hey my peeps!! haha im wierd... anyway this is my new story but i'm gonna need a little help from you guys. okay so in this story edward gets into a really bad accident. when he wakes up from being unconscience for a couple of days (impossible i know but bear with me) he doesn't remember anyone! so obviously he doesn't remember that he's in love with bella, all he knows is that he wants her blood! after a couple of days he begins to remember his family and everyone...but he doesn't remember bella!!! this is going to be filled with a lot of fluff when they're trying to get edward to remember stuff (ha that ryhmed "fluff-stuff") . the big-giagantanormus-action-filled scene where bella gets kidnapped (opps!!) by someone (im not telling u who... im not telling you who... i'll give you a hint though: bella kidnapper doesnt actually know her... anyways...). so then they have to make edward remember bella so that he can save her!!! (hehehe, you dont know what a great and terrible plot i've got brewing in this little noggin of mine ;D

now heres the part im gonna need help with. i need a bad accident and i mean really bad like edward goes unconscience bad. but its got to be short and bella cant get hurt, only edward can get hurt (he's gonna kill me for this). i don't mean like a car crash or anything (edward can just walk away from a car crash) this has to be BAD!!! i mean edward is going to go unconscience and loses his memory for god sake!!! excuse me language but i really need an accident, i've been thinking for a whole freakin day and every scenario that i come up with isnt one that is bad enough for a vampire to get hurt. i freakin need freakin help!!! grrr... writing IS hard!!! sorry im yelling at you guys its just im so freakin stressed, i mean all this week i have to take these stupid freakin pre-hspa thingys and i trying to write like three fanfics at once. i seriously need to balance my priorities. taking deep breaths okay i think i'm better now.

im actually not thanking anyone for this one this one. only myself for thinking of this brilliant idea (i wish i could just tell you what my big surprise is for the story but you'll just have to read and find out)

disclaimer: i do not own twilight or new moon or any of stephanie meyer's works of art. ("ahh, man!!" says the little voices in my head.)



I awoke somewhere in the woods. I wasn't quite sure where though; I just knew it was the woods. The grass was wet and a heavy fog drifted on the forest ground. It was dark…and quiet. I had been lying unconscious on the ground and my head ached with pain and lightheadedness. I slowly sat up.

That's when I heard a soft, dark laugh come from behind me. My head spun around to see whom it was but there was no one. I turned my head back forward and my heart skipped a beat when I saw what stood before me. There he was…my killer, standing in front of me like nothing has happened.

I tried to get up, to run away from the monster in front of me. But I couldn't. I tried standing up but I could not even do that, I was too weak and defenseless. I just hung my head in shame. Tears were now streaming down my face. There was no stopping the tears that I forcedly held in all these past days from coming down my face. I went to wipe my cheeks with the back of my hand when I made I discovery. Tears were not the only things on my face—there was blood there too.

"Do you truly think that crying will help, Isabella?" my killer asked.

I shook my head slowly and looked up into the pitch black eyes of my killer. Of course, being in love with a vampire, made you think about dying. I personally thought about it a lot…but in a different way. I never in my life thought this is how I'd die though. I always thought that the one I loved would save be from a gruesome death such as this one. But he wasn't saving me…or at least not this time. In fact, he was the reason I'd die like this.

How could he forget about me?


i know i know short right? but i need an accident before i start chapter one so please don't yell at me :( if you think my idea for this story sucks please say so before i get too excited to write it ("too late" says the little voices in my head. "shhh... they don't know that" i reply.) oh and don't forget to leave me some ideas for an accident. whoever gives me the perfect idea i'll give you a forever and ever thanks and a... a... a monkey!!! :D