
December 25th, 2000

A gentle wind rustled through the bare limbs of the trees along Hanover Boulevard as a 1999 midnight blue BMW wound its way along the drive to the gates of St. Lilith's Cemetery. The driver slowly depressed the automatic window button, causing the glass pane to slide down and permit her arm to slip out. She pressed a series of buttons on the keypad and waited. Within several seconds, the code registered and the gates began to swing inward, allowing the small vehicle entrance to the sacred place. The scraping of the wrought iron on its rusted hinges along with the humming of the car's tires on the freshly fallen snow seemed not to disturb the tranquility of the place. The car pulled into one of the few spots in the small car park and soon the engine was cut. The driver side door clicked open and a young woman stepped out. She moved quickly around to the passenger side and pulled it ajar, allowing a small child to climb out as well.

The woman wore a long, beige winter coat falling to her knees with matching fur boots and black dress pants. Wrapped warmly about her neck was a red and gold scarf, the end tassels fluttering mildly in the breeze. Despite the slight frigidness in the air, she wore no hat atop her gently waved chestnut locks. The child by her side wore small purple snow boots and a delicate lavender jumper. White stockings clung to her small legs. The young girl was bundled in a furry purple parka complete with matching mittens and cap. The cap sat slightly forward on her head, sending several tendrils of curly black hair askew. Presently the child was jumping up and down, leaving boot prints in the thin film of snow.

"Julie come on," her mother said, removing the flowers from the back seat of her car.

"Mummy watch…pretty!" Julie giggled as she got snow on her mother's pants from trying to make a snow angel with just her feet.

"Sweetie…what did mummy say the last time we came," Hermione Granger questioned her four-year-old daughter.

"Um…oh…we gots a be quiet cause the peoples are sleeping and their mummies and daddies and families is coming to watch them," the girl replied confidently.

"Right…come on…we don't want to keep daddy waiting," the 21-year-old stated, taking hold of the child's hand.

The duo slowly walked along the paved path through the graves to the farthest corner of the plot. Harry's grave was surrounded by a think mass of evergreens and provided prime protection from prying eyes. There had been many heartless reporters whom had followed Hermione to the site in the months following his death. She'd requested the trees be planted and the cemetery had kindly obliged her request. Along with the trees, the owner had put in a small bench as well, facing the gravesite. Presently, Hermione and Julie stopped by the bench. Hermione put the flowers gently at the head of the grave. She sat back on the cold metal bench and brought her hands to her eyes, wiping the crystalline tears from her cheeks.

The four-year-old swung her legs back and forth; her small boots several inches above the ground. Her hazel eyes darted about mischievously. There was an abundance of snow and she did enjoy playing in it. She shot a quick glance at her mother, seeing her wipe her eyes.

"Mummy you ok?" the child questioned, scooting closer to her maternal guardian.

"I'm fine sweetheart. I just miss daddy," Hermione whispered, giving her daughter a weak smile.

"Me too," Julie stated, feeling like a big girl in orating her feelings as her mother did.

The duo sat in silence, punctuated only by Hermione's soft sniffs. It was four years and still she felt the fresh pangs of loss. She had finally limited herself to two visits a week to his grave. She knew it wasn't healthy to dwell on the past. She had done her best as a single parent and with the help of her friends and family, had managed to support her young offspring.

"Mummy," came the soft voice of the child at her side.

"Hmm," the 21-year-old replied pensively.

"Can daddy really hear us when we talks to him?" the hazel-eyed girl questioned.

"Of course he can baby," 'Mione answered.

The small child rose and walked the foot to her father's gravesite. She slowly sat down in the snow, the moisture seeping straight through her jumper. Hermione would have reprimanded her but the young mother had not the strength to do so.

"Hi daddy," Julie whispered to the engraved granite stone.

"I'm four now. Mummy says you would be very proud of me," she continued.

"Grammy got me a new dress. It's yellow and gots pink hearts on it. She said I have to wait for spring to wear it. And Uncle Ron said he's giving me a puppy. Mummy told him no but he did it anyways. Mummy got mad," the purple clad girl giggled.

Hermione watched as her offspring carried on a very animated conversation with Harry's gravestone. The former Gryffindor was glad that her daughter did not suffer like she did. Suddenly the hair on the back of her neck stood on end. She inhaled and jerked her head to the left. There, emerging from the shadows was a tall man, dressed all in black. Overcoming her startled nerves, she smirked.

"You scared me Professor," she said softly.

"Sorry to have startled you Miss Granger," the man replied somberly.

"What is the child doing?" he questioned, motioning to the child gesticulating wildly at the headstone.

