OMG…EDWARD'S THE KILLER! …and this is my last chapter! eek…

Hey peoples! Okay so I feel like im gonna die (I've got the mother of all colds. And to think, its freakin 80-something degrees out!), and im staying home today so I figured I'd try writing the new chapter::cough:: and sorry if this chapter is all screwed up, my head is filled with so much medicine and I keep having these weird dreams where Emmett, Jasper, and Edward are playing hide and seek in my room, and this other dream where mike is hiding under my bed and he gives me cookie…ANYWAYS…so yea…I'll try.

I read my whole story over from the beginning so I could get some inspiration as to what will happen in this chapter. Again I didn't really expect for a lot of stuff to happen in my story. I didn't mean to "kill" Bella a couple of chapters ago, I didn't mean for Edward to be actually fighting this on the inside, and I dint mean for Edward to actually go for the bite at the end of the last chapter. Sometimes I just let my hands type whatever they feel like typing. Thanks to everyone who reviewed for the last chapter! It was really stressful to write and im glad you guys liked it! thanks for voting, it really helped me make a choice and I now know what gonna happen (read to find out).

Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to twilight…but I do own a copy of the book twilight! lol.

…Chapter 11…

I was screaming. The pain I felt was very familiar, it was a pain that you'd never forget after you've experienced it once before. I didn't forget it.

I trashed around in what felt like a bed, wishing for death. Death, would certainly feel better than this.

The fire burned throughout my body and I screamed louder. The pain worsened with every passing moment and when I thought it couldn't get worse, it did.

I kicked and screamed like a child throwing a temper tantrum, but this was worse. I had reason to kick and scream. I felt the fire flowing through my veins, my very existence.

I kicked and screamed and thrashed around for what seemed like forever, until I eventually lost my voice and all energy. I struggled with the pain inside. And suddenly I felt something relieving the pain…a little bit. Everything still hurt but this helped. I felt something cool against my body and someone was whispering things I couldn't hear into my ear.

I opened my eyes to see whom it was only to see Edward pressed up against my body. A whimper escaped my lips. I struggled to hear him and after a couple of moments of listening I finally caught some of it. He was apologizing. He said thing like "I'm so sorry" and "this is all my fault". Well that was true, it was his fault I was going through this but he really shouldn't blame himself. I wanted this, someday I was going to have to go through with this. Mind as well be now.

"How long?" I asked, my lips trembled with every word, which made my words incomprehensible, but he seemed to understand my question.

"One more day," he said with a voice filled with sorrow and agony.

And then I saw Carlisle come in with a syringe of some sort and Edward got off of me, making the pain worsen, so I grabbed his hand, silently begging him to stay. "I'm not leaving," he said, giving my hand a small squeeze and sitting at my side. Carlisle gave me the injection and I dozed off immediately.

I woke up screaming. I could feel the pain beginning to fade but not before it worsened. It was worse than ever. I could actually feel my organs failing—my heart rate beginning to slow down, my blood flow halting to a stop, my body temperature dropping dramatically—and I was also very aware of Edward's presence beside me. I could hear him perfectly clear over my screams.

"It's going to be okay Bella. It is going to end very soon. I'm right here, don't worry."

The pain slowly began fading. I felt my heart stop altogether and my screaming stopped. I felt Edward touch my cheek, obviously my "super vampire senses" where kicking in because the feeling of that small touch was extremely intense and I could hear everything going on in the house. And Edward's usually cold touch wasn't so cold anymore—or at least to me.

"Relax Bella. It'll do you some good."

I felt Edward lift me and put me on his lap, where I sat quietly in the arms of my—now—forever angel.

We sat there for a while, very quietly. Edward had his head in my hair and I watched the day go to night and back again. It didn't feel like three days passed by but they did. And on the third day, Edward finally made his move. He finally lifted me off his lap and turned me around so he could get a good look at me.

"You're stunning, you know," he said. "Not that you weren't always that way."

If I could have blushed I would have. I finally got my wish; Edward and I would be together forever. A small smile came across my face at the thought.

He grabbed my hand with one hand and touched my cheek with the other. "I'm going to miss your blushes."

I looked down at our entwined hands and then looked back up at him through my eyelashes.

"Wow," Edward said. A puzzled look came across his face. "I think you just…dazzled me." I giggled and the sound of my voice was like bells. I got off the bed and walked over to my bathroom. Edward followed casually.

When I got to the bathroom I gawked at my reflection in the mirror. I was stunning. My skin was just a few shades lighter—barely noticeable—and I had curves and my hair had a healthy shine to it. My eyes were the most noticeable change though, they were bright red, very intense, and I remembered Edward mentioning something about that one time. They would be this color for a year or so. I spun around in front of the mirror.

