Hello again, those of you who keeps believing in my story Here is the tenth chapter of Impossible, and I'd like to thanks all of those people who reviewed my story so far:

Butterfle, Tenshi-Chikyuu, River Angel, SailorKairi91, Counterfeited Shakespeare, Shi, Mystic Soldier, Princess of the Rogues, Serenity11287, Diamondstar1808, Serenity's Blaim, Skye668, Aya143, Baby Luna Kitty, Eva C, Supersayanx, RogueishLeia, Mangadreams, Amydali86 and HarrySlytherison

Thanks also to those who listed my story under their favourites, or alert.

Enjoy this chapter, it's the 10th! To me, 10 chapters is a very special occasion. It took time, I know, I apologize, I'll try to make it extra-good.

Impossible isn't Usagi- Chapter 10

The next morning, Usagi was silently biting her nails, sign that she was in deep thought. She had made so much scenarios of what she would say to Motoki in her head, but she doubt that any of them would work out. Even if she poured all her heart into it, she was the worst liar ever, and a pretty bad actress with that. If she hadn't been able to convince Motoki the previous night, she wouldn't do any better in daylight…

Oh, why, WHY was it so complicated?

She never signed any contract to be the leader of a group of magical girls, but it was her duty. She also never signed any thing to be the sweet girlfriend of the arcade boy, but it was her pleasure and reassurance.

This same arcade guy had found out about her double identity and didn't seem thrilled by it.

That made her deadly afraid.

She was scared that he'd disapproved that she was Sailor Moon. And he would be angry that she dared deny it. She was scared, because she couldn't stop being Sailor Moon for him. It was a part of her, as much as she hated it. She was afraid that it would slip out and that the senshi would hate her for it. She was afraid of being alone.

Tears drenched her face quietly, but she remained expressionless. She was only 14, for God sake! She was supposed to be carefree and immature. She liked to be carefree and immature.

"Luna… what should I do?", she whispered in a voice strained with helpless stress.

Her feline guardian, who has been watching the whole time, didn't look confident in herself this one time. When she spoke, it was filled with hesitation.

'I shouldn't say that… my job is to keep them safe and effective. I shouldn't…' "Do what you do best, Usagi-chan. Trust him" 'Oh, well, whatever. It's too late. Good Serenity, forgive me…'

"What if…"

The black cat sighed. "Look, anything can happen. So pray for the better, but be ready for the worst."

The blond child nodded, understanding the advice correctly for once, and patted Luna's head gratefully.

"I'm going!"

In the arcade, the atmosphere was less friendly than usual. Motoki wasn't helping anyone with the games nor going around for people's orders. Mamoru was sitting right in front of him, never speaking a word. They both knew they had important things to say, but both preferred to stay quiet, staring at each other.

"Huh… so, why do you have scratches?", Mamoru asked, breaking the silence.

"I fell."

It was true. He fell with Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon that he knew was his girlfriend. His girlfriend that might hate him for acting like he did.

The dark haired man before him raised an eyebrow.

"How did you do that?"

But Motoki ignored his question. "Do you know what's going on between Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Kamen?"

Mamoru blinked. "How would I know that?" 'He can't have guessed I'm Tuxedo Kamen, can he?'

"Well, I know you probably don't, but what do you think they share?"

'A locket, a quest for a mystery princess and the ginzuishou, regular fights with the Dark Kingdom…', he listed to himself. Sure he couldn't say it to his best friend. "I really don't know. The same stuff that superheroes share? Respect and all that stuff that only Kami-sama and them must know…"

'Congrats, Mamoru, this was well done', he mused, taking a sip of coffee as a reward.

"But do you think they could be in love together?"

That was it. The poor man choked on his coffee, almost killing himself once again.

'Maybe Motoki-kun is send by the Dark Kingdom?', he thought angrily. Like if he had an honest answer to that one! Tuxedo Kamen fought for the princess of his dream, but always saved the clumsy heroin… except last night. Luckily, Motoki had forgotten about the question.

A golden angel had walked through his arcade door and was coming their way.

When she was near, Mamoru became anxious all of the sudden. Motoki seemed to have the same change.

It was when she stopped at his right that Mamoru noticed it. She was nervous.

'No. Not possible. She doesn't have this much power over people, does she?' But he could tell that she had. He felt it. When she was happy, she had a warm aura that sent satisfaction waves all around her. When she was sad, which wasn't often, people were hurting for her.

But becoming stressed because she was, that was just too much.

"Huh, hi Mamoru, hi Motoki-kun… Motoki, I think you have a bunch of things you have to tell me."

The sandy haired man smiled weakly and told her to follow him in the backroom.

Before she disappeared, Usagi turned around and looked at her worst enemy. During a few seconds, their eyes locked and both felt a chill down their spine. When she turned away, she felt like if some part of her mind was screaming something at her, but she didn't know what.

'Hmph… whatever. If it's about Mamoru-baka, it doesn't matter, ne?'

But something in her heart kept nagging her about it…

"Gomen nasai, Usagi…"

Puzzled, she looked at her boyfriend. "What for?"

The older one sighed. "For being such a jerk yesterday."

"Forget about it."

"No, what I said was wrong, and you didn't deserve any of it, but I felt so useless and…"

It was the teenager turn to sigh. "No, I mean forget about the whole thing. There's no use in me denying it, but I don't want you to remember it. I don't want you to date Sailor Moon."

"Does that mean you wanna break up?"

"No, it means you have to forget about it."


"Because I don't want you to think you have to do heroic things for me to love you, like risking your life to save me! As klutzy as I can be, I can handle it by myself."

Motoki frowned, getting angrier by the minute.

