Disclaimer: I own nothing here, none of the Fellowship or the landscape. Duh.

Chapter One.

Frodo was dreaming. He was dreaming a very comfortable dream of sitting before a fire in warmth and peace. He could hear Bilbo's voice saying something about a diary and snowstorms, but then he came awake with a start to find Boromir lifting him out from under a blanket of snow. Boromir brushed snow off from Frodo's clothes and set him on his feet, saying to Gandalf, ' This will be the death of the halflings. It is useless to stay here until the snow goes over our heads. We must do something to save ourselves.'

Gandalf rummaged in his pack and produced a leathern flask. ' Give them this.' he said. ' Just a mouthful each - for all of us. It is miruvor, the cordial of Imladris. Elrond gave it to me at our parting. Pass it round! '

The hobbits eagerly gulped their portions of the warm, fragrant drink, feeling better with each swallow. Pippin's teeth stopped chattering, and Sam began to look more cheerful, even though the snow whirled around them even thicker than before, and the wind howled underneath the cliff-wall where the Fellowship were sheltering on their way over Caradhras.

' What do you say to fire?' asked Boromir suddenly. ' The choice seems near now between fire and death, Gandalf. Doubtless we shall be hidden from all unfriendly eyes when the snow has covered us, but that will not help us.'

' You may make a fire, if you can,' Gandalf replied. ' If there are any watchers that can endure this storm, then they can see us, fire or no.'

But no matter how hard any of them tried, the wet wood refused to hold any flame whatsoever. After watching Aragorn and Gimli's futile efforts, Gandalf shook his head and took up his staff. He thrust the end into the pile of wood, opened his mouth to say something, then stopped, and shut it. He seemed to think for a few minutes, then, frowning, rattled off a string of words that none of them understood. There was a flash of blue and green light, then everything went black. For a moment, everyone felt very giddy, then there was a thud.

Frodo blinked, and gazed about him in shock. The snow, the wind, Caradhras, all had gone. Instead, he and all the others of the Fellowship were standing on a wide bit of grass near a brown pebbly path. The grass went from a group of tousled bushes up to some railings painted a dark and dirty purple. Beyond the railings was noise, lots of strange noises, and Frodo could see lots of people going hither and thither on the street outside the railings.

Merry, Pippin and Sam were gazing about with their mouths half-open; Gimli's eyes were on stalks; Boromir was frowning; Legolas looked dumbstruck; Aragorn looked at Gandalf. Gandalf tugged on his beard in annoyance as he surveyed the park they were in, and saw the sun flashing off of metal moving things that he had never seen before, beyond the railings. ' Now why did that happen?' he asked of the world in general.

' Gandalf...' Pippin began. ' Where are we?'

' If I knew where we were, I would have avoided coming here! ' Gandalf snapped.

Boromir said, ' We could be close to Mordor, or Isengard, or someother place where are enemies are. I suggest two of us go and see if we know our surroundings. Perhaps we may find out from the locals, if we are tactful.'

' Be careful!' Gandalf cautioned, as Boromir and Aragorn set off towards the railings, where most of the noise and activity was coming from. The others watched them go through the purple gate in the railings and out of their site. Gimli surreptitiously felt the edge of his axe, and muttered to the hobbits, ' Stay close. We don't know what enemies may be here.'

' It would be a start if we knew where here actually was,' Sam muttered back, but subsided when he saw Gandalf's eyebrows draw together in a scowl. After a wait that stretched for several eons, Aragorn and Boromir returned. Boromir was pale, and Aragorn looked grim.

Boromir spoke first: ' We asked someone - a man on the street outside, where this was. He said it was near Varden Street, and when we asked him what city and country this was, he laughed, and said that the city was called London, the country was called England, and did we want the map co-ordinates. Then he laughed again and asked if we were foreigners.'

' We said that we had started out from Rivendell, also called Imladris, and had he heard of it?' Aragorn said, with a mixture of worry and amazement. ' At that, he laughed more than ever, and said, "Well, of all the fans I've met, you're the most sincere. You even look the part!" Then he went away, and we came back. Gandalf, this place is...I do not know how to describe it. It is loud, and busy, and there are so many of these large metal things that roar along the streets with a noise worse than a winged Nazgul. It is a wonder that people can control them, and are not knocked down by them, for they seem to go along by themselves, like a cart with no horse, yet faster than any horse.'

Boromir shook his head. ' This is like no place that I know of. It is not Middle Earth. Gandalf, you have taken us into another world altogether! '

A/N: Yeah, I know, trite storyline. It was just an idea I had, though, and I hope to put an original idea in here somewhere.