"Stunning," Edward repeated.

I stopped and looked up at him. "Do you…remember me?"

"Of course I do. And I'm truly sorry about the past couple of days—"

"Don't…please don't apologize to me," I interrupted. "I understand. But I do have one question for you."

"I'll answer anything."

"Carlisle told me that before you…went unconscious…you said you didn't want to see me. Why? Why would you want me to stay away?"

"I have an explanation, a good one. Just…give me a chance to explain to everyone. Come on," he said extending his hand, "Lets go see everyone. Alice is dying to see you. I'll explain downstairs." I gratefully took his hand and walked down to the living room with him. The whole family—my family—seemed to be there waiting for us.

"Finally dude," Emmett said. He quickly looked me over. "You look great Bella." Rosalie hit Emmett in the back of the head and scowled at him. "What?" he asked. "She does look great." Rosalie didn't even bother looking my way she merely crossed her legs and turned her head away, pouting.

"Thanks Emmett," I said softly.

Alice got up and ran towards me, the impact of her body hitting mine was not as hard as I remembered it being. "Oh my god, Bella. Wow. You look…stunning!" she exclaimed.

"I think I've heard that before," I said.

"I can't wait to take you shopping," she said. Yikes…

I received a round of hugs from all of my new family members—except for Rosalie. And once we were all seated Carlisle began the conversation.

"Okay Edward, you've got to tell us what happened while you were hunting."

"Victoria happened," Edward said.

"Victoria?" Esme asked

"Yes," Edward began. "She caught up with me in the woods. I tried to fight her off…but…she's a lot stronger than we thought and she's formed some sort of new coven, a new woman and a man. Somehow, Victoria knew I was going to lose my memories. I don't know how though. She told me her entire plan while the other two held me. she said that she didn't want me, that she wanted Bella and that the best way to do it was to have me kill her myself,"—Edward looked pained as he remembered the incident—"…and then she attacked me. I managed to get away but it was still too late. I tried though, just…not hard enough."

I put my hand on Edward's shoulder. "Don't say that," I said. He didn't reply. He had put his head in his hands. Everyone was quiet for a long time. We all waited for Edward to say something—anything.

"She knows," he finally said. "She knows that we spoiled her plan. She's…pretty pissed."

"Oh. Well," Carlisle said. "We've got a big mess on our hands now don't we."

"Yeah, we do. But…it can wait," Edward said looking down at me. I looked back up at him shocked. How could any of this wait? I've got an evil villain trying to kill me, who just tried to use my boyfriend to kill me and almost succeeded. That can wait?

"Come on," Edward said lifting me off the couch and into his arms, looking lovingly into my eyes—exactly the way its supposed to be.

Emmett leaned over to Jasper and whispered, "He's gonna go get laid." Which I could hear perfectly clear.

"Oh shut up," Edward yelled over his shoulder as he ran me up the stairs. He brought me to his room and led me to his couch. He lay down on the couch and I lay next to him, resting my head on his chest.

We were quiet for a short period of time and then I asked, "What happened? In the meadow I mean. How did I get back here?" Edward shifted uncomfortably under me. This was obviously a topic he wanted to ignore. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to—"

"No," he said. "You should know. I did…bite you and Alice had a vision but it already had happened. When they found us it was to late, the venom had already spread too far,"—his voice was filled with regret—"I tried though. I tried so hard to force myself to suck the venom back out. But I was scared, scared that if I tasted your blood again after I pulled myself away that I wouldn't be able to stop myself."

"It's okay," I comforted him.

"No. It's not okay. I acted like a coward," he whispered.

"Are you saying you regret…this?" I asked.

"I don't know…yet. I suppose that I'll just have to get used to the idea. It has its pros and cons…"

"Do you still love me?" I asked as I put my head in the crook of his neck.

"Of course," he whispered. And that was all I needed right now. Edward was right earlier—Victoria could wait. Right now all I wanted to do was enjoy my version of heaven.

The End (or is it...)

SEQUEL: remember how I said that this story wasn't sequel worthy…well I changed my mind. this whole Bella being changed thing got me thinking of a possible plotline for the sequel so yea…the first chapter for the sequel will be up sometime tonight hopefully. Its called "All my Fault"! gah! I cant wait to get started on it. I decided that I need a break from all this hardcore action so the sequel will be filled with some Cullen fluffiness but of course there will be action (I luv action as you can tell from this story). Im not sure if the sequel will be as twisty as this story but of course I'll try to think of a big twist…I love twists! Actually I love your reaction to the twists but I love them none the less…

Bye bye for now. Review and tell me how you like the ending!

-sasha :D