"Talking with her father," Hermione responded with a small smile.

"Would you like to sit down?" the mahogany-haired woman inquired, pointing to the empty space by her side.

The dark haired man glided through the snow and sat beside his former student. He watched as small flakes of the powdery white substance clung to the hem of his cloak before melting away. His hands, encased in dragon leather gloves, sat idly in his lap. He was leaning forward slightly, his back arched forward against the wind.

"If you don't mind my saying sir, I didn't expect to see you here," she said, turning to look at her former Potions Master.

"You may not know this Miss Granger but Mr. Potter…died in my arms," Severus said bitterly.

"I…never knew that," Hermione whispered in awe.

"Yes well…" he trailed off.

"I'm not one for emotions Miss Granger but watching him as he was struck me. I felt I owed him at least this one courtesy…once a year," he explained, his facial expression never conveying anything but poise.

"If you…why haven't I ever seen you before then?" Hermione queried.

"I visit after hours, less likely to be disturbed," the onyx-eyed male replied curtly.

"I'll leave you and your daughter in peace," he murmured and stood up.

"You can stay if you want. I rather enjoy the company," Hermione blurted, reaching out to grab his wrist.

"I have things to do Miss Granger. I am after all, still a teacher," he answered pulling his wrist from her grasp.

"Professor it's Christmas. And I have a feeling you aren't going to correct papers. Sitting all alone in that dreary dungeon is not a good way to spend the holidays. Please, come to dinner as our guest," she pleaded.

"This holiday ceased being even tolerable four years ago Miss Granger but seeing as you do not give up easily, I'll accept your invitation," he answered wearily, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"You are quite right Professor," Hermione answered with a meek laugh before getting up off of the cold bench and making her way over to her daughter.

"Sweetie. It's time to go. Say goodbye to daddy," she whispered to the now thoroughly soaked four-year-old.

"Bye daddy. Love you," she said and blew the grave a small kiss.

"Mummy…you give daddy kiss too?" she asked sweetly, looking up at her mother with her innocent gaze.

"Mmm," the child's mother murmured and blew a teary-eyed kiss to the solemn air.

Before the duo turned back to the bench, Severus joined them. He quietly gazed at the headstone a moment before crossing himself. He caught Hermione's slightly astonished glance but merely shrugged it off.

"Rest in peace Mr. Potter. Until next year," he whispered to the chilling winds.

"Who's he Mummy?" Julie inquired, pointing at Severus.

"Julie Lillian! It is very rude to point!" Hermione scolded.

"But who is he?" the child goaded.

"He was one of Mummy and Daddy's teachers at school," Hermione answered wearily.

"He's coming to dinner with us," she added briefly.

"Oh," Julie giggled.

The trio set out towards Hermione's small vehicle. Julie trotted alongside her mother, swinging her mother's left arm furiously back and forth. The tall darkly clad man strode slightly behind them in silence. Upon arriving at the car, Hermione got Julie settled in her seat before turning to her former teacher.

"It's a lot bigger than it looks," she said with a smile as she rounded the small car and got in the driver side.

He nodded and pulled open the door, folding his tall frame to fit into the small car. He took a moment to situate himself as best he could before he caught Hermione's gaze in the rearview mirror.

"Is there something wrong?" he questioned, slightly sheepishly.

"Seatbelt please," she said, as if addressing an absent-minded child.

He gave a brief nod before reaching over his shoulder and securing the belt. Once the contraption clicked, the young driver started the ignition and exited the cemetery. The drive back to Hermione's small flat was silent. Severus gazed out the window at the surroundings of the town. On his yearly visits, he'd never ventured past the boundaries of the cemetery. The bare trees seemed so somber and forlorn in the absence of their leaves.

"We're here," came the seemingly far-away voice of his former pupil.

Several hours later, Hermione walked into the small sitting room from the kitchen doorway, a pastel blue apron about her waste. Her daughter had been vehemently showing and explaining every gift she'd received for her birthday and Christmas to their guest. Surprisingly, Severus seemed interested. He even asked her to show him how a particular set of colored pens and coloring book, titled "Animals of the World", worked. She hurriedly opened to a page devoid of any color and held out the small array of colored drawing utensils.

"Pick one," she instructed.

"Blue," he said, pointing to the coinciding color.

She tossed the rest of the pens aside and begin scribbling like mad across the page until one section of the bear's head began to turn red. Julie giggled and continued scribbling along the page, every once and a while eliciting red from the folio.

"See," she said, holding it up proudly for Severus to see.

"Very interesting," he said, eyeing it with a look of mixed confusion and curiosity.