"Is that so?? You nearly got killed yesterday!", he argued, not ready to fall behind.

"Maybe, but so did you. And I don't want you to do it ever again", she ordered, leaving him bemused. Seconds passed.

"Why is that? Because another man can do it?", he dropped in a cold voice.

"Motoki-kun… Being Sailor Moon is my job. I can take it. I'm born to be the Ai to seiguno bisshoujo senshi. I have the other senshis to back me up. We are not like everyone. We have those superpowers, super-transformations, a talking cat and we heal faster! You can't help us in any way!

Motoki face, who had turned surprised when she talked about the talking cat, had been washed by mixed, but not good, expressions. Sadness. Anger. Betrayal?

"Oh. I see, I'm not good enough? Tuxedo Kamen, on the other side, is so mysterious with his dashing good looks, always here to save you, to take you out of harm without pushing you to the ground, because he seems to have those superpowers! And he throws ROSES! How so very romantic! He produces them; protect you with them, when I can afford to buy you some since I have to pay for my rent!"

Usagi looked taken aback by the outburst… she really hadn't meant anything bad.

"Ano… I think you misunderstood me… I said it because I wouldn't bear it if you'd get hurt because of me."

"Yeah, if you say so… Look, forget about it. You already have your protector and you don't seem to need me. I shall go."

He walked away from her, going back to his work under Mamoru waiting and confused gaze. Hesitantly, she followed him, wishing for him to speak so she could say she's sorry. She stopped awkwardly next to her so-called enemy and waited for him to pause. He didn't. Taking his thing, he called after his sister, who happened to pass by, and waved good-bye.

"Where are you going?", Mamoru asked, completely clueless.

The blond man stopped and turned around.

"I don't really know. Somewhere where I'll feel wanted… needed."

The bells rang and the door closed on his retreating back, leaving Mamoru sending a questioning look at the spaced out girl.

Not really to him, she whispered "But… I need him"

He caught it and stiffened, without knowing exactly why. Let's just say he felt like it.

'And I want him… so that means I love him?'

Her thoughts sounded less convincing that they should. How disturbing… Dating Motoki was a dream to her, but it turned out to be a nightmare.

Before, Motoki treated her like his little sister and protected her from everything.

But she just denied him that and he left, like if there was no other purpose in staying with her.

She felt like she was brutally growing up… and worse is that she kind of asked for it without knowing how to deal with it.

She didn't like it.

"Mamoru… what it is like, growing up and having too much responsibility?"

The spoken person seemed even more surprised for a moment and then frowned.

"I don't know… I don't remember a time in my life when I didn't have them."

Usagi nodded, trying to find something to help her in the piece of information he just gave her. Finding none, she sighed dramatically.

"So, this is what responsibilities turn you like? Old, bitter and aloof?"

"No, they turn you in reliable people, deserving of trust, Odango Atama."

"What did you call me, Mamoru-baka!?"

There, they were on familiar territory. They could handle that better.

"So your head can't even understand something simple as Odango Atama?"

Shocked, she gaped. "Sorry I'm no bookworm like you, Chiba. Get a life!"

"At least, I'm smart, Odango-brain!", he taunted with a smirk.

"Smart and alone? How good is that?" she asked with a fake mocking smile.

Unazuki, who had been watching, had to laugh as both were arguing friendly. Her brother had left them confused and uncomfortable, but they already had regained a good mood.

"Many people respect me, Dumpling Head. But you can't get that notion, can you?"

"You can talk, but you're nothing but a cocky jerk!"

Sigh. 'Well… if only they could get the good words'

And she felt ashamed and didn't understand why it felt so right that they were so taken in their whole world, forgetting completely about Motoki…

"People who respect you don't burst out laughing with you or care about you! They don't look after you, and they don't cry with you!!", Usagi resumed, tears drenching her pink cheeks.

'Or maybe she didn't… What in hell did you do to her, onee-chan?'

Mamoru was also startled by her mood change. One second, she was happily arguing with him, like they used to do, and the next she was sobbing quietly…

"Usagi… Usagi-chan? What's… the matter?", he stammered, trying to sound soothing.

Obviously, he didn't, lack of practice. He never tried to comfort anyone, but seeing the sunny child crying was too much for anyone.

"I… I don't want to be alone… and he left… and I didn't try to make him stay… I don't want to be alone…!"

Mamoru did the only thing he could think of. He hugged her and patted her back.

"It will work out… we both know Motoki-kun. You both… can make it work out."

He had the impression that he was also trying to convince himself. But it obviously worked better on her, she seemed to calm down.

"I never told him I love him", she confessed in a shaken voice.

Mamoru sighed, without fully knowing why, and twirled a lock of her silky hair around his finger. "Don't worry… it's not too late. If you feel that awful, you can go look for him."

When she pulled away from him, he knew it wouldn't do him any good and that he would more than likely regret it, but she smiled at him, one of her genuine smile that was so bright.

It was the first smile she gave him.

"Thanks… Being smart helps giving good advice, ne?"

Mamoru smiled uneasily. "No… I just happen to know what being alone feels like."

She gave him a quick hug, her thank you to him, and ran away in a golden flash.

'That's only too bad that we can't be lonely together…'

WOOT-WOOT! End of chapter 10!! Some parts were kind of awkward... sorry for that... I'll change it if you say I should..

Oi, my dear Counterfeited Shakespeare informed me that there was a fic whose first chapter was very similar to my story… I think I found it in the story of Love Triangle by bithnic.. I read it and it does starts in a similar way… but Mamoru is already in love with Usagi… And I found lots of my reviewers :O And I'm scared that she might think of things I think and screw MY punchs :( So I'll try to update soon, since she did… I feel like having competition:S

Please review!!