Edited 6/21/07: I changed a few words here and there.

I loved Eragon, and so I decided to try my hand at a fanfic for it. If you would review and tell me what you think, I would really appreciate it. Oh, and I should mention that this is an AU, and uses an OC as the main character.


I walked down the street, brushing my chocolate brown hair out of my face. At every turn I saw people staring at me, suspicion in their eyes. It seemed like everyone was suspicious of everyone else in these trying times. At least no one was singling me out, because if people were singling you out, there was something wrong and you would do well to leave.

And I didn't want to leave Daret yet. It was one of the nicest, yet most inconspicuous, cities I had visited. But then again, how could this really be that inconspicuous if he'd been here?

I snorted. All everyone talked about was Eragon, Eragon Shadeslayer, Argetlam- the list went on and on, but it all referred to the famed first of the next generation of Riders. Of course, 'famed' wasn't completely accurate; he was only discussed in secret, out of earshot of any Empire soldiers.

I couldn't see what the big deal was. So what if some farm boy had found a dragon egg? So what if he'd killed a Shade? I'd heard the stories, and it seemed like pure luck to me.

But, another part of my brain reasoned, how much is truth and how much is Empire propaganda isn't known. For all I knew the Empire had manipulated the stories to fit their purposes. It didn't matter, anyway, though, because people were feeling hopeful.

Yes, that dangerous h-word, the one that sent regiments of the Empire's army to every town in Alagaësia, from here in Daret to Gil'ead, to Teirm, all the way to Dras Leona. Towns where Eragon had supposedly been had two or three regiments stationed in them.

And so it was that I found myself in the middle of Daret with a small platoon behind me. Mostly soldiers didn't pay attention to citizens, especially 17-year-olds like me, unless you'd done something wrong…which I had. I'd been stupid and went near the shop where Eragon had allegedly bought supplies. The soldiers had closed it off, but not with any visible barricades, just verbal warnings to stay clear.

But I hadn't been paying attention, as usual, and so found myself in front of the prohibited shop. I would have kept walking, too, had not a weird-looking boy with scraggly black hair and an ominous, knowing look in his eye walked up and said, "An important young lady like you should be more careful, Penelope."

I just stared at him, unnerved by his confident air, and a little scared. How did he know my name? But I tried to mask my feelings and said flippantly, "Whatever." But my mind wondered, why would he think I was important?

No sooner had the boy disappeared than a soldier walked up and informed me I had better get lost now if I knew what was good for me. So I did just that, only the soldier gathered his whole platoon together and started to follow me, inconspicuously to anyone who wasn't watching for them to be following me…which, of course, I was. I thought I was home-free when I got within sight of my street. I was turning down it when the whole platoon appeared in front of me.

"Whoa, little missy. Where do you think you're going? " the leader asked me.

"I'm going home, sir," I said in my best respectful-adult voice.

"No, you're not. How do we know you're not hiding some traitors back there to give information to?"

I resisted the urge to ask what information important enough to give to traitors could be found near an old abandoned building, and why they didn't just follow me to my house to see that there wasn't anyone there. But then again, I wasn't sure I really wanted them anywhere near my home, so instead, I said, "Really, sir, I'm just a poor girl on her way home for dinner."

"I'm sorry, lady. We have orders to keep this area clear, and to escort all violators out of the city."

"What?! I have every right to be here, just as much right as anyone else! You have no evidence of any wrongdoing, none at all!" My pretense of the polite, innocent child was gone, replaced by my adult indignation.

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but those are our orders. I would say you could come back tomorrow, but with that outburst, you might be considered dangerous." He smiled, and I shivered. It was the creepy-looking smile of one who enjoyed torture. "Yes, I'm afraid I may have to ban you for a week. That is, unless you'd like to come to my barracks?"

Appalled, I took several steps backward. Even though I tried to seem confident, my fear was building, and I tried to keep it from showing in my pale green eyes. "I most certainly would not. And I certainly do not want to remain in a city where this is how a young lady is treated." I turned on my heel and stalked off. Then, ten seconds later, I broke into a run. Such insubordination would be grounds for imprisonment, if not worse.

I ran for almost three miles without really noticing if anyone was actually following me. I stopped in the foothills of the Spine, where it seemed relatively safe. I was in a pretty foul mood. I had lost my house, all my money and possessions, and access to one of the few cities I wouldn't mind living in. That, coupled with my exhaustion, caused me to sink down to the ground, defeated.

I had always been a nomad, for as long as I could remember. At first, it was my brother and I, until the army took him from me. I'll never forget that day. He wasn't even supposed to go, but went in place of the only friend he'd ever had, so his friend could marry. I loved my brother more than anything, and I hadn't heard from him since.

Following his departure, I had roamed the lands for a time, going where the wind took me. I'd seen most of the cities in Alagaësia, except for Urû-baen. I wouldn't go near Galbatorix or his army. I'd seen too many atrocities committed by their hand.

I never had enough money, so I was always on the lookout for any job I could take. I'd been stable hand, cook, seamstress, waitress and librarian, each in a different town under a different name. I seemed to always get in trouble in every town I went to, usually for violating some stupid, petty rule they enforced because they were bored.

Just as I was wondering, what else can go wrong today? I heard the unmistakable peal of thunder in the distance. I just had to ask, didn't I?

I got up, straining against my fatigued muscles, and began to search for something, anything I could use for a shelter.

My legs were buckling, so I leaned against the side of the cliff for support. I took a few steps, and then, suddenly, a faint light started to glow from the rock. I stumbled back, startled. What in the world is going on?