"You want to try?" the four-year-old inquired.

He hesitated, looking up just in time to see Hermione leaning on the doorframe, a grin on her crimson lips. He turned his gaze back to the dark-haired child and nodded briefly. She handed him the book and gathered the colored pens together and handed those over as well. Severus flipped through the book, finally deciding on a picture of a cobra. He picked up the green pen and began methodically coloring within the lines. By the time he had finished, the page was entirely colored with a variety of unexpected colors. Half of the serpent's scale-covered body was purple, the other half green. The grass was a mixture of brown and blue. The sky was a light pink and deep red. By that time, Hermione had walked over and was now leaning on the edge of the chair adjoining the couch.

"Who knew you were so artistic Professor," she said in a kind but playful tone.

"Miss Granger, you are no longer a student. There is no need to be so formal. Calling me Severus will suffice," he answered, never making eye contact.

"Alright then Severus. I suppose you can call me Hermione then," she replied.

Just then, a loud knock resounded on the front door. Julie scrambled from her cross-legged position on the floor and rushed to open the door. She fiddled with the lock for a minute before her small hands managed to turn it to unlock the heavy door. She dragged it open to reveal her godmother and godfather.

"Uncle Ron! Auntie Ginny!" she squealed as she backed up to let them in.

As Ron walked in, there was a small scuffle of claws on wood. Julie let out an excited screech of delight as a small golden puppy came bounding towards her. The dog's deep brown eyes locked with the child's hazel as it jumped on the girl, nearly knocking her over. Just then Hermione came into the front hall. She saw the pup playfully licking her daughter's face.

"Ronald! I told you she's not keeping that dog!" she said, as evenly as she could.

"Oh come on 'Mione. A puppy will be good for her," Ron replied, eyeing his sister for backup.

"Ron, I don't have time to take care of a puppy," his friend retorted.

"If you want, I can come by during my lunch hour and take care of her," Ginny piped.

"If you want to," Hermione answered in a neutral tone.

"Well, Jelly Belly, what are you going to name her?" Ron asked his goddaughter.

"Uh. Goldie!" Julie exclaimed as the small pup jumped up and licked her cheek.

The dog gave a happy yip at the name. Ron and Ginny burst out into laughter as Hermione shook her head, a grin beginning to sneak onto her face.

"Well that settles that," she said jovially.

"Well come on in. We have a guest joining us," she informed the two redheads as she led them into the sitting room.

Ron's jaw dropped slightly at the sight of his former Potions Professor. He seemed to be staring out the window at the blanketed world outside. Hermione cleared her throat lightly in an attempt to recapture Severus's attention.

"Good evening Professor," Ginny orated nervously, shoving her hands in the pockets of her fleece vest.

"Good evening Miss Weasley. Mr. Weasley," the sallow-skinned man said, turning his head to face them.

Ron merely inclined his head and walked toward the door to the kitchen. Ron had never gotten over the image of seeing his best friend die in Severus's arms. He subconsciously blamed his Professor for his friend's death even though he knew it was not the former Death Eater's fault. The redhead reached the entryway and turned to look over his shoulder.

"Drinks anyone?" he offered.

"I'll have a glass of wine. Anything white," Ginny told her older brother.

"I'll have the same," Hermione added.

"Severus. Would you like anything?" she asked of the darkly clad visitor.

"Fire whiskey if you have it. If not then a glass of Merlot would be fine," he replied.

"I think there is some fire whiskey in the wine cupboard Ron," the brunette muttered.

Julie's godfather nodded and went into the kitchen and rummaged through the cupboards until he found what he was looking for. He returned minutes later and distributed the drinks. The four adults sat in silence each sipping his or her drink quietly, watching the four-year-old playing with her new best friend. Suddenly, a timer went off on the oven, signaling that the turkey was finished. Hermione pushed herself off of the chair she was sitting in and went to finish cooking the rest of the meal.

"How have you been Professor?" Ginny asked politely, placing her wine glass on a coaster on the table in front of her.

"Fine. And yourself?" he answered curtly.

"Just great. I started a new job at the Ministry in the Muggle Affairs office with dad about two months ago," she replied cordially.

"Dinner's ready," Hermione called from the small dining room.

Everyone headed to the table, laden with a large turkey, a bowl of bread pudding, bread and butter. Four wine glasses were set out as well as an unopened bottle of 1983 White Zinfandel. Julie climbed into her usual seat and Ron pushed her closer to the table. The four-year-old looked to the group's dark haired guest and with a smile patted the place setting to her left, indicating he should sit there. His onyx eyes darted among the three other adults before seating himself next to the young girl. Hermione found herself across from Severus, flanked by a Weasley on either side. The quintet said grace and then dug into the delicious meal.

