He thought for a moment about opening that drawer just to see for a moment what was in side, what she had kept hidden for so long, but knew that she would never forgive him for it. He picked up the key and walked into the living room and over to Meredith's desk. He put the key in a small box next to her computer, the same place that he always put it when she was too upset to remember to hide it again.
He made himself a late dinner and ate it alone. On his way to their bedroom he looked at the pictures on the walls. Every single one had them in it, happy and together. He loved those pictures and he loved the Meredith that was in them. As he walked into the bedroom he came face to face with the other Meredith again. He loved this one too, but he couldn't figure out what made her this way.
He crawled in bed with her and wrapped his arms around her. She stirred a little and then buried her head in his chest. Jacob felt the cold tear roll down her cheek and on to his chest, but he ignored it and just held her tightly through the rest of the night.