"This is amazing Hermione," Ginny breathed after a sip of wine.

"Thanks Gin," Hermione said to the 20-year-old redhead.

"Mummy? Can Auntie Ginny and Uncle Ron stay and play with me?" Julie asked as she gingerly picked up a piece of buttered bread and shoved it in her mouth.

"Manners young lady," Hermione scolded.

"It's up to them if they want to stay," she added, addressing her daughter's query.

"We'd love to Jelly Belly," Ron said with a chuckle.

The rest of the evening passed in comfortable companionship. Severus managed to elicit several fits of laughter from his former pupil's offspring. She even managed to procure the Professor's colorful cobra to brandish at her godparents.

"Well, that's…nice," Ron mumbled into his shirtsleeve, trying to suppress a bout of laughter of his own.

"Ron grow up," Ginny quipped before giving her brother a smack on the arm.

"It's a very…thoroughly colored picture Professor," the young man said, trying to keep his composure.

"In the interest of the season Mr. Weasley, I will accept your sarcasm as compliment," Severus replied, bringing his glass of fire whiskey to his lips.

"Where'd Julie go?" Ginny asked, suddenly noticing the absence of the energetic child.

"Julie! Come in here please!" Hermione called.

The hazel-eyed youngster slunk into the room, her hands grasping something tightly to her chest. She walked slowly towards her mother and slowly held out her findings for Hermione to see.

"What did you find?" Hermione questioned softly.

"Picture," her daughter replied.

Hermione took the photograph from her daughter's small hands and nearly felt the wind knocked out of her as she looked upon the still frame of her sixteen-year-old self surrounded by her best friends. Her voice caught in her throat as she took in Harry's smiling face, only three days before his death.

"Mione what's wrong?" Ginny asked as she saw tears begin to fall from her friend's eyes.

Without replying she handed the Muggle photo to the redhead. Ginny stared at it in awe as Ron glanced at it from his position next to her on the couch. The two redheads had to wipe crystalline tears from their eyes as well. Dabbing at her moistened eyes, Ginny passed the picture to Severus to see.

"You all look very happy, especially Mr. Potter," Severus remarked, emotion present in his usually impassive tone.

Julie had climbed up onto Severus's lap and was staring at the picture. She wriggled about to get comfortable before she began speaking.

"Whose that?" she asked her new seat cushion, pointing to Harry.

"That is your father," he replied, grimacing slightly at the unexpected added weight of the child.

"You not in the picture," she remarked more than asked in concern of the Potions Master.

"No," he replied curtly.

Just then a bewildered hush fell over the sitting room. Hermione's face had paled to within a shade of the man on whose lap her daughter currently sat. Ginny tried to scream but no sound passed her lips. Ron simply kept shaking his head.

"Merlin's beard! A guy comes for a visit and this is the kind of welcome he gets?" a very familiar voice questioned with a laugh.

Severus quickly deposited Julie on the floor in front of him and rose, spinning expertly on his heel. He came face to face with the late Harry Potter. The silvery creature looked exactly like the boy he'd watch die in his arms, save there was no sword wound running him straight through the middle.

"Didn't expect to see you here Professor," the apparition said in a surprised tone.

"Likewise Mr. Potter," Severus answered.

"H-Harry?" Hermione choked out in disbelief.

"Hermione! You look absolutely wonderful!" Harry exclaimed as he glided over to her with a gigantic smile spread across his face.

"H-how'd you get here?" she stammered.

"Well I had to ask for a few favors from the blokes upstairs," he explained with a gesture upwards.

Suddenly there was a rustling of fabric that caused everyone in the room to turn their head. Julie was clinging to Severus's robes from behind, staring at the ghostly enigma in fear.

"It seems my baby girl's taken a liking to you Professor," Harry said with a chuckle.

"Hi Julie," Harry whispered softly, bending down so he was at her eye level.

"You probably don't remember me but I'm your Daddy," he continued, a sad look now present in his eyes.

"Daddy?" Julie questioned as her eyes darted to the picture still in Severus's hands to the ghostly face in front of her.

"Daddy!" she squealed when she realized it really was her father.

She ran out from behind Severus's protective robes and attempted to hug her father. Upon finding it absolutely impossible to hug something transparent, she settled for climbing onto the couch next to Ron. The redhead draped an arm around his goddaughter's shoulders and her hazel eyes beamed with excitement.

"Could you really hear me and Mummy when we talked to you?" she asked hopefully.

"Yes I do baby," Harry replied.

"You'll have to show me that dress Grammy bought you huh?" he said with a smirk.

"And where is this puppy you gave her Ron?" he asked, addressing his best friend for the first time.

"I uh, think she's in the kitchen," Ron replied, his statement being confirmed by the sound of skittering nails on linoleum.

Goldie came careening into the sitting room barking her head off. She stopped at Harry's feet and began sniffing wildly before looking up at him with her soft brown eyes and wiggling her tail in approval.

"Well its good to know I would have been liked by the dog," Harry murmured with a sigh.

"Severus I wanted to thank you for our yearly chats. I have gotten quite used to them," Harry said, gazing over his shoulder at his former Potions Master.

"Although, I'd like it more if you stopped by more often," he added, sending his gaze around the room to let them know he meant all of them.

"Alright…sure," Ron and Ginny said in unison.

"I will see how my schedule looks after holidays Mr. Po—Harry," Severus said with a slight incline of his head.

"Mummy? Can I show Daddy my new dress? Please?" Julie crooned, giving her mother her best innocent face.

"Of course sweetie," Hermione said, finally resuming the ability to work her vocal chords.

Julie scurried off to her room and began rummaging through her drawers and closet in search of the desired garment. After tearing her room apart, the four-year-old claimed victory as the dress appeared from under a large stack of spring clothes. She clutched it protectively to her chest and sprinted back to the sitting room, tripping over the threshold in her haste. The small child landed with a soft 'thud' on the carpet.

"Baby are you ok?" Hermione cried as she hurriedly picked up her fallen offspring, cuddling her close.

"I'm fine Mummy. You embarrassing me," Julie said, trying to wriggle free of her mother's grip.

The child managed to successfully slip from her mother's embrace and presented the yellow and pink dress to her father. He nodded his head in approval as he extended his hand out, as if to touch her cheek. A silver tear slid down his face as his hand simply past right through her.

"It's late. You need to get to bed missy," Hermione said from behind her daughter.

"Do I have to?" the curly-haired girl whined.

"Listen to your mother," Harry said sternly, a rather pleased feeling flowing through him.

Julie simply nodded and took her mother's hand. The two made the short trek to the child's room where Hermione quickly sent the disarray of clothing back into place with the flick of her wand. Once Julie had changed into her nightdress and had brushed her teeth and hair, Hermione tucked her in. Just as Hermione rose from where she had been kneeling, Harry glided in. Julie gazed up at the shimmering figure that was her father with wide eyes.

"Night Daddy," she whispered and blew a kiss.

"Goodnight baby," Harry replied in just as soft a tone.

He bent down and with all of the will he could muster placed a soft kiss on his daughter's forehead. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the pressure of her father's lips on her face. She slowly closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, a gentle smile on her lips. Her parents left the room in silence and only spoke once they had rejoined the adult contingent of the evening. Out of the blue, Harry's sharp gaze shot upwards in an annoyed fashion.

"Well I have to go. It seems they think I've overstayed my welcome," he muttered with a shake of his head.

"Will you be able to come back?" Hermione asked hopefully.

"I'm afraid not love. It's a one-time thing," he said as he kissed his former girlfriend as he had done his daughter.

With that he slowly disappeared into nothingness. The four remaining adults stood about in awkward silence. Finally Ron cleared his throat and began to head towards the hall to retrieve his and Ginny's coats.

"I suppose we'd better get going. We told Mum we'd stop by tonight too," Ginny said as she accepted her coat from her older brother.

"Alright. I'll see you two later then," Hermione said softly, giving each of her friends a firm hug.

After the Weasleys had left, Hermione and Severus set about gathering stray wine glasses and setting the dishes to cleaning themselves. Once everything was back in place, including the presents strewn about the floor of the sitting room, Hermione found herself standing in the hall with her former Professor

"I'm glad you came Severus. I do believe Julie is quite fond of you," Hermione said, leaning against the wall.

"I again thank you for inviting Hermione. You have a fine daughter and I'm sure her father is watching over her," Severus replied as he pulled on his cloak and opened the door.

"Please, don't be a stranger," Hermione said as he stepped into the cold night air.

"I will do my best," he replied as he disapparated from sight.

Hermione closed the door with a sigh. She padded to her room softly and slipped into her nightclothes before climbing into the queen size bed. She rolled over to face the photograph of the day Julie was born. With a serene smile she blew the immobile figure of her boyfriend a kiss before snuggling down under the warm covers. As she drifted off to sleep, her mind filled itself with all of the happy times she and Harry had shared over the years. She felt completely at peace, as if she no longer had to grieve. In his own way, Harry was and always would be with her.